HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Management ServicesManagement Y F t s S', r :s r Mx Management Services consists of the executive and governing functions of the City. The City Council is the legislative body that provides the leadership and vision for the community of Georgetown. The City Manager's Office functions as the central communication link between the Council and the City organization, and manages the day-to-day operations and services of the City. The City Secretary maintains official records, oversees all municipal elections and coordinates the boards and commissions appointment process. Human Resources and Safety Services provide employee and organizational support to retain and attract quality employees. Other departments overseen include Communications, Economic Development, Legal, and Main Street. Sources of funding for the division include the General Fund (City Manager's Office, City Council and Communications), Joint Services Fund (Human Resources, Economic Development, Legal and Main Street). Management Services City Council Page '170 Main Strac Main Strac Public Communication. City Counc Eco �ev� Lega Human Resource: City Mgr.'s Office City-wide Svcs Gen. Govt. Cont City Manager's Office Page '172 Communications Page '174 Governmental Contracts Page 178 Legal Page 184 Economic Development Page '176 Human Resources Page 'I80 Main Street Page 786 � Personnel O Operating J.000 Management Services Uses 8 Expenses 169 O tt t0/1t 11M2 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW SUMMARY %CHANGE PERSONNEL BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (Fwo�-ACTUP.L G¢n¢ra/ Fund Gan. Gov[. Contracts (65,000) 2,878.513 Gan. Gov[. Contracts 3.534,413 3,485,387 2,914,513 2,814,613 -+ e City Mana9eYs Office 632,555 Bt 5,361 689.421 689,421 2 City Council 449,184 430,139 320.100 320,100 - Public Communications 253,042 239,294 237.209 231,209 tote/Genera/Fund 4,86H, >94 4,710,>8> 4,>B>,243 4,>B'1,243 ->l etc /Mama/ Sary/a¢ Funds 3 Maln Street 68,911 45,560 tta,36t Economic OavalOpmant 418,712 365,193 326,941 326,941 -io_ Maln Street 114.556 114,467 114,351 N4,351 -o. HR-Ci[y-Wltla Services 951.284 301,200 266,200 268,200 - Human Resources 583,986 562,242 616,610 616,810 a.>vc Legal 512,486 460,361 434,445 434,445 Insurance 560,000 537.000 635.000 636,000 total/Meme/Sw. Funds 2,692,034 2,390,463 2,365,141 2,385,141 >.ax 3 anb/ R¢ven a Fund 35.440 241,803 tsion Total Main Street Fa9atla 63.972 63,9]2 35,940 35,440 �fa/n> Downtown TIF 2>2,363 212,363 Fora/Spatia/Rev_ Funds 63,912 63,912 241,803 24)803 sea.4x Division Total si.0% 169 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) Gan¢ral Fund Gan. Gov[. Contracts (65,000) 2,878.513 2,914,613 City Manager's Office 544,529 144,892 889,421 5.5 City Council 162,033 158,067 320,100 2 Public Communications 173,799 63.410 231,209 2 total Ganara/Fund 8>5,36> 3,395,882 4,>6>,243 H.5 /nta�na/ 3¢ry/c¢ Funds Economic pavelopment 221,116 105,1 BB 326.941 3 Maln Street 68,911 45,560 tta,36t 1 HR-city-Wtla Sarvicc3 151,100 106,500 269,200 Human Resources 531,320 19,480 616.810 6.5 La9a1 216,122 158,323 439,aa5 3 InsufanCa 635,000 635,000 fora//mama/Svc. Funds 7,255, BB8 7,730, 059 2,385,141 73.5 SBecial Rev¢nna FundB Main Street Facatla 35,440 35,440 Downtown TIF 272,363 212,363 Iota/ Sp®cis/ Ray. Funds 35.440 241,803 tsion Total t 6,194,1 ' 169 Management Services Cify Council DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Couneil is composed of a Mayor, elected at large, and seven Councilmembers sleeted from single -member districts. Georgetown is a Home Rule City, which means that the Council is free to enact I¢gislation, adopt budgets, and determine policies, subject only to the limitations imposed by the Texas Constitution and City Charter. The Council appoints a City Manager, whe coordinates and implements activities to effectively accomplish the goals and objectives iY establishes. The Council also appoints the City Attorney, the Municipal Court Judge and the City Secretary. In addition, the Council appoints citizens to serve on advisory boartls, commissions, and committees. The City Secrefary, who is included in this budget area, maintains official City r¢cords, conducts City elections and coordinates the boards and commissions appointment process. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Develop policies thak enhance the quality of life for the community while preserving its unique character and natural resources. Ensure the long-term financial viability of Georgetown. Promote community invo Nement and participation in local government. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010M1 • Approvetl amentlments to the Unified Development Code (UDC) to insure the continued consistency of the City's development ordinances to preserve the character of the community. • Continued to work with the Georgetown Transportation Enhanc¢ment Corporation and the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation to attract and retain businesses that diversify antl expand the community's tax base away from residential properties and ensure the future economic viability of the community. • Completed decennial redistricting process to ensure that the Citizens of Georgetown are fairly antl equitably represented in the community. • Worked with the L¢gal Department and City Secretary's Office to update current ordinances and by-laws for the City's Boards and Commissions to ensure consistency in the organization and operations of the City's Advisory Boards. • Approved the purchase of property for a future Public Safety Operations and Training Facility. • Held a successful election in November 2010 to ren¢w the '/a cent sales fax for street maintenance to ensure the safety of the citizens in the community. • Held a successful election in May 2011 that approved $25.9M in bonds fora Public Safety Operations and Training Facility. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/2 Continue adherence to the City's financial policy that promotes long-term financial responsibility fo ensure future economic viability of the community. • Continue to foster ongoing communication and cooperation with local, regional, state and federal representatives to nurture a healthy relationship between the City and these organizations. • Continua implementation of city-wide records management program by continuing to inventory and im plemenl customized reccerds r¢tention schetl ules for every department. • Continue revitalization and economic development in a manner that ensures the City's best economic interest, while still enhancing the community's unique historical identity and quality of life. tvp WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 CITY CODICIL 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12113 2. # of hours spent in Council meetings ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED City Secretary 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Secretary 1 1 1 1 1 Records Coordinator 0 0 0 1 1 TOTAL 2 2 2 3 3 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. # of agenda items processed/reviewed 870 754 850 750 750 2. # of hours spent in Council meetings 127 92 125 110 125 3. # of Council/special meetings posted 62 49 60 58 60 4. # of public meetings posted 327 328 300 366 350 5. # of elections held 2 1 2 1 1 1. % of citizens who rated the value received from City tax dollars to be excellent or good * 2. City Council meeting minutes completed and approved in two weeks * Biennial citizen's survey NIA 100% I 6100%0,0 ( 100% ( 1 0i o I 100% 171 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 162,033 162,033 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 219,520 241,954 241,609 149,631 207,230 188,530 369,151 449,184 430,139 171 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 162,033 162,033 Operations 158,067 158,067 320,100 320,100 Management Services City Manager's Office DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Manager's Office is responsible for the atlmin istration of all City affairs and serves as the liaison between the policymaking and administrative branches of City Government. The City Manager, appointed by Cify Council, is the chief atlministrative and executive officer of the City. Responsibilities of the City Manager's Office include coordinating activities to effectively accomplish the City Council goals and objectives. Tha Ciky Manager also acts as the City's representative and liaison to local groups, service organizations and businesses in the community, as well as at the County, State and Federal level. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Ensure the delivery of quality services to citizens through effective management and ef£cienf administration. • Coordinate the implementation of City Council goals and objectives with all City departments. • Facilitate community activities to address public requests for needs and services. Improve citizen awareness and understanding of City programs, services and issues and promote a positive public image of the City and organization. • Promote revitalization and future economic growth of the underdeveloped areas within the city. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'11 • Continued to work closely with the City Council and Finance ko monitor antl adjust the City's operational budget in response to the impacts of this year's economic climate. • Worked with the City Council and Williamson County to negotiate and finalize an Industrial District Agreement with Texas Crushed Stones and Georgetown Railroad Company, which included provisions for right-of-way for the Southwest Bypass Road to ensure the transportation needs of the community are met. • Continued to conduct Georgetown Citizen Academy classes, presentations to civic groups and implemented a Community Outreach program to improve citizen awareness and understanding of City programs. • Worked with Communication Department, City Secretary's Office, and Information Technology Department to implement upgrades to the video equipment utilized to tape City Council meetings to enable Citizens to have access to web -based video streaming with agenda integration of City Council Meetings. • Worked with Public Safety Task Force to formulate and make recommendations to the City Council with regard to the Bond Election for the Public Safety Operations and Treining Facility. • Reorganized the Georgetown Utility System Division, Finance and Administration Division, and Managements Services Division to enhance the City's ability to streamline projects, issues, and items in order to be more responsive to Community needs. • Worked with the Economic Development, Finance and Administration, Georgetown Utility Systems, the City Council, the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation, and the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation to negotiate Development and Performance Agreements for the Austin Avenue � 00 project and to bring a Winery Fo the Downtown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 Continue to work with local, regional, state, and federal partners to develop funding strategies for future road projects and to foster communication and cooperation for future planning. • Continue implementation of the Downtown Mastarplan and the Williams Drive Gateway Masterplan for redevelopment. • ConSin ue to worK with Code Enforcement to develop a more aggressive property maintenance and code enforcement program to enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Georgetown. • Continue development and implementation of the City's long-range Facilities Plan to ensure the efficient utilization of the City's current resources to their fullest and most economical use. t�z - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 ACTUAL 10111 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 1. # of Public Information Requests ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED City Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy City Manager 1* 1* 1 1 1 Executive Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 Records Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 11 1 1 1 1 1 Video Producer (PIT) 0.5 0 0 0 0 Mail Couriers (P/T) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL (FT/PT) 5/1 51.5 5/.5 5/.5 51.5 *Includes I "frozen" unfunded position. - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10111 FY 12113 1. # of Public Information Requests handled 887 997 850 800 850 2. # of Council/Special Meetings 62 49 60 58 60 - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 ACTUAL ACTUAL UDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 12/13 1. % of citizens who rated their customer service experience with city employees to be excellent or good * I NIA 83.5% N/A N/A 85% - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 The Communications Department informs the public and provides methods for interaction about City initiatives and programs through the City websites, social media sites, City Reporter resident newsletter, GTV cable and website broadcast, e -newsletters, news releases, and other mailings and advertisements. ® Inform Georgetown residents of City programs, initiatives, projects, events, and ballot measures. • Answer questions from the public and reporters. ® Promote the City's programs, initiatives, and services to the public through the media. ® Encourage participation and engagement with City governance and programs. ® Re -designed website for Pink Heals, Fire, Police, Community Development, and Visit Georgetown. ® Created online payment and registration sites for Pink Heals 5K, Cupid's Chase 5K, and Georgetown Swirl that generated significant revenue above prior years. ® Led voter information effort for November 2010 election to re -authorize of the street maintenance sales tax, which was approved by 80 percent of voters. ® Promoted and developed website for the first Georgetown AirFest at the Georgetown Municipal Airport. ® Supported the City Facebook sites, including the main site that recently surpassed 3,000 fans and continues to grow. • Worked with team to develop promotions plan for centennial of Georgetown Utilities in 2011. • Worked with Blue Santa Board and designer to create new logo and outreach campaign. ® Developed information campaign including print ads, a postcard mailer, website content, and an online video for the Public Safety Facility bond election in May. ® Worked with IT and City Secretary's office to implement video streaming of council meetings and other content and the Multizone implementation for the online and cable broadcast platform renamed GTV. ® Developed online resident survey for GUS for solid waste services. Worked with GUS and Utility Billing to develop City Links site. Created online CIP project page for GUS. ® Enhance broadcast features on GTV via the MultiZone. ® Create more online videos to promote City initiatives and projects. ® Enhance mobile device platforms for City websites. ® Look for new online sales opportunities on the City websites. 174 175 10/11 10/11 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Public Communications Director 1 1 1 1 1 Webmaster 1 1 1 1 1 Video Producer (P/T) 0 0.5 0 0 0 TOTAL 2 2i.5 2 2 2 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. No. of press releases 183 150 150 150 150 2. No. of media contacts 440 400 250 200 250 3. No. of Public Service 318 350 280 200 200 Announcements DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 167,252 175,711 175,665 Personnel 173,799 173,785 44,195 57,331 57,429 Operations 63,410 58,370 20,000 6,200 Capital 0 0 211,447 253,042 239,294 237,209 232,155 175 The Economic Development department leads and coordinates the community's economic development efforts. The department works to improve the social, employment, and physical conditions of the City by increasing the City of Georgetown's economic base and the availability of quality jobs. In addition, the department undertakes projects that will foster partnership among private and public entities, and implements economic development goals and strategies listed herein and adopted by City Council. Operations of the department include business development, City and regional business recruitment and retention/expansion programs, redevelopment, and community promotion. • Promote the elements commonly held as the most important contributors to quality of life in Georgetown. ® Identify owners of property in the downtown district and work with them to lease available space and maintain quality and viability of businesses in the district. ® Work to create a positive business environment for the expansion of community wealth. ® Maintain and increase cooperation with private sector developers, state and regional economic development organizations, and economic development allies to expand and diversify the City's tax base. ® Develop and maintain positive relationships with local businesses to assist and encourage their success and growth. ® Maintained a large following and community activity on the "Shop Georgetown" Facebook page (now over 1,000 fans). • Continued the quarterly "Economic Development Breakfast Presentation" as a community outreach program that highlights businesses in Georgetown. ® Provided support to Main Street Program in identifying prospects and sectors for downtown including wineries. • Attracted additional life sciences business to the Texas Life Sciences Commercialization Center (TLCC) and supported the growth of existing TLCC businesses. ® Worked heavily with retail, commercial, and industrial brokers to maintain private/public partnerships while recruiting and retaining quality businesses in our target sectors. • Maintained and built relationships with state and federal agencies to gain access to the most up-to-date and accurate demographic and economic information. ® Continue to focus recruitment program by marketing directly to our target sectors in print and in person with marketing trips. ® Meet with owners and senior staff of 12 businesses per year through the Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Program. ® Continue to develop and maintain up-to-date, in-depth information on Georgetown's workforce, key economic indicators, business trends, business assistance programs, available properties, etc. to strengthen both the BRE and recruitment programs. ® Maintain and expand the "buy local" program. ® Continue research and recruitment of wineries and other businesses that fit the model in the downtown overlay district. 177 12/13 11112 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 221,775 221,775 105,166 105,166 326,941 326,941 10111 10/11 10111 PROJECTED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11112 12/13 208,870 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Economic Development Director 1 1 1 1 1 Economic Development Program Mgr I 1 1 1* 1* Administrative Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 *Includes I "frozen" unfunded position ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 FY 11112 1. No. of inquiries 70 70 70 70 70 2. No. of proposals generated 50 50 50 50 50 3. No. of Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) visits 12 12 12 12 24 4. No. of website hits 100,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 _J ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED —PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 FY 11112 1. No. of prospects 20 20 20 20 20 2. No. of site visits 10 12 12 12 12 3. No. of new jobs generated within 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 the CoMmi initv 177 12/13 11112 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 221,775 221,775 105,166 105,166 326,941 326,941 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET —ACTUAL 266,683 284,675 270,656 Personnel 208,870 135,037 94,537 Operations 475,553 419,712 365,193 177 12/13 11112 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 221,775 221,775 105,166 105,166 326,941 326,941 Management Services Governmental Contracfs DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION This department includes funds for the City's contracted social and community service commitments, and is managed through the City Manager's Office. Funds for maintenance of four eom munity buildings and utility subsidies for local social service and youth organizations, supportetl by the City, are also budgeted in this department, as are administrative allocations for services received from other Ci[y funds. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. Utilize resources to take advantage of available grant funding sources to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvements and other projects and ensure the long-term £nancial viability of Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR F13CAL YEAR 2010/11 Awarded � 1 Social Service and 7 Vouth and Children's Programming Contracts. . Contracted with the Williamson County and Cities Health District to ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Received funding for Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $458,370 for new sitlewalk routes, Good Neighbor Program funds, and utility connections for low-income households. Engaged the services of grant writing £rms So identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the Gity's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects to expedite the City's grant application process where funding needs and opportunities may exist. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 201'1/12 Continue to ensure that community and social services providers and youth program providers meet their results -oriented pertormance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. Continue to support the Williamson County and Cities Health District [o ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Continue commitment to funding Social Services and Youth Program Funding at levels approved in the City Cou veil's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. Continue to apply for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other housing grants [o encourage the construction of affordable housing units and continue the construction of pedestrian improvements in low income areas. Continua to identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects. tea 6pCW iwWu Funtllny .. ...� mroe i� �� 0 Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. Utilize resources to take advantage of available grant funding sources to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvements and other projects and ensure the long-term £nancial viability of Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR F13CAL YEAR 2010/11 Awarded � 1 Social Service and 7 Vouth and Children's Programming Contracts. . Contracted with the Williamson County and Cities Health District to ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Received funding for Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $458,370 for new sitlewalk routes, Good Neighbor Program funds, and utility connections for low-income households. Engaged the services of grant writing £rms So identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the Gity's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects to expedite the City's grant application process where funding needs and opportunities may exist. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 201'1/12 Continue to ensure that community and social services providers and youth program providers meet their results -oriented pertormance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. Continue to support the Williamson County and Cities Health District [o ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Continue commitment to funding Social Services and Youth Program Funding at levels approved in the City Cou veil's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. Continue to apply for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other housing grants [o encourage the construction of affordable housing units and continue the construction of pedestrian improvements in low income areas. Continua to identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects. tea .. ...� Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. Utilize resources to take advantage of available grant funding sources to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvements and other projects and ensure the long-term £nancial viability of Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR F13CAL YEAR 2010/11 Awarded � 1 Social Service and 7 Vouth and Children's Programming Contracts. . Contracted with the Williamson County and Cities Health District to ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Received funding for Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $458,370 for new sitlewalk routes, Good Neighbor Program funds, and utility connections for low-income households. Engaged the services of grant writing £rms So identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the Gity's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects to expedite the City's grant application process where funding needs and opportunities may exist. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 201'1/12 Continue to ensure that community and social services providers and youth program providers meet their results -oriented pertormance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. Continue to support the Williamson County and Cities Health District [o ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Continue commitment to funding Social Services and Youth Program Funding at levels approved in the City Cou veil's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. Continue to apply for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other housing grants [o encourage the construction of affordable housing units and continue the construction of pedestrian improvements in low income areas. Continua to identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects. tea WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 12/13 1. Contracts developed and FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 monitored 21 19 18 18 18 2. Amount spent on Social Services $291,250 $304,500 $311,331 $303,750 $311,331 Funding 311,331 311,331 Social Services Contributions 311,331 311,331 2,599,094 3. Amount spent on Youth Program $66,000 $68,780 $88,718 $96,500 $88,718 Funding DEPARTMENTALBUDGET: ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 1. % of contracts with prevention ESTIMATED .ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED objectives 7 7 7 7 7 DEPARTMENTALBUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED .ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 27,614 115,999 45,000 Personnel �'� (65,000) (65,000) 304,500 311,331 311,331 Social Services Contributions 311,331 311,331 2,599,094 3,107,083 3,129,056 Operations 2,668,182 2,734,218 2,931,208 3,534,413 3,485,387 2,914,513•:0 R This line item is used to account for staff raises, bonuses, and projected vacancy savings in the General Fund. In 2011/12 and 2012/13, no cost of living or merit increase are budgeted, resulting in net savings for vacancies. 179 Management Services Human Resources DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Human Resources (HR) Department provides employee and organizational support to attract, retain, and tlevelop quality employees. Tha department works with all divisions to improve internal processes and continually develop programs to enhance employee satisfaction. In addition, the department facilitates City- wide programs and services such as compensation and benefits administration, employment, employee relations, pertonnance management, policy interpretation, and risk management. It is the department's goal to provide exceptional customer service to both internal and external customers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Provide services, tools and open communication to cresta an environment where indivitl uals ora treatetl fairly and consistently. • Attract, retain, and develop a quality workforoe. • Provide each employee with a safe work environment. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/1 • Continued to develop online applicant tracking system so that it is used to full potential. • Implemented online Benefits Management System. • Continued to maintain/improve quality and competitive benefits by looking for new and innovative ways to keep health care costs down with; Wellness Program, Plan Design, possible Self Funding, Benefit Cooperatives, premium structure. • SYabilizetl HR departmental staffing levels to improve quality of delivery to departments. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Work with departments on identification of succession plans. Identify training requirements by position to tlavalop future leaders • Enhance Satety Program to include more supervisor accountability. • Implement Supervisor monthly Training fo further develop succession leadership. • Enhance on-line benefits open enrollment, currently operated through Lotus Notes. too HUMAN RESOURCES 09/10 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12113 PROPOSED Human Resources Director 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Human Resources Director 0 0 1 1 1 Human Resources Generalist 4 4 3 3 3 Administrative Assistant I I1 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 0 0 .5 .5 .5 TOTAL 6 6 61.5 6/.5 61.5 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 09110 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Application/resumes processed 8,781 6,500 9,659 7,500 6,000 2. Employee training hours provided (per employee) 54 45 45 50 55 3. # Civil Service Commission mtgs. 3 5 5 4 4 4. # of worker's compensation claims processed 30 40 45 50 55 525,572 N 583,986 562,242 In ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Average # of open positions 18 15 18 15 15 2. Turnover rate 17% 15% 17% 14% 12% 3. # of work injuries/illness requiring 484,098 Personnel 537,320 537,279 61,395 80,644 days off or modified duty 1 16 1 20 1; 23 1 25 1 3 525,572 N 583,986 562,242 In DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09110 10111 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 464,177 503,342 484,098 Personnel 537,320 537,279 61,395 80,644 78,144 Operations 79,490 79,490 525,572 N 583,986 562,242 In This department represents the pooled funds available for the City's one-time performance bonus program, as well as, market adjustments for employees funded through the Joint Services Fund. Training for City-wide issues, such as supervisory training and safety are also included here, as is property and liability insurance. CITY- WIDE SERVICESBUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL. 386,380 100,000 100,000 Merit Bonus 154,609 188,144 96,700 Benefits/Market 110,882 163,150 104,500 Operations 651,871 451,294 301,200 Subtotal -Department 438,689 500,000 537,000 Insurance 44,526 60,000 Insurance Deductible 1,135,086 1,011,294 838,200 183 151,700 106,500 151,700 120,500 258,200 272,200 575,000 600,000 60,000 60,000 893,200 932,200 Legal Department The Legal Department includes the City Attorney, Assistant City Attorney and Legal Assistant. The Department provides in-house legal services for the City Council, Staff, Boards and Commissions and supervises legal services provided by outside counsel. The Department also provides advice and training on legal issues to other City Departments and Staff and provides annual ethics training for the City Council, Boards, and Committees, as well as, issues legal opinions to interpret the City Charter, City ordinances and policies and procedures. The Legal Department represents the City in litigation and administrative matters. • Provide legal services in a timely and efficient manner. • Recommend and prepare amendments to City codes and ordinances in accordance with Council direction. • Support police and code enforcement efforts through effective Municipal Court prosecution consistent with Council objectives. 917 r - i •- r • Provided legal advice to various Departments and Staff concerning significant claims against the City. • Prepared submissions to the Justice Department concerning City elections • Issued opinions or presentations on various legal issues including Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, ethics and conflicts of interest • Assisted with the negotiation and preparation of various agreements and construction documents • Worked with the purchasing department to develop standard contracting forms and procedures • Worked with City Secretary's office to standardize the Boards and Commissions bylaws and related ordinances. • Coordinate with other Departments to create streamlined and effective system for processing Open Records Act requests. • Assist in the City's economic development initiatives through effective negotiation and preparation of economic incentive agreements. • Reduce the cost of legal services to the City by continuing transitioning legal services provided by outside counsel to the Legal Department. • Continue effort to standardize Contract forms and related documents. 184 *Includes one "frozen" unfunded position. WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 LEGAL 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 2. Memorandum/Opinions/Comments ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 Legal Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 *Includes one "frozen" unfunded position. WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Legal Consultations Contracted N/A 120 120 120 2. Memorandum/Opinions/Comments Contracted N/A 50 50 75 3. Lawsuits Contracted N/A 10 10 10 4. Claims Contracted N/A 24 24 24 5. Contracts/Agreements Contracted N/A 150 150 50 6. Board, Commission, Agenda and other Staff Meetings Contracted N/A 120 120 120 7. Open Records Act requests Contracted N/A 140 80 100 8. Municipal Court Cases (arraignments, Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% bench trials and u trials) Contracted Contracted 48 Contracted Contracted PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Provide timely legal counsel as BUDGET ACTUAL requested by City Staff Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% 2. Provide annual ethics training to Council Members and Committee Members Contracted NIA 100% 100% 100% 3. Review of documents that are submitted to the Legal Department for Council action and attend respective Council meetings Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% 4. Provide timely assistance with and response to Open Records Act Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% requests 334,436 512,486 460,361 ESTIMATED12/13 11112 ADOPTED BASE Personnel 276,122 329,984 Operations 158,323 158,323 185 434,445 488,307 10/11 09/10 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 254347 342715 342,490 80,089 169,771 117,871 334,436 512,486 460,361 ESTIMATED12/13 11112 ADOPTED BASE Personnel 276,122 329,984 Operations 158,323 158,323 185 434,445 488,307 Management Services Main Street DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Main Street program focuses on downtown revitalization within the content of historic preservation to help diversify the economic base of the community. The Georgetown Main Street Program seeks to enhance downtown vibrancy and historic preservation by using the National Trust Main Street Cenker's Four -Point Approach of organization, design, promotion and economic restructuring. The overall goal is to help provide opportunities to enhance the downtown for citizens and tourists. Oversight is provided through the Economic Development department. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Redefine the Downtown Overlay District's niche in the marketplace and sharpen the competitiveness of existing businesses, while nurturing naw enterprises that respond to totlay's consumers' needs. . Target infrastructure and building improvements that lay the groundwork for a physical transformation that will be both functional and attractive. . Focus on authentic community assets with high-quality image development campaigns and events that will attract naw shoppers, visitors, residents and investors. Build a pathway to I¢adership in local efforts by leading acommunity-based, volunteer -driven program that helps empower resitlents antl investors to collaborate for sustainable revitalization. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'IOM1 • Launched the first "Best of Georgetown, TX' awards with 50 categories to encourage folks to shop local • Hosted two successful downtown field sessions tluring the National Trust for Historic Preservation's annual National Preservation Conference in Austin in Octob¢r where over 65 people attended from all over the nation. Awarded Main Street Facade and Sign Grants to six downtown property/business owners totaling over $22,000.00. Partnered with the Downtown Georgetown Association, Williamson Museum, Palace Theatre, Planning 8 D¢v¢lopment, CVB and Public Communications to maintain a Downtown Georgetown Texas Facebook page. • Held 2 Annual Georgetown Swirl, a wine, food and shopping event for the square, as a fundraiser for the Main Street Fapade ffi Sign Grant Program, raised over $9,000. • Worked with IF Marketing to do a downtown marketing/visioning assessment. • Assistetl with hosting three successful Texas wineries looking at downtown as an expansion location. • Hostetl tlowntown real estate tour of available retail spac¢s with over �O people in attendance. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20� 1/12 Partner with Arts &Culture and Convention 8. Visitors Bureau to build on downtown's image as a destination district through art and cultural relatetl projects in the downtown that directly impact overnight stays in our local hotels. Receive certified Film Frientlly Community status from the Texas Film Commission. Attract successful wineries and restaurants to help bring new shoppers, visitors, investors antl residents to downtown. Continue to increase participation in the Facatle 8 Sign Grant program through free design assistance and grant funding opportunities. Atltl new tlowntown PinK Heals events that will pull abroad-bas¢d audience to downtown while working to help raise funds and awareness of women's cancers in Williamson County. "186 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED AIN STREET 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 1. No. of special events held in ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Main Street Manager 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. No. of special events held in 85,000 85,000 85,000 95,000 100,000 Downtown Overlay District 28 28 28 28 30 2. No. of training/educational seminars 5 5 5 6 6 hosted 3 3 3 3 4 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Special downtown event attendance 85,000 85,000 85,000 95,000 100,000 2. Amount of reinvestment in downtown $1,000.000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 3. No. of downtown business o enin s 5 5 5 6 6 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946