HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-Community DevelopmentThe Community Development Division is dedicated to the shared vision of a well-planned Georgetown by working in partnership with the community, building on our heritage and providing service through a customer friendly process. This Division includes all Planning and Inspection functions. This Division is funded through the General Fund (Administration, Planning, Inspections and Code Enforcement). Community leve/opment Atlministration Inspection Services Pag¢ 78 Building Insp¢ctions Page SO Code Enforc¢m¢nt Page S2 Planning Page 84 Administration Code Enforcement Building Inspections Planning $O $200.000 $400,000 $600,000 $900,000 � Personnel D Operations Community development PERSONNEL Uses 8 Expenses 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY 10/11 t0/tt 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET (FTE's) G¢n¢ra/ Fund AMENDED PROJECTED NEW 219,356 %CHANGE 225,388 2 Planning BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROJ. ACTUAL 6]9.200 92.91] Gana/a/Fund tt Coda EnfoitemanVFlre PfaVaP4on 359,822 8],345 44>,t 6T 6 foie/Ganafal Fund Atlminis[retion 22],]21 22],689 225,388 226,388 - . 336,292 2,051,045 Planning ]10,844 ]O],03t ]06,3]3 ]06,3]3 BWId Ing lnsPac[lons SOt,t99 ]98.]t8 8]2,117 6]2,t t] - Cotle EnfofcamanVFifa PrevanfiOn 466,589 486,4]3 44],16] 44],t 6] fofa/G¢na�a/Fund 2,228,353 2,220,H09 2,05>, 045 1.059,045 -tea fx on T 226,3SS 77 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) G¢n¢ra/ Fund Administration 219,356 6,030 225,388 2 Planning 556.3]3 160.000 ]06,3]3 11 BUIItlIn9 lnaPectlons 6]9.200 92.91] 6]2,1 t] tt Coda EnfoitemanVFlre PfaVaP4on 359,822 8],345 44>,t 6T 6 foie/Ganafal Fund >,]>4, 753 336,292 2,05'/,045 30 t,Tt4,T69 336,292 2,051,045 30 !% IF 411,7i Administration f This department was created to provide management and oversight of the Community Development Division, ensuring City policies related to growth and development are administered in a customer -oriented manner. It provides coaching and mentoring to division employees and ensures they have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their jobs. The department provides guidance and support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Building Standards Commission, Housing Advisory Board and the Historic and Architectural Review Commission concerning planning and development related issues. ® Promote quality growth through the implementation of the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. ® Foster a workplace environment that supports staff efforts and commitments, encourages creative problem solving and open communication, and maintains a positive work atmosphere. ® Ensure that the Community Development Division is sensitive and responsive to the needs and desires of a wide variety of local interest groups, among which include: elected and appointed officials; development professionals; community leaders, neighborhood and citizen groups; division and other city staff; outside agencies and organizations; and the general public. ® Work in cooperation with the City's leadership team in formulating City policy recommendations and carrying out the City's adopted policies related to Community Development. ® Finalized the 2008/09 Annual Unified Development Code (UDC) update, including document publication. ® Created and launched an electronic division newsletter. ® Continued to implement the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and applied for and anticipate receiving additional CDBG funding. ® Provided assistance to GUS staff for its Weatherization program grant. • Applied for and received a Certified Local Government grant to host a historic preservation guideline training program that will be open to local and regional historic preservation commissioners and staff. ® Conducted two educational and interactive seminars with homeowners and builders to review the permitting and inspection process, including Code Enforcement education, at Home Depot. ® Reduced the number of code violations through education of neighborhood associations and businesses. ® Initiated adoption process for code updates to the building, electrical, fire, property, and other codes. ® Adopt the 2010/11 Annual UDC Update items that concentrate on street and infrastructure requirements and green development. • Adopt the Housing Element and two (2) other Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. ® Design and implement a Planning and Development electronic data management system and Building Inspections and Permitting system in conjunction with the IT Department. • Continue to administer the CDBG program, and seek additional grants such as CLG program funds. ® Continue management of the Home Repair Program, and leverage the City's funding with volunteers, as well as assisting GUS in Weatherization grant program. ® Implement a Rental Inspection Program. ® Review Code Enforcement and Fire Prevention operations for improved efficiency and effectiveness. • Coordinate the City's efforts to ensure community compliance with American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, including working with the new ADA Task Force to create an ADA Transition Plan. 78 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL 10111 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED ADMINISTRATION 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 11112 12113 1. Division Public Meetings/ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Director of Community Development 1 1 1 266 225 Administrative Analyst 1 1 1 30 25 ITOTAL L .. 2L 2 2 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. Division Public Meetings/ N/A N/A 90% 98% 100% Workshops N/A 299 245 266 225 2. Division Special Projects N/A 30 1 30 30 25 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Respond to customer issues PROJECTED 11112 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET within 48 hours N/A N/A 90% 98% 100% 2. Increase "excellent" and "good" 221,691 221,659 Personnel 219,358 219,340 1,281 ratings for division from biennial 58% N/A 75% NA 75% city services survey 225,388 225,370 3. Increase citizens who rate the division as "getting better" from the N/A N/A 26% NA 26% biennial survey 4. Increase "excellent" and "good" ratings for Code Enforcement 75.6% N/A 69.1% NA 70% addressing unsightly properties -,--,urveys are conaucrea wenniany. 79 10/11 12113 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11112 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 210,199 221,691 221,659 Personnel 219,358 219,340 1,281 6,030 6,030 Operations 6,030 6,030 211,480 227,721 227,689 225,388 225,370 79 Community Oeve/opment Inspection Services Bui/ding Inspections DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Inspection Services issues builtling construction permits antl Bulltliny Pormlts pertonns inspections leading to the final Certificate of Occupancy (CO). This department assists in the coordination between the City `'9°'000' antl the construction industry with plan review, permitting antl on- szos.00o.0a0 site inspections. Inspection Services ensures that the construction s,m.0mom _ _ phase of the development process meets the expectations of the s,m 000 community for the overall public health, safety antl welfare through � ' the administration antl implementation of applicable City codes and 390'000' ordinances. This tlapartmeni is also responsible for floodplain %� �� aem ce,�0 ,n„ administration and review, accortling to the rag ulations established ��— by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 0 MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Ensure quality and safe housing through consistent atlministration of building code requirements. • Promote a cooperative effort with the building community to provitle long-lasting, quality structures and encourage use of the most current builtling codes for the community to retl uee insurance rates for the public. • Promote the use of automated technology in the permit antl inspection areas to streamline processes and rad uca costs. • Ensure that special flootl hazard areas are not impacted by development activities through the use of Floodplain Management. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/1 • Encouraged energy conservation and green building design for building construction through the use of approved materials and methods for all types of structures in coortl ination with International Codes. • Conducted two educational antl interactive seminars with homeowners antl builders to review the permitting antl inspection process and provitla code training in May 201'1 at Home Depot. • Continued the review of all 2009 International and the 2011 National Electrical Code editions for proposetl adoption. • Researched and observed a tlemons[ration of new software for the use of automated technology in the permit and inspection areas to streamline processes and reduce costs. • Reviewed all workflow processes for improvement and time reduction to reduce the cost to all users. • Completed a public review and adoption process for new temporary off -premise sign standartls for Realtors antl Builders. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 • Provide ongoing educational seminars with the building community and public forums, public meetings antl a departmental hantlbook with adtlifional perrnit counter literature to provitla cotla training. • Continue staff review and contluct public hearings for the future atloption for all 2012 International Building and 2011 National Electrical Codes to improve the Insu renca Services Office (ISO) rating for the community and provide builders with new innovative use of materials and methods of construction. • Continue to review all workflow processes with public involvement for efficiency improvements. • Continua to encourage green building antl energy conservation design, with construction materials and methods for all types of structural through the International Building Codes. • Initiate and ensure that the community will ba ADA compliant through coordination with City of Georgetown efforts. Implement new Building Inspection and Permitting software systems in coortl ination with IT Department. ao BUILDING INSPECTIONS 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Inspection Services Director 1 1 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 1 1 1 1 Chief Plans Examiner 1 1 1 1 1 Combination Building Inspector 6 6* 6* 4* 4* Permit Technician 2 2 2 2 2 Building Plans Examiner 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 13 13 13 11 11 'Includes 2 "frozen" unfunded positions $11,141,629 $37,168,244 $12,000,000 $21,481,808 $22,250,000 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 09/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. New Residential/Multi-Family 523 551 600 575 580 permits issued Valuation total $ $130,014,191 $137,676,449 $152,000,000 $151,000,000 $160,500,000 2. New Commercial, Industrial, 799,716 Tenant Finish Out (TFO) and 127 115 60 75 70 Remodel permits issued $53,787,840 $43,368,387 $61,000,000 $63,280,000 $62,550,000 Valuation total $ 98% 98% 98% 99% 99% 3. Permitted non-residential sq. ft. 903,780 490,458 600,000 530,988 590,000 4. All other building permit types 2,265 2,677 3000 2,617 2,750 Valuation total $ $11,141,629 $37,168,244 $12,000,000 $21,481,808 $22,250,000 5. Total # of inspections performed 21,248 20,192 34,000 29,090 33,960 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. % of residential plans processed BUDGET ACTUAL 648,491 683,641 within 10 days 98% 100% 98% 98% 98% 2. % of commercial plans processed 799,716 within 30 days 95% 95% 96% 98% 98% 3. % of inspections performed within 2 days 98% 98% 98% 99% 99% 4. Avg # of inspections per day 58 98 93 95 96 5. Avg # of inspections per inspector per working day 12 19 17 19 19 A 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 579,200 579,156 Operations 92,917 92,917 672,117 672,073 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 648,491 683,641 682,167 103,153 117,558 117,549 751,644 801,199 799,716 A 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 579,200 579,156 Operations 92,917 92,917 672,117 672,073 Community Oeve/opmenf /nspection Services Fire Code /Code Enforcement DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Coda Enforcement department eom pletes the continuum of Community Development by monitoring existing property for continued code compliance with fire, building, nusinace, development codes and ordinances. The department also ensures that the adopted land use, tlevelopment, fire and building codes are being applied to new construction and development. Code Enforcements goal is to protect and maintain the public health, safety and welfare, and to protect and maintain the quality of life within the city. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Promote a positive image to the community by bringing services to the n¢ighborhoods and soliciting community involvement. Maintain a comprehensive public education program tlesignad to increase awareness, provide information, and change behavior in order to manage nuisances and natural hazards in the community. Ensure quality and safe land use through integrative code enforcement activity within the adopted ord inancas. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/1'1 Reducetl the number of coda violations through education of neighborhood associations and businesses. Continued to decrease the number of code violations for open storage and building maintenance through the International Property Mai ntanance Code. Continued support of Code Enforcement Officers' £eld computers to provide service and efficiency capabilities. Completed research to develop a Rental Property Inspection program. Increased the number of annual and routine Fire Inspections throughout the community. Increasetl Fire Prevention Education training and conducted required annual training for Georgetown Independent School District (GISD), Medical, Assisted Living and Nursing Home facilities. Contlucted two educational efforts for resitlents and builtlers to strengthen Gode Enforcement in itiatives along with community growth at Home Depot. Continued the review of the 2009 International Fire Cotle for proposetl adoption. Revi¢w¢d existing nuisance codas for possible revision and future adoption. Coordinated an on-call system with Police Services to facilitate after hours Cotle Enforcement efforts. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 20'11/12 • Implement a Rental Property Inspection program. • Continue coordinated efforts for neighborhood and community clean-up programs. • Continue to strengthen Cotler Enforcement initiatives through public education. • Conkinue staff review and begin public hearing process to adopt the 20'12 International Property Maintenance coda. • Continue staff review and begin public hearing process to adopt the 2012 International Fire Code. Review of all work flow processes for Fire Code and Code Enforcement for improved efficiency. az WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 CODE ENFORCE ENT 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 2. Junk vehicle violations ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Chief Code Enforcement Officer 1 1 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer 3 3 3 3 3 Fire Code Inspector/Plans Examiner 2 2 2 1 1 TOTAL 6 6 6 5 5 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. CE Education presentations 75 128 100 120 30 2. Junk vehicle violations 55 121 65 100 100 3. # of Code Enforcement violations 13,179 12,295 13,700 13,100 13,900 4. # of Fire Code inspections for New Construction, C of O's, Remodels 5,209 1,599 5,200 1,463 930 Alterations and Fire Suppression 5. Abatements issued 42 64 45 50 50 6. Certified Letters sent 253 353 325 350 350 7. Fire Code Development Plan and Code review 1 604 1 423 1 525 1 458 1 465 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. % of Code Enforcement cases processed within 2-7 days 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 2. Avg. # of Code Enforcement cases per day 127 130 132 131 131 3. Avg. # of Fire Code Inspections processed within 5 working days 208 140 200 140 186 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 402,281 402,169 Personnel 359,822 391,548 88,077 84,308 84,304 Operations 87,345 87,345 469,843 486,589 486,473 83 447,167 478,893 Community Oeve/opment P/anning DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Planning tlepartment implements the tlevalopmen[ process with New Rercltlentlel Lots Plattetl the goal of ensuring quality lantl development for [he future of Georgetown and preservation of the community's unique historic and '� environmental features in accortlance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The process inclutles providing public information on past, present and future development; census antl demographic information, population projections, development trentls antl impacts. In atldition, the department analyzes antl makes recommendations on annexations and tlavelopment applications, prepares and presents reports, and serves as staff support for Planning and Zoning Commission, Historic antl Architectural Review Commission (HARC), Housing Ativisory ° m� °°� mn° �°m _ Board, antl Zoning Boartl of Adjustment, participates in City Council meetings and works with various committees antl [ask forces as neetletl. The Department also manages the City's housing programs and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS . Promote growth management strat¢gies to guitle the City's land use, transportation, infrastructure, and economic development decisions that will provide long-term quality of life. Provide sound antl timely advice to internal antl external customers regarding the planning process, the City's housing programs, and best land use planning principles. • Continuously seek input into the planning process from Key stakeholtlers, including real estate developers, other government agencies, and utility providers. . Promote quality growth that enhances the rehabilitation antl preservation of historic structures. Provide long range planning perspective for annexation and eMra-territorial jurisdiction development. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 . Finalized the 2005/09 Annual Unifietl Development Cotle (UDC) update, including revisetl companion document publication, including the Development Manual. . Adoptetl the 2010/11 Annual UDC Uptlate List, concentrating on the str¢et and infrastructure requirements antl gran development. • Participated in the update to the Overall Transportation Plan (OTP) Element, including creating design standards for resitlential streets to tleerease speed and a master plan for a network of sitl¢walks antl bicycle paths. • Adopted two (2) Comprehensive Plan Elements (historic preservation and public facilities). • Completetl 257 acres of voluntary annexations. . Finalized the first uptlate to the Design Guidelines for the Downtown Overlay District. • Applied for and awarded a Certified Local Government grant to host a historic preservation guid¢line training program that will be open to local and regional historic preservation commissioners and staff (requiretl HARC training). • Continued management of the Home Repair Program, and leveragetl the City's resources by utilizing volunteers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/12 • Adopt the 2010/'11 Annual UDC Update revisions. • Design and implement a Planning antl Development ¢I¢ctronic tlata management system in coordination with the IT Department. Adopt the Housing Element and two (2) other Elements of the Com pr¢hensiva Plan. . Continue to identify, reserve, and rezone land for long-term needs as commercial and employment centers. • Hold historic preservation training program utilizing Certified Local Government Grant. • Implement adoptetl Annexation Plan. as PLANNING 09110 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL d ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12113 PROPOSED Planning Director 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* Development Engineer Associate 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* Housing Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Principal Planner 1 2 2 2 2 Planning Specialist 2 2 2 2 2 Planner III 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* Planner II 3 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 11 11 11 11 11 *Includes 3 "frozen" unfunded positions. 4 4 5 4 3 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Preliminary plat applications 12 8 8 8 8 2. Final plat applications 40 22 20 20 20 3. Site plans 33 17 22 25 25 4. Rezoning applications 18 10 8 15 16 5. Comprehensive Plan amendments 5 0 1 3 2 6. # of new lots recorded 21$299,595 1 /$64,950 3 / $458,370 3 / $458,370 1 2/$81,653 Residential 331 421 350 350 375 Commercial 7 14 15 10 12 7. Annexation petitions 4 4 5 4 3 8. Acres annexed (voluntary & involuntary) 954 276 285 257 1,100 9. Certificate of Design Compliance 46 29 40 40 40 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. % final decisions consistent with NA* NA* NA* 93% 90% staff Rezoning recommendations 154,642 151,301 4,620 2. % Site plans approved by admin. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 3. % P&Z approval of staff plat recommendations 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4. # of grants / amounts received 21$299,595 1 /$64,950 3 / $458,370 3 / $458,370 1 2/$81,653 -tvor usea as a measuremenr in previous ouoger. Personnel Operations Capital 85 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 484,637 556,202 555,730 183,070 154,642 151,301 4,620 672,327 710,844 707,031 Personnel Operations Capital 85 706,373 696,331 11/12 ESTIMATE;, ADOPTED 556,373 A33 ` `I is i 706,373 696,331