HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-Firep M ,} This Division is comprised of two departments, Administration and Operations. These two departments have an interdependent working relationship to accomplish specific objectives. The broad goal of the division is to protect life and property, and provide for efficient customer service through team organization to deliver a variety of services to the public. The Division created a billing special revenue fund to account for service reimbursements where the proceeds are used for fire equipment only. Internal programs and procedures are designed to support activities and standards necessary to ensure quality service, legal compliance, and fiscal accountability. Divisional operations are funded within the General Fund. Fire Administration Page 132 Operations Page 134 Fir¢ SRF Administration Op¢rations $O $1,000,000 $2,000.000 $3,D00,000 $4,000,000 $5,000.000 $6,000,000 $x.000,000 � Personnel � Operating Fire Services Uses 8. Expenses 131 t0/t1 10/11 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW SUMMARY % CHANGE PERSONNEL BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROJ. ACTUAL Ganara/ Fund Atlminiatration 495,]45 385,84] Atlministration 868,498 868,'166 881,592 881,592 6,68],564 FUe Operetione 6,26].2]1 6,183.2]] 6.68].564 6,68],564 9.5x tofa/ Genera/ Fund >,135,169 7 031, 445 7 569,156 1,569,156 zex Sn¢¢/a/ R¢v¢n a Funds 415,3]3 9 Fire Billing SRF Fire Staffing SRF 4]2,1J9 44],083 415,3]3 416,373 ita.zx Fire Billing SRF 162.441 184,]50 229.426 229,426 56 fOtal SpBCia/ Rev_ Funds 634,620 631,613 644,199 844,199 i1x Dlviafon Total 131 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) Ganara/ Fund Atlminiatration 495,]45 385,84] 881,592 6 F{re Operetlpns 5,909,]20 ]]],844 6,68],564 ]6 iota/Genera/Fund 6,405,485 1,163,691 ],589,156 81 Snacia/ Rev¢ ¢Funds Fire Staffing SRF 415,373 415,3]3 9 Fire Billing SRF 229,426 229,426 tote/Special Rev. Funtls 416,3]3 229,426 644,]99 9 56 90 131 Fife Administfation DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Fire Administration ensures That quality service is providetl to the community by directing and supporting all divisions in Fire. Direction is provided through an emphasis on open communication and participation from all levels in the decision making process, which ensures proper planning, coordination and oversight of activities, including contractual service agreements antl revenue recovery program. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS QTITII • Ensure a continuous and progressive environment that facilitates the acquisition, development, and monitoring of knowledge and skills necessary to enable She Fire Department to safely provide the best possible services. • Provide efficient and effective management of the Fir¢ Department and always search fo enhance our efficiency. • Continua to provide a revenue source for aq uipment, and public Fire training and education facility, through the billing for services program. • Ensure all agreements and records are legally compliant and properly maintained. • Develop Strategic Planning Docum¢nt. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Selected Station 5 architect and started overall construction phases. Added Training Facility to station 5 program. • Concluded Citygate study and preparing results for Council and plan of implementation. • Received Year 1 of SAFER funding, AFG personal equipment, and TIFMAS grants totaling over $600K in grant funding. Completed temporary plan for fire administration pending the Public Safety and Operations Training Facility Election. • Acquired land for Fire station 2 and will start Design Build process. . Assumed Emergency Management duties by July 20t t. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/2 • Complete Fire station 5 and commence opening in 20'12. . Complete Training Facility and begin quarterly training tlrills. • Complete Fire Station 2 construction process. • Continue seeking grant funtling to r¢liave budgetary pressures. Begin planning and implementation of Citygate study. • Complete Emergency Management transition duties and conduct acity-wide readiness exercise. Develop joint City -ESD Fire prevention/coordinator program and place budget in an enterprise fund that is self- funded. 132 ■ ■ ., .. ■ ■ ■ . ■ • Ensure a continuous and progressive environment that facilitates the acquisition, development, and monitoring of knowledge and skills necessary to enable She Fire Department to safely provide the best possible services. • Provide efficient and effective management of the Fir¢ Department and always search fo enhance our efficiency. • Continua to provide a revenue source for aq uipment, and public Fire training and education facility, through the billing for services program. • Ensure all agreements and records are legally compliant and properly maintained. • Develop Strategic Planning Docum¢nt. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Selected Station 5 architect and started overall construction phases. Added Training Facility to station 5 program. • Concluded Citygate study and preparing results for Council and plan of implementation. • Received Year 1 of SAFER funding, AFG personal equipment, and TIFMAS grants totaling over $600K in grant funding. Completed temporary plan for fire administration pending the Public Safety and Operations Training Facility Election. • Acquired land for Fire station 2 and will start Design Build process. . Assumed Emergency Management duties by July 20t t. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/2 • Complete Fire station 5 and commence opening in 20'12. . Complete Training Facility and begin quarterly training tlrills. • Complete Fire Station 2 construction process. • Continue seeking grant funtling to r¢liave budgetary pressures. Begin planning and implementation of Citygate study. • Complete Emergency Management transition duties and conduct acity-wide readiness exercise. Develop joint City -ESD Fire prevention/coordinator program and place budget in an enterprise fund that is self- funded. 132 ADMINISTRATION 09110 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Battalion Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Analyst 1* 1* 1 2 2 Administrative Assistant III 1 1 1 63,656 65,565 Administrative Assistant 11 1 1 1 TOTAL 6 6 6 6 6 *Includes one "frozen" unfunded position WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09110 UD ETED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Public presentations 220 130 160 135 150 2. Annual service delivery cost $1,058 $1,133 $1,202 $1,082 $1,074 3. Annual ESD Contract $1,349,186 $950,000 $909,988 $1,029,061 $1,070,853 4. Total Population served in the fire 2 2 2 2 2 5. district 73,541 74,326 75,520 63,656 65,565 -iso (insurance services cmice) is a company that rates Fire Departments nationwide on their ability and resources to fight fires. The rating is on a I to10 scale, I being the best possible rating, 10 being the worst. The insurance industry uses these ratings to determine homeowner's insurance rates, Service Delivery costs = Total Budget -ESD Income/Total Calls. Fire Services cost = Total budget -ESD Income/Population ** Actual Census population of City and ESD ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Fire Services cost per capita $54 $79 $79 $95 $93 2 Firefighters per 1,000 population 1.25 1.03 1.03 0.89 0.71 3. ISO Rating* 2 2 2 2 2 -iso (insurance services cmice) is a company that rates Fire Departments nationwide on their ability and resources to fight fires. The rating is on a I to10 scale, I being the best possible rating, 10 being the worst. The insurance industry uses these ratings to determine homeowner's insurance rates, Service Delivery costs = Total Budget -ESD Income/Total Calls. Fire Services cost = Total budget -ESD Income/Population ** Actual Census population of City and ESD 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED .ADOPTED BASE— Personnel 495,745 495,706 Operations 385,847 434,472 838,902 868,498 868,168 881,592 930,178 133 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 479,464 498,060 498,030 359,438 370,438 370,138 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED .ADOPTED BASE— Personnel 495,745 495,706 Operations 385,847 434,472 838,902 868,498 868,168 881,592 930,178 133 Fire Fire Operations DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Fire Operations provides the Fre fighting, rescue, medical response and haz-mat forces antl resources necessary for emergency incident response to anyone within the service area in order to save iivas and minimize property damage. Fire Operations also provides for training, professional development, safety, and communications. Firelighters are informed of the latest health and safety issues and receive mandatetl training by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, and Texas Department of Health, ensuring that the requirements for the Insurance Service Office rating system are met. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Maintain an operational readiness level that will meek the emergency demands of a growing community. • Provide firefighting forces and resources necessary to execute quick, effective, skillful, and caring responses to emergency situations. • Provide high quality, first responder service as part of an integrated emergency medical care system. • Maintain a safe, healthy, well-trainetl and high pertorming workforce and start the planning process for Paramedic engine companies. • Ensure the fire protection needs of the community are efficiently delivered through fire station design antl placement, apparatus type and response antl staff pertormanca and capabilities. • Provide fire prevention and life safety surveys for commercial occu pancias. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 Ordered apparatus for Fire Station 5 and 1 (Fire Station 1 engine is ESD funded). Continued EMS enhancements for emergency response with paramedic level delivery. • Hired antl trained Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) firefighters and assigned to shift operations. • Commenced Dive Team training and identified team personnel with Fire and Police staff. • Completed fire investigators call -out process and guidelines. • Implemented new recortls management syst¢m for all aspects of emergency operations. • Implemented training management system to assure consistency throughout the department and assure all members receive approved number of hours. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 • Complete hiring process for Fire Station 5. • Promote current employees for Fire Station 5. Develop and Implement Life Safety Survey Program for Fire Inspections. • Develop Specifications for Fire Engine for Fire Station 3. Finalize Dive Team training and assignments for readiness tleployment and purchase dive boat and dive truck. tsa . ...� • Maintain an operational readiness level that will meek the emergency demands of a growing community. • Provide firefighting forces and resources necessary to execute quick, effective, skillful, and caring responses to emergency situations. • Provide high quality, first responder service as part of an integrated emergency medical care system. • Maintain a safe, healthy, well-trainetl and high pertorming workforce and start the planning process for Paramedic engine companies. • Ensure the fire protection needs of the community are efficiently delivered through fire station design antl placement, apparatus type and response antl staff pertormanca and capabilities. • Provide fire prevention and life safety surveys for commercial occu pancias. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 Ordered apparatus for Fire Station 5 and 1 (Fire Station 1 engine is ESD funded). Continued EMS enhancements for emergency response with paramedic level delivery. • Hired antl trained Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) firefighters and assigned to shift operations. • Commenced Dive Team training and identified team personnel with Fire and Police staff. • Completed fire investigators call -out process and guidelines. • Implemented new recortls management syst¢m for all aspects of emergency operations. • Implemented training management system to assure consistency throughout the department and assure all members receive approved number of hours. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 • Complete hiring process for Fire Station 5. • Promote current employees for Fire Station 5. Develop and Implement Life Safety Survey Program for Fire Inspections. • Develop Specifications for Fire Engine for Fire Station 3. Finalize Dive Team training and assignments for readiness tleployment and purchase dive boat and dive truck. tsa WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 10/11 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 OPERATIONS 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11112 12/13 2. Hrs. of professional development ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED and continuing education 10,285 10,300 10,300 15,044 18,144 3. # of hydrants tested and painted 1,131 1,131 900 651 0 Lieutenant 12 12 12 12 12 Apparatus Operator 18 is 18 18 18 Firefighter 42 42 42 45 45 TOTAL 81 81 81 84 84 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 BUDGETED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Emergency incidents 5,475 4,781 5,649 5,683 5,718 2. Hrs. of professional development n/a n1a n/a 40.5% 45% and continuing education 10,285 10,300 10,300 15,044 18,144 3. # of hydrants tested and painted 1,131 1,131 900 651 0 4. # of Commercial Life Safety NA NA NA 0 240 a 7 minute or under response time PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACT L FY 08/09 BUDGETED FY 09110 R JE TED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. % of fire and EMS incidents with a 5 minute or under response time n/a n1a n/a 40.5% 45% *(combined inside & outside the 2. % of fire and EMS incidents with a 7 minute or under response time *(combined inside & outside the n/a n/a n1a 71.7% 75% 3. Overall average response time for Fire and EMS incidents*(combined inside and outside the City) n/a n/a n/a 5.58 5.50 4 % of Insurance Service Office 'L)uemmmt,<ocomumanagement cnamge, new critena is i)eing useu 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECTEN ACTUAL BUDGET —ACTUAL 5307.237 6,088.897 6,957.823 Personnel 781.248 814.994 837.267 Operations 12.000 Capital 01UO 6,901,8916,795,090 135 73S52Q3 ����� �����