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2010-11 Budget - Whole
City of Georgetown, Texas Annual Budget 2010-2011 Austin Dallas/Fort Worth San Antonio Lubbock El Paso Amarillo Houston Georgetown Location Georgetown is the northern most “gateway” to the gently rolling hills of Central Texas. While Georgetown offers the amenities and charm of a small community rooted in values of days gone by, it’s strategically and centrally located in the middle of the four major metropolitan areas of Texas. Austin is 26 miles south, Dallas is two hours north, Houston is two hours southeast and San Antonio is just one-and-a- half hours south, placing Georgetown in a very advantageous position for cultural and economic develop- ment. Traveling to and from Georgetown is easy, as it is at the crossroads of IH-35 going north/south and State Highway 29 going east/ west. Access to Georgetown via the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport was made much easier with the opening of State Highway 130, the toll road from Georgetown to San Antonio that parallels IH-35. Table of Contents Councilmembers Budget Award Mission Statement 74 Table of Contents 76 User's Guide to the Budget 78 OVERVIEW 82 TransmittalLetter.................................................................................................................... i CITY SUMMARY MunicipalCourt.................................................................................................................... Georgetown's Long -Term Planning Process......................................................................1 Georgetown 2030 Plan — Policy Principals.......................................................................... 2 Georgetown's Five Year Strategic Plan (for implementing 2030 Policy Principals) ......................... 6 Budget Adoption and Management Process....................................................................12 92 Annual Budget Calendar of Events....................................................................................14 OrganizationalChart............................................................................................................15 CommunityProfile...............................................................................................................16 Georgetown— Then and Now.............................................................................................18 CitizenSurvey Highlights....................................................................................................19 FINANCIAL SUMMARY CityOperations by Fund..................................................................................................... 21 City Operations by Fund / by Division............................................................................... 22 BudgetedRevenues............................................................................................................ 23 Budgeted Expenses by Division........................................................................................ 24 Budgeted Expenses by Program........................................................................................ 25 Revenues.............................................................................................................................. 26 FundSummaries..................................................................................................................36 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION DivisionFinancial Summary............................................................................................... 51 Administration...................................................................................................................... 52 BuildingInspections............................................................................................................54 CodeEnforcement...............................................................................................................56 Planning................................................................................................................................ 58 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION Division Financial Summary...............................................................................................61 Administration...................................................................................................................... 62 Convention and Visitors Bureau........................................................................................ 64 Library................................................................................................................................... 66 Parks..................................................................................................................................... 68 Recreation............................................................................................................................ 70 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Division Financial Summary...............................................................................................73 Administration...................................................................................................................... 74 Accounting........................................................................................................................... 76 Facilities Construction and Maintenance.......................................................................... 78 InformationTechnology...................................................................................................... 82 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)............................................................................. 86 MunicipalCourt.................................................................................................................... 88 Purchasing............................................................................................................................ 90 UtilityOffice.......................................................................................................................... 92 Vehicle Service Center.........................................................................................................94 FIRE DIVISION Division Financial Summary...............................................................................................99 Administration....................................................................................................................100 Operations..........................................................................................................................102 GEORGETOWN UTILITY SYSTEMS DIVISION Division Financial Summary.............................................................................................105 Administration....................................................................................................................106 EnergyServices..................................................................................................................108 Environmental Services.....................................................................................................116 SystemsEngineering.........................................................................................................118 WaterServices....................................................................................................................120 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION Division Financial Summary.............................................................................................129 CityCouncil.........................................................................................................................130 CityManager's Office.........................................................................................................132 Airport..................................................................................................................................134 Communications................................................................................................................136 Economic Development.....................................................................................................138 General Government Contracts........................................................................................140 Human Resources..............................................................................................................142 Legal....................................................................................................................................146 MainStreet..........................................................................................................................148 POLICE DIVISION Division Financial Summary.............................................................................................151 Administration....................................................................................................................152 Operations..........................................................................................................................154 AnimalServices..................................................................................................................156 TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Division Financial Summary.............................................................................................159 Administration....................................................................................................................160 StormwaterDrainage.........................................................................................................162 StreetDepartment..............................................................................................................164 CAPITAL PROJECTS DEBT Capital Projects & Five Year Plans...................................................................................167 Debt Management & Policy...............................................................................................205 Outstanding Debt Summary..............................................................................................206 General Debt Service.........................................................................................................207 Utility Debt Service.............................................................................................................210 Utility Revenue Bond Coverage........................................................................................211 ProposedDebt Issues........................................................................................................212 STATISTICAL Miscellaneous Statistical Data.......................................................................................... 213 KeyIndicator Graphs......................................................................................................... 214 BenchmarkingGraphs...................................................................................................... 216 CertifiedProperty Value.................................................................................................... 218 Certified Taxable Assessed Values.................................................................................. 219 Tax Rates Property Tax Rate Comparison........................................................................... 220 Combined Tax Rate — City of Georgetown......................................................... 221 Total Combined Tax Rate Comparison............................................................... 221 Sales Tax Revenue Analysis............................................................................................. 222 Tax Revenues 255 HistoricalData.......................................................................................................223 257 Combined Sales and Property Taxes.................................................................. 223 Utility Customer Growth.................................................................................................... 224 UtilityRevenues................................................................................................................. 225 Population.......................................................................................................................... 226 Georgetown's Top Ten...................................................................................................... 226 REFERENCE Fiscal and Budgetary Policy............................................................................................. 227 Contingency Reserve Requirements Worksheet............................................................ 251 Financial Ratio Comparisons........................................................................................... 252 Personnel Summary by Division 2009-2012.................................................................... 254 Personnel Summary — FTE's............................................................................................ 255 Personnel Summary — Frozen Positions......................................................................... 257 Service Level Improvements Funded in Current Year (by Division) ................................ 258 Internal Service Premiums................................................................................................260 TransfersBetween Funds.................................................................................................262 Five Year Projections (General Fund, Water Services Fund, Electric Fund) ............... 263 UtilityRate Schedule......................................................................................................... 266 Ordinances......................................................................................................................... 270 GEDCO Budget (for reference only)................................................................................. 279 GTEC Budget (for reference only).................................................................................... 281 GTEC Outstanding Debt Summary (for reference only) ................................................ 282 GTEC Principal & Interest Requirements (forreference only)......................................283 Advisory Boards & Commissions.................................................................................... 284 ACRONYMS / GLOSSARY / INDEX Commonly Used Acronyms.............................................................................................. 287 Glossary.............................................................................................................................. 290 Index.................................................................................................................................... 296 4s )WN i Llu tLJ User's Guide to the Budget The primary purpose of this document is to plan both the operating and capital improvement plans in accordance with the policies of the City of Georgetown. By adopting this budget, the City Council establishes the level of services to be provided, the amount of taxes and utility rates to be charged and various programs and activities to be undertaken. The Overview section includes the City Manager's budget message with an overview of the previous year, as well as, program and financial information about the Annual Budget. This section also includes variance analysis and a summary analysis of the City's major funds. The City Summary section includes information about Georgetown's long-range planning process, the City Council's priority areas and how they are interlinked to the City's comprehensive plan, along with the budget adoption process and organizational chart. An overview of the 2010 Citizen's Quality of Life survey and an in-depth community profile is also within this section. The Financial Summary provides revenue and expense information in both summary and detail format. This document is presented not by Fund, but by Function. Charts illustrating the operational relationship by Fund are included. Fund summaries that compare financial information over a multi-year period are provided. The City's budgeted governmental funds include the General Fund which accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund, and include basic governmental services, such as Police, Fire and Parks functions among others, 12 Special Revenue Funds (SRF) account for specific revenues that are legally restricted for specified purposes, the Debt Service Fund to account for the payment of general long-term debt principal and interest, and various Capital Project Funds used to account for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by enterprise activities. In addition, the City budgets for proprietary funds including Internal Service Funds used to account for goods or services provided by one internal department to another, and Enterprise Funds used to account for the City's "business like" activities including all the utility funds and the airport. The next 8 sections are dedicated to each functional area or Division of City operations. Each section includes a summary "Uses and Expenses" for each Division, indicating in which fund the operation is included, as well as, a summary of personnel within that Division. The Division Summary is followed by individual department narrative pages which outline the goals and strategies for the upcoming year, and include performance measurement information and the departmental budget. The Capital Projects section provides information about the upcoming capital improvement program (CIP), including five year capital improvement plans for all utility and general capital improvements, as well as, anticipated funding requirements and operating budget impacts. The Debt section provides summary schedules for each of the City's bond types, such as tax supported and self-supporting certificates of obligation, and utility revenue bonds. The City's debt management policy and an overall outstanding debt summary is also included. The Statistical section includes various miscellaneous data, as well as, graphs illustrating the historical property tax revenue and related information. This section also includes the City's key indicators data and peer benchmarking information. The Reference section includes the City's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy, which guide not only the development of the City's annual budget, but also much of the City's financial operations. This policy is updated annually as part of the budget process. Financial ratio comparisons are included, along with personnel summaries, program summaries, and contingency reserve calculations. This section also includes utility rate schedules and copies of the ordinances adopting both the budget and tax rate. The City also includes budgets for both of its blended component units within this section. A Glossary and Index section is included to provide definitions of budget terminology along with a listing of acronyms used throughout the budget, as well as, an alphabetical listing of topics and related page numbers. Other Important Information Basis of Accounting and Basis of Bud_geting The City accounts and budgets for all Governmental Funds using the modified accrual basis of accountin.q, meaning that revenue is recognized in the accounting period in which it becomes available and measurable, while expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which they are incurred. Because the appropriated budget is used as the basis for control and comparison of budgeted and actual amounts, the basis for preparing the budget is the same as the basis of accounting. Exceptions to the modified accrual basis of accounting include: Encumbrances, which are treated as expenditures in the year they are encumbered, not when expended. • Grants, which are considered revenue when awarded, not received. • Principal and interest on long-term debt, which are recognized when paid. Proprietary Funds are accounted for and budgeted using the full -accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recognized when they are earned and measurable, while expenses are recognized when they are incurred regardless of timing or related cash flows. The basis for preparing the budget is the same as the basis of accounting, except for principal payments on long-term debt and capital outlay, which are treated as budgeted expenses. Exceptions include: • Depreciation, which is not budgeted • Non -budgeted accruals, such as compensated absences CAFR Adjustments on Fund Schedules CAFR Adjustments on the Fund Schedules are made to the previous actual information (2008/09) provided. These adjustments balance the budgeted fund balances to the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Budget Process The City's budget process begins each year with the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) planning process. CIP budgets are prepared on five and ten year planning horizons, based upon population and development projections. Revenue estimates for utility operations, as well as development impact fees, are prepared to forecast the ability of the rate base to fund needed capital maintenance, upgrades and expansions. Five year and ten year pro -forma models for each utility are prepared, as well as a ten year general fund and property tax model, which is prepared to determine the impact of general infrastructure and facilities improvements on future property tax rates. Each City department prepares a two-year operating budget. While only one year is formally adopted, the projection of the second year (2011/12) projected budget) is presented to identify the impact of current year programs and commitments on future budgets, and provides a "basis" for beginning the following year's budget process. Additional Sales and Use Taxes In May 2001, voters authorized the adoption of an additional sales and use tax within the City at the rate of one-half of one percent, with the proceeds to be used for transportation system improvements to support economic development. This tax became effective October 1, 2001. The additional revenue is not part of the City's general operating budget, but is budgeted and spent by a non-profit economic development corporation, Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC). GTEC was established expressly for the above purpose by the City Council. GTEC's activities are included in the City's audited financial statements as a blended component unit. A copy of GTEC's approved 2010/11 budget is included within the reference section of this document. In November 2002, voters authorized the adoption of an additional sales and use tax within the City at the rate of one quarter of one percent, with the proceeds thereof to be used for maintenance of streets in existence at the time of the adoption of the tax. This revenue is included in the City's operating budget in a Special Revenue Fund. This tax has a four year sunset provision, and was reauthorized by the voters in November 2006. Currently, this tax will sunset in April 2011, unless renewed by the voters in November 2010. In May 2005, voters authorized the adoption of an additional sales and use tax within the City at the rate of one eighth of one percent, with the proceeds to be used to promote and develop new and expanded business enterprise on behalf of the City of Georgetown and became effective October 1, 2005. This additional revenue is not part of the City's operating budget, and is budgeted and spent by a non-profit economic development corporation, Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO). This corporation was established by the City Council to oversee this revenue. Activities are included in the City's audited financial statements as a discretely presented component unit. A copy of GEDCO's approved 2010/11 budget is also included within the reference section of this document In May 2005, voters also authorized the adoption of an additional sales and use tax within the City at the rate of one eighth of one percent, with the proceeds to be used for property tax relief. This tax became effective October 1, 2005 and is used in the City's 2010/11 property tax calculation. Revenue from this sales tax is included in the City's general operating budget. Overview Overview City Summary City Summary Table of Contents Georgetown Century Plan Georgetown’s Long-Term Planning Process ........................................................................ 1 Georgetown 2030 Plan – Policy Principals ........................................................................... 2 Georgetown’s Five Year Strategic Plan (for implementing 2030 Policy Principals) .................... 6 Budget Adoption and Management Process ....................................................................... 12 Annual Budget Calendar of Events ..................................................................................... 14 Organization Organizational Chart ........................................................................................................... 15 Community Profile Overview ............................................................................................................................. 16 Historic Georgetown ............................................................................................................ 16 Cultural Activities ................................................................................................................. 16 Recreation ........................................................................................................................... 17 Education ............................................................................................................................ 17 Georgetown – Then and Now .......................................................................................................... 18 Citizen Survey Highlights ................................................................................................................. 19 1 Long-Term Planning in Georgetown Section 213.002 of the Texas Local Government Code grants municipalities the authority to “adopt a comprehensive plan for the long-range development of the municipality”. Georgetown has a long and successful history of community involvement in the development of a comprehensive plan to guide growth within the community. As early as 1964, the citizens of Georgetown realized the importance of such a plan in shaping the long-term growth of the City. In fact, in 1986, voters approved a City Charter amendment requiring a comprehensive plan. This amendment committed the City to plan as a “continuous and ongoing governmental function,” with the common goal of maintaining and enhancing a high quality of life for the City’s residents. The Charter establishes that the comprehensive plan must contain the “Council's policies for growth, development and beautification of the land within the corporate limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, or for geographic portions thereof including neighborhood, community or area-wide plans.” In 1988, the City adopted the “Georgetown Century Plan” as its first comprehensive plan. For the next twenty years, the Century Plan managed Georgetown’s growth and development, as the City tripled in population and saw a dramatic enlargement of its geographic city limits. In 2006, it became apparent that it no longer provided an adequate policy response or the tools and strategies needed to address the challenges the City will face in managing growth over the next two decades. GEORGETOWN “2030 PLAN” The process to update the City’s comprehensive plan began in 2006 and utilized a broad cross-section of citizens that provided input and ideas throughout the process. Meetings were held that allowed citizens and stakeholders the opportunity to voice their ideas and concerns about community growth over the next 20 years. The Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan or the “2030 Plan” is the product of a careful design process that incrementally built consensus on the desired future of the City and the means to achieve that future. The 2030 Plan was adopted by City Council in 2008. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan builds on the foundation created by the Century Plan and advances the state-of-the-art of planning for the City’s future by establishing a Vision Statement that reflects the shared values and aspirations of citizens, and becomes the policy touchstone and the destination for the comprehensive plan. “2030 VISION STATEMENT” In 2030, Georgetown is a growing city, recognized throughout the region and the nation as a premier community of choice by virtue of its exceptional livability; proud historic heritage; welcoming, engaging people; safe neighborhoods; variety of well-paying jobs; excellent public schools; vibrant arts and cultural offerings; and well-planned infrastructure, transportation, and public facilities. We have taken advantage of our strategic location by embracing sound, managed growth, and harnessing and guiding it to deliberately shape Georgetown as we choose it to be. In embracing sound growth and encouraging a variety of densities and architectural styles, we have promoted sustainable development patterns that are compatible with our natural resources and historic character. We have encouraged innovation in development practices, raised quality standards for new development, re-invested in downtown and historic neighborhoods, and revitalized areas in transition. We have achieved greater economic autonomy by attracting quality employment and an array of local retail and commercial services to grow our tax base, safeguard our fiscal health and retain our talented youth. All of our neighborhoods are safe and thriving, and offer quality, affordable housing to households of all ages, lifestyles and economic means. We have achieved our Vision by exercising leadership and by mobilizing citizens, civic and neighborhood organizations, local businesses and institutions to work together in partnership with the City of Georgetown, its elected and appointed leaders and staff. 2 We have crafted our Vision to articulate community values and aspirations, structured into the following four major themes: Quality of Life Sustainable Development Balanced Transportation / Efficient Mobility Effective Governance GEORGETOWN 2030 PLAN – POLICY PRINCIPALS 1.0 Quality of Life 1.1 Community Character A. The City of Georgetown is regarded throughout Central Texas and the nation as a safe, livable and beautiful “community of choice.” B. We have retained our unique identity and heritage by protecting the historic character of downtown and our older neighborhoods. C. We have raised the bar for development quality by encouraging innovation among forms of development that maintain and enhance community character and conserve land and natural resources, consistent with market demand. D. We have enhanced the community’s visual character through greater attention to roadway aesthetics, conservation of our tree canopy and green spaces, standards for appropriate signage and enhanced gateway corridors. E. We have preserved our irreplaceable natural resources, our lakes, rivers and hill country scenery. Through a variety of means - including strategic acquisition and development of park lands, trails and greenways, successful partnerships, and effective use of incentives for voluntary preservation - our open spaces are protected for future generations. F. We have expanded public recreational use and enjoyment of our parks and open spaces by expanding sports facilities and by enhancing our network of greenways and trails, which link major open spaces, recreational areas and our rivers and lakes. 1.2 People A. Georgetown residents are educated, engaged, caring, diverse and committed to the community. B. Georgetown residents - whether long-time residents or newcomers; young households or retirees - become deeply rooted in the community and are actively involved in community service through their faith-based involvement, civic organizations and a variety of volunteer activities. C. Georgetown residents are well informed and engaged with local government on key issues affecting growth and change in the community. D. Georgetown residents recognize and embrace their diversity and respond to opportunities to come together in common purpose, overcoming generational, cultural, geographic and socio-economic barriers. E. Georgetown residents are tolerant, compassionate, and reach out to those in need. F. Georgetown residents are receptive to positive change and nurture future leaders. G. Georgetown residents respond to the needs of all economic levels of residents through the provision of affordable housing and adequate and accessible health and social services. 1.3 Educational and Cultural Opportunities A. Georgetown nurtures its most valuable resource—its youth—by promoting and supporting the highest level of excellence in public education and by actively engaging them in the life of the community. 3 B. Southwestern University is a valued resource and a partner in comm unity affairs. The City and University collaborate in initiatives to expand economic opportunities, to attract clean, knowledge-based employment, and to provide cultural enrichment to citizens and opportunities to engage the student body in the community. C. Georgetown seeks and creates partnerships to promote lifelong learning and provide affordable higher education for all, along with special venues for learning to make Georgetown an educational destination in Central Texas. D. Georgetown is a cultural destination in Central Texas, thanks to our vibrant community of artists and artisans, performing arts venues, and array of arts, heritage and cultural festivals and events. 2.0 Quality Growth / Sustainable Development 2.1 Throughout Georgetown we have... A. Attracted desired forms of balanced development, creating quality urban, suburban, and rural places that offer a choice of setting and lifestyle. B. Encouraged residential developments that are well connected to the larger community are planned and designed to compliment the heritage and natural character of Georgetown, and offer a variety of housing types and price ranges. C. Encouraged sound, compact, quality growth, including pedestrian-friendly development patterns that incorporate mixed uses and densities, conserve resources, and accommodate public transportation, alternative fuel vehicles, biking, and walking as convenient substitutes for automobile use. D. Reserved well-planned and well-located sites for future employment centers, sufficient to meet our long range need for economic diversification and suitable to attract desired “clean” businesses. E. Maintained the quality and diversity of our housing stock in all of our neighborhoods, which are framed by safe, attractive streets. 2.2 In downtown Georgetown and our older neighborhoods we have… A. Supported home-grown businesses and planned for an optimal mix of businesses, services, retail and entertainment suited to the scale and historic charm of downtown. B. Attracted or created an array of civic, arts and other cultural activities and events to expand the level of downtown activity. C. Promoted downtown and in-town housing including infill, mixed use and the creation of apartments and lofts over retail. 2.3 Along our major highway corridors we have… A. Promoted development compatible with safe, efficient traffic circulation through sound standards for access management, limited installation of curb cuts and parking facility connectivity. B. Selectively determined appropriate locations and applied design standards for large commercial developments and other high traffic generating uses. C. Set high design standards for all commercial development and signage. D. Encouraged mixed-use, and “village center” development types as alternatives to conventional strip center and stand-alone “pad” sites. 2.4 In our suburban fringe we have… A. Exercised influence to prevent premature and incompatible development. B. Encouraged the staged, orderly expansion of contiguous development to coincide with the expansion of roads and infrastructure. C. Encouraged conservation development and other approaches that retain rural character and promote retention of open space. 4 D. Provided for the City’s long range growth with strategically timed annexations. E. Consolidated development patterns within the city limits, where feasible, through judicious annexation and capital investments. 3.0 Balanced Transportation / Efficient Mobility A. Georgetown has implemented improvements to the local road and traffic control system, including new thoroughfare linkages to enhance connectivity, improved and coordinated traffic signalization, and standards for access management to enhance traffic flow and safety. B. Georgetown is progressing towards a functional, well-integrated, multi-modal transportation system, which provides convenient public transportation choices within Georgetown and access to the region’s major activity centers in and around Austin. C. Georgetown has reduced its reliance on conventional fuels and automotive traffic by promoting alternative fuel vehicles; by retrofitting bike lanes and sidewalks in underserved areas to enhance bicycle and pedestrian mobility; by incorporating these facilities in new developments; and by encouraging compact mixed-use and other “walkable” development types. D. Georgetown has assisted in carefully locating employment and commercial centers, schools, and other high-traffic generators. 4.0 Effective Governance A. Our City government retains its reputation for providing a high level of responsiveness to citizens and in exercising visionary leadership in planning and investing for the future. B. We have created and enforced innovative, effective and fair regulatory codes and development standards to guide growth and improve development quality. We have streamlined the regulatory process, particularly for desired development types and locations. C. Georgetown has achieved a high level of service coordination, both internally and with County, State and other city service providers. D. Georgetown has anticipated and planned for the long-range need for public facilities including police, fire, recreation and libraries. E. The City has coordinated with the Georgetown Independent School District for the appropriate siting and timing of new school construction, consistent with the City’s growth management strategy. F. Georgetown has maintained and improved its fiscal strength by: § Actively promoting sustainable economic development through recruitment of desired industries and employers. § Guiding a compact growth pattern, which reduces public facility costs. § Carefully prioritizing spending consistent with adopted capital improvement plans and budgets. § Judicious use of incentives and subsidies for desired development. G. Georgetown has taken a leadership role in the use of advanced technology to incorporate sustainable “green infrastructure,” including initiatives to: § Conserve water resources through reduced consumption. § Effectively re-use treated wastewater for irrigation. § Encourage renewable sources of energy. § Promote maximum recycling. § Promote the use of alternative fuels. § Provide high speed internet access for all citizens. 5 H. The City has followed through on its commitment to plan for the future, by adopting a comprehensive plan; by consistently applying it as a criterion in all decision-making; by implementing actions called for in the plan; and by periodic monitoring and updating of the plan. Link to Annual Budget The City staff and elected and appointed City Officials rely on the comprehensive plan to provide direction and guidance for recommending and authorizing the expenditure of public funds. The City Council used the guiding principals included in the 2030 Plan to develop wide-scope Priority Areas to further the progression in implementing the Vision Statement of the 2030 Plan. Goals that pertain to each Priority Area are determined, carrying out the principals included in the Plan. Goals will include various strategies to be implemented in the Annual Budget. Priority Areas and related goals may require multiple years for implementation through strategies that vary from year to year. The Annual Budget specifically defines the methods or processes by which the City Manager and City staff will go about achieving the desired results planned for each Priority Area. Goals, Strategies and Objectives Goals represent specific outcomes that will promote or enhance implementation of a Priority Area and the Vision Statement of the 2030 Plan. Strategies are the specific actions needed to accomplish goals. Both goals and strategies are identified through strategic planning sessions with the senior management team and key division staff guided by the Vision Statement and policy principals of the 2030 Plan and City Council direction. The Annual Budget includes a detailed look at each operational area, or department, within the City's divisions. Each division/department within the City has developed it own unique set of Major Department Goals which enhance its purpose and connection to the 2030 Plan. Annually, each department reviews and updates these goals and determines its Major Department Goals for the upcoming year. Major Department Strategies are specific plans to achieve Major Department Goals, which in turn reflect both the specific purpose of the particular department and objectives for furthering the implementation of the 2030 Plan. Strategies may require multiple years to be achieved. Strategic Five-Year Plans The City uses a five-year planning horizon to prepare the capital projects program and financial forecasts. The five-year capital projects program and the anticipated funding sources are incorporated into and adopted with the Annual Budget. The capital planning process is discussed in more detail with the Capital Projects section. Five-year financial forecasts are prepared to guide policy and priority decisions of staff and Council. The financial forecasts meet fiscal and budgetary policies (see Reference Section) and are based on historical trends, programs, and projects outlined during the other planning processes, and reasonable economic and growth projections. The revenue forecasts from these models are included in the Financial Summary section. The following section provides an overview of the City’s Strategic Plan and its connection to the Council’s Priority Areas which then links to the 2030 Plan Policy Principals. The Council Priority Areas are codified under each Policy Principal, along with each related strategic area and opportunity. Primary responsibility for implementing each opportunity and estimated time frame is also included. A chart that further illustrates the Strategic Plan, along with estimated costs is also provided. Strategies for 2010/11 are then reflected in the related department pages of the Annual Budget. In addition, the five year financial forecasts for the City’s General Fund, Water Services Fund and Electric Fund are included in the Reference Section of this document. 6 Georgetown’s Five Year Strategic Plan For Implementing the 2030 Policy Principals 1.0 QUALITY OF LIFE - Council Priority Areas: 1.1 Continue Implementation of the Downtown Master Plan Ø Prepare a marketing study for the Downtown Square, focusing on the business mix desirable for Georgetown · Management Services/ Main Street - 2010/11 Ø Work with Williamson County for site selection for a downtown parking garage · Management Services/ City Manager’s Office - 2011 thru 2013 1.2 Expand and coordinate Parks and Recreation System Ø Prepare a feasibility study for taking over Lake Georgetown · Community Services/ Parks - 2011/12 Ø Continue to market Georgetown as a destination for tourism through hotel motel tax funding · Community Services/Convention & Visitors Bureau – 2011 thru 2015 Ø Continue to implement Garey Park plan · Community Services/ Parks - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Complete design and construction of an amphitheater in San Gabriel Park · Community Services/ Parks · 2010/11 – design, , 2012/13 begin construction Ø Develop a plan for a West Side Park · Community Services/ Parks - 2012 thru 2015 1.3 Encourage and support Affordable Housing Programs 1.4 Expand recycling opportunities and environmental program initiatives Ø Develop the specifications and documentation for a Request for Qualifications with Proposals process for solid waste and recycling services · Georgetown Utility Systems/ Environmental Services · 2010/11 RFQ Process, 2011/12 selection and implementation Ø Continue planning for non attainment for air quality standards · Transportation/ Administration – 2011 thru 2015 Ø Continue marketing towards green industries that are desirable for Georgetown’s economic development mixture · Management Services / Economic Development - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Prepare alternative fuel sites thus closing the City’s fueling station in San Gabriel Park · Finance Administration/ Facilities & Vehicle Service Center – 2013 thru 2015 · 2.0 QUALITY GROWTH/SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - Council Priority Areas: 2.1 Continue revitalization and economic development Ø Strategize marketing focus on biotech/medical economic development · Management Services / Economic Development - 2011 thru 2015 7 Ø Continue to develop the Williams Drive Gateway Overlay District through utilization of purchased property for economic development · Management Services / Economic Development - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Continue to work with developers for the Summit at Rivery Park hotel and convention center · Management Services / Economic Development - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Leverage existing data center infrastructure for additional high-tech economic development · Management Services / Economic Development - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Utilize 4A sales tax funding to expand the Texas Life Sciences Commercialization Center (TLCC) · Management Services / Economic Development - 2011 thru 2013 2.2 Continue efforts for community long-range planning Ø Continue to secure electric power supply options in anticipation for the expiration of the Lower Colorado River Authority power supply contract in 2016 · Georgetown Utility Systems/Administration – 2011 thru 2015 Ø Emphasize Transit Oriented Development to ensure Georgetown is prepared for regional light rail · Transportation/Administration 2011 thru 2015 Ø Continue to update and enhance the Unified Development Code to ensure there is no deterioration of development standards · Community Development/Planning – 2011 thru 2015 Ø Prepare for development in the area of IH35 and HWY 29 (North) · Community Development/Planning – 2011 thru 2015 Ø Support business who are pursuing LEED certification in new construction and redevelopment · Community Development/Building Inspections – 2011 thru 2015 3.0 BALANCED TRANSPORTATION / EFFICIENT MOBILITY - Council Priority Areas: 3.1 Alleviate traffic congestion Ø Purchase software and hire staff to take over traffic signalization from the state · Transportation/Administration - 2011 thru 2014 · Finance Administration/Information Technology - 2012 · Georgetown Utility System/System Engineering - 2011 thru 2013 Ø Develop plan for funding increased street maintenance costs related to Williams Drive · Transportation/Administration - 2011 thru 2015 · Finance Administration/Administration – 2011 thru 2015 Ø Utilize the Transportation Improvement Plan to address the continued congestion and allow citizens to “commute” inside the City · Transportation/Administration - 2011 thru 2014 Ø Construct 2008 bond referendum projects, including South East Arterial 1 and FM 1460 improvements · Transportation/Administration - 2011 thru 2013 · Georgetown Utility System/System Engineering - 2011 thru 2013 8 4.0 EFFECTIVE GOVERNACE - Council Priority Areas: 4.1 Improve Quality of services while keeping property taxes low Ø Plan financial mitigation for the Over 65 “Freeze” exemption for property taxes · Finance Administration/Administration - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Plan for possibility of decreasing service levels · Management Services/City Manager’s Office & City Council – 2011 thru 2015 4.2 Improve emergency response levels Ø Prepare for a bond referendum for a public safety facility · Management Services/City Council - 2011 4.3 Ensure adequate staffing and competitive compensation for all employees Ø Continue to promote training and leadership to enhance staff succession planning · Management Services/Human Resources – 2011 thru 2015 4.4 Continue implementation of the City’s Facility Plan Ø Continue to update and enhance the City’s Facilities Plan to ensure the best possible use for the Albertson’s building · Finance Administration/Facilities – 2011 thru 2012 · Management Services/ Economic Development & City Manager’s Office – 2011 thru 2012 Ø Purchase property and plan for a new electric facility · Finance Administration/Facilities · Georgetown Utility Systems/Electric · 2011 purchase land; 2012 design; 2014 construct 4.5 Increase operational efficiency and financial integrity Ø Ensure the City’s technical systems meet future needs through improvements to the Customer Information System; Automated Meter Interface, Automated Meter Reading, Computer Aided Dispatch and Financial Information Systems · Finance Administration/Information Technology – 2011 thru 2015 · Finance Administration/Utility Office, Accounting & Purchasing – 2011 thru 2013 · Police Services – 2011 · Georgetown Utility Systems/Electric & Water – 2011 thru 2014 Ø Update the City’s charter to ensure it meets the on-going needs of the citizens, governing body and staff · Management Services/Legal Department - 2011 Ø Work towards a AAA bond rating · Finance Administration/Administration - 2011 thru 2015 Ø Expand and improve communication with the public through live web streaming of City Council meetings · Finance Administration/Information Technology – 2011 · Management Services/City Council & Public Information Office - 2011 Ø Continue to implement actions for the Citizen Participation Plan, especially through the use of social networking sites or other communication outlets · Management Services/Public Information Office - 2011 thru 2015 12 Budget Process for 2010/11 Annual Budget Oc t o b er 1 , 20 0 9 CI P P r oc e s s B e g i n s Fin a n c ia l m o d e l s u p d a t e d Co u n c i l P r i o r i t i e s D e t e r m i n e d Ba s e B ud g e t P r o c e s s B e g i n s CI P P r e s e n t a t ion to C ou n c i l Mi d - Y e a r R e vie w Div i s i o n W o r k S e s s i o n s Re v i e w a n d U p d a t e F i n a nc i a l P o l i c y Cit y M a n a g e r ' s B u d g e t P r e p a r e d Co u n c i l W o r k S e ss i o n s Pu b l i c W ork s h o p s / H e a r i n g s Fin a l Bu d g et A do p t i o n Au g u s t 2 4, 2 01 0 (1 st R e ad in g ) Se p t e m b e r 14 , 20 1 0 (2n d R e ad i n g ) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June SeptAugJuly Budget Adoption and Management Process Budgeting is an essential element of the financial planning, control and evaluation process of municipal government. The “operating budget” is the City’s annual financial operating plan. The annual budget includes all of the operating departments of the general fund, proprietary funds, debt service funds, special revenue funds, and capital improvement funds of the City. Comprehensive Plan – The Georgetown 2030 Plan is the City’s comprehensive plan as required by the City of Georgetown Charter (Section 1.08) to preserve, promote and protect public health and general welfare, prevent overcrowding, ensure adequate transportation, availability of necessary utilities and services, and conserve and protect the City’s natural resources. The 2030 Plan is the City’s master plan. The City’s Annual Budget is designed to further the implementation of the 2030 Plan. City Charter Requirements– The Charter (Section 6.02) requires “a proposed budget prepared by the City Manager and submitted to the City Council at least thirty days prior to the end of the fiscal year. The budget shall be adopted not later than the twenty-seventh day of the last month of the fiscal year. No budget will be adopted or appropriations made unless the total estimated revenues, income and funds available shall be equal to or in excess of such budget or appropriations, except otherwise provided”. Therefore, the budget will be presented to the City Council no later than the 1st day of August to provide the City Council time to adopt the budget in the required time frame. Preparation – During January and February, all Capital Planning is preformed. Master plans and forecasts are reviewed and the five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is updated and funding requirements are identified. The City’s long-range financial models are also being updated, forecasting revenue and potential rate adjustments necessary to fund the operations and the required CIP. Review of the 2010 Bi-Annual Citizen’s Quality of Life Survey results, along with feedback from the City’s Advisory Boards, is presented to the City Council for use in determining priorities for the upcoming year. During early March, the City Manager and the Management Team hold public workshops with the City Council to update and develop the Priority Areas and related goals for the next fiscal year. The City Council’s direction for implementing these goals then provide the basis by which the City Manager prepares the City Manager’s Proposed Budget, allocating resources to best meet the goals needed to execute the Priority Areas to further the implementation of the 2030 Vision Statement. Public Participation - The budget review process includes City Council participation in the development of each segment and allows for citizen participation in the process, while allowing for sufficient time to address policy and fiscal issues by the City Council. The City Council holds “Budget Workshops” to allow the public to provide comment and feedback on the City Manager’s Proposed Budget. A copy of the City Manager’s Proposed Budget is also filed with the City Secretary and a copy is also available at the Georgetown Public Library for citizen review. Budget information is also posted to the City’s website. 13 Adoption – Once the budget appropriations are finalized, the City Council will hold a public hearing, and subsequently adopts by Ordinance the final proposed budget as amended. The budget will be effective for the fiscal year beginning October 1st. Appropriations – The point of budget control is at the department level budget for all funds. The budget is adopted by personnel, operations and capital (POC) totals within departments. Total appropriations are presented by Funds/by Divisions on page 36 and by Funds/by POC on page 38. POC detail by department is also included on each division summary tab, as well as, within each department’s budget pages. The Charter (Section 6.030.) provides that any transfer of appropriation between funds must be approved by the City Council. The City Manager may transfer without City Council approval appropriations between departments within the same operational division and fund. The City Manager may also authorize transfer of salary adjustment monies between funds that are budgeted in a citywide account. Budget Amendments – The Charter (Section 6.04) provides a method for budget amendments and emergency appropriations. The City Council may authorize with a majority plus one vote, an emergency expenditure as an amendment to the original budget. This may be done in cases of grave public necessity or to meet an unusual and unforeseen condition that was not known at the time the budget was adopted. In practice, this has been interpreted to include revenue-related expenses within the enterprise funds and timing differences on capital improvement projects. The City will amend the budget at year end, if needed, for revenue based expenditures that exceeded budgeted amounts due to increased revenue, as well as to recognize any grant funded expenditures for grants received after the budget was adopted or last amended. The City will also amend the budget if necessary as part of the Mid-Year Review process for any capital project timing adjustments from prior year, as well as, any other known adjustments needed and approved at that time. 14 2010/11 Annual Budget Calendar of Events for Budget Adoption & Implementation Planning and Preparation January – February · Budget process schedule set. · Capital Improvement Program (CIP) internal department meetings to discuss proposed projects, including 5-year model update. Preliminary funding estimates prepared. · Management Team begins preliminary review and update of staff recommended priorities for 2010/11. · Strategic planning process begins. · Finance meets with City’s Boards and Commissions. · Internal Service Fund (ISF) meets with divisions for 2010/11 needs. March – April · Survey results presented to Council. · Council holds 2010/11 Budget Priority Planning and Strategy ranking sessions. · ISF allocations are prepared. · Departmental narrative and program requests are distributed. · 2010/11 Base Budgets and Service Level Improvements (SLI) are completed. May · Mid-year Review of 2009/10 Annual Budget presented to Council. · 2010/11 CIP presentation to Council. · Base Budget and SLI changes are updated; preview 2010/11 budget concerns. · Preliminary tax rate calculation / revenue projected. · Public workshops on budget issues. · Finance prepares program summary report. June · Five-year financial forecast models updated. · City Manager’s CORE budget is balanced and workbook prepared including recommended Service Level Improvements and New Programs. Budget packages prepared in accordance with Council guidelines and Georgetown 2030 Plan. · Revenue and expenditure projections finalized. July · 2010/11 City Manager’s Proposed Budget presented to Council. · Annual review and update of Fiscal and Budgetary policy. · Tax roll finalized. · Property tax rate and revenue projections finalized. Adoption August – September · Proposed budget is linked to long-term goals from comprehensive plan. · Finalize 2010/11 programs. · Finalize 2010/11 proposed tax rate. · Certified tax roll is accepted by Council. · Final recommendations and Budget Summary distributed to Council and public. · Public hearings on proposed budget and tax rate held. · Budget and tax rate ordinances presented to and adopted by Council. October 1 · Implement 2010/11 Annual Budget. Budget Amendments Budget amendments may be made during the year in accordance with state law and City Charter. See detailed requirements in the budget and Financial Policies included in the Reference Section. Typically, budget amendments are proposed to Council as part of the Mid Year Annual Budget Review in May of each year and at fiscal year end. 15 HOME RULE CITY CITIZENS OF GEORGETOWN CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY CITY SECRETARY CITY MANAGER MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE Economic Dev and Main Street Human Resources COMMUNITY SERVICES ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Parks Recreation Library Accounting Utility Billing Municipal Court Support Services Purchasing Information Technology Vehicle Service Center Mayor Seven Councilmembers Airport Governmental Contracts Geographic Information Systems Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Administration GEORGETOWN UTILITY SYSTEMS TRANSPORTATION Energy Services Streets COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning FIRE Administration Operations POLICE Administration Field Operations / Support Services Animal Services Inspection Services Administration BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Administration Water Services Systems Engineering Administration Stormwater Drainage Administration 16 Community Profile Overview Founded July 4, 1848, Georgetown was originally the agricultural trade center for the county and surrounding area. After the Civil War, reconstruction brought prosperity to Georgetown through four main industries -- cattle, cotton, the university and the railroad. Georgetown has enjoyed consistent growth and development through the years. In recent years the City has become more industrialized and commercially oriented. Along with the commercial growth, Georgetown has successfully promoted tourism, which has brought a significant economic benefit to the community. The City of Georgetown’s estimated 2010 population was 53,412 within the city limits, with an estimated population of 64,957 including the extraterritorial jurisdiction. Georgetown is a Home Rule Charter City and operates under the Council-Manager form of government. A mayor and seven council members are elected from single-member districts, with elections being held the first Saturday in May. Historic Georgetown Since the 1982 Georgetown has been synonymous with Main Street, a downtown economic development effort administered through the Texas Historical Commission and the National Main Street Center. Over $120 million has been reinvested in revitalization efforts in the downtown area. Private and public entities joined in partnership to restore and renovate downtown commercial structures, public buildings as well as building new structures to help anchor the commercial district. This unprecedented success has made our community the shining star of the Texas Main Street program and an example for small cities nationwide to follow. It has been the building block for Georgetown’s recent economic development gains. The restoration of Georgetown’s "living room", one of a few remaining Victorian era downtown squares in the country, has revitalized the heart of Georgetown into a thriving district with shops and restaurants. In 1997, Georgetown gained recognition for the successful effort of its citizens to preserve the historic character of the city when it became the first city in Texas to win the Great American Main Street Award. The Georgetown Square is considered by many to be the finest example in the state of a Victorian town square. Our historic square is certainly the magnet that draws people to Georgetown. However, once they're here, people soon realize there's much more to our community. It's a town with a strong identity and people who care about it... people that make sure we never stop trying to enhance both Georgetown's appeal and the lives of those who choose to live here. Cultural Activities Cultural activity thrives in Georgetown. Southwestern University's contribution of quality theater, dance, fine arts and lecture events add a valuable dimension to our cultural life. The Art deco-styled Palace Theatre, located on the downtown square, was renovated and rejuvenated by townspeople, and showcases events such as plays and musicians, as well as, other types of performing arts. Georgetown always has a full calendar of local events including the “up the Chisholm Trail Cattle Drive” down Main Street each September. Other major annual events include the Fourth of July Celebration, Christmas Stroll, and the Red Poppy Festival each Spring. 17 Recreation Georgetown offers a wealth of recreation opportunities through its award winning Parks and Recreation program. In Georgetown there are currently thirty city parks, comprising 463 total developed acres. The parks range from a half-acre neighborhood park to the one hundred-acre city wide San Gabriel Park. There are almost 9 miles of Hike/Bike Trails, including a 1.7 granite trail that loops around San Gabriel Park, three cemeteries, athletic complex, five swimming pools, downtown pocket parks and tennis center, as well as, a wide range of facilities including: softball and baseball fields, soccer fields, playground equipment, individual and group picnic shelters, basketball and tennis courts and disc golf. The Tennis Center facility includes a full size swimming pool and baby pool, 11 tennis courts and activity center on 7 wooded acres. San Gabriel Park, considered to be the “jewel” of Georgetown also has a sunken garden, gazebo, football stadium, rodeo area, creative playscape for children and is home to the newly renovated Community Center. Expansion of the City’s Recreation Center was completed in January 2009. The project included renovation of the building and the addition of an indoor pool, an outdoor splash pool, a new gymnasium, an indoor track, new rooms for exercise classes and activities and an expanded weight room. Renovated areas within the existing Recreation Center will be used for teen and senior activities. The 47,000 square-foot expansion provides a total of more than 65,000 square feet of interior space. The City of Georgetown Parks and Recreation Division was presented with an “Outstanding Park Award” from the National Softball Association (NSA) for McMaster Athletic Complex. The complex has won the National Softball Association’s award every year since its opening in 2001, and is recognized by the Association as one of the most outstanding softball complexes in the state. Georgetown’s hike and bike trail was designated a National Recreation Trail by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the only trail in Texas to be so recognized in 2006. In 2007, the division was awarded the TRAPS Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Parks and Recreation. In 2009, recognitions include the "Current Plan of the Year Award" from the Central Texas Section of the American Planning Association for the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan, the APPA Texas Chapter - Current Planning Award for the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan, and the TRAPS Regional Best Department Marketing Plan for Regions 5 and 7. The $9.8 million Georgetown Public Library opened in January 2007. The library is 55,000 square feet and allows for the expansion of book collections and other materials. It also includes a larger reference area and more computer work stations, as well as, expanded children’s areas with a performance stage and seating area. Two large community rooms are also located on the second floor. The Library also houses the “Red Poppy Coffee Company”, a locally owned coffee house. Education Georgetown is also the home of Southwestern University, an independent, selective four-year undergraduate college, offering a traditional liberal arts and sciences curriculum. Southwestern was the first institution of higher learning in Texas, chartered by the Republic of Texas in 1840 and has received national recognition for its academic program and cost-effectiveness. The latest U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges edition ranked Southwestern as the top-rated national liberal arts university in Texas. Georgetown Independent School District (GISD) serves a diverse population of Williamson County students from pre-K to 12th grade. The district serves elementary students in three pre-K-2 campuses, three 3-5 campuses, and four K-5 campuses. Secondary students attend one of three middle schools and a ninth-grade campus which opened in August 2008, before attending the district's high school. An alternative high school campus serves students who participate in a self-paced general curricular program. There are also three private schools and two parochial schools in the area. 18 2000/2001 2010/2011 Population 30,359 59,498 Customer Growth 6 - 10%3.59% Building Permits Issued 780 647 Unemployment Rate 3.30%7.08% Appraised Values $1,721,609,775 $4,055,948,951 Average Home Value $139,930 $183,970 Total Budget $85,402,571 $187,049,952 Total Tax Rate $0.31409 $0.35622 Maintenance on Streets $1,547,221 $2,884,531 Debt Service Tax Rate $0.11562 $0.13635 Georgetown – Then and Now This is a comparison of Georgetown today and as it was a decade ago. ¨ Tax rate is the lowest in Central Texas area ¨ Population has grown by 96% ¨ Tax base has grown by 135.6% 19 2010 Citizen Quality of Life Survey 2010 marks the fifth time the City has conducted the Citizen Quality of Life Survey, a bi-annual survey (previously conducted in 2008, 2006, 2004 and 2002) to gather citizen input and feedback on City services, as well as, other issues and concerns impacting the community. The success of previous programs and projects implemented over the past five years are also measured and new areas for service improvement are identified. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 TOP ISSUES FACING GEORGETOWN Improve Traffic Managed Growth Public Transportation Employment Opportunities Affordable Housing Transportation related issues continue to be the dominating factor influencing the community, with managing growth and preserving the City’s quality of life also being a major concern. Overall, citizens felt that the first priority the City should direct resources towards is transportation. 29% felt making improvements to existing road systems are important, while 22% felt that passenger rail was a higher priority. Slightly over 50% of citizens supported a public transportation fixed route bus system that could raise taxes an average of $58 per year for each household. The survey also provides invaluable information related to on-going or projects recently undertaken, as well as, the services the City provides. It also gauges the community’s outlook for the future. Key findings included: 94% of respondents believe the maintenance condition of local streets is good or excellent and only 6% of residents felt that their local neighborhood streets have gotten in worse condition. 58% of residents feel “very safe” with 33% feeling “safe” in Georgetown. Overall quality of life continues to be positive with only 7% believing that the citywide quality of life has gotten worse, yet 10% believe their neighborhood quality of life has declined over the past two years. 46.0% 36.0% 7.0% 36.0% 49% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Getting Better About the same Worse Quality of Life in Georgetown City Neighborhood 20 The overall quality and reliability of the City’s utility services is also measured as part of the survey. Each individual utility’s rankings increased over the 2008 survey. Sewer had the highest rated utility, with 93% rating excellent or good, followed closely by electric at 91% excellent of good. The ratings were consistent for all City services. The survey also confirmed that location and good, caring people continue to be the top reasons why people enjoy living in Georgetown. Value and quality of services continued to be within acceptable levels. Customer service, which has become a top priority with City management showed a significant improvement and is at its highest point in survey history. Overall, citizens continue to show a high level of satisfaction with both their utility services and the value they receive for their City tax dollars. In addition, many individual departments benchmarked the services they provide to the public. These results are then included in the “performance measures:” section for the individual department. 57.3% 62.0% 66.3% 68.5% 65.9% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Value for Tax Dollars % Excellent/Good 66.4% 73.0% 70.6% 65.3% 70.6% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Value for Utility Dollars % Excellent/Good 74.0% 81.1% 86.6% 81.6% 86.8% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Customer Service Ratings % Excellent or Good Financial Summary Financial Summary Table of Contents Summary City Operations and Departments by Fund .............................................................................. 21 City Operations and Departments by Fund / by Division .......................................................... 22 Budgeted Revenues ................................................................................................................. 23 Budget Expenses by Division ................................................................................................... 24 Budgeted Expenses by Program .............................................................................................. 25 Revenues Property Taxes ......................................................................................................................... 26 Sales Tax ................................................................................................................................. 29 Utility Revenues ....................................................................................................................... 30 Capital Recovery Fees ............................................................................................................. 32 Other Enterprise Fund Revenues ............................................................................................. 33 Other Miscellaneous Revenues ............................................................................................... 35 Fund Summaries All Funds Summary (By Fund / By Division) ............................................................................ 36 All Funds Summary (By Fund / By Personnel-Operating-Capital) ........................................... 38 General Fund ........................................................................................................................... 40 Electric Fund ............................................................................................................................ 42 Water Services Fund ................................................................................................................ 44 Airport Fund .............................................................................................................................. 46 Stormwater Drainage Fund ...................................................................................................... 47 General Capital Projects Funds ............................................................................................... 48 Special Revenue Funds ........................................................................................................... 49 Internal Service Funds ............................................................................................................. 50 21 City Operations and Departments by Fund This chart represents the City’s operational departments by fund. It is intended to help the budget user understand the City’s organizational structure and its related funding sources. 22 City Operations and Departments by Fund / by Division This matrix represents the City’s operational departments by fund / by division. It is intended to help the budget user understand the City’s organizational structure and its related funding sources. General Fund Special Revenue Funds Electric Fund Water Services Fund Other Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Joint Service Fund Community Development Administration Code Enforcement Building Inspections Planning Community Services Parks Recreation Library CVB Tourism Finance and Administration Municipal Court Facilities Maintenance Fleet Management Information Technology Administration Accounting Purchasing Utility Office Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Fire Administration Operations Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) Environmental Services Electric Operations Electric T&D SCADA/AMR Water Services Wastewater Services Reuse Irrigation GUS Administration Systems Engineering Management Services City Council City Manager’s Office Governmental Contracts Communications Airport Operations Human Resources Economic Development Main Street Legal Police Administrative Services Support Services Field Operations Animal Services Transportation Administration Streets Stormwater Drainage Electric Transmission and Distribution Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - Automatic Meter Reading (SCADA-AMR) Convention and Visitor’s Bureau 23 08/09 Actual 09/10 Amended Budget 09/10 Projected Actual 10/11 Proposed Budget 11/12 Estimated Budget Property Taxes 14,455,418 13,615,662 14,377,375 14,680,227 16,365,227 Sales Taxes 9,065,366 8,999,300 9,740,000 9,470,000 9,656,850 Bond Proceeds 12,525,000 22,240,000 18,012,351 17,455,500 3,140,000 Charges for Services 14,721,535 14,431,227 14,415,827 15,848,774 16,124,490 Capital Recovery Fees 1,294,068 660,746 1,019,488 1,130,332 1,317,325 Service Improvement Fees 1,602,860 572,400 512,200 634,250 634,250 Utility Revenue 84,832,790 88,148,061 87,838,649 92,196,806 94,836,517 Grants 1,879,995 42,000 1,224,370 472,179 433,549 Interest 1,369,381 1,217,650 355,835 399,855 389,755 Other Revenue 14,568,606 16,192,655 16,036,785 16,673,184 15,065,364 Interfund Transfers 11,588,882 8,213,277 8,486,280 7,989,705 9,841,616 TOTAL REVENUE 167,903,901 174,332,978 172,019,160 176,950,812 167,804,943 *Fund balance (increase or use)(5,519,631) 16,704,204 7,121,083 10,099,140 4,639,089 TOTAL BUDGET 162,384,270 191,037,182 179,140,243 187,049,952 172,444,032 Budgeted Revenues 2010/11 24 08/09 Actual 09/10 Amended Budget 09/10 Projected Actual 10/11 Proposed Budget 11/12 Estimated Budget Georgetown Utility Systems 30,108,808 31,783,056 31,546,024 35,869,789 34,857,738 Purchased Power (GUS)33,804,336 38,584,743 35,198,927 37,500,760 43,297,221 Transportation 3,351,791 4,693,039 5,337,160 4,261,883 4,263,779 Community Development 2,434,578 2,384,371 2,323,990 2,186,883 2,186,883 Finance & Administration 8,174,718 9,858,694 10,094,219 12,636,471 12,571,333 Fire Services 6,581,195 7,021,933 6,994,157 7,755,589 7,683,937 Management Services 11,238,426 9,953,949 9,872,822 9,497,858 9,506,295 Community Services 7,410,414 7,958,099 7,916,139 8,166,035 7,774,537 Police Services 9,514,823 9,883,262 9,811,120 10,233,318 10,261,878 Capital Improvements 25,721,077 44,280,160 35,956,770 34,086,000 15,814,000 Debt Payments 13,921,734 16,422,599 15,250,279 16,865,661 16,171,219 Interfund Charges & Transfers 10,122,370 8,213,277 8,838,636 7,989,705 8,055,212 TOTAL BUDGET 162,384,270 191,037,182 179,140,243 187,049,952 172,444,032 Budgeted Expenses by Division 2010/11 25 Amended Adopted 2009/10 Budget %2010/11 Budget % Community Development 2,138,082 1.3%1,932,725 1.2% Community Services 6,430,103 3.8%6,391,680 3.9% Fire Services 6,491,506 3.9%7,184,174 4.4% Management Svc-Others 1,106,991 0.7%1,193,610 0.7% Administration 13,951,016 8.3%16,607,912 10.2% Airport 2,675,028 1.6%2,227,150 1.4% Economic Development 387,946 0.2%399,038 0.2% Police Services 9,639,112 5.7%9,929,860 6.1% Electric 44,168,490 26.2%45,214,610 27.7% Sanitation 4,250,414 2.5%4,243,502 2.6% Stormwater Drainage 418,119 0.2%457,832 0.3% Water Services 12,637,697 7.5%13,673,078 8.4% Transportation 3,438,142 2.0%2,872,083 1.8% Capital Improvements 44,280,160 26.3%34,086,000 20.9% Debt Payments 16,422,599 9.8%16,865,661 10.3% Budget Total By Program 168,435,405 100.0%163,278,915 100.0% Interfund Transfers & Premiums 22,601,777 23,771,037 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 191,037,182 187,049,952 Budgeted Expenses by Program 2010/11 26 Property Tax Revenue Taxable Property Values 27 Taxes: Taxes are levied on January 1 of each year and are considered past due on February 1 of the following year. The Williamson Central Appraisal District determines the value for each property in the city. Property tax roles are certified in July and the tax rate is adopted in September, along with the budget. The City’s tax collector, currently the Williamson County Tax Collector, sends statements in October to each taxpayer. The City’s tax collection rate for 2009/10 was 98.41%. Taxable Valuations: 4 Over the past 5 years, new residential construction permits have ranged from 750 to 1,500. In 2010 550permits, valued at over $137million were issued. The general slowdown in the local economy, which impacted the current year, is also taken into consideration for future projections. 4 Values on existing property fell 0.004% last year. The average home value is $184,886, which decreased 1.97% compared to the prior year. Overall, total assessed valuation approximately the same as the previous year due to $99 million of new or annexed property added to the roll. 4 2010/11 new values include $99 million in new construction and annexed property Adopted Property Tax Rate for 2010/11 is $0.35622/$100 valuation: 4 Represents a decrease over the effective rate of $0.379549/$100 valuation, which includes a $0.0294 adjustment for sales tax dedicated to property tax relief. 4 The City adopted a 1/8 cent sales tax rate for property tax relief in May 2005, with the primary intent to offset debt service related to the November 2004 voter approved general obligation bonds. All authorized 2004 bonds have been issued with a total tax impact of $0.03731. 4 Breakdown: 10/11 09/10 M & O - Maintenance and Operations (General Fund) $0.21987 $0.21140 I & S - Debt Service (payment on existing debt) $0.13635 $0.14482 *Future Projections: Assumptions for the forecasts of future years are based upon historical trends, expected build out of planned subdivisions, and utility tap requests. Assumptions include: 4 Continued new and annexed property growth of $100 million in 2011/12, then $125 to $150 million in the out years as new retail properties are added to the tax role, a 1% increase in 2011/12 and then 1.25 – 1.5% in the later years. 4 Reflects impact of 1/8% sales tax for property tax relief. 4 Reflects an annual increase of 2.5 %– 5% in the properties that have their taxes frozen due to the over 65 provision. Fiscal Year 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11* 11/12*12/13* 13/14* 14/15* Property Tax Revenues: (in thousands) General Fund 5,638 6,596 7,542 8,103 8,422 8,492 8,996 9,405 9,849 10,258 Debt Service 3,478 4,368 5,288 6,329 5,766 5,567 6,391 6,771 6,956 7,252 Property Values: (in millions) Existing Property 2,507 2,793 3,275 3,895 4,014 4,023 4,163 4,351 4,577 4,819 New & Annexed 136 267 336 275 156 104 100 125 150 150 Property Tax Rates Per $100 - taxable 0.346 0.367 0.357 0.356 0.356 0.356 0.383 0.384 0.375 0.367 valuation *Projected 29 Sales Tax Revenue – 1% General Operating The City receives 2% of the 8.25% sales and use taxes that are remitted by retailers within the City limits: 1.000% is used for general operating purposes 0.500% is used for transportation improvements through the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC), the City’s 4B Economic Development Corporation, authorized in May 2001 0.125% is for Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO), the City’s 4A Economic Development Corporation, approved in May 2005 0.125% is for property tax relief, approved in May 2005 0.250% is used for street maintenance; sunset revision approved November 2006, expires in March 2011 2.000% City portion 6.250% is collected and retained by the State of Texas 8.250% Total sales tax rate The City’s sales tax base is diverse, with revenues being generated by national retailers, building materials and utilities, etc. The heavy residential growth over the past few years has also created a demand for more restaurants and other retailers that have also expanded the City’s tax base. Sales tax has increased over the past few years due to an increase in new retail developments within the City. Future projections are based on the following assumptions: 4 2010/11 includes a 2% increase in the overall sales tax base projections from prior year. Sales tax revenue rebounded at the end of 2009/10 and collections will be 6% higher than originally budgeted. Collection rates are close to the amount of revenue collected in 2007/08 before the economic downturn of 2009. This is attributed to building material sales for the surrounding area. 4 Long term projections assume a modest recovery from the economic decline of the prior two years. These conditions are expected to last 12 to 18 months. 30 Electric Revenue Water Services Revenue – Water *Projected *Projected 31 Water Services Revenue - Wastewater Utility Revenues: The revenue shown includes tap or hookup fees. Developer contributions, such as capital recovery or impact fees and interest are presented elsewhere. Generally, utility revenue projections are based on five-year forecasting models for each utility. The City prepares a financial model of each utility, forecasting revenues, expected infrastructure needs and other expected expenses. The models are prepared based upon assumptions regarding customer growth, the City’s five and ten year capital improvements plans, forecasted increases in costs, including personnel, and historical data. The models serve as a planning tool to forecast the ability to pay cash for infrastructure, anticipate debt needs for the upcoming five to ten year period, as well as, predict rate increases for customers. Electric and Water Revenues: 4 Calculated on a four-year rolling average of per capita consumption in order to hedge against variations in weather conditions. 4 Growth estimates are based upon building permits, expected build out of subdivisions and other planning and development activity. 4 Assumes a 3% customer growth for Electric through the next five years, as the City’s southern electric service area continues to develop. 4 Assumes a 1-2% customer growth for Water for the next five years. 4 The City will conduct rate reviews during 2010/11 to ensure the rates adequately cover the costs of the systems. The City continues to be proactive in planning for regional water needs. The City has signed additional agreements with Brazos River Authority to ensure future water needs are met. Major treatment and system expansions will be made as growth occurs and are included in the 5-year capital improvement schedule. Wastewater Revenues: 4 Assumes a 1-2% customer growth over the next five years. (historical average is 5-6%) 4 Flat rates allocate cost equitability between all system users, and thus eliminates any cross-class subsidies. 4 Rates have not been adjusted since implementation in 2007, therefore will be reviewed during 2010/11. *Projected 32 Capital Recovery Fee Revenue Fiscal Year 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11* 11/12* 12/13* 13/14* 14/15* Service Improvement Fees: Water 4,113 2,200 1,155 899 311 381 381 381 381 381 Wastewater 1,520 564 757 986 203 254 254 254 254 254 Total (thousands) 5,634 2,764 1,912 1,886 514 634 634 634 634 634 Impact Fees: Water 867 883 806 882 826 917 945 1,011 1,117 1,151 Wastewater 599 585 333 412 194 213 243 251 258 266 Total (thousands) 1,466 1,468 1,139 1,294 1,019 1,130 1,188 1,262 1,375 1,417 Service Improvement Fees: These fees are collected from Del Webb and Escalera Ranch on a per unit basis to offset costs of infrastructure improvements to serve the developments. The fees, similar to impact fees, are collected for water and wastewater improvements as part of these development agreements. The large increase in revenue in 2005/06 is due to a one-time payment from Del Webb to reimburse the City for stranded costs associated with Sun City. Additionally, the large increase (over normal growth) in 2006/07 is due to a one-time payment to reimburse the City for stranded costs associated with the Escalera water line. Impact Fees: In 1996, the City adopted water and wastewater impact fees under Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. These revenues are used as partial funding for qualifying water and wastewater infrastructure projects for increased system capacity. The fees were updated in 2003 and again in 2005, through a study prepared by an Impact Fee Advisory Committee, to reflect changes in the City’s five and ten year Capital Improvements Plans, the Future Land Use Plan, and updated construction costs. The fee is $5,204 per unit for water and wastewater. These fees are currently under review, but expected to remain stable in 2011. *Projected 33 Other Enterprise Fund Revenues Fiscal Year (in thousands)02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11* 11/12* Stormwater Drainage 1,196 1,299 1,539 1,694 1,773 1,816 1,883 1,933 1,995 2,058 Airport 1,451 1,647 2,336 2,596 2,458 3,293 2,221 2,345 2,660 2,760 Airport Revenue: Airport revenue consists primarily of fuel sales, T-hangar rentals and tie-down fees. The increase in 2007/08 was due to the higher cost of fuel for that time frame compared to other years. The Airport continues to be self-supporting and is projected to be able to sustain operations at the current level of service into the foreseeable future. Stormwater Drainage Revenue: Revenue for stormwater drainage is collected on a per unit basis to pay for maintenance of drainage, detention and filtration infrastructure and to pay for the debt service on bonds issued for major capital drainage improvements. The rate of $4.25 per unit also provides $300,000 annually for capital maintenance to correct drainage problems in the City. A rate analysis will be conducted in 2011 to evaluate the current commercial and residential calculations for impervious cover, which has not been reviewed since the fee was established in 1995. The stormwater drainage fee has not been adjusted since November 2004. The cost of maintenance of detention ponds continues to increase, and other environmental mandates are expected to be forthcoming, which may impact rates. 35 Miscellaneous Revenues Fiscal Year (in thousands)03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10* 10/11* 11/12* Interest Income 583 1,164 2,470 2,982 2,408 1,369 356 400 390 Grant Revenue 209 1,207 490 1,024 157 1,880 1,224 472 434 Miscellaneous Revenue 6,020 7,049 9,556 10,184 9,708 8,452 7,827 7,676 7,658 Franchise Fees 1,845 1,942 2,209 2,083 2,740 2,802 2,880 3,829 3,910 Environmental Svcs 2,888 3,150 3,397 3,689 4,320 4,583 4,812 4,864 4,983 Interest Income: Interest income continues to decrease due to the existing economic conditions that have resulted in lower yields for all investments. Projections are based on anticipated cash balances from contingency reserves, bond proceeds invested through the life of construction projects and fund balances, as well as, continued existing market conditions. Grant Revenue: The City receives grants for a variety of purposes. Council approves all grant applications prior to submission. The City budgets for grants that have been approved and awarded by the granting agency. The City received a grant in 2009/10 from U.S. Department of Homeland Security to fund nine additional firefighters. Miscellaneous Revenue: Revenues not falling into another category are classified as miscellaneous revenue. This source of funding is expected to rise due to fee increases, including building permits, fines, parks fees, recreation charges and other user fees, as well as, revenue for services from the Williamson County Emergency Service District (ESD) #8 which began in 2006/07. Surplus property sales and donations are also included in this category. Franchise Fee Revenue: The City receives revenue from franchise fees. These fees are paid to the City’s General Fund by both City and outside utilities for use of right of ways and public properties and are collected to offset the cost of street maintenance. The City has elected to change the City franchise fee rate to 3% from the previous 2%. This change was made due to anticipated legislation impacting deregulation of the electric industry. Environmental Services Revenue: Environmental Services revenue includes fees collected for curbside garbage pick-up, including recycling and special pick-ups. In 2009, the Sanitation rates were increased by $0.30 for inside the City residential customers and $0.45 for outside the City customers and an average of 3.7% increase for non-residential accounts to reflect increased cost of service. The City will begin the process to bid and negotiate the contract for solid waste and recycling services in 2010/11. Final selection and implementation of the new contract is set for July 2012. 40 General Fund Fund Description: The General Fund is used to account for resources traditionally associated with government which are not required legally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund. 09/10 10/11 11/12 08/09 09/10 PROJECTED ADOPTED ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance 10,643,614 9,279,915 9,179,494 7,747,873 6,854,451 REVENUES: Property Taxes 8,195,857 8,392,600 8,511,100 8,957,957 9,597,957 Sales Tax 7,326,513 7,331,050 7,510,000 7,655,000 7,805,550 Sanitation Revenue 4,582,794 5,102,918 4,811,875 4,864,034 4,983,183 Interest 185,292 225,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Administrative Charges 1,117,390 1,098,531 1,052,003 1,101,459 1,101,459 All Other Revenue 8,684,616 8,560,971 8,178,572 9,090,436 9,207,107 Return on Investment 6,152,387 6,432,671 6,750,935 6,242,401 6,418,396 Transfers In 173,779 275,812 200,752 160,812 60,812 Total Revenues 36,418,628 37,419,553 37,075,237 38,132,099 39,234,464 EXPENSES: Community Development 2,181,930 2,129,263 2,068,537 2,186,883 2,186,883 Community Services 6,693,100 6,746,086 6,763,046 7,170,254 7,168,804 Finance & Administration 516,264 539,052 534,911 565,780 565,780 Fire Department 6,581,165 6,863,878 6,788,181 7,120,969 7,192,888 Georgetown Utility Systems 4,196,337 4,259,308 4,110,148 4,254,820 4,353,820 Management Services 1,957,320 1,698,201 1,937,225 2,040,237 2,015,446 Police Department 9,395,400 9,669,170 9,571,324 10,125,612 10,222,978 Transportation 2,309,171 3,623,688 3,407,641 3,078,770 3,078,770 Administrative Expense 2,314,346 2,303,521 2,368,184 2,414,447 2,414,447 Transfers Out 1,737,715 975,033 957,661 67,749 43,896 Total Expenses 37,882,748 38,807,200 38,506,858 39,025,521 39,243,712 Ending Fund Balance 9,179,494 7,892,268 7,747,873 6,854,451 6,845,203 RESERVATIONS: Contingency 6,500,000 6,740,000 6,740,000 6,847,000 6,845,000 Available Fund Balance 2,679,494 1,152,268 1,007,873 7,451 203 41 Fiscal Year 2010/11 Revenues Significant Issues/Comments: 4 The General Fund is within Fiscal & Budgetary compliance by having an operating budget balanced with sustainable funding sources. 4 Funds for street capital maintenance total $1,250,000 of new funding, and represents 3% of the General Fund on-going operating budget. 4 The Environmental Services department is funded through garbage rates. A portion of these rates are passed through for contracted services with Texas Disposal Services. 4 There are currently 16.5 frozen positions that are not funded in the General Fund for 2010/11. The Council did approve the funding of 2.5 positions at the Recreation Center and Animal Services to address operational concerns. 4 Public Safety step pay increases are included along with a 2.5% cost of living adjustment for non-public safety employees. 4 Contingency Reserves were increased to comply with the City’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy that requires the City to reserve 90 days of operating expenses to offset any potential revenue shortfall or other unexpected event. Expenditures 42 Electric Fund 09/10 10/11 11/12 08/09 09/10 PROJECTED ADOPTED ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Working Capital 355,463 5,020,750 8,822,616 14,430,653 13,220,965 REVENUES: Electric Services 56,154,879 58,461,733 60,291,143 62,990,014 64,841,356 Bond Proceeds 5,950,000 4,350,000 3,035,000 Interest 14,748 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 All Other Revenue 2,146,982 1,621,800 1,825,718 1,513,584 1,516,207 Transfers In 86,161 89,361 89,361 Total Revenues 64,352,770 64,572,894 65,291,222 64,553,598 66,407,563 EXPENSES: Georgetown Utility Systems 9,554,968 9,910,460 9,885,967 12,169,428 11,655,452 Purchased Power 33,804,336 38,584,743 35,198,927 37,500,760 43,297,221 Capital Projects 4,861,493 10,773,325 6,710,000 8,194,000 5,974,000 Debt Payments 2,411,388 2,786,727 2,786,727 3,108,796 3,117,398 Debt Payments - New Debt 140,000 Debt Issuance Costs 11,357 126,800 71,800 1,800 1,800 Transfers Out 5,597,952 4,631,459 5,029,764 4,788,502 4,689,571 Total Expenses 56,241,494 66,953,514 59,683,185 65,763,286 68,735,442 Ending Working Capital 8,466,739 2,640,130 14,430,653 13,220,965 10,893,086 RESERVATIONS: Contingency 3,525,000 2,625,000 2,625,000 3,262,000 3,262,000 Other 355,877 5,000,000 5,000,000 Available Working Capital 5,297,616 15,130 11,805,653 4,958,965 2,631,086 Fund Description: The Electric Fund is used to account for the revenues from all operating and maintenance activities of the utility and the expenses of the departments, which support those activities. This includes the Electric department, the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Department, purchased power costs, debt payments and capital projects. The fund also makes transfers out to the General Fund for the City’s return on investment for the Electric utility. 43 Fiscal Year 2010/11 Revenues Significant Issues/Comments: 4 Purchased power costs fluctuate with the variances in the fuel surcharge implemented by the Lower Colorado River Authority, the City’s wholesale supplier. This surcharge is passed along to the City’s customers as a pass-through charge. Power costs have increased significantly over prior years due to the increased cost of natural gas. 4 The Electric and Water Services funds share the maintenance of the City’s automated meter reading system. A new vendor was selected in 2009/10 and the implementation will take place in 2010/11. Funds have been included to upgrade the Customer Information System and Financial Information System to compliment the automated meter reading system. 4 Capital projects are funded through operating revenues and debt when necessary. In 2011, $8.2 million of operating revenues fund the annual capital projects plan. 4 Transfers out include the 7% return on investment to the General Fund. The fund also includes a 3% franchise fee payment to the General fund, which constitutes a payment for the continuing use of public property and right of ways. 4 A rate stabilization reserve has been established to mitigate future rate fluctuations. Expenditures 44 Water Services Fund 09/10 10/11 11/12 08/09 09/10 PROJECTED ADOPTED ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Working Capital 21,917,236 14,278,082 17,064,782 11,619,282 6,657,845 REVENUES: Water Services 14,171,479 14,303,297 12,814,605 14,028,136 14,407,835 Wastewater Services 7,649,538 7,889,919 7,727,648 7,919,250 8,115,281 Irrigation Services 379,751 428,000 260,000 400,865 431,175 Bond Proceeds 11,370,000 10,120,000 Impact Fees 1,294,068 660,746 1,019,488 1,130,332 1,317,325 Service Improvement Fees 1,499,170 557,400 507,400 634,250 634,250 Interest 578,435 577,000 89,733 104,100 104,100 All Other Revenue 344,260 579,500 969,289 717,390 762,979 Transfer In 100,200 186,920 186,920 170,508 170,508 Total Revenues 26,016,901 36,552,782 33,695,083 25,104,831 25,943,453 EXPENSES: Georgetown Utility Systems 14,527,251 15,627,818 15,517,563 16,969,133 16,523,785 Capital Projects 10,237,046 20,764,955 17,595,000 7,265,000 5,837,000 Debt Payments 3,813,714 3,757,478 3,757,478 4,115,540 4,107,833 Debt Payments - New Debt 150,000 Bond Issue Costs 5,405 414,800 199,480 4,800 4,800 Transfers Out 2,285,939 2,273,393 2,071,062 1,711,795 1,652,495 Total Expenses 30,869,355 42,988,444 39,140,583 30,066,268 28,125,913 Ending Working Capital 17,064,782 7,842,420 11,619,282 6,657,845 4,475,385 RESERVATIONS: Contingency 4,100,000 4,110,000 4,110,000 4,266,000 4,266,000 SIP Reservation/Stranded Fees 3,695,031 3,695,031 3,695,031 Available Working Capital 9,269,751 37,389 3,814,251 2,391,845 209,385 Fund Description: The Water Services Fund is used to account for the revenues from all operating and maintenance activities for water, wastewater and irrigation utilities. Expenses also include debt payments, capital costs and the transfers out to the General Fund for the City’s return on investment. Each utility service type is tracked separately for rate design purposes to ensure rates are charged to fully recover operational costs. 45 Fiscal Year 2010/11 Revenues Significant Issues/Comments: 4 The City’s water supply is provided through agreements with the Brazos River Authority (BRA). BRA expenses increased 15% over the prior year, due to an increase in raw water cost, as well as, principal and interest payments and operational cost for the Williamson County Raw Water Line. Future raw water increases are projected at 15% per year. 4 The Service Improvement Fees Reservation (SIP) was used to fund the Lake Water Treatment Plant expansion in 2010. 4 Capital projects are funded through operating revenues, impact fees and debt when necessary. In 2010/11, $7.3 million will be spent in capital improvements, including the projects related to the 2006 Annexations and area identified by prior year testing related to the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone (EARZ). 4 The City will complete the work identified in 2009/10 on wastewater lines for inflow and infiltrations as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for environmental safety for the Edwards Aquifer. 98% of the city is located over the Aquifer, therefore testing and repair costs are a major component of the wastewater capital improvement program. The City budgets repairs for all problems found in the next budget cycle. Expenditures The Community Development Division is dedicated to the shared vision of a well-planned Georgetown by working in partnership with the community, building on our heritage and providing service through a customer friendly process. This Division includes all Planning and Inspection functions. This Division is funded through the General Fund (Administration, Planning, Inspections and Code Enforcement). Community leve/opment Atlministration Inspection Services Pag¢ 78 Building Insp¢ctions Page SO Code Enforc¢m¢nt Page S2 Planning Page 84 Administration Code Enforcement Building Inspections Planning $O $200.000 $400,000 $600,000 $900,000 � Personnel D Operations Community development PERSONNEL Uses 8 Expenses 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY 10/11 t0/tt 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET (FTE's) G¢n¢ra/ Fund AMENDED PROJECTED NEW 219,356 %CHANGE 225,388 2 Planning BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROJ. ACTUAL 6]9.200 92.91] Gana/a/Fund tt Coda EnfoitemanVFlre PfaVaP4on 359,822 8],345 44>,t 6T 6 foie/Ganafal Fund Atlminis[retion 22],]21 22],689 225,388 226,388 - . 336,292 2,051,045 Planning ]10,844 ]O],03t ]06,3]3 ]06,3]3 BWId Ing lnsPac[lons SOt,t99 ]98.]t8 8]2,117 6]2,t t] - Cotle EnfofcamanVFifa PrevanfiOn 466,589 486,4]3 44],16] 44],t 6] fofa/G¢na�a/Fund 2,228,353 2,220,H09 2,05>, 045 1.059,045 -tea fx on T 226,3SS 77 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) G¢n¢ra/ Fund Administration 219,356 6,030 225,388 2 Planning 556.3]3 160.000 ]06,3]3 11 BUIItlIn9 lnaPectlons 6]9.200 92.91] 6]2,1 t] tt Coda EnfoitemanVFlre PfaVaP4on 359,822 8],345 44>,t 6T 6 foie/Ganafal Fund >,]>4, 753 336,292 2,05'/,045 30 t,Tt4,T69 336,292 2,051,045 30 !% IF 411,7i Administration f This department was created to provide management and oversight of the Community Development Division, ensuring City policies related to growth and development are administered in a customer -oriented manner. It provides coaching and mentoring to division employees and ensures they have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their jobs. The department provides guidance and support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Building Standards Commission, Housing Advisory Board and the Historic and Architectural Review Commission concerning planning and development related issues. ® Promote quality growth through the implementation of the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. ® Foster a workplace environment that supports staff efforts and commitments, encourages creative problem solving and open communication, and maintains a positive work atmosphere. ® Ensure that the Community Development Division is sensitive and responsive to the needs and desires of a wide variety of local interest groups, among which include: elected and appointed officials; development professionals; community leaders, neighborhood and citizen groups; division and other city staff; outside agencies and organizations; and the general public. ® Work in cooperation with the City's leadership team in formulating City policy recommendations and carrying out the City's adopted policies related to Community Development. ® Finalized the 2008/09 Annual Unified Development Code (UDC) update, including document publication. ® Created and launched an electronic division newsletter. ® Continued to implement the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and applied for and anticipate receiving additional CDBG funding. ® Provided assistance to GUS staff for its Weatherization program grant. • Applied for and received a Certified Local Government grant to host a historic preservation guideline training program that will be open to local and regional historic preservation commissioners and staff. ® Conducted two educational and interactive seminars with homeowners and builders to review the permitting and inspection process, including Code Enforcement education, at Home Depot. ® Reduced the number of code violations through education of neighborhood associations and businesses. ® Initiated adoption process for code updates to the building, electrical, fire, property, and other codes. ® Adopt the 2010/11 Annual UDC Update items that concentrate on street and infrastructure requirements and green development. • Adopt the Housing Element and two (2) other Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. ® Design and implement a Planning and Development electronic data management system and Building Inspections and Permitting system in conjunction with the IT Department. • Continue to administer the CDBG program, and seek additional grants such as CLG program funds. ® Continue management of the Home Repair Program, and leverage the City's funding with volunteers, as well as assisting GUS in Weatherization grant program. ® Implement a Rental Inspection Program. ® Review Code Enforcement and Fire Prevention operations for improved efficiency and effectiveness. • Coordinate the City's efforts to ensure community compliance with American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, including working with the new ADA Task Force to create an ADA Transition Plan. 78 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL 10111 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED ADMINISTRATION 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 11112 12113 1. Division Public Meetings/ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Director of Community Development 1 1 1 266 225 Administrative Analyst 1 1 1 30 25 ITOTAL L .. 2L 2 2 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. Division Public Meetings/ N/A N/A 90% 98% 100% Workshops N/A 299 245 266 225 2. Division Special Projects N/A 30 1 30 30 25 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Respond to customer issues PROJECTED 11112 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET within 48 hours N/A N/A 90% 98% 100% 2. Increase "excellent" and "good" 221,691 221,659 Personnel 219,358 219,340 1,281 ratings for division from biennial 58% N/A 75% NA 75% city services survey 225,388 225,370 3. Increase citizens who rate the division as "getting better" from the N/A N/A 26% NA 26% biennial survey 4. Increase "excellent" and "good" ratings for Code Enforcement 75.6% N/A 69.1% NA 70% addressing unsightly properties -,--,urveys are conaucrea wenniany. 79 10/11 12113 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11112 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 210,199 221,691 221,659 Personnel 219,358 219,340 1,281 6,030 6,030 Operations 6,030 6,030 211,480 227,721 227,689 225,388 225,370 79 Community Oeve/opment Inspection Services Bui/ding Inspections DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Inspection Services issues builtling construction permits antl Bulltliny Pormlts pertonns inspections leading to the final Certificate of Occupancy (CO). This department assists in the coordination between the City `'9°'000' antl the construction industry with plan review, permitting antl on- szos.00o.0a0 site inspections. Inspection Services ensures that the construction s,m.0mom _ _ phase of the development process meets the expectations of the s,m 000 community for the overall public health, safety antl welfare through � ' the administration antl implementation of applicable City codes and 390'000' ordinances. This tlapartmeni is also responsible for floodplain %� �� aem ce,�0 ,n„ administration and review, accortling to the rag ulations established ��— by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 0 MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Ensure quality and safe housing through consistent atlministration of building code requirements. • Promote a cooperative effort with the building community to provitle long-lasting, quality structures and encourage use of the most current builtling codes for the community to retl uee insurance rates for the public. • Promote the use of automated technology in the permit antl inspection areas to streamline processes and rad uca costs. • Ensure that special flootl hazard areas are not impacted by development activities through the use of Floodplain Management. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/1 • Encouraged energy conservation and green building design for building construction through the use of approved materials and methods for all types of structures in coortl ination with International Codes. • Conducted two educational antl interactive seminars with homeowners antl builders to review the permitting antl inspection process and provitla code training in May 201'1 at Home Depot. • Continued the review of all 2009 International and the 2011 National Electrical Code editions for proposetl adoption. • Researched and observed a tlemons[ration of new software for the use of automated technology in the permit and inspection areas to streamline processes and reduce costs. • Reviewed all workflow processes for improvement and time reduction to reduce the cost to all users. • Completed a public review and adoption process for new temporary off -premise sign standartls for Realtors antl Builders. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 • Provide ongoing educational seminars with the building community and public forums, public meetings antl a departmental hantlbook with adtlifional perrnit counter literature to provitla cotla training. • Continue staff review and contluct public hearings for the future atloption for all 2012 International Building and 2011 National Electrical Codes to improve the Insu renca Services Office (ISO) rating for the community and provide builders with new innovative use of materials and methods of construction. • Continue to review all workflow processes with public involvement for efficiency improvements. • Continua to encourage green building antl energy conservation design, with construction materials and methods for all types of structural through the International Building Codes. • Initiate and ensure that the community will ba ADA compliant through coordination with City of Georgetown efforts. Implement new Building Inspection and Permitting software systems in coortl ination with IT Department. ao BUILDING INSPECTIONS 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Inspection Services Director 1 1 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 1 1 1 1 Chief Plans Examiner 1 1 1 1 1 Combination Building Inspector 6 6* 6* 4* 4* Permit Technician 2 2 2 2 2 Building Plans Examiner 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 13 13 13 11 11 'Includes 2 "frozen" unfunded positions $11,141,629 $37,168,244 $12,000,000 $21,481,808 $22,250,000 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 09/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. New Residential/Multi-Family 523 551 600 575 580 permits issued Valuation total $ $130,014,191 $137,676,449 $152,000,000 $151,000,000 $160,500,000 2. New Commercial, Industrial, 799,716 Tenant Finish Out (TFO) and 127 115 60 75 70 Remodel permits issued $53,787,840 $43,368,387 $61,000,000 $63,280,000 $62,550,000 Valuation total $ 98% 98% 98% 99% 99% 3. Permitted non-residential sq. ft. 903,780 490,458 600,000 530,988 590,000 4. All other building permit types 2,265 2,677 3000 2,617 2,750 Valuation total $ $11,141,629 $37,168,244 $12,000,000 $21,481,808 $22,250,000 5. Total # of inspections performed 21,248 20,192 34,000 29,090 33,960 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. % of residential plans processed BUDGET ACTUAL 648,491 683,641 within 10 days 98% 100% 98% 98% 98% 2. % of commercial plans processed 799,716 within 30 days 95% 95% 96% 98% 98% 3. % of inspections performed within 2 days 98% 98% 98% 99% 99% 4. Avg # of inspections per day 58 98 93 95 96 5. Avg # of inspections per inspector per working day 12 19 17 19 19 A 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 579,200 579,156 Operations 92,917 92,917 672,117 672,073 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 648,491 683,641 682,167 103,153 117,558 117,549 751,644 801,199 799,716 A 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 579,200 579,156 Operations 92,917 92,917 672,117 672,073 Community Oeve/opmenf /nspection Services Fire Code /Code Enforcement DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Coda Enforcement department eom pletes the continuum of Community Development by monitoring existing property for continued code compliance with fire, building, nusinace, development codes and ordinances. The department also ensures that the adopted land use, tlevelopment, fire and building codes are being applied to new construction and development. Code Enforcements goal is to protect and maintain the public health, safety and welfare, and to protect and maintain the quality of life within the city. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Promote a positive image to the community by bringing services to the n¢ighborhoods and soliciting community involvement. Maintain a comprehensive public education program tlesignad to increase awareness, provide information, and change behavior in order to manage nuisances and natural hazards in the community. Ensure quality and safe land use through integrative code enforcement activity within the adopted ord inancas. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/1'1 Reducetl the number of coda violations through education of neighborhood associations and businesses. Continued to decrease the number of code violations for open storage and building maintenance through the International Property Mai ntanance Code. Continued support of Code Enforcement Officers' £eld computers to provide service and efficiency capabilities. Completed research to develop a Rental Property Inspection program. Increased the number of annual and routine Fire Inspections throughout the community. Increasetl Fire Prevention Education training and conducted required annual training for Georgetown Independent School District (GISD), Medical, Assisted Living and Nursing Home facilities. Contlucted two educational efforts for resitlents and builtlers to strengthen Gode Enforcement in itiatives along with community growth at Home Depot. Continued the review of the 2009 International Fire Cotle for proposetl adoption. Revi¢w¢d existing nuisance codas for possible revision and future adoption. Coordinated an on-call system with Police Services to facilitate after hours Cotle Enforcement efforts. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 20'11/12 • Implement a Rental Property Inspection program. • Continue coordinated efforts for neighborhood and community clean-up programs. • Continue to strengthen Cotler Enforcement initiatives through public education. • Conkinue staff review and begin public hearing process to adopt the 20'12 International Property Maintenance coda. • Continue staff review and begin public hearing process to adopt the 2012 International Fire Code. Review of all work flow processes for Fire Code and Code Enforcement for improved efficiency. az WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 CODE ENFORCE ENT 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 2. Junk vehicle violations ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Chief Code Enforcement Officer 1 1 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer 3 3 3 3 3 Fire Code Inspector/Plans Examiner 2 2 2 1 1 TOTAL 6 6 6 5 5 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. CE Education presentations 75 128 100 120 30 2. Junk vehicle violations 55 121 65 100 100 3. # of Code Enforcement violations 13,179 12,295 13,700 13,100 13,900 4. # of Fire Code inspections for New Construction, C of O's, Remodels 5,209 1,599 5,200 1,463 930 Alterations and Fire Suppression 5. Abatements issued 42 64 45 50 50 6. Certified Letters sent 253 353 325 350 350 7. Fire Code Development Plan and Code review 1 604 1 423 1 525 1 458 1 465 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. % of Code Enforcement cases processed within 2-7 days 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 2. Avg. # of Code Enforcement cases per day 127 130 132 131 131 3. Avg. # of Fire Code Inspections processed within 5 working days 208 140 200 140 186 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 402,281 402,169 Personnel 359,822 391,548 88,077 84,308 84,304 Operations 87,345 87,345 469,843 486,589 486,473 83 447,167 478,893 Community Oeve/opment P/anning DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Planning tlepartment implements the tlevalopmen[ process with New Rercltlentlel Lots Plattetl the goal of ensuring quality lantl development for [he future of Georgetown and preservation of the community's unique historic and '� environmental features in accortlance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The process inclutles providing public information on past, present and future development; census antl demographic information, population projections, development trentls antl impacts. In atldition, the department analyzes antl makes recommendations on annexations and tlavelopment applications, prepares and presents reports, and serves as staff support for Planning and Zoning Commission, Historic antl Architectural Review Commission (HARC), Housing Ativisory ° m� °°� mn° �°m _ Board, antl Zoning Boartl of Adjustment, participates in City Council meetings and works with various committees antl [ask forces as neetletl. The Department also manages the City's housing programs and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS . Promote growth management strat¢gies to guitle the City's land use, transportation, infrastructure, and economic development decisions that will provide long-term quality of life. Provide sound antl timely advice to internal antl external customers regarding the planning process, the City's housing programs, and best land use planning principles. • Continuously seek input into the planning process from Key stakeholtlers, including real estate developers, other government agencies, and utility providers. . Promote quality growth that enhances the rehabilitation antl preservation of historic structures. Provide long range planning perspective for annexation and eMra-territorial jurisdiction development. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 . Finalized the 2005/09 Annual Unifietl Development Cotle (UDC) update, including revisetl companion document publication, including the Development Manual. . Adoptetl the 2010/11 Annual UDC Uptlate List, concentrating on the str¢et and infrastructure requirements antl gran development. • Participated in the update to the Overall Transportation Plan (OTP) Element, including creating design standards for resitlential streets to tleerease speed and a master plan for a network of sitl¢walks antl bicycle paths. • Adopted two (2) Comprehensive Plan Elements (historic preservation and public facilities). • Completetl 257 acres of voluntary annexations. . Finalized the first uptlate to the Design Guidelines for the Downtown Overlay District. • Applied for and awarded a Certified Local Government grant to host a historic preservation guid¢line training program that will be open to local and regional historic preservation commissioners and staff (requiretl HARC training). • Continued management of the Home Repair Program, and leveragetl the City's resources by utilizing volunteers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/12 • Adopt the 2010/'11 Annual UDC Update revisions. • Design and implement a Planning antl Development ¢I¢ctronic tlata management system in coordination with the IT Department. Adopt the Housing Element and two (2) other Elements of the Com pr¢hensiva Plan. . Continue to identify, reserve, and rezone land for long-term needs as commercial and employment centers. • Hold historic preservation training program utilizing Certified Local Government Grant. • Implement adoptetl Annexation Plan. as PLANNING 09110 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL d ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12113 PROPOSED Planning Director 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* Development Engineer Associate 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* Housing Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Principal Planner 1 2 2 2 2 Planning Specialist 2 2 2 2 2 Planner III 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* Planner II 3 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 11 11 11 11 11 *Includes 3 "frozen" unfunded positions. 4 4 5 4 3 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Preliminary plat applications 12 8 8 8 8 2. Final plat applications 40 22 20 20 20 3. Site plans 33 17 22 25 25 4. Rezoning applications 18 10 8 15 16 5. Comprehensive Plan amendments 5 0 1 3 2 6. # of new lots recorded 21$299,595 1 /$64,950 3 / $458,370 3 / $458,370 1 2/$81,653 Residential 331 421 350 350 375 Commercial 7 14 15 10 12 7. Annexation petitions 4 4 5 4 3 8. Acres annexed (voluntary & involuntary) 954 276 285 257 1,100 9. Certificate of Design Compliance 46 29 40 40 40 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. % final decisions consistent with NA* NA* NA* 93% 90% staff Rezoning recommendations 154,642 151,301 4,620 2. % Site plans approved by admin. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 3. % P&Z approval of staff plat recommendations 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4. # of grants / amounts received 21$299,595 1 /$64,950 3 / $458,370 3 / $458,370 1 2/$81,653 -tvor usea as a measuremenr in previous ouoger. Personnel Operations Capital 85 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 484,637 556,202 555,730 183,070 154,642 151,301 4,620 672,327 710,844 707,031 Personnel Operations Capital 85 706,373 696,331 11/12 ESTIMATE;, ADOPTED 556,373 A33 ` `I is i 706,373 696,331 r r u� z, tel} s. r. r 9 J F P 11, D 1 1` The Community Services Division plans, organizes, supervises, and coordinates comprehensive leisure and educational activities for the citizens of Georgetown, as well as, promotes tourism and the historical downtown. The Parks department maintains over 473 acres of developed parkland, thirty four parks, five swimming pools, downtown pocket parks, various City facilities, and three cemeteries. The Recreation Department manages the Recreation Center, adult and youth softball, swim lessons, various youth camps, youth and senior programs, adventure recreation and many other special events and programs, including the Georgetown Tennis Center, which has 11 courts. The Division maintains and handles the sale of cemetery plots in the International Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery, the rental of the Community Center, and park areas at San Gabriel Park. This Division also includes the Library and the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and provides staff support to the City's Parks and Recreation Board, CVB Board and the Library Board. The Community Services Division is funded in the General Fund (Parks, Recreation, Library) and CVB Special Revenue Fund). cve Public Library Parks Recreation Administration Page 90 Library Page 94 Recreation Page 98 Community Services- Convention and Visitors Bureau Paige 92 Parks Page 96 $0 $500.000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2.000,000 $2.500,000 $3,000=0 $3,500.000 ■ Personnel 11 Operations 0 Capital Community services Uses & Expenses i frozen position 89 10111 -10111 11112 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW % ORANGE BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROD. ACTUAL General Fund Parks Administration 476,753 475,730 322,518 322,518 -32.3% Parks 1,810,274 1,810,225 1,852,094 1,852,094 23% Recreation 1,830,878 1,880,300 1,929,685 1,929,685 2.8% Recreation Programs 1,463,552 1,496,266 1,485,085 1,485,085 -0,7% Library 1,660,457 1,670,421 1,658,298 1,658,298 -0.7% total General Frond 7,241,914 7,333,942 7,247,680 7,247,680 83.5 Special Revenue Funds CVB1Tourism 443,985 416,823 401,439 401,439 -3.7% Library Restricted Fund 129,872 129,350 71,927 70,000 141,927 9,7% Cemetery 75,388 75,388 87,680 87,680 16.3% Restricted Parks 386,776 373,704 495,835 495,835 32,7% total Special Rev. Funds 996,021 995,265 1,056,881 1,126,859 93.2% Division Total 8,237,935 8,329,207 8,304,561 8,374,561 0.5% i frozen position 89 PERSONNEL 11112 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) General Fund Parks Administration* 184,098 138,424 322,518 3 Parks 1,427,704 774,390 50,000 1,852,094 19.5 Recreation 1,004,809 924,876 1,929,585 35.5 Recreation Programs 800,732 684,353 1,485,085 3 Library 968,738 559,560 130,000 1,658,298 22.5 total General Fund 3,986,081 3,081,599 480,000 7,247,680 83.5 Special Revenue Funds CVBlTourism 162,278 239,161 401,439 3 Library Restricted Fund 72,704 69,2.23 141,927 Cemetery 87,680 $7,580 Restricted Parks 5,000 490,835 495,835 total Special Rev. Funds 234,982 404,054 490,835 1,126,889 3 11 Total 4,221,063 3,482,863 670,835 8,374,561 86.5 i frozen position 89 The Community Services Administration Department manages financial operations and personnel services for departments within the division in order to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Georgetown. The Division provides administrative support, customer service, reception, record keeping, management of key accounts, cemetery plot sales and secretarial services. Administration is responsible for overseeing the Parks and Recreation Departments, the Library Department, and the CVB Department. Administration is also responsible for coordinating and operating shelters during emergency management operations for the citizens of Georgetown in conjunction with the American Red Cross. ® Promote a positive image of Georgetown and the Historic downtown. ® Ensure access to the library and recreational facilities and programs for all Georgetown citizens regardless of race, gender, age, income, or physical ability. ® Create opportunities for life long learning. ® Continue to explore grant possibilities for Parks, Recreation and Library. ® Encourage activities that promote tourism in Georgetown. ® Implemented first phase of the Parks Bond that was approved by citizens in November 2008, including preparing shovel ready project for San Gabriel Park Improvements and Amphitheater and extending the Hike and Bike Trails. ® Assisted with the final removal of buildings and structures from the football stadium in San Gabriel Park. ® Awarded Texas Recreation and Parks Society State Gold Medal for superior management in Parks and Recreation. ® Hosted Texas Recreation and Parks Society Regional Workshop and Maintenance Rodeo. ® Coordinated with Friends of Georgetown Parks and Recreation to start "Georgetown Swims" program. ® Complete design of Amphitheater and San Gabriel Park Improvements. ® Coordinate the fourth transfer of 100 acres of Garey Park into the Texas Parks and Recreation Foundation. ® Implement an internal employee recognition program for parks and recreation to increase moral and recognize excellent customer service. ® Complete construction of first phase of Hike/Bike Trail expansion. ® Explore pricing methodology to determine cost recovery rates for programs and services. ® Continue to work with Friends of Georgetown Parks and Recreation to provide scholarships and volunteers for Parks and Recreation. ® Continue to facilitate Tourism and Recreation to coordinate efforts to bring in more Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) by aggressively marketing athletic events. ® Support Library Services on Bookmobile for citizens with no access or limited access to the library. ® Evaluate facilities and develop a transition plan for the new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines. 90 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED 311,847 337,276 337,253 Personnel 184.,098 135,913 138,727 138,727 Operations 138,420 750 750 Capital 447,760 476,753 476,730 m 184,084 138,420 322,518 322,504 ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED PARIS ADMINISTRATION 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 1. Weekend days Community Center ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Director of Community Services 1 1 1 1* 1 Parks & Recreation Director 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant III 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 'Includes 9 frozen position. 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED 311,847 337,276 337,253 Personnel 184.,098 135,913 138,727 138,727 Operations 138,420 750 750 Capital 447,760 476,753 476,730 m 184,084 138,420 322,518 322,504 ACTUAL ACTUAL UDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 09/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Weekend days Community Center 1,523 1,490 1,460 1,460 1,430 is rented (possible 156 days) 101 117 120 120 125 2. Cemetery lots sold 30 33 30 30 30 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED 311,847 337,276 337,253 Personnel 184.,098 135,913 138,727 138,727 Operations 138,420 750 750 Capital 447,760 476,753 476,730 m 184,084 138,420 322,518 322,504 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Cemetery lots available 1,523 1,490 1,460 1,460 1,430 2. Weekend Community Center bookings 64% 75% 77% 77% 80% 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED 311,847 337,276 337,253 Personnel 184.,098 135,913 138,727 138,727 Operations 138,420 750 750 Capital 447,760 476,753 476,730 m 184,084 138,420 322,518 322,504 Community Services Convention and Visitors Bureau DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Georgetown Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVD) attracts Hotel Qccupaoe leisure and business travelers to the Georgetown area to experience and enjoy our history, culture and attractions and to further strengthen our City's image as a Texas tourist destination, The CVB also promotes economic diversity and the region's quality of life. The department manages advertising, promotion and solicitation efforts to market the City of Georgetown as a place for meetings, group tours, tourists and day -trip shoppers The department provides a positive economic impact on the community by bringing sales tax and hotel occupancy tax (HOT) Tax (HOT) Revenue dollars into the city which increases the total revenue of local^ businesses and improves the overall economic climate of Georgetown. The CVB unites tourism related activities with community recreational areas. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Promote the area's cultural, recreational, historical and educational attributes to a wide audience. • Assist visitors and potential visitors to the area by offering comprehensive visitor information and promotional services + Encourage and participate in the further development of attractions throughout Williamson County. • Provide comprehensive resources that will make any visit to the city, whether for business or pleasure, a successful and memorable one. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010111 • Completely redesigned Official Georgetown Visitor Guide. + Redesigned and added new features and services to visitgeorgetown.com website. • Received two awards at the Texas Association Convention &. Visitor Bureau Annual Conference 1'9 Place — Tourism Promotion (New Red Poppy Logo and Promotional Materials) 2no Place — Website (Red Poppy Festival) Coordinated the 12th Annual Red Poppy Festival, • Assisted in coordinating special events that attract visitors for day trips or overnight stays, such as 2,,d Annual Art in the Square and the 151 Annual Georgetown AirFest. Partnered with the Parks & Recreation Department to hast softball tournaments which increased overnight stays. + Promoted Georgetown's array of arts, heritage and cultural festivals and events by utilizing Facebook, Twitter and Flickr social networking tools. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Develop and implement a local awareness campaign to educate citizens about the economic benefits of tourism. • Identify and define a consistent image for Georgetown promotions. • Continue to assist the Parks & Recreation Department in promoting Georgetown as a venue for sports activities and tournaments and distributing Georgetown promotional items and tourist information at these events. • Continue to educate local meeting and sport planners on the availability of Hotel Occupancy Reimbursement Grants for events that directly enhance and promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry, 92 * Revenues/Operating Expenses DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: TOURISM FUND ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED CONVENTION & VISITOR'S BUREAU 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 1. Return on Investment* ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED CVB Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Visitor Center Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTS® PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. # of special / promotional projects organized or assisted 9 11 12 12 14 2. # of visitors assisted at Visitor's Center 32,699 33,677 34,000 35,650 36,000 3. # of hotel/motel rooms available 375 375 463 463 534 * Revenues/Operating Expenses DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: TOURISM FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Return on Investment* 1.33% 1.72% 1.8% 1.8% 1.69% 2. # inquiries resulting from advertisements 17,222 18,210 19,000 19,000 20,000 3. # of information requests from website 1,714 2,225 2,500 2,500 3,000 4. Vacancy factor 1 43.7% 1 unavailable 42.3% 42.3% 42.0% * Revenues/Operating Expenses DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: TOURISM FUND 10/11 12113 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED SASS 155,836 165,551 165,442 Personnel 162,278 162,266 233,059 238,434 250,946 Operations 239,161 237,452 427 435 Capital 389,322 403,985 416,823 93 401,439 399,718 Community Services Library DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Georgetown Library houses and administers a collection of - -- more than 85,000 items, including popular fiction and non-fiction - LibraryClr�ulatian for adults, young adults, and children; large -print materials; 6W000 reference materials; and books, magazines and media in Spanish %*.NQ to meet the life-long learning and reading interests of library 400.0e0 users. Also, under the TexShare program, library cardholders wo,wa may go in person to borrow materials from other participating 2W,000 libraries in Texas, and, for the cost of one-way postage, they may 100,000 use inter -library loan service. Weekly story hours, summer flillta reading programs for children and teens, reference services, public access to the Internet and computer classes are services provided without cost to the public. During the hours that the library is open, four study rooms are available to the public at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Three other meeting rooms are available to reserve and rent for meetings and social events. The library works in concert with other community organizations to provide solutions, through programming, to social and educational concerns. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS + Provide open and equal access to information. • Create opportunities for life-long learning. Encourage a love of reading. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010111 • Added downloadable audio books, eBooks, DVDs, and music to the library's collection. + Received permission from City Council to pursue obtaining a bookmobile for the library in conjunction with funding from Friends of the Library who agreed to fund purchase of the bookmobile vehicle (approximately $150,000) - Awarded a $70,000 grant from the Texas State Library to pay the salary of a public outreach librarian for a bookmobile. + Coordinated with the Texas Society of Sculptors, Georgetown Art Works, and individuals to provide rotating art displays at the library. • Maintained an aggressive publicity campaign that is designed to keep the public constantly aware of the services, programs and activities available at the library. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Initiate bookmobile service to senior citizens and children in Georgetown, Coordinate the placement of sculptures in the downtown through the Arts and Culture Board. • Increase public computer classes. • Increase downloadable eBooks and audio books collections. 94 PUBLIC LIBRARY 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Library Services Director 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Library Director 1. 1* 1* 1* 1* Administrative Assistant III 1 1 1 1 1 Library Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Librarian III 2 2 2 2 2 Librarian 1 3 3 3 3 3 Bookmobile Librarian 0 0 0 1 1 Children Services Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Library Assistant 111 1 1 1 1 1 Library Assistant 1 8 8 8 8 8 Library Aide (PM 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TOTAL (FTIPT) 19/2.5 19/2.5 19/2.5 20/2.5 20/2.5 inutuues one rrozen unrunueu posuron WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Circulation per year 431,294 524,610 475,000 522,700 525,000 2. New patron registrations per year 2,550 2,293 2,600 2,250 2,400 3. Books added per year 14,795 14,180 17,500 14,000 14,500 4. Children's program attendance/yr 12,224 12,936 15,000 12,900 13,000 5. Internet usage (persons/yr) 88,838 97,244 95,000 96,809 98,000 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Books circulated per capita 8.9 10.9 9.0 10.7 10.7 2. Resident library cardholders/capita .53 .54 .6 .57 .57 3. GISD cardholders/student pop. .08 .08 .1 .09 .09 4. Presentations to community 129,865 130,000 130,000 Capital/Books 130,000 130,000 groups 20 20 21 24 24 5. Special children's events 54 64 57 71 70 :�7 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED EASE 912,400 962,060 962,024 Personnel 968,738 1,026,375 572,003 568,397 578,397 Operations 559,560 560,660 129,865 130,000 130,000 Capital/Books 130,000 130,000 1,614,268 1,660,457 1,670,421 1,658,298 1,717,035 :�7 Community Services Darks DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Parks Department improves the quality of life for Georgetown citizens by maintaining 34 parks on 473 acres, 8.2 miles of HikelBike Trail, three cemeteries, an athletic complex, Bark Park, four outdoor swimming pools, downtown pocket parks, tennis center and ether City facilities. The Department maintains and schedules the use of the Community Center and special park areas. The Parks Department also helps with special events, such as Cupid's Chase 5K RunANalk, Haunted Hayride at Halloween, 4th of July Celebration, Fishing Derby, Christmas Stroll, Red Poppy Festival, Arbor Day and Project Graduation. In addition the Barks department coordinates Eagle Scout and other service projects as needed. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Explore funding opportunities such as grants and other sources for future park development. + Continue to maintain a high quality park system that is recognized at both the state and national level. • Provide ongoing maintenance and operation of the City park system to provide beautiful, safe parks and opportunities for personal growth. • Ensure natural areas are preserved and maintained for future generations. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010111 • Assisted with the final removal of buildings and structures from the football stadium in San Gabriel Park. • Implemented first phase of the Parks Bond that was approved by citizens in November 2008, including preparing shovel ready project for San Gabriel Park Improvements and Amphitheater and extending the Hike and Bike Trails_ • Awarded Texas Recreation and Parks Society State Gold Medal for superior management in Parks and Recreation. • Hosted Regional Texas Recreation and Parks Society Maintenance Rodeo. • Expanded and revitalized neighborhood parks including Katy Crossing Park. • Sponsored public tree plantings at Katy Crossing and Pinnacle Park. • Developed Madison Oaks Park as a passive park for citizens in the area. • Worked with Park Rangers to acquire new equipment to better service the hike/bike trails. • Restored Hike/Bike trail including repairs and debris removal from the flood of September 2010. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011112 • Continue playground equipment replacement programa in City parks to ensure safety. • Complete design of Amphitheater and San Gabriel Park Improvements. • Complete construction of first phase of Hike/Bike Trail expansion • Implement Parks and Recreation Master Plan Priorities. Continue maintenance and replacement of trees in City Parks. • Continue to coordinate with the Police department on the Volunteer Park Ranger program, • Gain park maintenance equipment to be more efficient at park operations, 96 1,854,042 2,272,438 2,259,317 97 2,435,609 1,984,415 10/11 10/11 12/13 09/10 PARKS 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Assistant Director of Parks & Rec 1 1 1 1 1 Parks Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Parks Foreman 1 1 2 2 2 Urban Forester 1 1 1 1 1 Light Equipment Operator 1 1 1 1 1 Parks Maintenance Worker II 5 5 4 4 4 Parks Maintenance Worker 1 8* 8* 8* 8* 8* Parks Maintenance Worker I (Seasonal) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 TOTAL (FT/PT), 1 18/1.5 18/1.5 18/1.5 18/1.5 18/1.5 'Includes one "frozen" unfunded position ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Park area bookings 439 450 425 430 450 2. Acres maintained per maintenance worker 31 31 31 31 32 3. Restrooms maintained 16 16 16 16 16 4. Miles of trails maintained 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 9.2 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Developed parkland acres 473 473 475 475 475 2. Developed acres per 1,000 9 9 9 9 9 residents 3. Tree Plantings 168 224 0 81 20 4. Coordinate community service and restitution worker hours 3,075 2,695 3,100 3,100 3,100 1,854,042 2,272,438 2,259,317 97 2,435,609 1,984,415 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 960,299 1,025,823 1,025,792 Personnel 1,027,704 1,027,629 868,743 1,221,615 1,208,525 Operations 1,357,905 906,786 25,000 25,000 25,000 Capital 50,000 50,000 1,854,042 2,272,438 2,259,317 97 2,435,609 1,984,415 Community Services Recreation DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Recreation Department provides a wide variety of leisure and educational opportunities. Additionally, tate Recreation Department staffs and manages the Recreation Center, Teen/Senior Center Tennis Center, a natatorium, five outdoor swimming pools, summer camps, spring break camp, teen adventure camp, tennis tournaments, and leagues such as youth soccer, basketball and kickball as well as adult women's, men's and coed soccer, softball, kickball, basketball, senior softball and senior fitness and travel programs. The department also schedules special activities at the Georgetown Recreation Center, including aerobics, spinning classes, country and ballroom dancing, martial arts, tumbling, CPR, alternative activities for youth, and many other classes for youth and adults. In addition, unique education opportunities for outdoor recreation are offered numerous times during the year for youth and adults as well as in a camp environment through special camping trips and one of the largest Challenge Course in Central Texas_ The department promotes special events such as a SK RunlWalk, Haunted Hayride, Fishing Derby, Easter Egg Hunt, Outdoor Family Workshop, and Special Needs Chances. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Ensure access to recreation facilities and programs for all Georgetown residents regardless of race, gender, age, income, or physical ability. Consistently meet or exceed the expectations of our customers through proactive communications and the continuous improvement of our services. Initiate, cultivate, and maintain effective partnerships with other departments, agencies, organizations, and citizens to provide quality service to the City, MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010111 • Awarded Texas Recreation and Parks Society State Gold Medal for superior management in parks and Recreation. • Hosted Texas Recreation and Parks Society Regional Workshop at the Recreation Center. Increased on -lint; registration through increased marketing and customer awareness. • Hired a Recreation Assistant full time to assist with safety and security at the Recreation Center. • Streamlined administrative duties at the Recreation Center by hiring an Administrative Assistant to handle daily cash duties and increase customer service. • Partnered with the Exceptional Georgetown Alliance in providing facilities for a special needs summer camp. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 Continue to work with Convention & Visitor's Bureau to host two day athletic events that bring in overnight tourists. Work to increase on-line registration with creative marketing strategies. • Explore lighting options to increase visibility and safety on the courts at the Tennis Center. * Streamline administrative duties at the Recreation Center to increase efficiency and customer service. • Provide added safety and security at the Recreation Center due to the high volume of usage. • Expand summer camp offerings to include a camp for special needs population. • Explore ways to add general recreation center programs for the special needs population. • Increase Senior Programming at the Senior Center. • Explore pricing methodology to determine cost recovery rates for programs and services. 98 RECREATION 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL I ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Special Services Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Youth Adventure Program Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Youth Activities Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Challenge Course Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Aquatic/Special Events Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Athletic Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation Center Supervisor 2 2 2 2 2 Recreation Specialist 4 4 4 4 4 Recreation Center Attendant 0 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 Admin Asst/Cash Handler 0 1 1 1 1 Recreation Maintenance Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 Special Events/Marketing 1 1 1 1 1 Head Tennis Pro 1 1 1 1 1 Tennis Center Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 Recreation Assistants (9 - PM 4 4 4 4 4 Camp Staff, Seasonal (12 - PM 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 Pool Staff, Seasonal (39 - P/T) 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 TOTAL (FT/PT) 1 18/18.5 L 20/18.5 1 20/18.5 1 20/18.5 20/18.5 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED EASE 1,595,109 1,758,549 1,791,197 Personnel 1,805,541 1,805,458 1,493,327 1,535,881 1,585,369 Operations 1,609,229 1,609,229 (847) Capital 3,087,589 3,294,430 3,376,566 3,414,770 3,414,687 M ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Softball teams registered 244 277 280 275 280 2. Recreation Center memberships 18,597 16,778 17,000 15,000 16,000 3. Youth Soccer registrations 965 717 725 750 800 4. Youth Basketball registration 238 236 235 240 250 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED EASE 1,595,109 1,758,549 1,791,197 Personnel 1,805,541 1,805,458 1,493,327 1,535,881 1,585,369 Operations 1,609,229 1,609,229 (847) Capital 3,087,589 3,294,430 3,376,566 3,414,770 3,414,687 M ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Expenses recovered through fees 48% 60% 55% 60% 65% 2. Program registration activity 13,845 16,166 16,000 16,250 16,500 3. Activities implemented 81% 80% 85% 85% 85% 4. Program satisfaction 93% 92% 95% 95% 95% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED EASE 1,595,109 1,758,549 1,791,197 Personnel 1,805,541 1,805,458 1,493,327 1,535,881 1,585,369 Operations 1,609,229 1,609,229 (847) Capital 3,087,589 3,294,430 3,376,566 3,414,770 3,414,687 M R ME The Finance & Administration Division serves City departments and citizens through Accounting, Administration, Facilities Construction and Maintenance, Fleet Management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Information Technology, Municipal Court, Purchasing, and the Utility Office. The Division also manages the City's internal service funds for Facilities, Fleet and Information Technology. The primary funding sources include the Joint Services Fund (Administration, Accounting, GIS, Purchasing, Utility Office), General Fund (Municipal Court) and the Fleet, Facilities and Information Technology Internal Service Funds. Municipal Court Atlminis[ration Facilities Ma Utility Offs Information Tachnolo VBM1iCIB Svc Gan $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000.000 $4,000,000 � Personnel O Operations � Capital Finance 8L Administration Uses 8r Expenses 103 10/11 10/11 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW % CHANGE BUDGET ACTVAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROD. AGTIIAL Ganars/ FunU Municipal Court 571,480 565,337 526,256 526,256 6 tufa/Genera/Fund 5]1,480 565,33] 526,256 526,266 -a.ex 3oac]a/ Raven a Funtls 67,243 6],243 Court Faas SRF 116,275 116,275 6J,243 67,243 1 Juvenile SRF 55,308 55,216 55.860 55,880 > tote/Special Rev. Funds >]1,583 >71,4H1 123,103 123,>03 -za.zx d 520,513 128,280 648,773 � Facilities Maintenance 880,087 658,970 648,773 648,7]9 - . Fadll[ias Malnt Contracts 1.528.816 1,490,918 1,370,174 1,37gt74 - . Float Contracts 2,115,058 2,115,058 2.688,595 2,688,595 6.5 VeM1icle Service Center 935,232 909,739 941,932 941,932 8 Accoun8ng 580,392 580,353 574,130 574,130 -. Finance & Atlmin. 950,238 949,271 857,751 857,751 - . PurcM1asin9 567,592 - 580,377 554,362 554,362 - UtiliyOffic� 2,171,554 2,144,943 2,133,288 2,133,286 os55 IOfOrmation TacM1nolo9y 901,561 891,275 681,408 881,406 - . IT Contracts 1,615,329 1,547.329 1,428,235 1,426,235 -. GIS 361,227 298,557 349,584 349,684 65 foto//mama/Svc Funds >2387,>O6 >2.>46, 7BB >2,426, 230 >2,426, 230 a.3,z ton Total 13,190;169 a 8. 13.076,666 - tsx 103 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) G¢n¢ra/Fnnd Municipal Cpurt 407.127 119.129 526,256 6 fofa/Genera/Fund 40],12] 1>9, 129 626,256 B Soao/a/ Raven a Funds Court Feas SRF 67,243 6],243 Juvenile SRF 55,880 66,860 1 tote/Spatia/Rev. Funds 55,860 6],243 >23,>03 > /mama/ S¢rvi0¢ Fantle Facilities Maintenance 520,513 128,280 648,773 � Facilities Maint. Contracts 964.0]4 406.100 1,370,174 FIaaI Contrects 241,095 2,447,500 2,688.595 Vatricla Sarvica Cantor 436.04] 505,685 941,932 6.5 ACCOUnting St 6,092 58.038 5]4.130 8 Finance 8 Atlmin. 505,488 352,283 857,751 8 PurcFasin9 446,630 10].]32 554,362 ] U811y Office 1,005,585 1,127,721 2,133.286 18 Infortnaticn TacM1nology 691,292 190,118 881,408 9.5 Vf Contracts 634,]15 581.520 1,426,255 GIS 2]0,629 78,955 349,584 3 tofa//Mama/Svc. Funds 4,392,256 4,568,854 3,446120 12,426,230 65 .�. 103 VOM73777 77 7=1777 Administration The Administration Department plans and directs the City's financial activities: accounting, purchasing, tax collections, billings, financial reporting, and debt and investment management, as well as, oversight and support to the Divisional departments. The department directs the City's budgeting process; the preparation and publication of the annual budget document; monitors and updates long-term financial plan and prepares related policy recommendations; plans and coordinates city debt issuance, including presentations to bond rating agencies, and monitors the City's utility rate structure to ensure financial stability of the City's utility systems. The department is also liaison to the General Government and Finance (GGAF) Subcommittee of the City Council that provides additional review and feedback on financial matters. The department also provides financial management and support to the both of the City's economic development corporations, the 4A Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) and 4B Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) as well as, various Public Improvement Districts and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones. ® Ensure the City's assets by maximizing available resources, minimizing costs, and protecting principle. ® Plan for the City's future financial growth, thus protecting and enhancing the City's quality of life. • Be the leader in providing the highest level of service in administering the operating and capital budgets and implementing innovative approaches toward budgeting. ® Evaluate and make recommendations on City operations and procedures to make the City more effective in providing services to the citizens of Georgetown and more efficient in the use of City resources. ® Foster a "customer -oriented" philosophy toward internal and external departments in the City. • Assisted the Public Safety Tax Force in preparing a $29.5 million ballot initiative for consideration in the May election to fund a public safety operations and training facility. • Coordinated the 2011 Internal Customer Service Survey that provided feedback to internal City departments regarding the services provided and then worked to develop action plans to address identified areas for improvement. ® Developed a funding plan for the 100 Austin Avenue project and helped coordinate the successful approval of the project. ® Coordinated the 2012 Strategic Plan update. • Developed a revised funding strategy for the Rivery Park project to further the public private partnership and expedite the development of a conference center and park improvements. ® Redesigned the Finance Division web pages to increase usability to the community. ® Completed the financial impact analysis of new City power contracts for post 2016. ® Develop a funding strategy to the Southeast Quadrant economic development area. ® Assist in creation of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones for areas identified as growth corridors or redevelopment areas within the City. ® Implement the Rivery Park project's funding plan. ® Continue to implement the City's recently adopted IT Master Plan. ® Coordinate a new five-year strategic and financial planning process. 104 Chief Financial Officer Finance Director Chief Utilities Analyst Project Manager Administrative Manager Administrative Assistant III TOTAL *includes I 'frozen" unfunded n 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12113 PROPOSED PROJECTED FY 11112 1. # of bond issues outstanding 27 27 32 32 34 Amount of debt outstanding $116,053,477 $137,348,588 $139,686,423 $139,686,423 $143,600,922 2. Utility customers 24,754 25,450 26,000 25,705 26,500 3. Adopted Annual Budget $214,712,611 $191,037,182 $209,142,057 $204,426,227 $178,271,253 4. Presentations to Council 25 28 25 26 6 6 6 6 6 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. # of bond issues outstanding 27 27 32 32 34 Amount of debt outstanding $116,053,477 $137,348,588 $139,686,423 $139,686,423 $143,600,922 2. Utility customers 24,754 25,450 26,000 25,705 26,500 3. Adopted Annual Budget $214,712,611 $191,037,182 $209,142,057 $204,426,227 $178,271,253 4. Presentations to Council 25 28 25 26 26 5. # of total division employees 69 69 70 72 72 —J PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. Receive GFOA Budget Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2. Special projects completed/ 375,453 374,503 Operations 918,277 950,238 949,271 initiated within the same fiscal year 95% 97% 95% 97% 97% 3. Cost to produce budget document $90.00 $83.19 $100.00 $110.00 $110.00 4. Bond Rating: Standard & Poor's Rating Group AA- AA AA+ AA+ AA+ Moody's Investors Service Aa3 AA2 AA2 AA2 AA2 5. # of "kudos" for Customer Service awarded to divisional employees 1 231 1 214 1 225 1 225 1 230 105 12/13 10111 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 548,399 574,785 574,768 Personnel 369,878 375,453 374,503 Operations 918,277 950,238 949,271 105 857,751 921,256 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATE] ADOPTED BASE 505,488 544,993 352,263 376,263 857,751 921,256 Finance !,Administratio Accounting The Accounting Department is responsible for keeping accurate financial records for the City and providing financial and related information to division directors, department heads, and council members when they make financial decisions for the City. The Department pays accounts payable promptly by issuing and mailing checks weekly, processes the City's payroll and related reports, tracks investments and cash flow of all City funds, maintains the general ledger and monitors internal controls, prepares interim and annual financial budget and investment reports, tracks the City's capital improvements and grant projects, monitors bond proceed disbursements and pays the City's debt service. ® Provide financial information in the form, frequency and timeliness needed for management decisions. ® Provide for accurate and timely payments to City employees and vendors. ® Provide financial reporting conformity with generally accepted accounting principles that receives the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement. ® Monitor budget revenues and expenses to ensure fiscal accountability and responsible use of City resources. ® Ensure maximum safety of invested funds while achieving a competitive rate of return. ® Foster a "customer -oriented" approach toward internal departments of the City. ® Monitor internal controls to safeguard the City's assets. TIT -111W . r * •^ Ensured compliance with new generally accepted accounting principles for intangible assets and fund balance reservations. Developed a policy for safeguarding non -capital assets on the Division level by establishing a method of identifying and tracking assets under $5,000. Ensured compliance for accounts payable reporting that requires all vendors who receive more than $600 to receive a form 1099 for both goods and services. • ^. "� ' � ^ � � - t is � i • Establish consistent use of time entry system across all departments. • Implement the use of cash forecasting to ensure fiduciary responsibility. • Expand the auditing of city revenues and processes by developing audits that check for possible loss revenues and handling of City assets. ® Review and update internal policies that will change due the implementation of new Financial Information System. ® Implement payroll direct deposit requirement for all City personnel to increase efficiency and effectiveness. 106 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 ACCOUNTING 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 2. Invoices processed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Accounting Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Chief Accountant 1 1 1 1 1 Accountant II 1 1 1 1 1 Accounting Specialist 111 3 3 3 3 3 Accounting Specialist 11 2 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 8 8 8 8 8 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. Vendor checks issued 12,089 12,919 13,500 13,000 13,500 2. Invoices processed 18,862 19,895 21,000 21,000 22,750 3. Payroll checks issued 14,004 15,012 14,225 15,500 15,575 4. Annual investment portfolio $52,602,611 $66,029,499 $60,000,000 $84,782,000 $85,000,000 5. # of grants 13 14 14 18 15 Annual grant expenditures 1 $487,152 t 483,326 1 $472,179 1 1,503,780 1 1,000,000 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 UDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Payments processed within vendor terms 95% 96% 97% 97% 97% 2. Manual payroll check percentage .15% .13% .20% .15% .15% 3. # of securities/CDs purchased 9 12 15 20 20 4. Internal customer rating of satisfied or better 94% N/A 96% 93% N/A _ r ne mrernai cusromer jervice ziurvey Is a w -annum survey. 10111 09/10 0/11 PROJECT I t '' i! i; 483,138 515,230 515,191 Personnel 51,779 65,162 65,162 Operations 534,917 580,392 580,353 107 ESTIMATED11/12 � ADOPTED BASE �� M3 8, 574,130 0•0 Finance and Administration Fact/ities Construction and Maintenance DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Tha Facilities Construction antl Maintenance Department provides builtling maintenance, facilities construction management, major and minor renovations, supervision of architects and consultants, janitorial services, landscape services, equipment replacement and emergency repairs for approximately 28 municipal builtlings (approx. 377,000 sq.ft.). This department is responsible for tlevaloping and maintaining the Facilities Internal Service Fund which provides a repair/replacement schedule for various building maintenance items and equipment, and charges a lease fee to each building occupant to fund the repairs. The department contlucts monthly inspections of each facility to identify existing or potential problems antl corrects those situations. Facilities Construction and Maintenance is managed by th¢ Support Services Director, who also oversees coordination renovation of City buildings. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS and project management for construction and Provide effective project management of all construction and renovation of City buildings and facilities. Provide quality maintenance of City public facilities which fosters a safe and positive atmosphere for our employees and citizens. Provide preventative maintenance services on all Heating Ventilating and Air Contlitioning (HVAC) equipment, elevators, emergency generators, landscaping, copiers, and fire protection systems to ensu ra optimum operational ¢fFciency and extend the life of capital investments. Modify and uptlata the internal service fund to provide a perpetual funding source for facility repairs and services. • Assist in the annual update of the Facility Plan to ensure adequate space for customers to Transact business and for employees to work, and forecast future funding requirements. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'11 • Participated in the itlentitication and purchas¢ of 20 acres on DB Wood Road for Fire Station 5 and future Public Safety Operations and Training Facility. • Selected an architect and completed design, as well as, a Construction Managerat-Risk and began construction of Fire Station 5. Participatetl in the Public Safety bontl package development process and the public etlucation on the project. • Developed adesign/build process for Fira Station 2 in conjunction with the purchase and demolition of two houses for the expansion of Fire Station 2. Demolished the oltl high school football stadium to provide space for the future construction of an amphitheater. • Selectetl an architect to design the amphitheater. • Selected an architect to provide design for the extension of the San Gabriel River Trail. • Demelished the old San Gabriel Pool to provide space for additional parking for the Community Center. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Construct Fire Stakion 5. • Construct Fira Station 2 • Design the Public Safety Operations and Training Center. • Construct the San Gabriel River Trail eMension. • Renovate City offices for the relocation of the Visitor's Canter. toe The Internal Customer Service Survey is conducted biennially. 10/11 09/10 10/11 !; ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED l 499,818 523,958 523,884 Personnel 520,513 520,473 98,126 136,129 135,086 Operations 128,260 128,260 597,944 660,087 658,970 lim 648,773 648,733 ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTS® PROJECTED FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 1. Work orders processed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Support Services Director 1 1 1 1 1 Building Maintenance Tech Senior 2 2 2 2 2 Building Maintenance Tech 2 2 2 2 2 Facilities Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Capital Projects Manager 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 7 7 7 7 7 The Internal Customer Service Survey is conducted biennially. 10/11 09/10 10/11 !; ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED l 499,818 523,958 523,884 Personnel 520,513 520,473 98,126 136,129 135,086 Operations 128,260 128,260 597,944 660,087 658,970 lim 648,773 648,733 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTS® PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Work orders processed 1,156 1,163 1,200 1,169 1,300 2. Facilities maintained 27 27 28 28 29 3. Square feet of facilities maintained 377,000 377,000 379,000 379,000 396,000 4. Service contracts managed 16 16 17 17 17 5. New construction dollars $11,575,000 $1,489,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $35,600,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Work orders / PM requests completed within 3 days 97% 97% 97% 94% 97% 2. New construction completed 100% 90% 50% 20% 50% 3. Avg. completion time per work order 5 days 4 days 4 days 5 days 4 days 4. Internal Customer Service rating of satisfied or better 97.4* N/A 95% 84% 84% The Internal Customer Service Survey is conducted biennially. 10/11 09/10 10/11 !; ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED l 499,818 523,958 523,884 Personnel 520,513 520,473 98,126 136,129 135,086 Operations 128,260 128,260 597,944 660,087 658,970 lim 648,773 648,733 Finance and Administration Facilities Contracts Major building maintenance expenses as well as janitorial eemices, copier replacement and landscape maintenance are included in this department. Each maintenance service is assigned an annual lease value, which the leasing department pays into the Internal Service Fund. The annual lease value isdetermined bvthe projected replacement cost divided into the years of useful life for each item. These lease payments enable the Internal Service Fund to replace or repair items on a pre -planned schedule. Thus. the City maintains conofortob|e, safe and aesthetically appealing City facilities. ME 10/11 12/13 09/10 10111 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 61.544 42.000 42.000 Buildings & Structures 48.000 502.387 955.557 850.557 Lease and Contracts 677'215 880.215 511.330 300.275 291.375 Bldg. Improvements 288,375 287.375 81.760 221.984 206.984 Other Operating 356,584 60.484 1,247,021 152881O 1,490,916 1370 174 1,014,074 ME Facilities Intemal Service Fund - 5 Year Replacement Plan Total Costs by Facility 1,431,041 1,074,941 1,119,941 1,008,941 1,017,441 ,.a By Function 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Copier Replacement 48,000 0 24,000 0 0 Copier Maint. 27,814 27,814 27,814 27,814 27,814 Contingency 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Painting, Int. 14,500 10,000 17,000 7,000 7,000 Painting, Ext. 0 0 0 0 16,000 Roof Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 HVAC Replacement 28,000 37,000 25,000 25,000 0 Parking Lot Maintenance 12,000 10,000 2,500 0 17,500 Water Softer Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Pest Extermination 8,387 8,387 8,387 8,387 8,387 Carpet Replacement 25,000 11,000 36,000 0 0 Vinyl Replacement 0 5,000 0 0 0 Concrete Staining 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Maintenance 144,982 144,982 144,982 144,982 144,982 Tree Trimming 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Fountain Maintenance 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 Janitorial Svcs. 395,140 395,140 392,140 392,140 392,140 Janitorial Supplies 37,984 37,984 36,484 36,484 36,484 HVAC Maintenance 53,845 53,845 53,845 53,845 53,845 Elevator Maintenance 22,920 22,920 22,920 22,920 22,920 Emergency Gen. Maint. 37,419 35,819 35,819 35,819 35,819 Racquetball Court Ceiling Tiles 0 5,000 0 0 0 Gym and Racquetball Floor Maintenance 0 0 25,000 0 0 Table and Chair Replacements 6,500 0 0 0 0 Overhead Door Maintenance 8,700 8,700 8,700 8,700 8,700 Halon/Fire Alarm Maintenance 850 850 850 850 850 Tennis Court Resurfacing 0 0 10,000 0 0 Dry Deck 0 0 0 0 0 Security System Maintenance/Phone/Monitoring 349,526 51,026 51,026 51,026 51,026 Fire Extinguisherflnspection 34,506 34,506 34,506 34,506 34,506 Seal Kennels floors 0 0 3,500 0 0 Audio Maintenance 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 Preventative Maintenance 103,678 103,678 88,178 88,178 88,178 Gate Maintenance 5,090 5,090 5,090 5,090 5,090 Total Costs by Function 1,431,041 1,074941 1,119 941 1,008 941 1,017,441 By Facility Airport Terminal 43,045 18,045 8,045 8,045 8,045 Airport Tower 20,130 20,130 20,130 20,130 20,130 Animal Shelter 22,906 18,406 21,906 18,406 34,406 Municipal Court/Council Chambers 20,574 20,574 32,574 20,574 20,574 City Office Building 22,844 32,844 22,844 22,844 22,844 Community Center 37,103 33,603 30,603 30,603 30,603 Contingency 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Park & Rec Administation 26,718 42,718 26,718 26,718 26,718 Fire Admin. 12,155 12,155 12,155 12,155 12,155 Fire Station #1 22,339 22,339 24,839 22,339 22,339 Fire Station #2 6,691 6,691 6,691 6,691 6,691 Fire Station#3 21,486 21,486 21,486 46,486 21,486 Fire Station #4 14,728 31,728 14,728 14,728 14,728 Old Library 28,460 28,460 8,460 8,460 8,460 Library 178,556 154,556 154,556 154,556 154,556 Madellia Hilliard 3,276 3,276 3,276 3,276 3,276 City Hall 107,304 54,304 54,304 54,304 54,304 Police Dept. Annex 10,675 7,675 32,675 7,675 7,675 Park& Ride Facility 1,957 1,957 1,957 1,957 4,957 Police Station 36,334 36,334 48,334 36,334 36,334 Recreation Center 183,961 187,361 207,361 182,361 182,361 Municipal Complex 396,739 119,239 145,239 109,239 109,239 Chamber Building 2,163 2,163 2,163 2,163 2,163 Scenic Drive Median 6,235 6,235 6,235 6,235 6,235 Williams Drive Median 824 824 824 824 824 Williams Drive & 135 Medians 824 824 824 824 824 Country Club Rivery 1,030 1,030 1,030 1,030 1,030 University Drive & 135 Medians 824 824 824 824 824 6th & Main Parking Lot Landscape Maint, 2,163 2,163 2,163 2,163 2,163 9th & Main Parking Lot Landscape Maint. 3,708 3,708 3,708 3,708 11,208 Fueling Station 4,635 4,635 4,635 4,635 4,635 4th & Austin Parking Lot Landscape Maint. 3,090 3,090 3,090 3,090 10,090 Industrial Lot 2,060 2,060 2,060 2,060 2,060 Main Street Landscape 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 I nterway Signs 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Electric Substation East & South 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 Tree Trimming at Parking lots 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Georgetown Village Landscape Maint. (City Portion) 19,440 19,440 19,440 19,440 19,440 GCAT 64,322 52,322 62,322 52,322 52,322 Grace Heritage Center 5,990 5,990 5,990 5,990 5,990 Tennis Center 22,752 22,752 32,752 22,752 22,752 Total Costs by Facility 1,431,041 1,074,941 1,119,941 1,008,941 1,017,441 ,.a Finance and Administration /nformation Techno/ogy DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Information Technology (IT) Department provides information and technology management services in support of all City divisions. This includes overall Information Technology Administration, application support for numerous software products used by City departments, as well as Information Tachnology infrastructure management for networks, servers, messaging, PCs/peripherals, and [he City telephone system. Tha department also manages the Information Teeh oology Internal Services (ISF) Fund. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Assist all City divisions in realizing process/effectiveness improvements through the use of technology. • Deliver a highly reliable and resilient IT infrastructure to all City departments. Advise and assist division teams in selecting, implementing and upgrading application software products. through implementation of the Information Technology Master Plan. • Manage the City's IT investments in the most cost-effective manner possible. • Provitle excellent customer service and support to all departments. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Implemented the Police/Fire Computer -Aided Dispatch (CAD -RMS) system, including mobile integration to police and fire vehicles. • Updated the City IT Master plan and Contin uetl im plementa[ion of key projects identifi¢tl in the plan. Impl¢mentatl a video broadcasting solution for City Council meetings, on both Sutltlenlink Channel 10 and through the Clty website. • Upgraded several enterprise -level applications inclutling the ESRI Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Incode Financials/P urchasing/Payroll. • Began implementation of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system, replacing the City's current Automated Mater Reading (AMR) system. • Expanded the features offered in the City'S Voice -over -IP (VDI P) phone system. • Raplacetl and expanded the City's video su rv¢illance system with a fully tligital, high resolution protluct. • Replaced the City's wireless network Infrastructure, offering more features for both staff and the public. • Began virtualization of the City's tlesktop/laptop computer inventory, including operating system antl Offices tools upgrades. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'11/'12 • Continue implementation of the IT Master Plan. • Complete implementation of the AMI syst¢m for Utilities. • Implement Microsoft Exchange as the new messaging/calendaring platform for all City employ¢¢s. • Implement a new ticketing/work tracking system for internal tlepartmants. • Continue to virtualize servers wherever practical to improve efficiency and expand resiliency. ttz INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 09110 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED IT Director I 1 1 1 1 Technical Support Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Technical Support Specialist 11 1 1 1 1 1 Business Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 Network Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Network Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 Lotus Notes Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 Systems Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 Systems Analyst 1 0 0 0 0 Technical Support Specialist I (P/T) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL (FT/PT) 9/.5 8/.5 8/.5 81.5 8/.5 113 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Help desk calls received 1,900 1,900 1,500 1,500 1,600 2. # of computer user accounts 452 475 550 575 580 managed 3. # of servers managed 60 75 100 100 110 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET D PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. Network uptime/core services uptime 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 99.6% 99.6% 2. % of servers virtualized 40% 65% 80% 90% 95% 3. Cost of service per user/per yr. 1 $2,340 1 $3,060 1 $3,700" $31700* $3,840- * Reflects addition of several new software systems in fiscal years 2010111 and 2011112 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: INFORMATION SERVICES FUND 10111 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET —ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 699,109 697,032 686,767 Personnel 691,292 691,240 196,920 204,549 204,508 Operations 190,116 190,116 896,029 901, 581 891,275 881,408 881,356 113 2, - The purchase and support of computers and peripherals, end-user training, major business applications, and the network system are included in this department. Costs are assessed on a per capita or per component basis, and charged back to the user division over the life of the equipment. Equipment is then purchased on a coordinated, centralized, pre -planned basis, which minimizes cost of purchase, maintenance, and training. Divisions are also charged for the maintenance of production applications and their proportionate use of network resources. 1,076,843 1,615,329 1,547,329 12/13 11/12 r ADOPTED Operating 834,715 834,715 Capital 591,520 253,500 WE 1,426,235 1,088,215 10111 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 743,237 834,919 834,919 333,606 780,410 712,410 1,076,843 1,615,329 1,547,329 12/13 11/12 r ADOPTED Operating 834,715 834,715 Capital 591,520 253,500 WE 1,426,235 1,088,215 information Technology Intemal Service Fund - 5 Year Projections First Contact meetings 700 700 700 700 700 Software 10.000 10.000 10.000 10,000 10.000 Technology Training 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 Annual Contracts 714.215 714.215 785.087 864.200 950.620 Phmer/GwiuchRapiacementu 17.500 17.500 17.500 17.500 17.500 Desktop Operations 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 Network Operations 54.800 54.800 54.800 54.800 54.800 Contingency 22.500 22.500 22.500 22.500 22.500 Network Replacement Contingency total Services 834,715 834,715 906,137 984,700 1,071,121 Replacement Network Hardware 591.520 253.500 278.850 306.735 337,409 Total Capital Replacement 591,520 258,500 278,850 306.735 337,409 Total IT Internal Service Fund 1,426,235 1,088,215 1,184,987 1,291,435 1,408,529 115 Finance and Administration /reformation Techno/ogy -Geographic /reformation Systems DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) group, part of the I nfonnation Technology department, is responsible for providing computer based mapping support to the entire organization. The department has developed a GIS Plan which guides the annual worK program of staff. GIS is used as a planning and data management tool for multiple City departments, and usage is expected to expand to numerous additional City departments in the coming years. This group also manages the City's mapping special revenue fund. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Provide a highly effective mapping function capable of meeting the needs of a rapidly changing City. Distribute maps and mapping capabilities to internal users as well as the Community. • Contribute to decision making at all levels of the organization by providing outstanding geographic analysis and information in a readily accessible, easy-to-use manner. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'11 Provided mapping technology support for City projects ranging from small maps to City-wide mapping projects. Continued to provide mapping support to emergency service divisions, especially in the provision of mapping data for 911 dispatch systems. Enhanced GIS data employed by Police and Fir¢ dispatch systems. Improvetl GIS web technology, including the implementation of several online mapping sites with more user friendly and robust interfaces. Implemented new online mapping tools including a tool that allows citizens to [rack Planning Department cases during public notice periods. Provided mapping support for special projects such as the 20'10 U.S. Census, City Council redistricting (ongoing), impervious land cover study, proposed automatic vehicle locations system, INCODE financial software upgratle, AMI project, and asset management system. Expanded development of Case Farmer Case Management software for tracking Planning Department cases. Supported system planning for the Cify's proposed intelligent metering system. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Continue to enhance online mapping tools for public and internal use. • Continue to provide focused mapping support to Planning Department and all emergency service Departments. • Implement GIS s¢rver technologies to support new Information Technology projects including Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Meter Data Manag¢ment System (MDM), Customer Information System (CIS), and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. • Maintain heavy involvem¢nt in major IT initiatives such as AMI, CIS, INCODE upgrade, and CAD. 116 �1_I-, Provide a highly effective mapping function capable of meeting the needs of a rapidly changing City. Distribute maps and mapping capabilities to internal users as well as the Community. • Contribute to decision making at all levels of the organization by providing outstanding geographic analysis and information in a readily accessible, easy-to-use manner. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'11 Provided mapping technology support for City projects ranging from small maps to City-wide mapping projects. Continued to provide mapping support to emergency service divisions, especially in the provision of mapping data for 911 dispatch systems. Enhanced GIS data employed by Police and Fir¢ dispatch systems. Improvetl GIS web technology, including the implementation of several online mapping sites with more user friendly and robust interfaces. Implemented new online mapping tools including a tool that allows citizens to [rack Planning Department cases during public notice periods. Provided mapping support for special projects such as the 20'10 U.S. Census, City Council redistricting (ongoing), impervious land cover study, proposed automatic vehicle locations system, INCODE financial software upgratle, AMI project, and asset management system. Expanded development of Case Farmer Case Management software for tracking Planning Department cases. Supported system planning for the Cify's proposed intelligent metering system. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Continue to enhance online mapping tools for public and internal use. • Continue to provide focused mapping support to Planning Department and all emergency service Departments. • Implement GIS s¢rver technologies to support new Information Technology projects including Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Meter Data Manag¢ment System (MDM), Customer Information System (CIS), and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. • Maintain heavy involvem¢nt in major IT initiatives such as AMI, CIS, INCODE upgrade, and CAD. 116 GEOGRAPHIC 10/11 10/11 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Applications Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Business Analyst 11 1 1 1 1 1 Business Analyst 0 2 2 2 2 GIS Technician 1 0 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 4 4 4 4 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. New GIS data layers placed on distribution drive 32 22 25 35 20 2. Number of map requests handled 327 271 192 142 190 3. GIS data sets served over internet 35 35 40 51 60 4. Special mapping projects 7 3 4 4 6 PERFORMANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Total GIS data sets on network 140 162 180 180 200 2. Percent of map requests completed in 3 days -- 83% 90% 90% 90% 3. GIS data sets served over -- internet 35 40 51 60 DEPARTMENTALBUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 185,547 290,686 228,016 Personnel 270,629 270,608 69,557 70,541 70,541 Operating 78,955 78,955 255,104 361,227 298,557 349,584 349,563 `rrA Finance and Administration Municipal Court DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Municipal Court handles the judicial processing of Class C misdemeanors that originate from traffic citations, citizen complaints, misdemeanor arrests, and animal violations, occurring within the territorial limits of the City of Georgetown. The Municipal Court processing is pre -determined by the Texas Coda of Criminal Procedure and the Cod¢ of Judicial Conduct. In addition to the judicial processing, The Court prepares tlockets, schedules trials, processes juries, recoMs and collects fine payments, and issues warrants for Violation of Promise to Appear and Failure to Appear. Municipal Court also processes cod¢ and parking violations as part of the citywide code enforcement effort. The Municipal Judge holds monthly arraignment, juvenile, show cause, interpreter antl trial dockets. The Judge also facilitates the Teen Court Program in conjunction with the Georgetown High School. A supervisor, two Deputy Court Clerks, one Juvenile Case Manager and two Customer Service Representatives pertorm administmTive and clerical activities. Tha department reports Yo the Court Administrator. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Foster a "customer service" philosophy with court defendants, treating all with professional courtesy and respect. Increase Court efficiency through streamlined procedures and automation. • Protect and preserve intlivid ual liberties of court tlefendants- MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/11 Participated in annual statewide warrant rountl up along with 200+jurisdictions. • Coordinated a "mini warrant roundup with other local municipalities within the County. Up9ratled phone and message system to a call center to improve customer service and decrease missed calls. Implemented a new Records Management System for document ima9in9 that's compatible with existing Court software to streamline processes for a paperless court office. Evaluate collection agency opportunities to provide collection services to increase compliance and enhance court collection efforts to maximize the authority antl effectiveness of the court antl the justice system. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Implement a court notification or IVR system to provide enhanced customer service opportunities and increase court efficiency by sending notifications to customers and jurors. • Continue to manage with space constraints and add one deputy clerk without decreasing service levels. • Monitor timeline for docket processing and add additional tlockets when Headed. . Implement additional efficiencies during court sessions by utilizing system enhancements antl providing additional training. Participate in annual multi -jurisdictional warrant round up, • Implement proactive workload management process, including proactive collection and customer service improvement initiatives. tis MI u9R ir' -fTIW � �/tW °O mue mm m.a �a�� ..�Aq� The Municipal Judge holds monthly arraignment, juvenile, show cause, interpreter antl trial dockets. The Judge also facilitates the Teen Court Program in conjunction with the Georgetown High School. A supervisor, two Deputy Court Clerks, one Juvenile Case Manager and two Customer Service Representatives pertorm administmTive and clerical activities. Tha department reports Yo the Court Administrator. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Foster a "customer service" philosophy with court defendants, treating all with professional courtesy and respect. Increase Court efficiency through streamlined procedures and automation. • Protect and preserve intlivid ual liberties of court tlefendants- MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/11 Participated in annual statewide warrant rountl up along with 200+jurisdictions. • Coordinated a "mini warrant roundup with other local municipalities within the County. Up9ratled phone and message system to a call center to improve customer service and decrease missed calls. Implemented a new Records Management System for document ima9in9 that's compatible with existing Court software to streamline processes for a paperless court office. Evaluate collection agency opportunities to provide collection services to increase compliance and enhance court collection efforts to maximize the authority antl effectiveness of the court antl the justice system. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Implement a court notification or IVR system to provide enhanced customer service opportunities and increase court efficiency by sending notifications to customers and jurors. • Continue to manage with space constraints and add one deputy clerk without decreasing service levels. • Monitor timeline for docket processing and add additional tlockets when Headed. . Implement additional efficiencies during court sessions by utilizing system enhancements antl providing additional training. Participate in annual multi -jurisdictional warrant round up, • Implement proactive workload management process, including proactive collection and customer service improvement initiatives. tis WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 8/09 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 MUNICIPAL COURT 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 2. Number of courtesy letters ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Municipal Court Administrator 1 1 1 1 1 Court Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy Court Clerk 2 2 1 1 1 Juvenile Case Worker 1 1 1 1 1 Customer Service Rep 1 2 2 3 3 3 TOTAL 1 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 8/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Number of cases filed 13,333 13,778 13,407 8,418 13,350 2. Number of courtesy letters 20,556 22,355 23,045 16,272 22,198 3. Number of warrants issued 4,049 3,806 3,881 3,212 3,539 4. Municipal Court fine revenue: 19% 18% 23% 18% 18% Retained by City $942,781 $1,005,173 $1,017,267 $887,078 $1,037,612 Remitted to State $583,605 1 583,605 1 $534,947 1 $457,757 $545,646 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Arraignment docket scheduling 65 days 60 days 90 days 60 days 90 days 2. Processing of ticket entry 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 3. Customer use of website 22,929 18,073 25,279 17,496 18,371 4. Warrants cleared as % of issued 19% 18% 23% 18% 18% 5. Citations issued through auto systems - % of total 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 6. Bailiff attendance for court 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 7. Collections per clerk - Cily portion $157,130 $167,529 $169,545 $147,846 $172,935 10111 09110 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12/13 11112 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 463,441 501,207 494,972 Personnel 462,987 479,113 137,004 281,856 281,856 Operations 226,372 182,929 600,445 783,063 776,828 IID 689,359 662,042 Finance and Administration Purchasing DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Purchasing Department procures all supplies, equipment, and wareho..se tmontcry services for all departments within [he City organization. Procurement activities include establishing annual contracts and 5340°' blanket purchase orders to reduce cost; preparing bitl specification and tabulations; conducting formal bid proceedings %°�°°°°m for items $50,000 and over; expediting materials; reviewing, developing and monitoring City contrects; and preparing s�.aaa,em recommendations to the City Council for material purchases of $50,000 or more. Purchasing regularly meets with using m departments to review purchasing procedures and solicit ideas for �"' �'E� .. a �� ° ,.d.m.. improved efficiency. Purchasing is responsible for procuring and issuing cellular telephones and pagers. Purchasing also ove5e¢s the operation of the City's central receiving/distrtbukion warehouses and is responsible for disposing of surplus items and conducting the annual citywitle auction. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Develop and maintain a level of pertormance considered above average by our customers while maintaining a high degree of efficiency and economy. • Provide the City of Georgetown user departments with needed materials and services by utilizing best value purchases in a timely manner. • Develop and maintain a positive and productive working relationship with all user departments. • Develop and maintain an efficient purchasing process that allows a high degree of efficiency and economy while allowing a user friendly process for departments. • Revlew and consider updates to warehousing process. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010M 7 • Increased dollar limits for procurements, and the limit for Council consideration and approval. • Increased usage of cooperative agreements and interlocal ag reemenis to facilitate and improve the City's purchasing power. • Establishetl blanket contract covering online auctioning of City surplus items and abandoned vehicles, increased revenues from auction events and decreasing cost associated with on site auctions. • Developed initial set of standardized forms For commonly used purchasing and contracting documents. Continued benchmarking actions taken to improve customer service delivery to internal customers. • R¢viewed and updated signature cards to ensure accuracy and completeness. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/12 . Seek other cooperative purchasing groups that the City can utilize to improve their purchasing power and assist with the expansion of Che purchasing alliance with other Williamson County municipalities. • Pursue obtaining professional purchasing certifications for staff to ensure a proficient and well-trained department and to assist with obtaining National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) award in Purchasing. • Create and put into practice a vendor satisfaction questionnaire to provide end users with documented vendor pertormance. • D¢velop stantlardizetl "Invitation to Bid" documents and prepare as templates to ensure consistency in bidding. • Develop and implement training for both internal departments and the vendor community. • Develop and present for consideration and approval by Council remainder of standardized forms commonly used in purchasing and contracting. • Develop deadline list for renewal/re-advertisment of blanket contracts and bids to ensure there is no lapse. tzo PURCHASING 09110 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Purchasing Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Buyer 11 1 1 1 1 1 Contract Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Warehouse Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Warehouse Clerk - Lead 1 1 1 1 1 Warehouse Clerk 11 2 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 7 7 7 7 7 6. Internal Customer Service rating ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Purchase orders entered 7,856 7,432 7,780 7,900 8,000 2. Inventory items disbursed by .05% .26% .05% .02% .02% requisition 16,709 16,103 15,000 18,500 18,000 3. Inventory deliveries received 1,879 2,061 1,700 1,800 1,800 4. Formal bids processed 1 74 66 62 66 70 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Registered vendor (cumulative) 650 1,358 1,800 1,600 1,800 2. Registered Georgetown vendors 72 107 90 125 145 (cumulative) 446,596 99,786 115,402 115,402 Operations 107,732 3. Contracts completed 136 73 150 125 125 4. Cost of Inventory disbursed $2,630,590 $2,363,690 $2,000,000.00 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 5. Gross revenue from Impound/ $33,662 $24,260 $30,000 $60,000 $40,000 Surplus Auction 6. Internal Customer Service rating of satisfied or better 97.6% N/A* 97% 94.3% N/A 7, Variance of GL to Inventory Main Warehouse .05% .26% .05% .02% .02% Electric Warehouse .04% .01% .02% .01% .02% "Internal Customer Service Survey is a bi-annual Survey. -Historical information not available. 121 10111 12113 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 425,908 452,190 444,975 Personnel 446,630 446,596 99,786 115,402 115,402 Operations 107,732 107,732 525,694 567,592 560,377 554•,362 554,328 121 Finance and Administration Uti/ity Office DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Utility Office Team, consisting of both office and field personnel, reads utility meters, bills and collects for all City utility services, as well as, handling new development service creation; utility service requests; bad debt and non-payment issues; customer assistance with conservation and utility programs; payment options and arrangements; maintenance of City utility account records; and billing inquiries. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Ensure the efficient delivery of timely and accurate billing and payment information to our customers. Develop and maintain quality utility programs and Innovative services that are administered in a friendly, helpful manner. Respond to customer requests and issues quickly and fairly, with the intention of satisfying each customer. Increase public awareness of utility issues and topics through proactive communication with customers. ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 • Worked with System Engineering and HDR Engineering, Inc. to review and assess the current stormwater drainage (SWD) billing process and ordinance and develop a strategy to obtain updated data and maintain the system going forward. • Selected a vendor for development and implementation of a new CIS system. Initiatetl Phase I of a 36 month implementation plan for the naw AMI system and begin deployment of both water and electric meters. Implementetl a $1.00 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Fee to be billed to all residential antl commercial electric customers. • Developed and implemented a communication plan to publicize the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Deployment Project. • Worked with Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) to develop City Links, our AMI deployment program. • Received a "zero liability" rating on the Sales and Use Tax Audit eonductetl by the State of Texas. Implemented a Call Cen[¢r environment for the Telephone Customer Service Representatives. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 201'1/'12 • Implement an a -mail bill tlistribution option for customers that would rather receive their bills electronically, rather than through the US Postal Service. • Enhance the Utility Office Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System [o accept credit card payments and authorize payment arrangements. • Expand the Call Center to include utility calls from all sources, leaving the GUS dispatchers responsible for field dispatch of GUS personnel only. Conduct a review and update of all Ukility Office processes and procedures in ober to streamline our activities, alleviate duplication of effort, and even out workload distribuklon. tzz LMllry Prymarrt8 Pracascatl :-11_L_l L A� 0 Ensure the efficient delivery of timely and accurate billing and payment information to our customers. Develop and maintain quality utility programs and Innovative services that are administered in a friendly, helpful manner. Respond to customer requests and issues quickly and fairly, with the intention of satisfying each customer. Increase public awareness of utility issues and topics through proactive communication with customers. ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 • Worked with System Engineering and HDR Engineering, Inc. to review and assess the current stormwater drainage (SWD) billing process and ordinance and develop a strategy to obtain updated data and maintain the system going forward. • Selected a vendor for development and implementation of a new CIS system. Initiatetl Phase I of a 36 month implementation plan for the naw AMI system and begin deployment of both water and electric meters. Implementetl a $1.00 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Fee to be billed to all residential antl commercial electric customers. • Developed and implemented a communication plan to publicize the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Deployment Project. • Worked with Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) to develop City Links, our AMI deployment program. • Received a "zero liability" rating on the Sales and Use Tax Audit eonductetl by the State of Texas. Implemented a Call Cen[¢r environment for the Telephone Customer Service Representatives. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 201'1/'12 • Implement an a -mail bill tlistribution option for customers that would rather receive their bills electronically, rather than through the US Postal Service. • Enhance the Utility Office Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System [o accept credit card payments and authorize payment arrangements. • Expand the Call Center to include utility calls from all sources, leaving the GUS dispatchers responsible for field dispatch of GUS personnel only. Conduct a review and update of all Ukility Office processes and procedures in ober to streamline our activities, alleviate duplication of effort, and even out workload distribuklon. tzz :-11_L_l L Ensure the efficient delivery of timely and accurate billing and payment information to our customers. Develop and maintain quality utility programs and Innovative services that are administered in a friendly, helpful manner. Respond to customer requests and issues quickly and fairly, with the intention of satisfying each customer. Increase public awareness of utility issues and topics through proactive communication with customers. ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 • Worked with System Engineering and HDR Engineering, Inc. to review and assess the current stormwater drainage (SWD) billing process and ordinance and develop a strategy to obtain updated data and maintain the system going forward. • Selected a vendor for development and implementation of a new CIS system. Initiatetl Phase I of a 36 month implementation plan for the naw AMI system and begin deployment of both water and electric meters. Implementetl a $1.00 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Fee to be billed to all residential antl commercial electric customers. • Developed and implemented a communication plan to publicize the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Deployment Project. • Worked with Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) to develop City Links, our AMI deployment program. • Received a "zero liability" rating on the Sales and Use Tax Audit eonductetl by the State of Texas. Implemented a Call Cen[¢r environment for the Telephone Customer Service Representatives. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 201'1/'12 • Implement an a -mail bill tlistribution option for customers that would rather receive their bills electronically, rather than through the US Postal Service. • Enhance the Utility Office Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System [o accept credit card payments and authorize payment arrangements. • Expand the Call Center to include utility calls from all sources, leaving the GUS dispatchers responsible for field dispatch of GUS personnel only. Conduct a review and update of all Ukility Office processes and procedures in ober to streamline our activities, alleviate duplication of effort, and even out workload distribuklon. tzz UTILITY OFFICE 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Utility Office Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Utility Billing Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Collections Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Utility Payment Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Customer Service Representative II I 1 1 1 1 1 Customer Service Representative II 3 3 3 3 3 Customer Service Representative 1 2 2 2 2 2 Development Account Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 Field Customer Service Rep II 5 5 5 5 5 AMR Systems Operator 2 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 18 18 18 18 18 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PF2OJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Work orders processed 17,184 20,790 21,297 18,621 19,664 2. Payments processed 288,500 299,378 310,916 304,796 301,481 3. Customers paying by ACH Draft 2,439 2,513 2,471 2,600 2,554 4. Families helped by the Good 7.08% 6.37% 6.30% 6.00% 6.00% Neighbor Fund (GNF) 120 17 280 75 125 5. # of AquaMessenger customers N/A 82 255 455 750 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Utility payment collection rate 99.9942% 99.9964% 99.9952% 99.9960% 99.9952% 2. Avg. monthly customer service 358,175 300,000 300,000 cost per account $4.42 $4.56 $4.30 $4.75 $4.80 3. % of walk-in customers 7.08% 6.37% 6.30% 6.00% 6.00% 4. % of customers contributing to the Good Neighbor Fund 6.63% 6.60% 1 6.00% 5.46% 6.00% 262,770 291,315 56,330 1,031,662 417,717 1,449,379 363,175 300,000 1,005,051 417,717 1,422, 768 59,000 2,144, 943 Personnel Operations Subtotal - Department Credit Card Fees Bad Debt Insurance Deductible Contracts - Other 123 64,000 64,000 2,133,286 2,133,286 12/13 11/12 ESTI ATEE ADOPTED ASE 1,005,565 1,005,565 405,546 405,546 1,411,111 1,411,111 358,175 358,175 300,000 300,000 64,000 64,000 2,133,286 2,133,286 Finance and Adminisfration Vehic/e Service Center DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION This dapartmeni pertorms routine maintenance and m¢chanical repairs on all City equipment antl vehicles to ensure safe and efficient operations and to prevent antl minimize future repair needs. All vehicles needing repairs are brought for inspection and either repaired in-house or referred to outside shops for specialized service. The tlepartmeni also manages the Fleet Internal Service Fund, writes specifications for new vehicle and equipment purchases, and partorms naw product research. The tlepartment reports to the Support Services Director. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOAL3 .. ...l��.'- �� ■ • �..� � � � • Ensure a safe and efficient fleet for City operations. • Preserve mechanical, electrical and hydraulic integrity of the City's fleet, thus eMending She useful life of City assets. • Decrease vehicle down time through efficient, cost-effective operations. • Maintain the int¢grity of th¢ City's fleet through effective managem¢nt of the Fleet Internal Service Fund. • Foster a "customer -oriented' appreach toward internal and eMernal customers. -i'i I_l�L S�7 7�S_l �I�:Yr_C•S•Z•7!�I�AF9:f�i1�:Y �9Y7�7163.7_\�I�l i�ZTi[Oii • Received recognition from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence that the VSC professional staff mat the high standards sat forth by the ASE Blue Seal of Excellence Program for the third year in a row. • Purchased 10 replacement Police cars, including 2 SUVs. • Pu rchasetl 6 replacement pickups and two hybritl vehicles. Purchased a replacement wire trailer for the Electric department. • Purchased a r¢placem¢nt vehicle, camera van for Water services. • Purchased a replacement utility service trucK. Purchased 6 additional pickups and two Hybrids. • Partnered with Clean Fuels USA on tasting a propane assist system for on¢ of our diesel dump trucks. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 20'1'1H2 . Continue to increase professionalism for all mechanics by obtaining additional ASE and EVT Certifications. • Purchase 70 replacement Police vehicles. Purchase 2 replacement 12 yard dump trucks. • Purchase a replacement van and u[Ility vehicle for the Parks department. • Purchase a repiac¢ment tractor for the Airport. . Purchase three replacement pickups antl one Hybrid. • Purchase two replacement bucket trucks for Electric department. Purchase replacement backhoe for Water tlepartment. . Continue with hybritl vehicle testing program to measure cost effectiveness and efficiency for expansion as futur¢ vehicle replacements to various City departments. • Continue to research alternative fuels for use in City Fleet. tza WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 VEHICLE SERVICE CENTER 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 equipment ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Service Center Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Lead Mechanic 1 1 1 1 1 Mechanic 111 4 4 3 3 3 Mechanic 1 0 0 1 1 1 Service Writer/Parts 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL 6 6 6 6/0.5 610.5 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUD ETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. # of City -owned vehicles and equipment 391 398 398 408 412 2. Mechanic to vehicle ratio 1-78 1-80 1-80 1-82 1-82 3. Mechanic to Maintenance Repair 29% 30% 31% 29% 31% Units (MRU) 1-149 1-151 1-151 1-161 1-166 4. # of work orders per year 2,645 3,031 3,000 2,847 3,000 5. Gallons of fuel used per year: 7 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs Unleaded gasoline 94,577 103,696 98,909 105,526 107,356 Diesel fuel 1 97,241 1 95,161 1 95,866 1 97,572 99,983 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. # of ASE, John Deere and EVT certifications held by VSC Staff 63 89 89 83 90 2. Percent of budget sent out for service/repairs 29% 30% 31% 29% 31% 3. Average age of City fleet: • Police - Patrol 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs 5 yrs 5 yrs • GUS & other dept. 7 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs • Fire Trucks 9 yrs 9 yrs 10 yrs 9 yrs 9 yrs • Fire Prevention 6 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs • Other Equipment 7 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 4, "Green" vehicles/equipment • Hybrids 11 12 14 18 19 • E85 capable 16 16 17 35 45 • Propane 1 2 2 3 3 4. Internal Customer Service rating of satisfied or better 95% N/A 951/6 1 93% 1 95% 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECT ACTUAL I BUDGET ACTUAL 375,633 433,743 408,256 Personnel 468,535 501,489 501,483 Operations 844,168 935,232 909,739 125 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 436,047 436,015 505,885 505,885 941,932 941,900 The purchases of vehicle replacements, vehicle specific equipment and radio communication equipment for all City departments are accounted for in this department. All major equipment and vehicles used in providing services to citizens of Georgetown, are purchased through the Fleet Management Fund. All vehicles except Public Safety (Police and Fire) and Street heavy equipment, are assigned an annual lease value, which the leasing department pays into the Internal Service Fund. The lease payments made by the various departments enable the Internal Service Fund to schedule equipment and vehicle replacements. Public Safety vehicles, such as fire apparatus and patrol vehicles, as well as, street heavy equipment are funded through a debt funded replacement program. The Public Safety replacement program was initiated in 2002/03 and includes five-year (if needed) replacements for all patrol vehicles and a ten year (if needed) fire apparatus plan. Heavy street equipment was added to the ten-year replacement program in 2004/05. Each year's replacement costs are included in the City's annual short-term debt funding plan. M_ 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11112 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 96,920 115,755 115,755 Insurance 119,095 119,095 112,170 122,000 122,000 Contracts & Leases 122,000 122,000 531,222 1,877,303 1,877,303 Capital Outlay 2,447,500 2,423,100 740,312 2,115,058 2,115,058 2,688,595 2,664,195 M_ Reet Management Internal Service Fund - 5 Year Repiacement Plan Capital Replacement 2011112 2012113 2013114 2014/15 2015/16 Georgetown Utility Systems Replacement Cost 295,000 98,600 365,750 108,000 477,105 Number of Units 4 4 6 3 9 Transportation Services Replacement Cost 246,000 301,000 235.500 179,500 198,800 umberof Units 4 8 3 4 3 Community Development Replacement Cost 0 38,000 19,000 57,000 0 Number of Units 0 2 1 3 0 Finance & Administration Replacement Cost 159,500 63,000 63,500 51,200 0 Number of Units 3 4 2 4 0 Fire Services Replacement Cost 742,500 680,000 230,000 610,000 180,000 Number of Units 2 3 2 2 1 Management Services Replacement Cost 0 0 0 0 0 Number of Units 0 0 0 0 Community Services -0 Replacement Cost 38,000 64,500 113,500 140,000 34,500 Number of Units 2 4 4 6 2 Police Services Replacement Cost 616,000 944,000 671,000 58,000 591,000 Number of Units 14 24 19 2 15 IN & WIN Treatment Facilities Replacement Cost 80,000 234,000 60,000 220,000 134,000 Numberof Units 1 6 2 6 4 Insurance/Radio Maintenance Annual Cost 241,095 241,095 241,095 241,095 241,095 Total Fleet ISF Replacment Costs 2,418,095 2,664,196 1,999,346 1,664,795 1,856,500 Total ISF Replacements/Purchases 30 55 39 30 34 Non-ISF Capital Items 270,500 Number of Units 3 Total Fleet Replacement Costs 2,688,596 Total Fleet RelacementsIPurchases 33 127 p M ,} This Division is comprised of two departments, Administration and Operations. These two departments have an interdependent working relationship to accomplish specific objectives. The broad goal of the division is to protect life and property, and provide for efficient customer service through team organization to deliver a variety of services to the public. The Division created a billing special revenue fund to account for service reimbursements where the proceeds are used for fire equipment only. Internal programs and procedures are designed to support activities and standards necessary to ensure quality service, legal compliance, and fiscal accountability. Divisional operations are funded within the General Fund. Fire Administration Page 132 Operations Page 134 Fir¢ SRF Administration Op¢rations $O $1,000,000 $2,000.000 $3,D00,000 $4,000,000 $5,000.000 $6,000,000 $x.000,000 � Personnel � Operating Fire Services Uses 8. Expenses 131 t0/t1 10/11 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW SUMMARY % CHANGE PERSONNEL BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROJ. ACTUAL Ganara/ Fund Atlminiatration 495,]45 385,84] Atlministration 868,498 868,'166 881,592 881,592 6,68],564 FUe Operetione 6,26].2]1 6,183.2]] 6.68].564 6,68],564 9.5x tofa/ Genera/ Fund >,135,169 7 031, 445 7 569,156 1,569,156 zex Sn¢¢/a/ R¢v¢n a Funds 415,3]3 9 Fire Billing SRF Fire Staffing SRF 4]2,1J9 44],083 415,3]3 416,373 ita.zx Fire Billing SRF 162.441 184,]50 229.426 229,426 56 fOtal SpBCia/ Rev_ Funds 634,620 631,613 644,199 844,199 i1x Dlviafon Total 131 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) Ganara/ Fund Atlminiatration 495,]45 385,84] 881,592 6 F{re Operetlpns 5,909,]20 ]]],844 6,68],564 ]6 iota/Genera/Fund 6,405,485 1,163,691 ],589,156 81 Snacia/ Rev¢ ¢Funds Fire Staffing SRF 415,373 415,3]3 9 Fire Billing SRF 229,426 229,426 tote/Special Rev. Funtls 416,3]3 229,426 644,]99 9 56 90 131 Fife Administfation DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Fire Administration ensures That quality service is providetl to the community by directing and supporting all divisions in Fire. Direction is provided through an emphasis on open communication and participation from all levels in the decision making process, which ensures proper planning, coordination and oversight of activities, including contractual service agreements antl revenue recovery program. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS QTITII • Ensure a continuous and progressive environment that facilitates the acquisition, development, and monitoring of knowledge and skills necessary to enable She Fire Department to safely provide the best possible services. • Provide efficient and effective management of the Fir¢ Department and always search fo enhance our efficiency. • Continua to provide a revenue source for aq uipment, and public Fire training and education facility, through the billing for services program. • Ensure all agreements and records are legally compliant and properly maintained. • Develop Strategic Planning Docum¢nt. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Selected Station 5 architect and started overall construction phases. Added Training Facility to station 5 program. • Concluded Citygate study and preparing results for Council and plan of implementation. • Received Year 1 of SAFER funding, AFG personal equipment, and TIFMAS grants totaling over $600K in grant funding. Completed temporary plan for fire administration pending the Public Safety and Operations Training Facility Election. • Acquired land for Fire station 2 and will start Design Build process. . Assumed Emergency Management duties by July 20t t. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/2 • Complete Fire station 5 and commence opening in 20'12. . Complete Training Facility and begin quarterly training tlrills. • Complete Fire Station 2 construction process. • Continue seeking grant funtling to r¢liave budgetary pressures. Begin planning and implementation of Citygate study. • Complete Emergency Management transition duties and conduct acity-wide readiness exercise. Develop joint City -ESD Fire prevention/coordinator program and place budget in an enterprise fund that is self- funded. 132 ■ ■ ., .. ■ ■ ■ . ■ • Ensure a continuous and progressive environment that facilitates the acquisition, development, and monitoring of knowledge and skills necessary to enable She Fire Department to safely provide the best possible services. • Provide efficient and effective management of the Fir¢ Department and always search fo enhance our efficiency. • Continua to provide a revenue source for aq uipment, and public Fire training and education facility, through the billing for services program. • Ensure all agreements and records are legally compliant and properly maintained. • Develop Strategic Planning Docum¢nt. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Selected Station 5 architect and started overall construction phases. Added Training Facility to station 5 program. • Concluded Citygate study and preparing results for Council and plan of implementation. • Received Year 1 of SAFER funding, AFG personal equipment, and TIFMAS grants totaling over $600K in grant funding. Completed temporary plan for fire administration pending the Public Safety and Operations Training Facility Election. • Acquired land for Fire station 2 and will start Design Build process. . Assumed Emergency Management duties by July 20t t. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/2 • Complete Fire station 5 and commence opening in 20'12. . Complete Training Facility and begin quarterly training tlrills. • Complete Fire Station 2 construction process. • Continue seeking grant funtling to r¢liave budgetary pressures. Begin planning and implementation of Citygate study. • Complete Emergency Management transition duties and conduct acity-wide readiness exercise. Develop joint City -ESD Fire prevention/coordinator program and place budget in an enterprise fund that is self- funded. 132 ADMINISTRATION 09110 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Battalion Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Analyst 1* 1* 1 2 2 Administrative Assistant III 1 1 1 63,656 65,565 Administrative Assistant 11 1 1 1 TOTAL 6 6 6 6 6 *Includes one "frozen" unfunded position WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09110 UD ETED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Public presentations 220 130 160 135 150 2. Annual service delivery cost $1,058 $1,133 $1,202 $1,082 $1,074 3. Annual ESD Contract $1,349,186 $950,000 $909,988 $1,029,061 $1,070,853 4. Total Population served in the fire 2 2 2 2 2 5. district 73,541 74,326 75,520 63,656 65,565 -iso (insurance services cmice) is a company that rates Fire Departments nationwide on their ability and resources to fight fires. The rating is on a I to10 scale, I being the best possible rating, 10 being the worst. The insurance industry uses these ratings to determine homeowner's insurance rates, Service Delivery costs = Total Budget -ESD Income/Total Calls. Fire Services cost = Total budget -ESD Income/Population ** Actual Census population of City and ESD ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Fire Services cost per capita $54 $79 $79 $95 $93 2 Firefighters per 1,000 population 1.25 1.03 1.03 0.89 0.71 3. ISO Rating* 2 2 2 2 2 -iso (insurance services cmice) is a company that rates Fire Departments nationwide on their ability and resources to fight fires. The rating is on a I to10 scale, I being the best possible rating, 10 being the worst. The insurance industry uses these ratings to determine homeowner's insurance rates, Service Delivery costs = Total Budget -ESD Income/Total Calls. Fire Services cost = Total budget -ESD Income/Population ** Actual Census population of City and ESD 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED .ADOPTED BASE— Personnel 495,745 495,706 Operations 385,847 434,472 838,902 868,498 868,168 881,592 930,178 133 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 479,464 498,060 498,030 359,438 370,438 370,138 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED .ADOPTED BASE— Personnel 495,745 495,706 Operations 385,847 434,472 838,902 868,498 868,168 881,592 930,178 133 Fire Fire Operations DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Fire Operations provides the Fre fighting, rescue, medical response and haz-mat forces antl resources necessary for emergency incident response to anyone within the service area in order to save iivas and minimize property damage. Fire Operations also provides for training, professional development, safety, and communications. Firelighters are informed of the latest health and safety issues and receive mandatetl training by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, and Texas Department of Health, ensuring that the requirements for the Insurance Service Office rating system are met. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Maintain an operational readiness level that will meek the emergency demands of a growing community. • Provide firefighting forces and resources necessary to execute quick, effective, skillful, and caring responses to emergency situations. • Provide high quality, first responder service as part of an integrated emergency medical care system. • Maintain a safe, healthy, well-trainetl and high pertorming workforce and start the planning process for Paramedic engine companies. • Ensure the fire protection needs of the community are efficiently delivered through fire station design antl placement, apparatus type and response antl staff pertormanca and capabilities. • Provide fire prevention and life safety surveys for commercial occu pancias. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 Ordered apparatus for Fire Station 5 and 1 (Fire Station 1 engine is ESD funded). Continued EMS enhancements for emergency response with paramedic level delivery. • Hired antl trained Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) firefighters and assigned to shift operations. • Commenced Dive Team training and identified team personnel with Fire and Police staff. • Completed fire investigators call -out process and guidelines. • Implemented new recortls management syst¢m for all aspects of emergency operations. • Implemented training management system to assure consistency throughout the department and assure all members receive approved number of hours. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 • Complete hiring process for Fire Station 5. • Promote current employees for Fire Station 5. Develop and Implement Life Safety Survey Program for Fire Inspections. • Develop Specifications for Fire Engine for Fire Station 3. Finalize Dive Team training and assignments for readiness tleployment and purchase dive boat and dive truck. tsa . ...� • Maintain an operational readiness level that will meek the emergency demands of a growing community. • Provide firefighting forces and resources necessary to execute quick, effective, skillful, and caring responses to emergency situations. • Provide high quality, first responder service as part of an integrated emergency medical care system. • Maintain a safe, healthy, well-trainetl and high pertorming workforce and start the planning process for Paramedic engine companies. • Ensure the fire protection needs of the community are efficiently delivered through fire station design antl placement, apparatus type and response antl staff pertormanca and capabilities. • Provide fire prevention and life safety surveys for commercial occu pancias. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 Ordered apparatus for Fire Station 5 and 1 (Fire Station 1 engine is ESD funded). Continued EMS enhancements for emergency response with paramedic level delivery. • Hired antl trained Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) firefighters and assigned to shift operations. • Commenced Dive Team training and identified team personnel with Fire and Police staff. • Completed fire investigators call -out process and guidelines. • Implemented new recortls management syst¢m for all aspects of emergency operations. • Implemented training management system to assure consistency throughout the department and assure all members receive approved number of hours. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 • Complete hiring process for Fire Station 5. • Promote current employees for Fire Station 5. Develop and Implement Life Safety Survey Program for Fire Inspections. • Develop Specifications for Fire Engine for Fire Station 3. Finalize Dive Team training and assignments for readiness tleployment and purchase dive boat and dive truck. tsa WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 10/11 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 OPERATIONS 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11112 12/13 2. Hrs. of professional development ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED and continuing education 10,285 10,300 10,300 15,044 18,144 3. # of hydrants tested and painted 1,131 1,131 900 651 0 Lieutenant 12 12 12 12 12 Apparatus Operator 18 is 18 18 18 Firefighter 42 42 42 45 45 TOTAL 81 81 81 84 84 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 BUDGETED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Emergency incidents 5,475 4,781 5,649 5,683 5,718 2. Hrs. of professional development n/a n1a n/a 40.5% 45% and continuing education 10,285 10,300 10,300 15,044 18,144 3. # of hydrants tested and painted 1,131 1,131 900 651 0 4. # of Commercial Life Safety NA NA NA 0 240 a 7 minute or under response time PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACT L FY 08/09 BUDGETED FY 09110 R JE TED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. % of fire and EMS incidents with a 5 minute or under response time n/a n1a n/a 40.5% 45% *(combined inside & outside the 2. % of fire and EMS incidents with a 7 minute or under response time *(combined inside & outside the n/a n/a n1a 71.7% 75% 3. Overall average response time for Fire and EMS incidents*(combined inside and outside the City) n/a n/a n/a 5.58 5.50 4 % of Insurance Service Office 'L)uemmmt,<ocomumanagement cnamge, new critena is i)eing useu 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECTEN ACTUAL BUDGET —ACTUAL 5307.237 6,088.897 6,957.823 Personnel 781.248 814.994 837.267 Operations 12.000 Capital 01UO 6,901,8916,795,090 135 73S52Q3 ����� ����� ? t 4 S `F z z c% A' • I a •i- r .rr Georgetown Utility Systems consists of Administration, Energy Services (Electric Transmission and Distribution), Systems Engineering, Water Services (Pump Maintenance, Wastewater Collection, Water Distribution, Reuse Irrigation and Wastewater and Water Treatment). This Division constructs, maintains, and operates the City's utility infrastructure. The Division is responsible for maintaining positive working relationships with outside organizations including the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDot), The Division also coordinates contracts with the private sector, oversees and coordinates the "Safe Place" children's program, and oversees the City's solid waste contract (Environmental Services). Operational funding for this division comes from the General Fund (Environmental Services), Joint Services Fund (Administration and Systems Engineering), Electric Fund and Water Services Fund. Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Administration Systems Engineering Pag¢140 Page 156 Energy Services Atlmin Water Services Admin Page 142 Pag¢158 Electric Operations Wastewater Page 144 Pag¢760 Technical Services Water Page 148 Pag¢162 T 8. D Services Reuse Irrigation Page 150 Page 764 Environmental 8. Environmental Services Conservation S¢rvic¢s Page 154 Paa¢ 152 Reuse Irrigation 'Support Wastewa[er Ops Envlronmantal Svcs Electric Ops Water Ops Electric ConiracL S<e,asv,aai n.�cmar�9 P..,�nvs=a va..ve$O $3000,000 $6,000,D00 $9,000,000 $12,000.000 $�S.000.ODD ' Includes AtlminlsVa ion antl Systems Englnaenng � Personnel O Operating � Capital Georgetown Utility Systems Uses 8 Expenses (inc/uding Purchased Powa 139 tO/'1'1 10/'11 t'1/t2 PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDED PROJECTED NEW ^/e CFIANGE BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROD. ACTUwy E/xtrle Funtl E19oVlo 9.>49.47t 9.442.>49 10,844,1 25 10,844,126 PumM1asad Powar 37.448,]60 35,018.526 39.148.279 39.149.279 AMR 860,155 659,932 9]7,927 977,927 AMI TBInpOlary 661.500 415.314 476,893 476,893 _ T8D Oparatbrw 1,123,222 1,110.908 1,311.058 1.311.069 bfat E/acLfc Fund 9H,H4$>OH 4B, H4 ],42D 62, J69,2B2 52,759,181 flmc tar Fund Wastewater 4,186,587 4,166,202 4,082,390 4.062.390 Walar 12,630,795 12,61 1,197 12,171,865 12,1>t,866 - Rauselrriga[lon 244.071 244,003 258.709 258,709 rota/Water FunO !], Ofi>,463 >J,021,402 >6.492,964 f8,492,98f a.rx Genera/ Fund EnNronmemal Servleas 4,268.405 4.353.868 4.431.608 4,491,606 bfa/Gane2/FunC 4,256,405 4,353.868 4,432609 4,431,808 f.ez 3oacia/ Ravanua Funds Conservation SRF 152,250 218.383 488.360 466,360 h#al Spac/al Ray. Funds >62250 2!8.383 488,380 4@@,969 r¢sax /ntema/ Sarv)ta Funds Atlminlstratlon 905.568 899.999 775.205 ]76,206 - Conserva[lon 297.287 297.287 w/N Systems Engln¢¢fing 1,438.016 t 414.623 1,410,301 1,410,301 va nems/Svc Funds r rTab1. 2,393584 2.3>4. 522 2,482, J93 2.462,793 _ 73.666,800 >0,F66.804 _ T8,6E6.9DT PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) Eia=er/c Fund EICCbio 2.t4Z364 Z505.76t 1,191,000 10,844,126 255 PurcM1asatl Powar 39.149.279 39,149.279 AMR 692,988 284,939 977.927 9 AMI TETpOIary 215.893 2t 1,000 SO,000 476,893 T8D Operations 1,070.417 240.641 1.311,056 t4 tob/E/actrvc Funtl 4, >28.882 4739E 620 !,24!,000 62, JSH,282 48.5 Wa[ar Fund Wastewater 894,191 3.093.199 75,000 4,062.390 t4 Waiaf 1,198,131 10,]98,734 176.000 12.171,663 17.5 RauSa lni a[ion 59,134 199,575 268,708 1 total Water Fund' 2,15!,466 >4, D9f,50H 25D 000 fB,4H2,964 32.6 Ganara/ Fund Environmental Services 62,323 4,384,285 5,000 4,431,808 1 total Genera/Fund 62,329 4,364,193 5,000 4,43f,80B f Sneciat Ravanua Funds Conservatlan SRF 488,360 468.360 total SpBe/a/ Rav_ Ftlnd3 488,380 48$360 /n rams/ Sarvtre Fun da AtlminiStfation 465,317 309,9@@ 776,205 6 Cansarvatlon 187.287 100.000 297,287 2 SystBms EnginearinH 1.166,516 224,786 l,gt0.30t t7 tplHl /otBtna/SVC. Fur M6 >,B48,ffH fi34,BJ4 2,482,>93 25 © BO >B H�ODT 10> 139 Georgetown Administration The Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) Administration Department manages financial operations and personnel services for all departments in the division. The Department provides administrative support, including customer relations, reception, record keeping, and secretarial services, to all departments within the division. Long-term system planning is coordinated by the Department. Administration is responsible for coordination and operation of all utilities during emergency management situations. ® Promote a safe and positive working environment for employees. • Provide reliable utility services that protect the community and reflect its values, as well as, well-planned development. ® Ensure excellent customer service to the Georgetown community. ® Promote consumer education programs for efficient utility use, conservation, and customer service. ® Provide programs that encourage efficient use of materials and preserve natural resources. ® Maintain quality utilities and transportation systems that promote well-planned current and long-range development. ® Completed notification to the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) regarding 2016 contract. ® Continued implementation of the Regional Wastewater Master Plan, including protest of MUD 19. • Renovated office facilities (at the GMC) for more efficient use through 2012. ® Completed construction of a Solar Demonstration project as a pilot program to promote solar energy use, ® Continued the relationship, with American Electric Power (AEP), for alternative energy for Southwestern University. ® Implemented the first phase restructuring of Georgetown Utility Systems Division to provide greater efficiency and enhanced service to the community. • Executed an agreement with CARTS related to renewable buy back for commercial accounts. ® Completed the RFP process for energy supplies for the years 2016 — 2023. ® Evaluated options for renewable energy located at the closed landfill site. ® Complete execution of future power contracts. ® Continue the focus on customer service enhancement. ® Expand regional approach to utility system development and planning through partnerships with utility providers and political subdivisions. ® Continue implementation of the Regional Wastewater Master Plan for the San Gabriel Basin. ® Expand the Water Certificates of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) to coincide with the provision of other City services. ® Implement second phase restructuring of Georgetown Utility Systems Division for greater efficiency and enhanced service to the community. ® Define and create fuels hedging strategy, scheduling protocol, and operation training information for Energy Services. ME PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED ADMINISTRATION 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 1. Professional Association meetings ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Assistant City Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Environment & Conservation Manager 0 1 1 0 0 Administrative Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 111 3 3 3 3 3 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,TOTAL 6 7 71 6 1 6 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Professional Association meetings 51 75 88 80 88 2. Contracts negotiated 110 108 118 126 120 3. Purchase orders processed 1,251 1,117 1,340 1,530 1,500 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. Consumer education program BUDGET ACTUAL - 439,904 588,318 contacts 556,700 557,000 560,000 560,000 570,000 2. Customer satisfaction of field 763,408 905,568 899,999 operations 97% 97% 97.5% 97.75% 9T80% 3. Lost time injury/accidents 7 3 3 1 1 12/13 11112 ESTIMATED ADOPTED RASE Personnel 465,317 465,282 Operations 309,888 309,888 141 775,205 775,170 10111 09110 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL - 439,904 588,318 582,749 323,504 317,250 317,250 763,408 905,568 899,999 12/13 11112 ESTIMATED ADOPTED RASE Personnel 465,317 465,282 Operations 309,888 309,888 141 775,205 775,170 Energy Services Administration is responsible for the overall management, and support of Energy Services, T & D Services, and Technical Services departments. Activities include strategic planning and management for the electric utility, including contract negotiation and management for utility contracts, utility cost sharing contracts, power purchase contracts, and regional utility contracts. Additional activities include utility budgeting, capital improvement planning, and project management. ® Maintain an adequate supply of power and to allow for future growth of the community. ® Maintain or exceed Public Utility Commission of Texas (DUCT), Energy Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), and North American Electric Reliability Commission (NERC) standards for electric service. ® Operate and maintain the system in a cost efficient manner to provide for the lowest possible service rates for our customers. ® Expand the system to provide electric service throughout our franchise area. ® Expand the system to compete in dually certified electric territory. ® Negotiated PPA with JP Morgan Ventures for power starting in 2016. ® Negotiated PPA with CPS Energy for peak energy for summer and winter 2011. ® Negotiated Utility Construction Cost Sharing Agreement with Lansdale Automotive. ® Implemented pole testing program. ® Negotiated Pole Attachment Agreement with AT&T. ® Commenced Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Implementation — Phase I. ® Completed Asset Management data evaluation and CMMS RFP. ® Negotiate franchise agreements with neighboring utilities operating within the city limits. ® Execute confirms for future energy purchases as market conditions permit. ® Implement data collection for Asset Management. ® Complete Phase I and Implement Phase II of AMI system. ® Complete RFP process for CMMS and implement. 142 C UAL ACTUAL 10/11 0/11 PROJECTEY WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08109 ENERGY SERVICES — 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 11/12 11112 ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED 30 33 33 33 *Po-,�ifinn shared with Water Admin C UAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTEY WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09110 FY 10111 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Electric Customers 19,727 20,643 20,500 20,850 21,400 2. Energy Services Employees 28 30 33 33 33 143 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGE ED PROJE TED ROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 FY 11/12 834.959 888.330 143 10/11 09110 10M1 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL Personnel 74'980 150.000 150.000 684.959 684.059 O 834.959 834.959 143 i2/12 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 74'980 74.894 Operations 814,436 814.436 Capital 20'000 709'336 888.330 Georgetown Uti/ify Systems Energy Services — E/ectric Operations DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Electric Operations Department constructs, operates and maintains an anergy delivery system to service customers within a certificated area comprised of thirty nine 12.SkV 8 24.9kV overhead or underground feeders and branch circuits. Power is suppliatl fo these circuits by 7 electric substations that receive wholesale anergy through the Lower Colorado River Aukhority's t38kV transmission system. Tha Department manages a diverse group of major assets Including poles, ovarheatl S underground conductors, pole S pad mounted transformers, pole &pad mounted switches and capacitors for power quality. The Department reviews plans for construction requiring new or modification of delivery facilities according to design speci£cations &construction standards The Departmenk constructs Atrnel� �`irblrwrArowltr and maintains a M1igh percentage of the project activity with assistance from bid Labor Only contractor services. Operations personnel are on call for emergencies and after hour's services. The Department installs and maintains the city's streetlights and security lights. The Department regularly assists AMR Department with their CCUs, the Street Department with traffic signals and banner installations. Tha Department also directs a vegetation maintenance program through a bid contractor service insuring appropriate tree trimming methods era practiced and line clearances are suf£ciently controlled in ortler to minimize customer outages and prevent equipment tlamage during adverse weather conditions. In addition, Staff regularly monitors Texas Public Utility Commission Directives and evaluates its regulatory impact on the City of Georgetown electric utility and its customers. The Department facilitates a US Department of Labor Apprentice Lineman training Program to train and promote staff to Journeyman Lineman status antl awartls those completing the program with certi£cates that recognizes the status nationwide. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Maintain appropriate ERCOT and PUCT standards for electric service to the community antl maintain levels of service to The customer. • Operate and maintain the electric tlistribution system in a cost efficient and safe manner to provide a return on investment to the General Funtl antl to provitle the lowest possible rates to the community. • Provide competitive services and rates for customers locatetl within areas servicetl by other tlistribution providers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20tOM 1 • Upgraded mapping system to survey grade quality as integration iMo the outage management program allowing accurate locations of power failures and minimize time for restoration. • Secured and enacted US Department of Labor endorsement of Georgetown's Apprentice Lineman Program. • Planned, asiima[etl &completed 230 distribution service projects consisting of naw extensions and refurbishment. • Developed and implemented aBreaker-Fuse coordination program for all primary feetlers. • Produced and initiatatl an Electric Service Guidelines Manual for community davelepment purposes. • Began the implementation of project asiimakion antl design system to overlay onto the currant Milsoft mapping system. • Initiated Yha implementation of an automatatl materials management system to adtlress the automotive issue antl reortlering of materials for projects allowing for proper scheduling and projection of material issue delays. • Began the procurement of an Asset Management antl Preventative Maintenance program. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20t1/�2 • Participate in industry conferences associated with electric distribution antl "Smart Grid" to gain strong working knowledge. • Implement "Smart Grid" Initiatives to meat regulatory demands, customer demands antl automate the distribution system. • Continua procurement process for Asset Management System and preventive maintenance program [o be completed in 20'12/13. • Implement mobile CMMS solution for on-site map availability for troubleshooting and service. • Improve Lineman training and safety program to maintain technical expertise and high safety stantlards. • Benchmark Energy Services with other distribution utilities to maintain proper staffing levels and pay. 1aa ELECTRIC 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Electric Services Director 1 0 0 0 0 Electric Services Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Electric Services Supervisor 0 0 3 3 3 Electric Materials Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Electric Planning & Inspection Coordinator 0 1 0 0 0 Electric Project Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Electric Construction Coordinator 2 2 2 2 2 Crew Leader 5* 5* 0 1 1 Lineman Supervisor 1 1 0 0 0 Line Technician — Apprentice 2 2 4 4 4 Line Technician 9* 9* 3 3 3 Line Technician — Journey 6 6 9 9 9 Substation Supervisor — T&D 1 0 0 0 0 Substation I&C Technician 1 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 31 29 24 25 25 Flu rrozen positlons unfunded WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 11/12 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Number of street lights 2,550 2,550 2,600 2,750 2,850 2. Street light repairs 1,600 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 3. Ft of 3 phase overhead line constructed 40,000 79,200 79,200 15,840 13,000 4. Ft of 3 phase underground constructed 1110,000 1 17,800 17,800 115,840 15,000 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Compliance with ERCOT 95% LF* 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2. % of system GPS 80% 90% 95% 95% 98% 3. Feeder line circuit maintenance 40% 50% 70% 80% 80% 4. Average System Availability Index 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99% 5. Electric System technical training by in-house programs, Lineman 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Apprentice Program and TEEX " ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) Load Factor TEEX (Texas Engineering Extension Service) DEPARTMENTALBUDGET: ELECTRIC FUN 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 1,769,013 1,903,502 1,885,530 Personnel 2,072,464 2,072,320 1,213,305 873,951 873,951 Operations 1,157,277 908,877 127,078 209,000 209,000 Capital* 1,171,000 1,131,000 3,109,396 2,986,453 2,968,481 4,400,741 4,112,197 *Beginning in 2091/92, capital maintenance was reclassified from the CIP budget to the department operation budget. Georgetown Utility Systems Energy Services - Electric Contracts The Electric Fund transfers two percent ofits gross billings for utility services to the General Fund. This transfer has been viewed as a payment of franchise fees which would have been payable to the General Fund from a non - City provider of such services. This department also accounts for the contractual obligations not specific to an individual department of the fund, such as purchased power costo paid to the City's wholesale energy providers. Special Projects and Services include programs such as public education, energy and contracts not attributable to the Electric Department. Allocated costs for administrative or support departments are also recognized. The City maintains 195 miles of overhead electric distribution |ines, 125 miles ofunderground distribution |ines, and currently has 333 -megawatt capacity. 40,317,926 43,376,819 40 ,657,835 147 44,883,327 49,099,672 1011 12/13 09/10 10M1 PROJECTED 11M3 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 35.317.388 37.448.760 35.018.526 Purchased Power 39,1419'378 43.244.854 670.885 715.478 723.871 General Fund Allocations 685.332 080.808 3.119.428 3.311.080 3.204.891 Internal Svc Fund Allocations 3.362'414 3.442.695 1.143.502 1.870.898 1.000.547 Franchise Fees 1'686`802 1.711.025 66,723 30,000 30,000 Special Projects &Svcs 19,500 19,500 40,317,926 43,376,819 40 ,657,835 147 44,883,327 49,099,672 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Energy Services - Technical Services DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Technical Services is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City's utility metering, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, and related communication networks. Customer usage data from the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system is used by Utility Billing in preparing customers' water and electric consumption bills. The SCADA system provides monitoring and control of utility infrastructure by the City utilities. Department activities are regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEO). Department activities include utility network security, maintenance of instrumentation and control devices, and emergency notification sirens. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOAL8 MaKe certain the SCADA system is maintained and developed to meet all North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) and American Water Works Association (AW WA) regulations in regards to security, operations, and reliability. . Maintain the AMR system to provide accurate and timely consumption data for the customers and to allow the Utility Billing tlepartment to collect for The utility services provided by the City. Ensure the Utility communication networks are able to provide accurate system status and ¢q uipment control capability with high reliability. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'IOM'I Prepared for AMI deployment, tested network and processes with phase one schedule for completion by Dac. Trained Tech Services personnel on the new AMI system antl began development of step training program for Meter Technicians. . Worketl with SCADA system engineering firm on communication networK plan antl configuration. Participated in the utility department development of asset management system requirements. . Completed the installation and commissioning of phase 2 of solar installation at TLCC. . Worked with Engineering fine on APPA DEED grant for energy efficiency of Lake WTP Raw pumps by developing a controller to minim lze Specific Energy Consumption. . Supported TS.D Services with the start-up of transformer addition at Rivery substation. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 20'1'1/12 Complete phase I testing and implementation of the AMI project and begin phase 2. Support System Engineering with Laka WTP expansion/start-up and training of SCADA Technicians. Continue the implementation/revisions of the SCADA system as prescribed in master plan. Assist the utility departments with the expansion and installation of distributed generation systems and cuskomers. • Ensure that electric and water meters are read electronically and accurately above the intlustry average. Continue to support the utility department asset management system tlevelopment and implementation. tae TECHNICAL SERVICES 10111 10tH (AMR) 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12113 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Technician 1 1 1 2 2 2 Technician 11 1 1 2 2 2 SCADA Systems Operator/Tech 2 2 2 3 3 Technical Services Supervisor 0 0 1 1 1 Technical Services Manager 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 5 5 8 9 9 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED' WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09110 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Electric ERTs installed 20,577 20,916 21,800 21,300 21,950 2. Water ERTs installed 19,921 20,454 21,300 21,040 21,700 3. SCADA system tags 23,790 24,346 26,150 28,900 31,500 4. Work orders completed 2,203 2495 2,800 4,650 3,850 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETE PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09110 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Hand Held meter reads 442 507 440 490 260 2. Cell Control Unit (CCU) success 99% 98% 99% 99% 99% rate (7124/365) 3. SCADA uptime (7/24/365) 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% LL. _Outstanding work orders ...... L53i 17 30 45 60 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: ELECTRIC FUND 10/11 12113 09/10 10111 PROJECTED 11112 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 348,283 657,824 656,415 Personnel 908,881 859,804 296,257 603,331 453,331 Operations 495,939 295,939 260,500 165,500 Capital 50,000 644,540 1,521,655 1,275,246 149 1,454,820 1,155,743 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems T80 Services -Electric DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Transmission &Distribution (T&D) Services is responsible for the delivery of electricity from wholesale electric providers through the City's transmission and substation system to the electric distribution system. The department operates and maintains a 24/7 System Operations Center, and transmission and substation infrastructure consisting of S electric substations. The tlepartment's activities are regulated by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERGOT), antl the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). Department activiti¢s include the operation antl maint¢nance of the City's fiber-optic system, coordination of electric distribution system switching, tracking of GUS crews by phone and radio for safety, pertorms utility infrastructure locates, safety calls. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS and is the after-hours call center for non-public • Maintain adequate levels of NERC, ERGOT and PUCT standards for electric service to the community and maintain appropriate levels of service fo the customer. • Operate and maintain the electric system in a cost efficient manner to provide a specifietl return on investment to the General Fund at competitive service rates for the community. Support adtlitional Substation assets, GUS personnel, Customers, and enhanced SCC responsibilities. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Started the atldition of a Substation transformer at Rivery to relieve loading concerns and improve system reliability. • Expanded the fiber optic data and utility networks which connect all City owned facilities antl critical customers according to the long range plan and smart grid applications. • Enhanced the control functions of the SCADA system to allow SCC monitoring of the City's water, and wastewater systems. • Continued the development of the System Control Center. • Initiatetl agreements with CPS Energy and Citi Group to become a LaaR's (Load acting as Resourc¢) facilitator for large industrial customers that are equipped to provide emergency "back up" power to the Transmission grid. • Monitored the transition to a Notlal Market in ERGOT. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/12 • Continue the process of acquiring ownership of non -City owned electric assets. • Continue upgrading antl expanding the fiber optic data and utility networks which connect all City own¢d facilities and critical customers according to the long range plan antl smart grid applications. • Enhance the control functions of the SCADA system as the City's electric, water, and wastewater systems continue to grow and benefit from automated controls. • Continue the development of the System Control Center in order to maximize reliability while maintaining cost efficient services. • Monitor and actively participate in NERC, ERGOT, and PUCT standards development to insure compliance. • Install and integrate a fiber system for monitoring cameras at City operatetl traffic signal lights throughout the city. • Finalize agreements allowing the City to become a Laa R's (Load acting as Resource) facilitator for larg¢ industrial customers that are equipped to provide emergency "back up' power to the transmission gritl. tso o..a<e..�e.`� es..a wr m:k `egg _. oao .•oo moos_@ _noon=� aooe_�o and is the after-hours call center for non-public • Maintain adequate levels of NERC, ERGOT and PUCT standards for electric service to the community and maintain appropriate levels of service fo the customer. • Operate and maintain the electric system in a cost efficient manner to provide a specifietl return on investment to the General Fund at competitive service rates for the community. Support adtlitional Substation assets, GUS personnel, Customers, and enhanced SCC responsibilities. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'1'1 • Started the atldition of a Substation transformer at Rivery to relieve loading concerns and improve system reliability. • Expanded the fiber optic data and utility networks which connect all City owned facilities antl critical customers according to the long range plan and smart grid applications. • Enhanced the control functions of the SCADA system to allow SCC monitoring of the City's water, and wastewater systems. • Continued the development of the System Control Center. • Initiatetl agreements with CPS Energy and Citi Group to become a LaaR's (Load acting as Resourc¢) facilitator for large industrial customers that are equipped to provide emergency "back up" power to the Transmission grid. • Monitored the transition to a Notlal Market in ERGOT. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/12 • Continue the process of acquiring ownership of non -City owned electric assets. • Continue upgrading antl expanding the fiber optic data and utility networks which connect all City own¢d facilities and critical customers according to the long range plan antl smart grid applications. • Enhance the control functions of the SCADA system as the City's electric, water, and wastewater systems continue to grow and benefit from automated controls. • Continue the development of the System Control Center in order to maximize reliability while maintaining cost efficient services. • Monitor and actively participate in NERC, ERGOT, and PUCT standards development to insure compliance. • Install and integrate a fiber system for monitoring cameras at City operatetl traffic signal lights throughout the city. • Finalize agreements allowing the City to become a Laa R's (Load acting as Resource) facilitator for larg¢ industrial customers that are equipped to provide emergency "back up' power to the transmission gritl. tso T&D SERVICES 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11112 PROPOSED 12/13 PROPOSED T&D Services Manager 1 1 1 1 1 System Control Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Substation Supervisor — T&D 0 1 1 1 1 Substation I& C Technician 1 1 1 2 2 Substation Technician 1 1 1 1 1 Utility System Operator 5 5 5 6 6 Utility Locator 2 2 2 2 2 .TOTAL 11 12 12 14 14 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. Work orders issued 18,000 6,699 15,000 7,300 7,500 2. Switching orders issued 500 15 100 40 100 3. Underground locates 9,000 4,170 8,000 6,000 6,500 4. Telephone calls 36,000 33,000 35,000 35,000 38,000 5. Radio calls 17,000 1 18,000 20,000 .. L22,000L 22,000 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 755,711 895,406 883,092 205,984 227,816 227,816 51 5*19 1,013,227 1,123,222 1,110,908 151 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 1,070,417 1,077,637 Operations 240,641 236,641 Capital 1,311,058 1,314,278 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. System reliability 99,9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 2. Switching accuracy N/A 100% 100% 100% 100% 3. NERC compliance 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 10/11 09110 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 755,711 895,406 883,092 205,984 227,816 227,816 51 5*19 1,013,227 1,123,222 1,110,908 151 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 1,070,417 1,077,637 Operations 240,641 236,641 Capital 1,311,058 1,314,278 Georgetown The Environmental & Conservation Services Department is dedicated to the responsible use and management of our natural resources through the application of environmentally sound practices; the development of a strong foundation of leadership and education; and the promotion of programs and projects that provide opportunities, fund incentives and assist citizens in the management of their own resources. Conservation Services, which includes programs relating to water, energy and solid waste, integrates technology and information to provide a range of educational, financial and practical tools that can support conservation and recycling activities, making them more cost-effective and efficient, with quantifiable results. ® Develop and maintain quality customer programs and innovative services that advance conservation efforts and environmental responsibility and are administered in a fair and cost-effective manner. ® Provide the opportunity for citizens to effectively manage their use of natural resources by making the necessary educational and practical tools available through multiple venues. • Establish and maintain the City's statutory compliance with local, state, and federal environmental legislation. ® Proactively engage environmental agencies and organizations, in order to secure assistance and resources, which includes financial aid and subject matter expertise. • Implemented the Weatherization and Home Improvement Program (WHIP), an inter -agency program to reduce energy costs and help make participants' homes into safer and more energy-efficient places to live, completing 35 homes. ® Applied for and received an American Public Power Association (APPA) grant for $40,000 to facilitate the installation, programming and monitoring of a device used to reduce the electric consumption at the City water treatment plants. ® Worked with the Texas Life Science Collaboration Center to complete the 3 -year, Photovoltaic Pilot Project. ® Applied for and received a $40,000 APPA DEED (Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Developments) grant to implement an LED (Light Emitting Diode) Street Parking Efficiency and Sustainability Project. ® Participated in the Red Poppy Festival by manning a booth devoted to energy and water conservation, energy efficiency and recycling. ® Installed 5 charging stations for electric vehicles and purchased a Chevy Volt to promote the technology. • Conducted an Appliance Application and Program Survey to determine the most immediate needs and which programs our customers are most interested in. ® Expand the current Weatherization Program to include a broader range of participants. ® Create and implement an in-house Home Energy Audit Program. ® Implement an Incandescent / CFL (Compact Florescent) light bulb exchange program. ® Implement an Energy Star Appliance Incentive Program. ® Work with GISD to establish a regular classroom presentation to supplement their current curriculum on recycling and energy efficiency. ® Conduct intense advertising campaigns for current programs, such as AquaMessenger and Electric Vehicles. ® Develop an Electric version of AquaMessenger, in which customers are notified when their electric consumption reaches a specific level. 152 ENVIRONMENTAL & ACTUAL ACTUAL i PROJECTED PROJECTED CONSERVATION SERVICESACTUAL 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 11/12 12/13 Number of AquaMessenger participants 285 BUDGET ACTUAL L .. DO rF PROPOSED MIN 0 26 39 39 60 performed 1.38% 2.5% 1.43% 1.43% 5.00% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND / CONSERVATION SRF 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE Personnel 197,287 197,272 15,881 152,250 218,383 Operating 588,360 340,000 15,881 152,250 218,383 785,647 537,272 Fiscal year 11/12 will be the first year that the Environmental & Conservation Services (ECS) Department will operate with a budget specific to the department. The first two years of operation, both the Water Services Department and the Energy Services Department contributed funds for the ECS's operation and maintenance. Additionally, ECS will have the benefit of Funds collected though a monthly Energy Efficiency Fee charged on the utility bills and deposited into a Special Utility Fund. 153 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 Number of AquaMessenger participants 285 535 300 300 1100 Number of Nome Energy Audits 0 26 39 39 60 performed 1.38% 2.5% 1.43% 1.43% 5.00% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND / CONSERVATION SRF 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE Personnel 197,287 197,272 15,881 152,250 218,383 Operating 588,360 340,000 15,881 152,250 218,383 785,647 537,272 Fiscal year 11/12 will be the first year that the Environmental & Conservation Services (ECS) Department will operate with a budget specific to the department. The first two years of operation, both the Water Services Department and the Energy Services Department contributed funds for the ECS's operation and maintenance. Additionally, ECS will have the benefit of Funds collected though a monthly Energy Efficiency Fee charged on the utility bills and deposited into a Special Utility Fund. 153 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 % of Energy Audits that result in 0% 61% 95% 95% 75% improvements to the home % of residential customers participating 1.38% 2.5% 1.43% 1.43% 5.00% in the AquaMessenger Program DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND / CONSERVATION SRF 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE Personnel 197,287 197,272 15,881 152,250 218,383 Operating 588,360 340,000 15,881 152,250 218,383 785,647 537,272 Fiscal year 11/12 will be the first year that the Environmental & Conservation Services (ECS) Department will operate with a budget specific to the department. The first two years of operation, both the Water Services Department and the Energy Services Department contributed funds for the ECS's operation and maintenance. Additionally, ECS will have the benefit of Funds collected though a monthly Energy Efficiency Fee charged on the utility bills and deposited into a Special Utility Fund. 153 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Entrironmenta/ Services DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City contracts with Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) [o provide solid waste removal and recycling services to residential and commercial customers, and operational management of the public collection station. Additionally, this department funds disposal programs for household hazartlous waste, solid waste and recycling collection services at City -sponsored events. Also included in this department are allocated costs for administrative and support services. Oversight responsibilities and monitoring of these services era managed through Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) Conservation and Environmental Services tlepartment. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Protect the environment and contribute to community cleanliness and appearance. • D¢liver consistent, reliable, convenient and safe services to th¢ Georgetown community. Protect public health by providing for regular removal of solid waste. • Increase participation in sanitation programs and events through proactive communication with citizens. • Improve recycling participation to ensure environmental stewartlship. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL - Provided public education on the benefits of Reduce —Reuse -Recycle, and available recycling opportunities through active participation at community/neighborhood events. • Implemented recycling collection services at all GISD campuses which resulted in a cost savings for the district of over $3,000/month. • Implementetl pilot cardboard recycling at GMC. Awarded CAPCOG funds to purchase freon-removal units for use on-site. Purchase of units will reduce transportation costs resulting in lower removal charges paid by customers. New program in process of install and pilot for actual retluction of costs. • Provided roll -off service to Tropical Storm Harmine flood victims in a timely and efficient manner. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 201/'12 Expantl recycling opportunities at Citizens' Collection Station to include more recyclable items. Work-in- procass to reconfigure current flow to accommodate increased vehicular trafFc and items. Evaluate modifications to the current solid waste /recycling contract to increase convenience, participation and tliversion rates (based on Council priorities and Citizens' survey results). Implement new single -stream recycling program for residential antl commercial. Continue discussions with TDS for implementation of a curbside green waste collection program. • Continue public education efforts on the benefits of Reduce — Reuse - Recycle, and available recycling opportunities through active participation at community/neighborhood events. Increase recycling services at City facilities and City -sponsored events. • Conduct Request for Proposal (RFP) process to evaluate service providers related to solid waste services contract for the years 20'12 — 20'17. isa PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 11/12 12/13 2. % of residential customer ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Recycling Program Manager 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 3. % of commercial complaints as ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. Avg. # of homes served monthly 18,149 18,623 18,050 18,943 19,050 2. Total tons of residential solid 14,479.80 18,894.65 16,300.00 18,882.84 18,821.40 waste collected 3. Avg. pounds of solid waste 31 39 35 38 38 collected per home weekly 14. Avg. # of commercial containers 1,071 1,166 1,010 1,170 1,080 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Recycling participation rate 42% 40% 40% 40% 40% 2. % of residential customer 4,353,868 4,431,608 4,434,103 complaints compared to service opportunities 0.004% 0.003% 0.01% 0.002% 0.01% 3. % of commercial complaints as compared to service opportunities 0.02% 0.017% 0.03% 0.02% 0.03% 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 12113 11112 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 59,951 62,554 62,518 Personnel 62,323 62,318 4,199,349 4,188,851 4,286,350 Operations 4,364,285 4,366,785 5,000 5,000 Capital 5,000 5,000 4,259,300 4,256,405 4,353,868 4,431,608 4,434,103 155 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Systems Engineering DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Systems Engineering Department is responsible for the CIF vro]eG ceab coordination and installation of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP's) using consultant design engineering firms and construction contractors; deliver high-quality, efficient, customer- g �� oriented real estate services for the acquisition of easements and B� rights-of-way; provides inspection, testing services antl contract €L „a management for these projects. The Department manages and maintains utility system models and master plans for departments, "' >o including Water, Electric, Sto rmwater Drainage, Streets, °B" °'2^ Deme ova R� Wastewater and Water Reuse. The Department develops and 0 maintains construction standards and spaciFcations for CIP and Development construction projects. Systems Engineering supports the review of development plans and provides inspection, testing and contraM management for the installation of Chase facilities. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Provide superior quality inspection and quality control for CIP and development infrastructure construction. • Establish antl maintain successful asset management practices within Georgetown Utility Syst¢ms (GUS). • Apply modern technology to reduce Cha cost and disruption of utility service. • Deliver high-quality, efficient. customerorientatl real estate services within projected budget antl timelines to provide safe, sustainable, environmentally sound public infrastructure for the citizens of Georg town. • Acquire right of way and easements in cost effective and efficient way. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2070/77 • Completed 2006 Ann¢xation Plan, which consist of approximately 6 miles of water and wastewater lines and acq uiretl 60 parcels. • Started construction of the Lake Water Treatment Plant Phase III expansion from '19.8 to 28.6. • Acquired all the right of way and started construction for SoutheasT Arterial One from SH'130 to Maple Street. • Increased the capacity of the Rivery Substation by adding a transformer to satisfy adtlitional loatl and increase reliability. Completed the Maple Street Drainage Improvement Project, which will reduce the size of the flootl plain in Cha area. • Completed other street maintenance, sidewalk projects, and drainage projects. Continued to update the City Construction Specifications and Standards guitlelines. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/72 Continua to update the Clty Construction Specifications and Standards guidelines. Update Master Plans for Water, and Wast water to include Growth Management antl Future Land Use Plan changes. Complete the expansion of the Lake Water Treatment Plant Phase III from '19.8 to 28.6. Improve firefighting capabilities and eliminate aged, undarsizetl water lines. Begin the design on the expansion of the Pecan Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bergin the upgrade of numerous lift stations. Increase the capacity of the Glasscock Substation by atltling a transformer to satisfy additional load and increase reliability. Start the design on several ¢n¢rgy services expansions projects. tae SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Systems Engineering Manager 1 1 1 1* 1 CIP Field Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 CIP Field Inspector 3 3 3 3 3 Combination Building Inspector 0 0 0 2 2 Utility Systems Information Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Systems Engineering Associate 2 2 3 3 3 Systems Engineering Technician 0 1 1 1 1 Development Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Transportation Engineer 1 1 1 0 0 Electrical Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Electrical Engineer Associate 1* 1* 0 0 0 Project Manager 1 2 2 2 2 Paralegal 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 14 16 16 17 17 -mcivaes 7 -rrozen unruncea position WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY07/8 ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Capital Improvement Projects: FY 07108 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 # of projects 34 29 30 32 30 Project budget $13,683,500 $17,184,747 $15,633,986 $27,432,250 $13,115,000 2. GTEC Projects 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # of projects 9 9 7 4 4 Project budget $12,538,833 $2,409,670 $3,028,482 $14,241,524 $2,570,000 3. Development Projects: # of projects 97 130 75 90 75 4. Easement/Right-of-Way: Acquisitions/research 1 97 1 93 1 190* 1 125* 1 130 i ne increase in easements is oue to zuuo annexation project 157 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 07108 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. % CIP projects —design complete 100% 40% 55% 80% 50% 2. % CIP projects under construction 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 3. % CIP Projects within budget 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 157 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 1,036,760 1,209,173 1,189,679 Personnel 1,185,515 1,313,742 167,400 211,143 207,144 Operations 224,786 224,786 17,700 17,700 Capital 1,204,160 1,438,016 1,414,523 1,410,301 1,538,528 157 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Water Services Administration DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Ther Water Services Administration is responsible for the overall management, and support of Water Distribution Operations, Wastewater Collection Operations, Irrigation Operations, Water Treatment Plant Operations, and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations. Department activities inclutle strategic planning and management for the water services utility, inclutling contract negotiation antl management for utility contracts, utility cost sharing contracts, system water contracts, and regional utility contracts. Additional activities include utility butlgeting, capital improvement planning, and project management. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS g�saoo dgg a. 33. Maintain an adequate supply of water to allow for future growth of the community. • Maintain or exceed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) antl T¢xas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) standards for water service (pressure, flow, and water quality). Operate and maintain the system in a cost effici¢nt manner fo provide for the lowest possibl¢ service rates for our customers. Expand the system to provide water service throughout our franchise area. • Expand the wastewater system to provide service and minimize the proliferation of septic systems. . Expand the reuse irrigation system to reduce the tlependence on potable water for irrigation. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20�0/�'1 • Negotiated amendment to Operations and Maintenance agreements with Water and Wastewater Plant contract operatore. • Negotiated Utility Construction Cost Sharing Agreement with PDC Land and Cattle Development and with Landstlale Automotiv¢. Incorporatetl water main upgrades with street projects to Improve service antl minimize tlamage to new streets. • Implemented fire hydrant testing program. • Complet¢d Assert Management data evaluation and Computerizetl Management Maintenance System (CMMS) Request for Proposal (RFP). • Start¢d Lakewater Treatment Plant (LWTP) expansion. • Completed major amendment to Cimarron Hills Wasfewat¢r Treatment Plant (WWTP) permit. • Com plefed Northlands WWTP permit. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/'12 Negotiate franchise agreements with naig hboring utilities operating within the city limits. Negotiate purchase of South Lake Water Treatment Plant (WTP) site. • Implement tlata collection for Asset Management. Complete RFP proc¢ss for CMMS and implement. • Transition conservation activities to new Gons¢rvation and Environmental department. tsa 159 10/11 10111 WATER SERVICES — 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11112 12/13 ADMININISTRATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Water Services Director* I 1 1 .5 .5 Water Services Operations Manager 1 1 1 0 0 Water Services Project Coordinator 1 1 1 0 0 ITOTAL 3 1 3 1 3 1 .5 1 .5 *Position shared with Electric Admin. ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED J ED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10111 FY 11/12 1. Water Customers 19,727 20,643 20,500 20,850 21,400 2. Water Production (MG) 5,250 4,316 5,250 5,250 5,670 3. Wastewater Customers 17,518 18,413 18,550 18,600 19,000 4. Wastewater Treatment (MG) 1,271 1,617 1,450 1,550 1,650 5. Water Services Employees 1 28 1 30 1 33 33 33 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09110 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Surface Water Utilization 24% 24% 25% 26% 27% 2. Water Plant Peak CF (%) 103% 82% 85% 89% 66% 3. Wastewater Plant CF (%) 69% 69% 62% 65% 65% 4. TCEQ Violations 0 0 0 0 0 15. Employee Turnover Rate 10% 3% 10% 0% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: WATER SERVICES FUND 10/11 12113 09/10 10111 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 308,174 406,832 406,714 Personnel 74,900 74,894 6,420,713 7,859,044 7,840,711 Operations 7,566,467 8,011,558 6,728,887 8,265,876 8,247,425 7,641,367 8,086,452 159 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Water Services -Wastewater DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Wastewater Department is responsible for the operation and _ s.�..lv maintenance of infrastructure that provides wastewater for over e.rene.m.w we�o.w.. 20,885 customers. Wastewater Infrastructure includes 5 treatment plants (San Gabriel, Dove Springs, Pecan Branch, m� Cimarron Hills, and Berry Creek) totaling 7 MGD of capacity, 27 "000 roo pumping stations, 5,755 manholes, and 290 miles of wastewater collection mains. Department activities are regulated by the Texas 1p� � $ Commission on Environmental Qualify (TCEO) and the e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Department activities include: periodic operational checks and preventive maintenance ° O1 ° at pumping facilities, jet cleaning and camera inspection of ""®' collection mains and manholes, and acceptance of new facilities constructed by developers, repair antl preventive maintenance of collection mains, and troubleshooting and repair of system blockages. The operation and maintenance of treatment facilities is pertormed under a Fve-year contract that will end in OMober 20'13. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Maintain or exceed all regulatory standards for wastewater service (discharge limits, system integrity). Operate and maintain the system in a cost ef£cient manner to provide for the lowest possible service rates for our customers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/77 Incorporated wastewater main repairs with street projects to improve service and minimize damage to new streets. Implemented fats, oil and grease door hangers with a web site created to educate the customer about the affects of fats, oil antl grease being introduced into the collection system. Implemented 5 year ongoing Edwards Aquifer Testing Program, smoke testing has been discontinued and system testing has begun for tOO percent Closetl Circuit Television (CCTV). Implementetl repairs on all system flaws identifietl in the FY 2009/t0 Edwards Aquifer VINII Testing Program. Conducted FV2Dt0/11 Edwards Aquifer testing on t D09 manholes and 170,645 ft of collection main. Expanded Edwards Aquifer testing program to include camera inspection of 67,OOD ft of collection main. Submitted the Sanitary Sewer Overtlow Initiative annual report for approval by TCEO. Decommissionetl the River Ritlge and River Down lift stations. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2D11/12 Implement Lift station upgrades as per the Sanitary Sewer OverFlow (SSO) agreement with the TCEO. Review and update the City sanitary sewer ortlinance. Implement Industrial Pretreatment Program. Continua tlata collection for the asset management program. lea on 12112 11M2 ESTIMATED 884,191 A UAL 10111 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED WATER SERVICES - 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 11/12 12/13 WASTEWATER ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED PROPOSED 2. Wastewater treated (MG) 1,271 1,617 1,500 1,650 1,650 3. Work orders 572 572 711 Water Services Technician 9 11 11 11 11 2,349,868 2,426,550 2,426,550 Plant 3,674,649 on 12112 11M2 ESTIMATED 884,191 A UAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10111 FY 11/12 1. Wastewater service customers 17,518 18,413 18,550 18,850 19,000 2. Wastewater treated (MG) 1,271 1,617 1,500 1,650 1,650 3. Work orders 572 572 711 1000 1000 on 12112 11M2 ESTIMATED 884,191 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. Average work order backlog 10 9 10 10 10 528.080 674.800 670.230 Operations 150.800 on 12112 11M2 ESTIMATED 884,191 894,125 1011 659.140 09/18 10M1 PROJECTED 1.603274 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 4,062,324 707.851 935.237 914.822 Personnel 528.080 674.800 670.230 Operations 150.800 148'500 Capital 1.324.781 1.700.037 1.739.052 Subtcda|-Operadono 2,349,868 2,426,550 2,426,550 Plant 3,674,649 4,186,587 4168202 on 12112 11M2 ESTIMATED 884,191 894,125 859'149 659.140 50'000 50,000 1,683'348 1.603274 2'459.850 2,459,050 4O82380 4,062,324 Georgetown Uti/ity Systems Water Services -Wafer DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Water Services UTility is responsible for the operation and maintenance of infrastructure that provides potable water Wbrf•rvics •.w w•.a o.a.r. for over 20,735 customers. Water infrastructure includes 3 treatment plants with associated intake structures and wells �r�OD �'S00 (Lek¢ Gaorgefown, San Gabriel Park, and Southside) totaling 28.0 MGD 12 �°°° °°° ge° of capacity, storage tanks with a total storage .s.000 ..sm8 capacity of '19.0 MG, 8 water pumping stations, 3B0 miles of water distribution piping including valves, 2,600 fire hydrants, .n o00 000 and 20,837 meters. Department activities are regulated by '�0O° soo the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) ° mme mm° °sn° ,w. ,nx ��n2w.n and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Department activities include: periodic operational checks � c„ _w•,.�,m«, and preventive maintananca at pumping facilities, inspection and acceptance of new facilities constructed by developers, repair and preventive maintenance of piping and valvas, tasting and maintenance of system metering, and routine sampling of water for proper process controls. The operation and maintenance of treatment facilities is pertormetl under a five-year contract that will and in October 2013. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Maintain or exceed EPA and TCEO standards for water service (pressure, flow, and water quality). • Operate and maintain the system in a cost efficient manner to provide for the lowest possible service rates for our customers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'17 • Completed the Lake Water Treatment Plant (LWTP) expansion with the addition of 3 MG storage and filter 10. • Commenced construction of phase III LWTP expansion. • Completed the Sun City pump station expansion. Incorporated water main upgrades with street projects to improve service and minimize damage to new streets. • Updated the Water Services Qualifications manual to reFne training requirements for staff advancement. • Continued implementation of standartliz¢d procedure Pormak and created procedures for essential activities. • Continued organizational changes to make field operations mora efficient. • Upgraded license requirements for tlepartmenf personnel. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20� �/t2 Implement fire hydrant testing program. Implement Distribution and collection system control via with licensed technician in control center. Implement Operations Specialist to assist in planning fo dab collection. tsz Supervisory Control antl Data Acquisition (SCADA) r preventative maintenance and asset management DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: WATER SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 831,108 ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED WATER SERVICES - 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 WATER ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED PROPOSED Water Services Operations Manager 0 0 0 1 1 Water Services Supervisor 2 2 2 2 2 Water Services Operations Specialist 0 1 1 1 1 Water Services Technician 12 13 13 13 13 TOTAL 14 16 16 1 17 1 17 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: WATER SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 831,108 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 09/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Water service customers 20,196 20,643 21,100 21,600 22,300 2. Annual production (MG) 5269 4,316 5670 5670 5670 3. Work orders completed 1459 1,620 1800 1800 1950 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: WATER SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 831,108 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Maintenance work order backlog 9 9 20 25 50 2. Annual water loss (%) 14.7% 14.6% 15% 12% 12% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: WATER SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 831,108 983,751 983,674 Personnel 1,123,231 1,123,146 716,206 697,768 696,698 Operations 694,367 694,367 219,033 125,000 125,000 Capital 125,000 125,000 1,766,347 1,806,519 1,805,372 Subtotal - Operations 1,942,598 1,942,513 2,243,160 2,558,400 2,558,400 Plant 2,587,900 2,587,900 4,009,507 4,364,919 4,363,772 163 4,530,498 4,530,413 Georgetown The Reuse/Irrigation Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of infrastructure that treats and distributes reuse irrigation water to five major irrigation customers. Reuse Irrigation infrastructure includes 3 storage tanks with a total capacity of 2.3 MG, 19.5 miles of piping and valves, and 4 major pumping stations. Department activities are regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Department activities include: periodic operational checks and preventive maintenance at pumping facilities, inspection and acceptance of new facilities, repair and preventive maintenance of piping and valves, testing and maintenance of metering, and routine sampling of water for proper process controls. • Maintain or exceed TCEQ standards for reuse irrigation service (water quality). ® Operate and maintain the system in a cost efficient manner to provide for the lowest possible service rates for our customers. Completed leak detection of the reuse distribution line and repaired pressure sustaining valve to reduce unnecessary pumping. Replaced pressure sustaining pump to increase efficiency of the pump station. ® Review equipment operating history and make upgrades to lower costs and improve performance. ® Continue to work with reuse customers towards the utilization of reuse water in the common areas which are currently being served with potable water. ® Investigate bulk water delivery stations to utilize reuse water for construction. 164 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10/11 '!PROJECTED FY 10111 'PROJECTED' FY 11 /12 WATER09110 BUDGET ORIGINAL FINAL IRRIGATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED 197,432 244,071 244,003 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 09/10 '!PROJECTED FY 10111 'PROJECTED' FY 11 /12 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL PERFORMAl ACTUALFY 09/10 10/11 FY 10111 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 1194,23 t !' 165 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED :° Personnel 59,134 59,130 Operating 199,575 199,575 258,709 258,705 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 56110 59,596 59,528 141,322 184,475 184,475 197,432 244,071 244,003 165 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED :° Personnel 59,134 59,130 Operating 199,575 199,575 258,709 258,705 Management Y F t s S', r :s r Mx Management Services consists of the executive and governing functions of the City. The City Council is the legislative body that provides the leadership and vision for the community of Georgetown. The City Manager's Office functions as the central communication link between the Council and the City organization, and manages the day-to-day operations and services of the City. The City Secretary maintains official records, oversees all municipal elections and coordinates the boards and commissions appointment process. Human Resources and Safety Services provide employee and organizational support to retain and attract quality employees. Other departments overseen include Communications, Economic Development, Legal, and Main Street. Sources of funding for the division include the General Fund (City Manager's Office, City Council and Communications), Joint Services Fund (Human Resources, Economic Development, Legal and Main Street). Management Services City Council Page '170 Main Strac Main Strac Public Communication. City Counc Eco �ev� Lega Human Resource: City Mgr.'s Office City-wide Svcs Gen. Govt. Cont City Manager's Office Page '172 Communications Page '174 Governmental Contracts Page 178 Legal Page 184 Economic Development Page '176 Human Resources Page 'I80 Main Street Page 786 � Personnel O Operating J.000 Management Services Uses 8 Expenses 169 O tt t0/1t 11M2 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW SUMMARY %CHANGE PERSONNEL BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (Fwo�-ACTUP.L G¢n¢ra/ Fund Gan. Gov[. Contracts (65,000) 2,878.513 Gan. Gov[. Contracts 3.534,413 3,485,387 2,914,513 2,814,613 -+ e City Mana9eYs Office 632,555 Bt 5,361 689.421 689,421 2 City Council 449,184 430,139 320.100 320,100 - Public Communications 253,042 239,294 237.209 231,209 tote/Genera/Fund 4,86H, >94 4,710,>8> 4,>B>,243 4,>B'1,243 ->l etc /Mama/ Sary/a¢ Funds 3 Maln Street 68,911 45,560 tta,36t Economic OavalOpmant 418,712 365,193 326,941 326,941 -io_ Maln Street 114.556 114,467 114,351 N4,351 -o. HR-Ci[y-Wltla Services 951.284 301,200 266,200 268,200 - Human Resources 583,986 562,242 616,610 616,810 a.>vc Legal 512,486 460,361 434,445 434,445 Insurance 560,000 537.000 635.000 636,000 total/Meme/Sw. Funds 2,692,034 2,390,463 2,365,141 2,385,141 >.ax 3 anb/ R¢ven a Fund 35.440 241,803 tsion Total Main Street Fa9atla 63.972 63,9]2 35,940 35,440 �fa/n> Downtown TIF 2>2,363 212,363 Fora/Spatia/Rev_ Funds 63,912 63,912 241,803 24)803 sea.4x Division Total si.0% 169 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) Gan¢ral Fund Gan. Gov[. Contracts (65,000) 2,878.513 2,914,613 City Manager's Office 544,529 144,892 889,421 5.5 City Council 162,033 158,067 320,100 2 Public Communications 173,799 63.410 231,209 2 total Ganara/Fund 8>5,36> 3,395,882 4,>6>,243 H.5 /nta�na/ 3¢ry/c¢ Funds Economic pavelopment 221,116 105,1 BB 326.941 3 Maln Street 68,911 45,560 tta,36t 1 HR-city-Wtla Sarvicc3 151,100 106,500 269,200 Human Resources 531,320 19,480 616.810 6.5 La9a1 216,122 158,323 439,aa5 3 InsufanCa 635,000 635,000 fora//mama/Svc. Funds 7,255, BB8 7,730, 059 2,385,141 73.5 SBecial Rev¢nna FundB Main Street Facatla 35,440 35,440 Downtown TIF 272,363 212,363 Iota/ Sp®cis/ Ray. Funds 35.440 241,803 tsion Total t 6,194,1 ' 169 Management Services Cify Council DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Couneil is composed of a Mayor, elected at large, and seven Councilmembers sleeted from single -member districts. Georgetown is a Home Rule City, which means that the Council is free to enact I¢gislation, adopt budgets, and determine policies, subject only to the limitations imposed by the Texas Constitution and City Charter. The Council appoints a City Manager, whe coordinates and implements activities to effectively accomplish the goals and objectives iY establishes. The Council also appoints the City Attorney, the Municipal Court Judge and the City Secretary. In addition, the Council appoints citizens to serve on advisory boartls, commissions, and committees. The City Secrefary, who is included in this budget area, maintains official City r¢cords, conducts City elections and coordinates the boards and commissions appointment process. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Develop policies thak enhance the quality of life for the community while preserving its unique character and natural resources. Ensure the long-term financial viability of Georgetown. Promote community invo Nement and participation in local government. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010M1 • Approvetl amentlments to the Unified Development Code (UDC) to insure the continued consistency of the City's development ordinances to preserve the character of the community. • Continued to work with the Georgetown Transportation Enhanc¢ment Corporation and the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation to attract and retain businesses that diversify antl expand the community's tax base away from residential properties and ensure the future economic viability of the community. • Completed decennial redistricting process to ensure that the Citizens of Georgetown are fairly antl equitably represented in the community. • Worked with the L¢gal Department and City Secretary's Office to update current ordinances and by-laws for the City's Boards and Commissions to ensure consistency in the organization and operations of the City's Advisory Boards. • Approved the purchase of property for a future Public Safety Operations and Training Facility. • Held a successful election in November 2010 to ren¢w the '/a cent sales fax for street maintenance to ensure the safety of the citizens in the community. • Held a successful election in May 2011 that approved $25.9M in bonds fora Public Safety Operations and Training Facility. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/2 Continue adherence to the City's financial policy that promotes long-term financial responsibility fo ensure future economic viability of the community. • Continue to foster ongoing communication and cooperation with local, regional, state and federal representatives to nurture a healthy relationship between the City and these organizations. • Continua implementation of city-wide records management program by continuing to inventory and im plemenl customized reccerds r¢tention schetl ules for every department. • Continue revitalization and economic development in a manner that ensures the City's best economic interest, while still enhancing the community's unique historical identity and quality of life. tvp WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 CITY CODICIL 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12113 2. # of hours spent in Council meetings ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED City Secretary 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Secretary 1 1 1 1 1 Records Coordinator 0 0 0 1 1 TOTAL 2 2 2 3 3 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. # of agenda items processed/reviewed 870 754 850 750 750 2. # of hours spent in Council meetings 127 92 125 110 125 3. # of Council/special meetings posted 62 49 60 58 60 4. # of public meetings posted 327 328 300 366 350 5. # of elections held 2 1 2 1 1 1. % of citizens who rated the value received from City tax dollars to be excellent or good * 2. City Council meeting minutes completed and approved in two weeks * Biennial citizen's survey NIA 100% I 6100%0,0 ( 100% ( 1 0i o I 100% 171 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 162,033 162,033 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 219,520 241,954 241,609 149,631 207,230 188,530 369,151 449,184 430,139 171 12113 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE Personnel 162,033 162,033 Operations 158,067 158,067 320,100 320,100 Management Services City Manager's Office DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Manager's Office is responsible for the atlmin istration of all City affairs and serves as the liaison between the policymaking and administrative branches of City Government. The City Manager, appointed by Cify Council, is the chief atlministrative and executive officer of the City. Responsibilities of the City Manager's Office include coordinating activities to effectively accomplish the City Council goals and objectives. Tha Ciky Manager also acts as the City's representative and liaison to local groups, service organizations and businesses in the community, as well as at the County, State and Federal level. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Ensure the delivery of quality services to citizens through effective management and ef£cienf administration. • Coordinate the implementation of City Council goals and objectives with all City departments. • Facilitate community activities to address public requests for needs and services. Improve citizen awareness and understanding of City programs, services and issues and promote a positive public image of the City and organization. • Promote revitalization and future economic growth of the underdeveloped areas within the city. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/'11 • Continued to work closely with the City Council and Finance ko monitor antl adjust the City's operational budget in response to the impacts of this year's economic climate. • Worked with the City Council and Williamson County to negotiate and finalize an Industrial District Agreement with Texas Crushed Stones and Georgetown Railroad Company, which included provisions for right-of-way for the Southwest Bypass Road to ensure the transportation needs of the community are met. • Continued to conduct Georgetown Citizen Academy classes, presentations to civic groups and implemented a Community Outreach program to improve citizen awareness and understanding of City programs. • Worked with Communication Department, City Secretary's Office, and Information Technology Department to implement upgrades to the video equipment utilized to tape City Council meetings to enable Citizens to have access to web -based video streaming with agenda integration of City Council Meetings. • Worked with Public Safety Task Force to formulate and make recommendations to the City Council with regard to the Bond Election for the Public Safety Operations and Treining Facility. • Reorganized the Georgetown Utility System Division, Finance and Administration Division, and Managements Services Division to enhance the City's ability to streamline projects, issues, and items in order to be more responsive to Community needs. • Worked with the Economic Development, Finance and Administration, Georgetown Utility Systems, the City Council, the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation, and the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation to negotiate Development and Performance Agreements for the Austin Avenue � 00 project and to bring a Winery Fo the Downtown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/'12 Continue to work with local, regional, state, and federal partners to develop funding strategies for future road projects and to foster communication and cooperation for future planning. • Continue implementation of the Downtown Mastarplan and the Williams Drive Gateway Masterplan for redevelopment. • ConSin ue to worK with Code Enforcement to develop a more aggressive property maintenance and code enforcement program to enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Georgetown. • Continue development and implementation of the City's long-range Facilities Plan to ensure the efficient utilization of the City's current resources to their fullest and most economical use. t�z - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 ACTUAL 10111 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11/12 12/13 1. # of Public Information Requests ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED City Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy City Manager 1* 1* 1 1 1 Executive Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 Records Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 11 1 1 1 1 1 Video Producer (PIT) 0.5 0 0 0 0 Mail Couriers (P/T) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL (FT/PT) 5/1 51.5 5/.5 5/.5 51.5 *Includes I "frozen" unfunded position. - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10111 FY 12113 1. # of Public Information Requests handled 887 997 850 800 850 2. # of Council/Special Meetings 62 49 60 58 60 - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 ACTUAL ACTUAL UDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 12/13 1. % of citizens who rated their customer service experience with city employees to be excellent or good * I NIA 83.5% N/A N/A 85% - biennial citizen's survey 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 408,669 458,584 441,390 Personnel 191,536 173,971 173,971 Operations Capital 600,205 632,555 615,361 173 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATED ADOPTED BASE 544,529 544,529 144,892 144,892 212,363 901,784 689,421 The Communications Department informs the public and provides methods for interaction about City initiatives and programs through the City websites, social media sites, City Reporter resident newsletter, GTV cable and website broadcast, e -newsletters, news releases, and other mailings and advertisements. ® Inform Georgetown residents of City programs, initiatives, projects, events, and ballot measures. • Answer questions from the public and reporters. ® Promote the City's programs, initiatives, and services to the public through the media. ® Encourage participation and engagement with City governance and programs. ® Re -designed website for Pink Heals, Fire, Police, Community Development, and Visit Georgetown. ® Created online payment and registration sites for Pink Heals 5K, Cupid's Chase 5K, and Georgetown Swirl that generated significant revenue above prior years. ® Led voter information effort for November 2010 election to re -authorize of the street maintenance sales tax, which was approved by 80 percent of voters. ® Promoted and developed website for the first Georgetown AirFest at the Georgetown Municipal Airport. ® Supported the City Facebook sites, including the main site that recently surpassed 3,000 fans and continues to grow. • Worked with team to develop promotions plan for centennial of Georgetown Utilities in 2011. • Worked with Blue Santa Board and designer to create new logo and outreach campaign. ® Developed information campaign including print ads, a postcard mailer, website content, and an online video for the Public Safety Facility bond election in May. ® Worked with IT and City Secretary's office to implement video streaming of council meetings and other content and the Multizone implementation for the online and cable broadcast platform renamed GTV. ® Developed online resident survey for GUS for solid waste services. Worked with GUS and Utility Billing to develop City Links site. Created online CIP project page for GUS. ® Enhance broadcast features on GTV via the MultiZone. ® Create more online videos to promote City initiatives and projects. ® Enhance mobile device platforms for City websites. ® Look for new online sales opportunities on the City websites. 174 175 10/11 10/11 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Public Communications Director 1 1 1 1 1 Webmaster 1 1 1 1 1 Video Producer (P/T) 0 0.5 0 0 0 TOTAL 2 2i.5 2 2 2 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. No. of press releases 183 150 150 150 150 2. No. of media contacts 440 400 250 200 250 3. No. of Public Service 318 350 280 200 200 Announcements DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 167,252 175,711 175,665 Personnel 173,799 173,785 44,195 57,331 57,429 Operations 63,410 58,370 20,000 6,200 Capital 0 0 211,447 253,042 239,294 237,209 232,155 175 The Economic Development department leads and coordinates the community's economic development efforts. The department works to improve the social, employment, and physical conditions of the City by increasing the City of Georgetown's economic base and the availability of quality jobs. In addition, the department undertakes projects that will foster partnership among private and public entities, and implements economic development goals and strategies listed herein and adopted by City Council. Operations of the department include business development, City and regional business recruitment and retention/expansion programs, redevelopment, and community promotion. • Promote the elements commonly held as the most important contributors to quality of life in Georgetown. ® Identify owners of property in the downtown district and work with them to lease available space and maintain quality and viability of businesses in the district. ® Work to create a positive business environment for the expansion of community wealth. ® Maintain and increase cooperation with private sector developers, state and regional economic development organizations, and economic development allies to expand and diversify the City's tax base. ® Develop and maintain positive relationships with local businesses to assist and encourage their success and growth. ® Maintained a large following and community activity on the "Shop Georgetown" Facebook page (now over 1,000 fans). • Continued the quarterly "Economic Development Breakfast Presentation" as a community outreach program that highlights businesses in Georgetown. ® Provided support to Main Street Program in identifying prospects and sectors for downtown including wineries. • Attracted additional life sciences business to the Texas Life Sciences Commercialization Center (TLCC) and supported the growth of existing TLCC businesses. ® Worked heavily with retail, commercial, and industrial brokers to maintain private/public partnerships while recruiting and retaining quality businesses in our target sectors. • Maintained and built relationships with state and federal agencies to gain access to the most up-to-date and accurate demographic and economic information. ® Continue to focus recruitment program by marketing directly to our target sectors in print and in person with marketing trips. ® Meet with owners and senior staff of 12 businesses per year through the Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Program. ® Continue to develop and maintain up-to-date, in-depth information on Georgetown's workforce, key economic indicators, business trends, business assistance programs, available properties, etc. to strengthen both the BRE and recruitment programs. ® Maintain and expand the "buy local" program. ® Continue research and recruitment of wineries and other businesses that fit the model in the downtown overlay district. 177 12/13 11112 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 221,775 221,775 105,166 105,166 326,941 326,941 10111 10/11 10111 PROJECTED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 1 11112 12/13 208,870 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Economic Development Director 1 1 1 1 1 Economic Development Program Mgr I 1 1 1* 1* Administrative Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 *Includes I "frozen" unfunded position ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 FY 11112 1. No. of inquiries 70 70 70 70 70 2. No. of proposals generated 50 50 50 50 50 3. No. of Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) visits 12 12 12 12 24 4. No. of website hits 100,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 _J ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED —PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 FY 11112 1. No. of prospects 20 20 20 20 20 2. No. of site visits 10 12 12 12 12 3. No. of new jobs generated within 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 the CoMmi initv 177 12/13 11112 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 221,775 221,775 105,166 105,166 326,941 326,941 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET —ACTUAL 266,683 284,675 270,656 Personnel 208,870 135,037 94,537 Operations 475,553 419,712 365,193 177 12/13 11112 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 221,775 221,775 105,166 105,166 326,941 326,941 Management Services Governmental Contracfs DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION This department includes funds for the City's contracted social and community service commitments, and is managed through the City Manager's Office. Funds for maintenance of four eom munity buildings and utility subsidies for local social service and youth organizations, supportetl by the City, are also budgeted in this department, as are administrative allocations for services received from other Ci[y funds. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. Utilize resources to take advantage of available grant funding sources to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvements and other projects and ensure the long-term £nancial viability of Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR F13CAL YEAR 2010/11 Awarded � 1 Social Service and 7 Vouth and Children's Programming Contracts. . Contracted with the Williamson County and Cities Health District to ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Received funding for Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $458,370 for new sitlewalk routes, Good Neighbor Program funds, and utility connections for low-income households. Engaged the services of grant writing £rms So identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the Gity's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects to expedite the City's grant application process where funding needs and opportunities may exist. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 201'1/12 Continue to ensure that community and social services providers and youth program providers meet their results -oriented pertormance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. Continue to support the Williamson County and Cities Health District [o ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Continue commitment to funding Social Services and Youth Program Funding at levels approved in the City Cou veil's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. Continue to apply for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other housing grants [o encourage the construction of affordable housing units and continue the construction of pedestrian improvements in low income areas. Continua to identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects. tea 6pCW iwWu Funtllny .. ...� mroe i� �� 0 Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. Utilize resources to take advantage of available grant funding sources to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvements and other projects and ensure the long-term £nancial viability of Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR F13CAL YEAR 2010/11 Awarded � 1 Social Service and 7 Vouth and Children's Programming Contracts. . Contracted with the Williamson County and Cities Health District to ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Received funding for Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $458,370 for new sitlewalk routes, Good Neighbor Program funds, and utility connections for low-income households. Engaged the services of grant writing £rms So identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the Gity's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects to expedite the City's grant application process where funding needs and opportunities may exist. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 201'1/12 Continue to ensure that community and social services providers and youth program providers meet their results -oriented pertormance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. Continue to support the Williamson County and Cities Health District [o ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Continue commitment to funding Social Services and Youth Program Funding at levels approved in the City Cou veil's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. Continue to apply for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other housing grants [o encourage the construction of affordable housing units and continue the construction of pedestrian improvements in low income areas. Continua to identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects. tea .. ...� Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. Utilize resources to take advantage of available grant funding sources to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvements and other projects and ensure the long-term £nancial viability of Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR F13CAL YEAR 2010/11 Awarded � 1 Social Service and 7 Vouth and Children's Programming Contracts. . Contracted with the Williamson County and Cities Health District to ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Received funding for Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $458,370 for new sitlewalk routes, Good Neighbor Program funds, and utility connections for low-income households. Engaged the services of grant writing £rms So identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the Gity's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects to expedite the City's grant application process where funding needs and opportunities may exist. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL VEAR 201'1/12 Continue to ensure that community and social services providers and youth program providers meet their results -oriented pertormance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. Continue to support the Williamson County and Cities Health District [o ensure the health and safety of the citizens of the community. Continue commitment to funding Social Services and Youth Program Funding at levels approved in the City Cou veil's Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. Continue to apply for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other housing grants [o encourage the construction of affordable housing units and continue the construction of pedestrian improvements in low income areas. Continua to identify and pursue grant opportunities in order to offset the cost of the City's expenditures for capital improvement and other projects. tea WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 12/13 1. Contracts developed and FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 monitored 21 19 18 18 18 2. Amount spent on Social Services $291,250 $304,500 $311,331 $303,750 $311,331 Funding 311,331 311,331 Social Services Contributions 311,331 311,331 2,599,094 3. Amount spent on Youth Program $66,000 $68,780 $88,718 $96,500 $88,718 Funding DEPARTMENTALBUDGET: ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 1. % of contracts with prevention ESTIMATED .ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED objectives 7 7 7 7 7 DEPARTMENTALBUDGET: GENERAL FUND 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED .ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 27,614 115,999 45,000 Personnel �'� (65,000) (65,000) 304,500 311,331 311,331 Social Services Contributions 311,331 311,331 2,599,094 3,107,083 3,129,056 Operations 2,668,182 2,734,218 2,931,208 3,534,413 3,485,387 2,914,513•:0 R This line item is used to account for staff raises, bonuses, and projected vacancy savings in the General Fund. In 2011/12 and 2012/13, no cost of living or merit increase are budgeted, resulting in net savings for vacancies. 179 Management Services Human Resources DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Human Resources (HR) Department provides employee and organizational support to attract, retain, and tlevelop quality employees. Tha department works with all divisions to improve internal processes and continually develop programs to enhance employee satisfaction. In addition, the department facilitates City- wide programs and services such as compensation and benefits administration, employment, employee relations, pertonnance management, policy interpretation, and risk management. It is the department's goal to provide exceptional customer service to both internal and external customers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Provide services, tools and open communication to cresta an environment where indivitl uals ora treatetl fairly and consistently. • Attract, retain, and develop a quality workforoe. • Provide each employee with a safe work environment. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/1 • Continued to develop online applicant tracking system so that it is used to full potential. • Implemented online Benefits Management System. • Continued to maintain/improve quality and competitive benefits by looking for new and innovative ways to keep health care costs down with; Wellness Program, Plan Design, possible Self Funding, Benefit Cooperatives, premium structure. • SYabilizetl HR departmental staffing levels to improve quality of delivery to departments. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Work with departments on identification of succession plans. Identify training requirements by position to tlavalop future leaders • Enhance Satety Program to include more supervisor accountability. • Implement Supervisor monthly Training fo further develop succession leadership. • Enhance on-line benefits open enrollment, currently operated through Lotus Notes. too HUMAN RESOURCES 09/10 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10111 FINAL ACTUAL 11112 ADOPTED 12113 PROPOSED Human Resources Director 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Human Resources Director 0 0 1 1 1 Human Resources Generalist 4 4 3 3 3 Administrative Assistant I I1 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 0 0 .5 .5 .5 TOTAL 6 6 61.5 6/.5 61.5 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 09110 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Application/resumes processed 8,781 6,500 9,659 7,500 6,000 2. Employee training hours provided (per employee) 54 45 45 50 55 3. # Civil Service Commission mtgs. 3 5 5 4 4 4. # of worker's compensation claims processed 30 40 45 50 55 525,572 N 583,986 562,242 In ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Average # of open positions 18 15 18 15 15 2. Turnover rate 17% 15% 17% 14% 12% 3. # of work injuries/illness requiring 484,098 Personnel 537,320 537,279 61,395 80,644 days off or modified duty 1 16 1 20 1; 23 1 25 1 3 525,572 N 583,986 562,242 In DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND 10/11 12/13 09110 10111 PROJECTED 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 464,177 503,342 484,098 Personnel 537,320 537,279 61,395 80,644 78,144 Operations 79,490 79,490 525,572 N 583,986 562,242 In This department represents the pooled funds available for the City's one-time performance bonus program, as well as, market adjustments for employees funded through the Joint Services Fund. Training for City-wide issues, such as supervisory training and safety are also included here, as is property and liability insurance. CITY- WIDE SERVICESBUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL. 386,380 100,000 100,000 Merit Bonus 154,609 188,144 96,700 Benefits/Market 110,882 163,150 104,500 Operations 651,871 451,294 301,200 Subtotal -Department 438,689 500,000 537,000 Insurance 44,526 60,000 Insurance Deductible 1,135,086 1,011,294 838,200 183 151,700 106,500 151,700 120,500 258,200 272,200 575,000 600,000 60,000 60,000 893,200 932,200 Legal Department The Legal Department includes the City Attorney, Assistant City Attorney and Legal Assistant. The Department provides in-house legal services for the City Council, Staff, Boards and Commissions and supervises legal services provided by outside counsel. The Department also provides advice and training on legal issues to other City Departments and Staff and provides annual ethics training for the City Council, Boards, and Committees, as well as, issues legal opinions to interpret the City Charter, City ordinances and policies and procedures. The Legal Department represents the City in litigation and administrative matters. • Provide legal services in a timely and efficient manner. • Recommend and prepare amendments to City codes and ordinances in accordance with Council direction. • Support police and code enforcement efforts through effective Municipal Court prosecution consistent with Council objectives. 917 r - i •- r • Provided legal advice to various Departments and Staff concerning significant claims against the City. • Prepared submissions to the Justice Department concerning City elections • Issued opinions or presentations on various legal issues including Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, ethics and conflicts of interest • Assisted with the negotiation and preparation of various agreements and construction documents • Worked with the purchasing department to develop standard contracting forms and procedures • Worked with City Secretary's office to standardize the Boards and Commissions bylaws and related ordinances. • Coordinate with other Departments to create streamlined and effective system for processing Open Records Act requests. • Assist in the City's economic development initiatives through effective negotiation and preparation of economic incentive agreements. • Reduce the cost of legal services to the City by continuing transitioning legal services provided by outside counsel to the Legal Department. • Continue effort to standardize Contract forms and related documents. 184 *Includes one "frozen" unfunded position. WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 LEGAL 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 2. Memorandum/Opinions/Comments ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 Legal Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 *Includes one "frozen" unfunded position. WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10111 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Legal Consultations Contracted N/A 120 120 120 2. Memorandum/Opinions/Comments Contracted N/A 50 50 75 3. Lawsuits Contracted N/A 10 10 10 4. Claims Contracted N/A 24 24 24 5. Contracts/Agreements Contracted N/A 150 150 50 6. Board, Commission, Agenda and other Staff Meetings Contracted N/A 120 120 120 7. Open Records Act requests Contracted N/A 140 80 100 8. Municipal Court Cases (arraignments, Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% bench trials and u trials) Contracted Contracted 48 Contracted Contracted PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Provide timely legal counsel as BUDGET ACTUAL requested by City Staff Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% 2. Provide annual ethics training to Council Members and Committee Members Contracted NIA 100% 100% 100% 3. Review of documents that are submitted to the Legal Department for Council action and attend respective Council meetings Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% 4. Provide timely assistance with and response to Open Records Act Contracted N/A 100% 100% 100% requests 334,436 512,486 460,361 ESTIMATED12/13 11112 ADOPTED BASE Personnel 276,122 329,984 Operations 158,323 158,323 185 434,445 488,307 10/11 09/10 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 254347 342715 342,490 80,089 169,771 117,871 334,436 512,486 460,361 ESTIMATED12/13 11112 ADOPTED BASE Personnel 276,122 329,984 Operations 158,323 158,323 185 434,445 488,307 Management Services Main Street DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Main Street program focuses on downtown revitalization within the content of historic preservation to help diversify the economic base of the community. The Georgetown Main Street Program seeks to enhance downtown vibrancy and historic preservation by using the National Trust Main Street Cenker's Four -Point Approach of organization, design, promotion and economic restructuring. The overall goal is to help provide opportunities to enhance the downtown for citizens and tourists. Oversight is provided through the Economic Development department. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Redefine the Downtown Overlay District's niche in the marketplace and sharpen the competitiveness of existing businesses, while nurturing naw enterprises that respond to totlay's consumers' needs. . Target infrastructure and building improvements that lay the groundwork for a physical transformation that will be both functional and attractive. . Focus on authentic community assets with high-quality image development campaigns and events that will attract naw shoppers, visitors, residents and investors. Build a pathway to I¢adership in local efforts by leading acommunity-based, volunteer -driven program that helps empower resitlents antl investors to collaborate for sustainable revitalization. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'IOM1 • Launched the first "Best of Georgetown, TX' awards with 50 categories to encourage folks to shop local • Hosted two successful downtown field sessions tluring the National Trust for Historic Preservation's annual National Preservation Conference in Austin in Octob¢r where over 65 people attended from all over the nation. Awarded Main Street Facade and Sign Grants to six downtown property/business owners totaling over $22,000.00. Partnered with the Downtown Georgetown Association, Williamson Museum, Palace Theatre, Planning 8 D¢v¢lopment, CVB and Public Communications to maintain a Downtown Georgetown Texas Facebook page. • Held 2 Annual Georgetown Swirl, a wine, food and shopping event for the square, as a fundraiser for the Main Street Fapade ffi Sign Grant Program, raised over $9,000. • Worked with IF Marketing to do a downtown marketing/visioning assessment. • Assistetl with hosting three successful Texas wineries looking at downtown as an expansion location. • Hostetl tlowntown real estate tour of available retail spac¢s with over �O people in attendance. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20� 1/12 Partner with Arts &Culture and Convention 8. Visitors Bureau to build on downtown's image as a destination district through art and cultural relatetl projects in the downtown that directly impact overnight stays in our local hotels. Receive certified Film Frientlly Community status from the Texas Film Commission. Attract successful wineries and restaurants to help bring new shoppers, visitors, investors antl residents to downtown. Continue to increase participation in the Facatle 8 Sign Grant program through free design assistance and grant funding opportunities. Atltl new tlowntown PinK Heals events that will pull abroad-bas¢d audience to downtown while working to help raise funds and awareness of women's cancers in Williamson County. "186 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED AIN STREET 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL / 11/12 12/13 1. No. of special events held in ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Main Street Manager 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. No. of special events held in 85,000 85,000 85,000 95,000 100,000 Downtown Overlay District 28 28 28 28 30 2. No. of training/educational seminars 5 5 5 6 6 hosted 3 3 3 3 4 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Special downtown event attendance 85,000 85,000 85,000 95,000 100,000 2. Amount of reinvestment in downtown $1,000.000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 3. No. of downtown business o enin s 5 5 5 6 6 10/11 09/10 iPROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET 66,327 69,125 69,036 Personnel 76,331 109,403 109,403 Operations 142,658 178,528 " 178,439 187 104,211`�, 149,791 129,946 The mission of the Georgetown Police Department is to protect and serve the community of Georgetown in its pursuit of a peaceful and safe existence, free from fear. We will perform all duties with democratic values applied equally to all and a commitment to excellence by providing the highest level of integrity, professionalism, and customer service to enhance the quality of life in our community. This Division consists of three functional departments to provide services. This Division is funded in the General Fund. Restricted SRF Animal Services Atlminis4ation Fieltl Ops Bureau $O $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $'1,000,000 $3,OOO,D00 $5,000,000 $7,000,000 � Personnel O Operating � Capital Police Services Uses 8. Expenses 191 '10/1'1 10/11 '11/'12 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW h CHANGE 6UOGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROD. wCTuwL Ganara/ Fund AOministr'ative Services 1,609,422 '1,532,655 '1,669.664 1,669,664 5 Operations Buraau 7,910,373 7,545,612 7,905,09'1 7,985.08'1 99 Animal Services 634,489 632,985 632,510 632,610 8.5 iota/Genera/Funtl 10,>54,282 9,91 >,252 10,207 265 >0,20],268 s.tx 3e¢e/a/ R¢v¢n ¢ FundS Animal Services SRF 64,881 64,881 72,105 ]2,105 Police Restricted Funds 42,825 114,123 63,528 63,528 iota/ Specie/Rev. Funds >07, 706 >79, 004 935,633 135,633 -za?n. Olvision Total 10 281.9H8 ! ,286 10,342,898 10,342,898 east 191 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BU OGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) G¢n¢ra/ Fund Atlminis[rative Sernces 408,326 1,263,338 1,669,664 5 Operations Buraau 7,554.901 340,190 ],905,091 99 Animal SeMces 436,931 185.599 632,610 8.5 tote/General Fund 8,408,>58 >, 999,>09 10,209,265 »25 S eels/ Rev¢nu¢ Animal Services SRF 92,105 72,105 Ponca Restricte0 Funds 24.128 39,400 63,828 tote/SpecJa/Rev. Funds 24,128 39,400 ]2,>OS >38,633 191 Po/ice Administration DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Police Administration provides the direction necessary to fulfill the mission of the organization. Police Atlmin istration is responsible for budget and grant management, personnel recruitment, internal affairs investigations, training, staff support, emergency management coordination, policy development, collaboration with other City divisions and arca law enforcement agencies and respontls to citizen and metlia requests for information. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Grwrp A OMensp •.r i.000w•u.uo� . To be the standard in law enforcement through leatlership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. . Employ quality staff through employee recruitment antl selection by promoting diversity and competency. • Ensure ¢mployees receive training as mandated by TC LEOSE. • Strive to provide an environment in which citizens and visitors of Georg atown are free from crime, fear of crime, and disorder. Review antl maintain policies and procetlures that meet industry and legal standards. • Explore technology to enhance service delivery. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/�� • Selected and implemented the Leadership Team. • Implemented Fhe Sungartl OSSI (Open Software Solutions Incorporatetl) protluct suite, to inclutla: CAD antl RMS (Records Management System). • Established mission, vision antl values and organizational expectations of the Department. • Enhanced the Department image by revising the badge, patch and graphics. Built the physical readiness assessment course. • Facilitated open dialogue, built consensus antl implemented the alternate promotional system. • Restructured schedules of personnel to allow atlditional eleven days of annual training. • Worketl with Council and PS Task Forces to successfully place a proposition for a new public safety facility on the May ballot to atltlress public safety critical space and training needs. • Assessed and revised the hiring process with an emphasis on character antl core competencies. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/2 • Design a new public safety facility. • Develop and implement a leadership development program. Assess and revise the current policies antl procedures manual by Implementing the new Lexipol Policy Management System. • Update recruiting plan and target marketing to recruit minorities and applicants with college degrees. • Establish a department -wide training program with particular emphasis in the areas of knowledge (Scholar), interpersonal skills (Statesman) and tactics (Warrior). • Hire sworn personn¢I to establish '1.75 officer/'1,000 citizen ratio; hire civilian staff to support commitment to excellent services in support functions • Evaluate and update all job descriptions. • Redesign the website. • Implement a fitness wellness program. '192 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 09/10 ACTUAL 10/11 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL 1 ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Police Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant Police Chief I 1 1 1 1 Administrative Supervisor I 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 11 2- 2* 2* 2* 2* Detective 1 0 0 0 0 Police Training Sergeant 1 0 0 0 0 Lieutenant 2 0 0 0 0 ITOTAL 1 9 ---1 5 5 5 1.5 *Includes I "frozen" or unfunded position mandated training requirements ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Population 50,061 48,145 59,498 49,084 50,291 2. Total service numbers generated 50,291 47,848 60,000 55,000 60,000 3. Total # of employees 112 112 112 112 112 4. Total authorized strength of sworn officers 78 78 78 78 1 78 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY0911 0 BUDGETED FY 09110 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Group A offenses per 1,000 17 19 43 21 21 population 1,185,792 1,185,749 Operations 54,914 13,000 Capital 2. # of sustained internal affairs complaints generated by the 2 1 1 2 1 public 3. Employee turnover rate 5.8% 7.3% 6% 7% 7% 4. Number of officers per 1,000 population 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.5 5. Employees meeting state mandated training requirements 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% * In past years, Group A offenses were collected based on the total amount of all 22 Group A offenses. Future data on Group A offenses will be collected based on the seven (7) major Group A offenses (rape, murder, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, aggravated assault, robbery). 1,906,066 1,609,422 _1,532,655 193 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 406,326 406,295 1,263,338 1,263,338 10/11 09110 10111 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 776,731 423,630 333,906 Personnel 1,074,421 1,185,792 1,185,749 Operations 54,914 13,000 Capital 1,906,066 1,609,422 _1,532,655 193 12/13 11/12 ESTIMATE ADOPTED BASE I 406,326 406,295 1,263,338 1,263,338 Po/ice Operations DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Police Operations receives and responds to routine end emergency calls for service. Responsibilities include community problem solving, directed pa Vols, and investigations. Police Operations consists of Patrol, Criminal Investigations, Traffic Enforcement Unit, School Resource Officers, Community Resource Unit, and the Warrants Vnit. In atldition, Police Operations manages the technology needetl to operate antl maintain all areas of Police Services, dispatch for police and Fre, crime trend analysis, records management, victim services, animal services, Volunteers in Police, and a chaplains program. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Polito Sarvlm Numbrrs 40ilc IMWaY] rwem aomo 18000 • Respond to calls for service from the community in a timely and effective manner. • Promote a safe, tlrug free community through education and enforcement. • Improve partnerships with the community through collaborative problem solving efforts to retluce trim¢. • Assess and atldress Yraffic issues through prevention, education and enforcement. • Receive, process, and dispatch emergency and non -emergency calls for service from the public in an efficient, courteous and timely manner. dJZtI.7 c7 7�7ddi�5l�:YiTKK 7�577�69:17�I�:Y 69�7c7�6ZA\���\d�Z•Ti[71i: • Implemented L3 video technology system for Motorcycle Officers. • Completetl implementation of new CAD/RMS system for Police antl Fire. Implemented Neighborhood Watch Programs throughout the City. • Upgraded digital audio/video recording equipment for Criminal Investigations Division and Professional Standards Division. • Purchasetl and implemented digital pocket recorders. • Revised geographical boundary for take home vehicles. Purchased equipment to support and sustain reality based training. • Entaretl into a rAoperetive agreement with Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and atlded one officer to the DEA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20� 1/12 • R¢search and tl¢velop Police Training Officer Program to replace existing Field Training Program. • Enhance staff development for Communicakions personnel through leadership training for supervisors antl continuing education for Communication Operators. • Redefine geographic boundaries of patrol districts and beats antl reallocate patrol personnel to support defined districts and beats. • D¢valop neighborhood patrol program to facilitate two-way communications between patrol officers and assigned neighborhoods. • Evaluate and strengthen the Directed Patrol program. • Evaluate minimum staffing levels in communications to include designated call takers. . Utilize volunteers to assist in investigations and evidence/property functions. • Develop antl implement on-line information web portal to facilitate the utilization of the Police to Citizen OSSI module. Explore and expand utilizing VIPS volunteers in various department functions/duties. 19a OPERATIONS 09/10 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Captain 2 2 2 2 2 Lieutenant 4 6 6 6 6 Sergeant 15 16 16 16 16 Patrol Officer 48* 48* 48* 48* 48* Warrant Officer 2 2 2* 2* 2* Detective 1 2 2 2 2 Crime Scene Technician 1 1 1 1 1 Communications Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Communications Supervisor 4 4 4 4 4 Communications Operator 13 13 13 13 13 Records Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Records Specialist 2 2 2 2 2 Victim Services Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 95 99 99 99 99 *Includes 3 "frozen" or unfunded position WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 09/09 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. # police service numbers generated 50,291 47,848 50,000 55,000 60,000 2. # of non -traffic calls 33,529 31,921 33,000 35,000 38,000 3. #of accidents 1,757 1,747 1,800 1,800 1,800 4. # of traffic stops 16,764 15,927 15,300 16,500 17,000 5. # of Police & Fire Priority 1 calls 5,658 5,549 5,604 8,100 8,500 6. # of municipal warrants served 1,610 2,344 1,425 2,375 2,400 7. # of cases responded to by Victim Services 396 423 391 450 485 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 06109 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 09/10 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. % of Priority 1 calls dispatched under one minute 54% 48% 65% 50% 50% 2. % of municipal warrants served by the Warrant Unit 36% 24% 24% 25% 25% 3. % of Victim Services cases handled by volunteers 16% 299% 40% 35°/0 35% 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 6,640,107 7,597,744 7,274,269 332,480 355,454 385,466 3,527 6,976,114 7,953,198 7,659,735 195 Personnel 7,569,029 7,661,199 Operations 364,066 343,690 Capital 15,522 Po/ice Anima/ Services DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Anlmal .SS¢NIC¢s proteC[s thB heHlth antl saTety OT per30n3 In Georgetown from animal nuisances and dangers and promotes animal w¢Ifar¢ in our community. A primary responsibility is protecting people from the threat of rabies, accomplished mainly through the enforcement of various laws and ordinances, including vaccination requirements for dogs and cats and the "leash IaW' for tlogs, antl providing information and education. Officers patrol the city, proactively enforcing City Code relating to animals and responding to a variety of calls for service, and are on call 24 hours a day for emergencies involving animals. The Department assists residents with animal nuisance control, with an emphases on providing information on methods of peaceful coexistence with wiltllife rather than eradication of a valuable resource. Animal Services shelters stray and homeless pets, reuniting lost pets with their families and placing homeless pets in loving, responsible homes. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Ensure that nc pets` in Georgetown are killed only because they ar¢ homeless. • Eliminate any signifcant threat ofi people contracting rabies in Georgetown. • Promote the value of wildlife and peaceful coexistence except in extreme circumstances. • Ensure that persons walking on public property in the city era free of reasonable concern for being threatened by dogs running at large. "` Pats meaning cats and do®s. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/'17 • Improved play yards and added agility equipment to help sustain the dogs mental health. • Expanded education program talking to the entire student population at several schools to educate children on rabies prevention. Conducted 4 free spay/neuter clinics for Georgetown residents for free roaming cats to reduce overpopulation. Implemented the use of Facebook to increase pet adoptions. Switchetl tp a modified liv¢ vaccination protocol to keep our animals healthier. Accomplished `no kill" status for 2 months (February and April) for first 6 months of the year MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Expand and improve volunteer program, with emphasis on more in depth training. Hire a tlog trainer to train volunteers with skills to Yeach our dogs manners, which in tum will increase adoptions. Eventually have volunteers train other volunte¢rs. • Continue to develop `Frientls of the Georgetown Animal Shelter" to expand fundraising efforts. • Continue public awareness of our shelter thru networking with rescue groups, social media and public adoption events. • Review and make recommendations for changes of animal related City ordinances to bring more clarity and balanc¢ the needs of the animals and to best protect the public. • Continue to work on the goal of becoming a "no kill" shelter and eventually a "no kill" community. Improve animal housing through enrichment and environmental im provemants (Kuranda beds, fans, cat tree) • Continue public awareness campaign for zoonotic diseases (rabies in skunks). Assess current animal ordinances and make updates as necessary. '198 _.... —.. an emphases on providing information on methods of peaceful coexistence with wiltllife rather than eradication of a valuable resource. Animal Services shelters stray and homeless pets, reuniting lost pets with their families and placing homeless pets in loving, responsible homes. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Ensure that nc pets` in Georgetown are killed only because they ar¢ homeless. • Eliminate any signifcant threat ofi people contracting rabies in Georgetown. • Promote the value of wildlife and peaceful coexistence except in extreme circumstances. • Ensure that persons walking on public property in the city era free of reasonable concern for being threatened by dogs running at large. "` Pats meaning cats and do®s. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/'17 • Improved play yards and added agility equipment to help sustain the dogs mental health. • Expanded education program talking to the entire student population at several schools to educate children on rabies prevention. Conducted 4 free spay/neuter clinics for Georgetown residents for free roaming cats to reduce overpopulation. Implemented the use of Facebook to increase pet adoptions. Switchetl tp a modified liv¢ vaccination protocol to keep our animals healthier. Accomplished `no kill" status for 2 months (February and April) for first 6 months of the year MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 • Expand and improve volunteer program, with emphasis on more in depth training. Hire a tlog trainer to train volunteers with skills to Yeach our dogs manners, which in tum will increase adoptions. Eventually have volunteers train other volunte¢rs. • Continue to develop `Frientls of the Georgetown Animal Shelter" to expand fundraising efforts. • Continue public awareness of our shelter thru networking with rescue groups, social media and public adoption events. • Review and make recommendations for changes of animal related City ordinances to bring more clarity and balanc¢ the needs of the animals and to best protect the public. • Continue to work on the goal of becoming a "no kill" shelter and eventually a "no kill" community. Improve animal housing through enrichment and environmental im provemants (Kuranda beds, fans, cat tree) • Continue public awareness campaign for zoonotic diseases (rabies in skunks). Assess current animal ordinances and make updates as necessary. '198 ANIMAL SERVICES 09110 ACTUAL 10/11 ACTUAL 10111 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Animal Services Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Animal Shelter Supervisor 1 0 0 0 0 Animal Control Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 Animal Control Officer 11 2 2 2 2 2 Animal Care Supervisor 0 0 1 1 1 Animal Shelter Tech 11 2 2 1 1 1 Animal Services Clerk (P/T) 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TOTAL 7/1 612.5 612.5 612.5 6/2.5 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08/09 ACTUAL FY 09110 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11112 1. # of pets impounded 1,248 1,460 1,400 1,600 1,660 2. # of pets euthanized 278 498 390 400 400 3. # of pets adopted, reclaimed or 436,904 167,315 200,529 200,522 Operations 195,579 transferred 898 914 935 1,050 1,155 4. # of loose dog complaints 859 895 1050 800 850 5. # of dogs licensed 1,912 2,466 2,225 2,300 2,400 6. estimated # of dogs owned in City* 1 11,146 1 11,342 1 11,550 1 30,355 1 32,000 -tsamarion oasea on an Hmencan verennary meoicar Hssociaaon rormwa using popwatron. 197 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. % of impounded pets euthanized 22% 34% 28% 25% 24% 2. % of impounded pets adopted, 436,904 167,315 200,529 200,522 Operations 195,579 reclaimed or transferred 72% 62% 67% 65% 69% 3. % of dogs licensed 18% 18% 21% 21% 22% 197 10/11 12/13 09/10 10/11 PROJECTS 11/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 382,707 433,958 432,463 Personnel 436,931 436,904 167,315 200,529 200,522 Operations 195,579 195,579 51,972 64,881 64,881 Capital 72,105 25,400 601,994 699,368 697,866 704,615 657,883 197 The Transportation Division encompasses all aspects of transportation, including maintaining and repairing existing streets, roads, and sidewalks, the planning and financing of existing roads and future proposed roads. This division will also interact with Federal, State, and County agencies to meet the current and future transit, mobility, and transportation needs of the community. The department works with other utilities to insure a collective effort for all utility maintenance prior to beginning roadway maintenance or new construction. Rehabilitation and maintenance of roadways are funded by both an approximate $1.25 million annual general fund transfer and an approximate $3.2 million annual 1/4 cent sales tax collected and assigned to street maintenance. The department assists in coordinating transportation projects and related issues, as well as, to provide support to both the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) and the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB). This Division is funded in the General Fund, the Stormwater Drainage Fund, the Street Tax Special Revenue Funds and the Airport Fund. � Personnel D Operating � Capital Transportation Uses 8 Expenses zo1 '10/11 10/11 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET PERSONNEL AMENDED PROJECTED NEW %CHANGE BUDGET ACTUAL BASE PROGRAMS TOTAL (PROD. AciuAL G¢na�a/ Fund Administrafion 194.659 186,470 267,397 267,397 2 Streets 2,892,916 2,724,5]6 3,216,682 3,216,682 18.]5 fofal Genera/Fund 3,08],5]5 2,9>},046 3,4@4,0]9 3,484,079 mox Ofh¢�En[¢rof/s¢ Funtls Airport 2,589.964 2,6]5,910 3,416,642 3,416,642 2>.]% Stormwater Drainage 1,18],163 1,126,919 1,202,51] 1,202,617 s.px total Other Ent Funds 3,777>2] $802,629 4,6>9,>59 4,619,159 z�.ax Sn¢¢ia/ R¢v¢nua Funds Transportation SRF 2,555.444 iota/ Spvcal Ray. Funds 2.555.444 :260,000 8,103,236 .i oo.ove DtYlatyO Lb1a1 6,664,702 8,269,319 B,T z.a% zo1 PERSONNEL 11/12 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (FTE's) Gana�a/ Fund Administration 243,589 23,H08 267,397 2 Sire¢[s 803.886 1,162,796 1,250,000 3,216,682 18.]5 tots/Ganerel Fund 1,04],475 1,>86,604 1,250,000 3,484,079 20J5 O!h¢� Enf¢�nlis¢ Funds Airport 242,051 3,164,591 10.000 3,416,642 5.5 Stortnwater ❑reins a 277,788 924,729 1,202,617 5.5 Iota/Other Ent Funds 6>9, 839 4,089,320 >O,000 4,619,159 1> Sn¢cia/ R¢v¢nua Fantle STraet Maintenance iota/ Sp¢c/a/ Rav_ FnndS Division Total :260,000 8,103,236 31.]5 zo1 Transportation Administralion DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Transportation Division ancom passes all aspects of transpOrkation, inclutling maintaining and repairing eXlstlnQ __ __ streets, roads, and sidewalks, the planning and financing of existing roatls and future proposed roads, as well as, stone water management. This division also interacts with Fetleral, State, and County agencies to meet the current and future transit, mobility, and transportation needs of the community. The Administration department works with other utilities to insure a collective effort For all utility maintenance prior to beginning roadway maintenance v. ..a>.��.v..m. veay... .w.vvvv..v«vu v..�...a•uvuv..w v. .vvvovYa - 0>/Ot OWr oM�n '�M� wnx... are funded by both an approximate $'1.25 million annual generel fund transfer and an approximate $1.8 million annual 1/4 cent sales tax collected and assign¢d tomstreet maintenance. The department assists in coordinating transportation projects and related issues, as well as, to provide support to both the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) and the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB). The Division monitors regional planning efforts through the Austin -San Antonio Corridor Council, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAM PO), Capital Area Planning Council of Governments and Williamson County. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Provide efficient and effective Transportation systems that serv¢ the community and reflect its values. • Explore Fnancing options for Capital Improvement Projects (CI P) and Transportation expenditures that presently do not have a funding source. • Identify and implement economical maintenance techniques For city roadway maintenance. Explor¢ alternative transportation programs for commuters, bicyclist and pedestrians. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL VEAR 20'10/1'1 • Continued development of a traffic management plan to inclutl¢ signals, signs, speed limits and other traffic calming measures. • Worked with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to acquire funtling for the Lakeway Bridge replacement. • Coordinatetl with CARTS and TxDOT to complete construction of bus station at city-ownetl park-and-ride loC. • Initiated Sidewalk Master Plan update as part of Overall Transportation Plan process. • Rel¢as¢d draft Overall Transportation Plan and Sidewalk Master Plan for public review. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/'12 • Finalize development and Initiate implementation of a traffic management plan to include signals, signs, speed limits and other traffic calming measures. Continue to evaluate costs for syst¢m-wide traffic Signal Control and needed upgrades. • Finalize Overall Transportation Plan update with GTEC, GTAB and City Council approval. • Update Sidewalk Master Plan and funding strategies. • Coordinate with regional transportation providers on planning and programming of commute solutions and congestion improvement programs. • Coordinate with TxDOT and T¢xas Transportation Institute to study Urban Transit Funding as a result of the 20'10 Census. Determine status of stormwater permitting based on the urbanized area boundaries in the 20tD Census. zoz TRANSPORTATION ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL I 11112 12/13 ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Transportation Director 1* 1 1 1 1 Transportation Engineer 0 0 0 1 1 Project Manager 1 0 0 0 0 Principal Planner 1 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 203 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 1. Number of traffic signals 3 7 14 18 20 2. Number of lane -miles 490 529 540 550 575 3. Number of Transportation CIP 23,808 projects 8 6 6 7 8 203 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08108 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. % of projects completed within ADOPTED BASE 188,425 127,623 budget N/A 100% 100% 100% 100% 2. % of projects completed on 23,808 schedule N/A L 100% 1 100% 1 100% 1 100% 203 10/11 12/13 09/10 10111 PROJECTED 111/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 188,425 127,623 123,717 Personnel 243,589 243,570 5,993 67,036 62,753 Operations 23,808 23,808 194,418 194,659 186,470 267,397 267,378 203 Transportation Airport DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City of Georgetown Municipal Airport provides aviation services to the public. Tha Airport Department is responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenanc¢, which include the supervision of fuel sales concessions, monitoring the leases For City -owned facilities, and the supervision of the ground maintenance. The Airport provitles 24-hour operation of a 5,000 - foot main runway and related taxiways, ramps and navigational aides. The City also supports an Air Traffic Control Tower, with staffing funded through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). All of the above must be in compliance with state and federal rules and regulations. In addition, the Department provides support to the Airport Advisory Board and th¢ Air Traffic Control Tower. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Minimize the environmental impact of the Airport. Operate the Airport as aself-supporting enterprise, whereby costs are minimized with maximum efficiency. Ensure the safety of the flying public. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2070/17 Installed ribbon curb and rehab Airport streets. Installed additional taxiway guidance signs. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 201'1/12 Rebuild Hangar G Access Taxiway, and rehab various other access taxiways. Install obstruction lights on the power Ilne in Runway 36 Approach. Purchase private, undevelop¢d property in order to clear approach So Runway 36, south of current airport boundary up to north side of LaKeway Drive Right of Way (ROW). 2pa ,. Minimize the environmental impact of the Airport. Operate the Airport as aself-supporting enterprise, whereby costs are minimized with maximum efficiency. Ensure the safety of the flying public. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2070/17 Installed ribbon curb and rehab Airport streets. Installed additional taxiway guidance signs. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 201'1/12 Rebuild Hangar G Access Taxiway, and rehab various other access taxiways. Install obstruction lights on the power Ilne in Runway 36 Approach. Purchase private, undevelop¢d property in order to clear approach So Runway 36, south of current airport boundary up to north side of LaKeway Drive Right of Way (ROW). 2pa .. inciuces j ower expenses ACTUAL 10/11 10/11 PROJECT PROJECTED AIRPORT 09/10 ORIGINAL FINAL 11112 12/13 1. Jet fuel sold (gal.) ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Airport Manager 1 1 1 230,000 240,000 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 65,000 68,000 Airport Clerk (P/T) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Airport Attendant (P/T) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Airport Maintenance Worker (P/T) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TOTAL (FT/PT) 213.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 .. inciuces j ower expenses ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECT PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 FY 11/12 1. Jet fuel sold (gal.) 461,765 437,970 500,000 528,000 530,000 2. Avgas sold (gal.) 185,970 195,803 190,000 230,000 240,000 3. Airport Operations (Annual) 63,323 57,087 65,000 65,000 68,000 .. inciuces j ower expenses ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDG TED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. Man hrs / 10 gal of fuel sold .084 .086 .079 .072 .071 2. Airport expenses*/operations 8.19 9.08 8.04 8.04 8.0 3. T -hangar occupancy rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% .. inciuces j ower expenses 690,026 2,589,964 2,675,910 205 242,051 3,164,591 10,000 3,416,642 3,430,703 10/11 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 264,480 300,599 300,575 Personnel 224,685 2,062,465 2,148,435 Operations 200,861 226,900 226,900 Capital 690,026 2,589,964 2,675,910 205 242,051 3,164,591 10,000 3,416,642 3,430,703 Transportation stormwater Drainage DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The stormwater Drainage Utility addresses environmental concerns over in -stream water quality, regulatory demands related to stormwater run-off controls, infrastructure operation and maintenance, and drainage/flood control related capital project needs. Other duties include sign, marking and signal maintenance for the Street Department and assisting Police and Fire Services on Code Enforcement issues. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Comply with stormwater regulations. Reduce the threat of property damage and personal injury, antl enhance public safety through proper maintenance and operation of the city's drainage system. Improve the cleanliness and appearance of the community through [he sweeping of city streets. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 200'10/'1'1 Corrected drainage at 9�" and Austin; T" and Forest. • Constructed Maple Street culvert improvements on Smith Branch and to prevent future flooding in the San Jose area. • Completed Drainage Study on Smith Branch water basin indentifying needed improvements and possible solutions to prevent future flooding of existing problem homes. • Completed needed drainage improvements in the area of 18�` and Eubank St. • Replaced /installed approximately 20,000 linear feet of deteriorated curb with full curb and gutter. • Completed the Storm water impervious cover standards and r¢lated rate review. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20�'1/�2 • Monitor the impending mandate requiring th¢ City to develop and implement an on-going stormwater Maintenance Program that meets impending federal regulations. (Pollution Prevention Plan). Contract, design and construct Maple Street right-of-way channel improvements. • S¢arch for grants and other financial assistance to help d¢sign and construct protective erosion control, on the north bank of the San Gabriel River, to prevent further damage to the river banks and park land. • Continue curb to curb and gutter r¢plac¢mant program. • Continue to Implement the Regional stormwater Master Plan (RSMP) by building detention ponds and upgrading waterv✓ays, as needed, within the city. zos 207 10/11 10111 12113 09/10 STORMWATER DRAINAGE 09110 ORIGINAL FINAL 11/12 12113 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Drainage Foreman 1 1 1 895,001 Operations 924,729 Light Equipment Operator I 1 1 1,187,163 1,126,919 Heavy Equipment Operator 1 1 1 Street Sweeper Operator 1 1 1 Sign & Field Technician 1 1 1 Crewman I (P/T) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL (FT/PT) 51.5 5/.5 51.5 51.5 5/.5 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED WORKLOAD MEASURES FY 08109 FY 09110 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. Miles of public right-of-way mowed and cleaned 36 36 36 36 36 2. Hours of street sweeper operation 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 3. Linear feet of curb and gutter instal led/replaced city wide 16,575 30,575 20,000 20,000 20,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09110 FY 10111 FY 10/11 FY 11112 1. # of times city streets swept annually 8 12 12 12 12 2. Cubic yards of debris prevented from entering waterways 1,250 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 3. # of detention ponds maintained 34 34 38 38 38 207 10111 12113 09/10 10/11 PROJECTED 111112 ESTIMATED —ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 219,956 278,947 231,918 Personnel 277,788 277,769 849,939 908,216 895,001 Operations 924,729 956,019 1,069,895 1,187,163 1,126,919 1,202,517 1,233,788 207 Transportation Street Department DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Tha Street department manages, maintains and repairs City streets and rights-of-way. Responsibilities include traffic control, off State system signalization, ¢mergancy response operations, special events, and assistance in code enforcement. Daily, the department inspects roadways for needed sign, marking and pavement repairs /replacements, and sight obstructions. Th¢ Street department participates with the Safety Committee to provide safety -training workshops. The department also oversees the management of revenues collected through the City's '/a cent sales tax for street maintenance. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS Continue work with Federal, State and County entities, adjoining municipalities, oth¢r departments and the public to update and maintain a Comprehensive Transportation Plan. • Development of programs to adequately handle traffic operations. Protect the investment in the public transportation system through preventive maintenance and on-going rehabilitation of streets and sidewalks. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'10/t 1 Worked with Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB) in implementation of road improvement projects approved in the 2008 Bond. Completed third round of pavement scores, identified pavement neetls and updated 5 year CI P. Rehabilitated the following roadways using the '/a cent street maintenance sales tax and G¢neml Fund: Rehabilitate: Old Town 16 knight. 17 1/2. Eubank, M�rtie, Timber Street (W 16n' to W University); East 16°' (S Elm St. to Ash St); S. Myrtle (E. University Ave. to E. 8 St J; East 16fb Street (Mimosa St. to Pecan St J; N. Church (E. Morrow St. to E. Valley St.). Surtace Treatment Morrow and Stadium Drive, Lakeway (Airport Rd. to Scenic), CR 151, CR 152, DB Wood Road Reiuvenate: West of La Quinta Dr.; North of Champions [o Berry Creak; Briar Cres[; Hacienda; Kin9sway; Villages of Berry Cr `ok� Cutler P sa: Williama Addition (curbed and Cutler process on streets between Janis, Golden Oaks, Williams, NW BNtl. Tach. High View; Rain Tree; Scenic (University to 3fd S[.). Implemented new preventive maintenance technique in Sun City (roatl overcoat sealer). Began identifying needs for the implamantation of a fiber traffic signal system. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 20'1'1/12 • Work with the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB) to continue implementation of road improvement projects approved in the 2008 bond election. • Continua implementation of maintenance programming identified by the pavement management system to inclutle: Rehabilitation / RaconstrucLon: Virginia St. (16 to 1g), Peach Tree Lane. 14�� (Myrtle to College). E 13°1 (Hutto Rd. to and), E14th (Maple to Olive) Surface Tr¢abnenta: . Hot In Placa (HIPI: 4°i, S1°, 6°i. "Austin fo Scenlc". 8°"'Austin to Bridges", Britlge St. Reluvenate: Sun Ci[y streets northwest of Dal Wabb /Sun City Blvd intersection antl Georgetown Village MicrosurFace: Berry Creek <west of LaQuinta), Briar Crest, Kingsway. Hacienda, Chi Chi Dr. • Worketl with Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB) in implementation of road improvement projects approved in the 2008 Bond. • Completed third round of pavement scores, identified pavement needs and updated 5 year CIP. STREETS DEPARTMENT 09/10 ACTUAL 10111 ORIGINAL BUDGET 10/11 FINAL / ACTUAL 11/12 ADOPTED 12/13 PROPOSED Transportation Services Manager 1 1 1 1 1 Streets Superintendent 1 1 1 1 1 Streets Foreman 1 1 1 1 1 Crew Foreman 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* Light Equipment Operator 10* 10* 10* 10* 10* Heavy Equipment Operator 4 4 4 4 4 Street Maintenance Worker (PIT) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 TOTAL (FT/PT) 18/.75 18/.75 18/.75 18/.75 18/.75 *Includes 3 "frozen" unfunded positions. WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 08109 ACTUAL FY 09/10 BUDGETED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 10/11 PROJECTED FY 11/12 1. Lane miles of surface treatments, FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 overlays or microsurfaced streets 7 10 10 10 10 2. Square feet of roadway patching 32,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 3. Traffic signs repaired/installed 500 600 600 600 800 4. Lane miles of streets maintained 490 490 529 630 638 5. Linear feet of sidewalk installed 500 3,750 3,750 3,750 10,000 ** PCI = Pavement Condition Index- City's minimum PCI = 85 *** PCI will continue to drop due to drought conditions, annexation of poor scoring roadways and decline in available funding per mile ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 1. % of streets seal coated/surface 1.5% 1.0% 5.56% 5.56% 5.56% treatment 829,534 3,514,645 818,489 3,477,245 Operations 1,162,796 2. % of streets overlayed 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3. PCI** adopted for GASB 34 92 90 87 87 ***86 ** PCI = Pavement Condition Index- City's minimum PCI = 85 *** PCI will continue to drop due to drought conditions, annexation of poor scoring roadways and decline in available funding per mile 5,458,834 2,892,916 5,280,020 M 3,216,682 3,237,541 10/11 12/13 09/10 10111 PROJECTED 111/12 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED ASE 720,033 824,427 803,100 Personnel 803,886 829,534 3,514,645 818,489 3,477,245 Operations 1,162,796 1,158,007 1,224,156 1,250,000 999,675 Capital 1,250,000 1,250,000 5,458,834 2,892,916 5,280,020 M 3,216,682 3,237,541 Capital Projects Capital Projects Table of Contents Projects Capital Improvements Summary ............................................................................................ 167 Water Services Summary ....................................................................................................... 168 Water Services – Water ......................................................................................................... 170 Projects ......................................................................................................................... 173 Water Services – Wastewater ................................................................................................ 176 Projects ......................................................................................................................... 178 Transportation Services Summary ......................................................................................... 181 Street Department......................................................................................................... 184 Projects ......................................................................................................................... 187 Stormwater Drainage Summary ............................................................................................. 192 Projects ......................................................................................................................... 196 Energy Services ..................................................................................................................... 197 General Government Capital Improvements Summary ......................................................... 198 Projects ......................................................................................................................... 201 Debt Debt Table of Contents Debt Management & Policy ................................................................................................................. 205 Outstanding Debt Summary ................................................................................................................ 206 General Debt Service Outstanding Debt By Type ..................................................................................................... 207 Legal Debt Margin for General Obligation .............................................................................. 207 Principal & Interest Requirements -Tax-Supported ................................................................ 208 Principal & Interest Requirements - Self-Supporting .............................................................. 209 Utility Debt Service Principal & Interest Requirements .......................................................................................... 210 Utility Revenue Bond Debt Coverage ..................................................................................... 211 Proposed Debt Issues ......................................................................................................................... 212 205 Debt Management & Policy The City’s goal is to fund capital improvement projects on a ”pay as you go” basis wherever possible. For large infrastructure projects and during heavy growth, debt financing is sometimes required. Debt financed projects must meet the City’s financing criteria as included in the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. X. Debt Management The City of Georgetown recognizes the primary purpose of capital facilities is to provide services to the community. Using debt financing to meet the capital needs of the community must be evaluated according to efficiency and equity. Efficiency must be evaluated to determine the highest rate of return for a given investment of resources. Equity is resolved by determining who should pay for the cost of capital improvements. In meeting the demand for additional services, the City will strive to balance the needs between debt financing and “pay as of you” methods. The City realizes that failure to meet the demands of growth may inhibit its continued economic viability, but also realizes that too much debt may have detrimental effects on the City’s long-term financial condition. The City will issue debt only for the purpose of acquiring or constructing capital assets for the general benefit of its citizens and to allow it to fulfill its various purposes as a city. Debt financing will be considered for non-continuous capital improvements of which future citizens will be benefited. Financing alternatives will be explored prior to debt issuance. When the City of Georgetown utilizes long-term financing, it will ensure that the debt is soundly financed by: Conservatively projecting the revenue sources that will be utilized to pay the debt. Financing the improvement over a period not greater than the useful life of the improvement. Determining that the cost benefit of the improvement including interest costs is positive. The City may utilize the benefits of short-term debt financing to purchasing operating equipment provided the debt doesn’t extend past the useful life of the asset, and the potential impact to the tax rate is within policy guidelines. The I & S (interest and sinking) portion of the tax rate can not exceed $0.04 for short-term debt (3-10 years). The City’s debt management objective is to maintain level debt service that does not adversely impact tax or utility rates and does not hinder the City’s ability to effectively operate the utility systems, street network, or other facilities. The City’s debt payments must stay within provisions of state law, bond covenants and council adopted policies. All of these criteria and objectives are met with the debt financing proposed in this budget. The City of Georgetown’s bonds are rated: General Obligation Date Obtained Utility Revenue Date Obtained Moody’s AA2 4/23/2010 AA2 4/23/2010 Standard & Poor’s AA+ 4/29/2009 AA- 4/29/2009 Fitch AA+ 4/30/2010 AA- 4/30/2010 206 Outstanding Debt Summary - By Type as of October 1, 2010 Debt 2010/2011 2010/2011 Outstanding %Principal & Interest Handling Fees GENERAL GOVERNMENT TAX SUPPORTED DEBT: Certificate of Obligation and General Obligation Bonds: Streets and Transportation 4,465,008 8% 268,975 2,488 Parks and Recreation Facilities 10,684,033 19% 1,011,849 90 Public Safety Facilities 3,432,540 6% 543,867 2,251 Other City Facilities 38,476,037 67% 4,236,881 7,700 TOTAL TAX SUPPORTED DEBT 57,057,618 100%6,061,572 12,529 ENTERPRISE DEBT: Utility Revenue Bonds: Electric 30,832,157 42% 3,108,796 1,500 Water Services Irrigation 1,295,599 2% 118,399 1,000 Water 19,421,932 26% 2,038,793 1,000 Wastewater 17,260,312 23% 1,958,349 1,000 Total Utility Revenue Debt 68,810,000 7,224,337 4,500 Certificates of Obligation Bonds - Self-Supporting: (2) Airport 1,102,685 1% 164,462 148 Stormwater Drainage 3,690,008 5% 433,606 1,028 Total CO Bonds - Self Supporting 4,792,693 598,068 1,176 TOTAL ENTERPRISE DEBT 73,602,693 100%7,822,405 5,676 TOTAL CITY SUPPORTED DEBT 130,660,311 13,883,977 18,205 CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS (1): Brazos River Authority (BRA) Contractual Obligation 24,719,423 1,365,598 Total Contractual Obligations 24,719,423 1,365,598 (1) Funds Georgetown's pro-rata share of the Williamson County Raw Water Line. (2) Does not include CO's issued on behalf of the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) that are repaid through GTEC sales tax. 207 Legal Debt Margin for General Obligations: All taxable property within the City is subject to the assessment, levy and collection by the City of a continuing, direct annual ad valorem tax sufficient to provide for the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds within the limits prescribed by law. Article XI, Section 5, of the Texas Constitution is applicable to the City, and limits the maximum ad valorem tax rate to $2.50 per $100 assessed valuation (for all City purposes). The Charter of the City adopts the provisions of the constitution without further limitation. Under rules promulgated by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, such office will not approve tax bonds of the City unless the City can demonstrate its ability to pay debt service requirements on all outstanding City tax bonds, including the issue to be approved, from a tax levy of $1.50 per $100 of valuation, based on 90% collection of tax. Allowable levy per $100 valuation $1.50000 Proposed levy for debt service (included in total adopted rate of $.35622) 0.13635 Percentage of allowable levy used 9.10% Assuming the maximum tax rate for debt service of $1.50 on the January 1, 2010, certified assessed valuation of $4,180,224,985 at 90% collection, tax revenue of $62,703,375 would be produced. This revenue could service the debt on $749,329,000 issued as 20-year serial bonds at 5.50% (with level debt service payments). 208 Summary of Debt Service Charges to Maturity General Obligation Bonds and Certificates of Obligation – TAX SUPPORTED Debt funded by dedicated portion of local ad valorem tax Year Ending Outstanding Total September 30 Beginning of Year Interest Principal Requirements 2011 57,057,618 2,308,815 3,752,758 6,061,574 2012 53,304,860 2,135,794 3,693,261 5,829,055 2013 49,611,599 1,988,958 3,807,271 5,796,229 2014 45,804,328 1,842,135 3,776,997 5,619,132 2015 42,027,331 1,788,766 3,769,501 5,558,267 2016 38,257,830 1,585,383 3,894,766 5,480,149 2017 34,363,064 1,482,216 4,011,768 5,493,984 2018 30,351,296 1,324,917 3,627,029 4,951,946 2019 26,724,267 1,178,197 3,270,556 4,448,752 2020 23,453,711 1,042,151 2,951,677 3,993,828 2021 20,502,034 917,420 2,996,106 3,913,526 2022 17,505,928 789,624 2,773,161 3,562,785 2023 14,732,768 670,023 2,895,421 3,565,444 2024 11,837,347 541,222 2,955,947 3,497,170 2025 8,881,399 407,469 3,084,490 3,491,959 2026 5,796,910 266,324 2,118,761 2,385,084 2027 3,678,149 169,403 1,992,303 2,161,706 2028 1,685,846 78,052 910,845 988,897 2029 775,000 35,923 775,000 810,923 20,552,792 57,057,618 77,610,409 209 Summary of Debt Service Charges to Maturity General Obligation Bonds and Certificates of Obligation – SELF SUPPORTING Debt issued for specific purpose and repaid through dedicated revenues Year Ending Outstanding Total September 30 Beginning of Year Interest Principal Requirements 2011 4,792,693 191,436 406,631 598,066 2012 4,386,062 166,366 392,728 559,094 2013 3,993,335 152,673 405,940 558,613 2014 3,587,394 139,081 426,836 565,917 2015 3,160,558 123,118 445,166 568,284 2016 2,715,392 105,950 459,034 564,983 2017 2,256,358 89,472 475,021 564,493 2018 1,781,337 71,878 421,771 493,649 2019 1,359,567 55,742 236,233 291,975 2020 1,123,333 46,115 153,100 199,214 2021 970,233 40,029 146,661 186,690 2022 823,572 34,199 107,595 141,793 2023 715,978 29,868 113,324 143,192 2024 602,654 25,278 114,053 139,330 2025 488,601 20,536 120,510 141,046 2026 368,091 15,503 91,239 106,742 2027 276,852 11,689 97,697 109,386 2028 179,155 7,573 104,155 111,728 2029 75,000 3,113 75,000 78,113 1,329,618 4,792,693 6,122,310 210 Summary of Utility Debt Service Charges to Maturity Revenue bonds issued to finance construction of electric, water and wastewater improvements, and secured by the net operating revenue of all combined utilities. The allocation of debt principal is based on the use of each bond issue. Each utility pays debt service from operating revenues. The Brazos River Authority Contractual Obligations are the liability of the Water Services Fund. Year Ending Outstanding Total BRA September 30 Beginning of Year Interest Principal Requirements Contract 2011 68,810,000 2,954,337 4,270,000 7,224,337 (1)(2) 1,365,598 2012 64,540,000 2,650,230 4,575,000 7,225,230 1,023,396 2013 59,965,000 2,483,628 4,425,000 6,908,628 1,021,945 2014 55,540,000 2,320,245 4,600,000 6,920,245 1,011,637 2015 50,940,000 2,147,493 4,815,000 6,962,493 1,006,612 2016 46,125,000 1,843,933 8,965,000 10,808,933 1,011,637 2017 37,160,000 1,575,145 3,880,000 5,455,145 1,011,368 2018 33,280,000 1,424,110 4,080,000 5,504,110 1,011,096 2019 29,200,000 1,262,010 3,790,000 5,052,010 995,745 2020 25,410,000 1,107,371 3,545,000 4,652,371 1,359,667 2021 21,865,000 955,691 3,335,000 4,290,691 1,300,070 2022 18,530,000 811,821 3,375,000 4,186,821 1,295,007 2023 15,155,000 661,106 3,005,000 3,666,106 1,297,077 2024 12,150,000 528,380 2,610,000 3,138,380 1,296,546 2025 9,540,000 413,386 2,730,000 3,143,386 1,300,529 2026 6,810,000 293,693 2,550,000 2,843,693 1,288,528 2027 4,260,000 181,636 1,995,000 2,176,636 1,296,419 2028 2,265,000 94,881 1,455,000 1,549,881 1,293,666 2029 810,000 32,400 810,000 842,400 1,299,085 2030 1,297,491 2031 734,477 2032 201,829 23,741,496 68,810,000 92,551,496 24,719,423 211 Utility Revenue Bond Debt Coverage The City has agreed through its bond ordinances to maintain a minimum "times coverage" ratio of 1.25. The ordinance allows the City to eliminate its reserve fund requirement with coverage of 1.35 or better. The times ratio is calculated using the net revenue available for debt service from the combined Water, Electric and Wastewater utilities' operations divided by the combined debt service requirement of the utilities. The times coverage ratio is also reviewed by bond rating agency analysts when the City receives a rating for a potential bond issue. The following combined times coverage ratios have occurred, based on actual revenues and expenditures, for the fiscal years indicated: The 2010/11 Proposed Operating Plan provides the revenue to debt ratios shown below. The City’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy requires that each utility maintain separate coverage of at least 1.5, including both the Airport and Stormwater Drainage. The excess coverage provided by each fund is used to pay for related utility system capital improvements and other uses approved by the City Council. Water Services Electric Fund Fund Total REVENUE: All Other Revenue 1,847,722 1,513,584 3,361,306 Interest 104,100 50,000 154,100 System Billings 22,348,251 62,990,014 85,338,265 Total Revenues 24,300,073 64,553,598 88,853,671 EXPENSES: Departments 16,969,133 54,159,779 71,128,912 Total Expenditures 16,969,133 54,159,779 71,128,912 Net Available for Debt Service 7,330,940 10,393,819 17,724,759 Annual Debt Requirement 4,115,541 3,108,796 7,224,337 Times Coverage Ratio 1.78 3.34 2.45 UTILITY REVENUE BOND COVERAGE 212 Proposed Debt Issues: General Debt: 4 Long-term obligations will be issued for $17.5 million to fund general capital projects as detailed below: Project/Description CO - equipment & public safety vehicles 1,105,500 CO - facilities & transportation improvements 3,950,000 GO - 2008 Road Bond projects 9,800,000 GO - 2008 Parks Bond projects 2,600,000 Total Projected Debt 17,455,500 Outstanding 9/30/10 Debt Principal 10/11 Principal Reduction Estimated 2011 New Debt Estimated 9/30/11 Outstanding Debt TAX SUPPORTED DEBT: General Debt Service: General Obligation/Certificates of Obligation 57,057,618 (3,752,758) 17,455,500 70,760,360 SELF SUPPORTED DEBT: General Debt Service: Stormwater 3,690,008 (289,208) - 3,400,800 Airport 1,102,685 (117,423) - 985,262 total GDS: 61,850,311 (4,159,389) 17,455,500 75,146,422 Utility Revenue Debt: Electric 30,832,157 (1,803,509) - 29,028,648 Irrigation 1,295,599 (65,053) - 1,230,546 Wastewater 17,260,312 (1,244,964) - 16,015,348 Water 19,421,932 (1,156,473) - 18,265,459 total Utility Revenue Debt: 68,810,000 (4,269,999) - 64,540,001 TOTAL OUTSTANDING DEBT:130,660,311 (8,429,388) 17,455,500 139,686,423 Statistical Statistical Table of Contents Miscellaneous Statistical Data ............................................................................................................. 213 Key Indicators. ..................................................................................................................................... 214 Benchmarking .................................................................................................................................... 216 Certified Property Value ...................................................................................................................... 218 Certified Taxable Assessed Values ..................................................................................................... 219 Tax Rates Property Tax Rate Comparison .............................................................................................. 220 Combined Tax Rate – City of Georgetown ............................................................................. 221 Total Combined Tax Rate Comparison .................................................................................. 221 Sales Tax Revenue Analysis ............................................................................................................... 222 Tax Revenues Historical Data ....................................................................................................................... 223 Combined Sales and Property Taxes ..................................................................................... 223 Utility Customer Growth ...................................................................................................................... 224 Utility Revenues ................................................................................................................................. 225 Population ........................................................................................................................................... 226 Georgetown’s Top Ten ........................................................................................................................ 226 213 Form of government Council - Manager Area (square miles)50.25 Miles of streets 540 Number of street lights 3,565 2009 average unemployment rate 5.84% Total City employees 523.75 Number of parks 34 Acres of parkland (Master Plan now includes green space as parkland)865 Number of libraries 1 Number of library items in circulation 524,610 Number of Fire stations 4 Number of Firefighters 82 Number of Police stations 1 Number of Police officers 76 Number of Electric customers 21,071 Number of Water customers 20,643 Number of Wastewater customers 18,413 Number of Stormwater Customers 18,127 Number of Sanitation customers 19,719 Number of GISD Attendance Centers 17 # of Teachers 822 Average Years Experience 12 Student/Teacher Ratio 12.7 Total Number of Students 10,300 African-American 4.0% Hispanic 30.0% White 64.0% Economically Disadvantaged 35.0% Elevation 750 feet Annual Average Temperature 68o Monthly Average High Temperature 96o Monthly Average Low Temperature 39o Weather Education Utility Customers Public Safety Recreation and Culture General City Information Miscellaneous Statistical Data 214 Key Indicators 215 Key Indicators 216 Peer Benchmarking An important way to measure our economic condition is through benchmarking, which is a point of reference from which measurements or progress can be made. Benchmarking measures our progress from a point in time and is something that serves as a standard by which others may be measured. Benchmarking data is taken from 2009/10 budgets. *Both Georgetown and San Marcos own and operate an electric utility. 217 Benchmarking allows the City to focus on the relative level of comparison in key areas within the Central Texas area and find ways to close gaps when indicated. Peer Benchmarking Georgetown has chosen to measure itself against cities in the surrounding area that have similar size, location or growth issues and benchmarks. Benchmarking data is taken from 2009/10 budgets. 218 Certified Property Value Historical Data Fiscal Certified Tax Increase (Dec) Percent of Year Assessed Value Rate In Value Levy Collected 2002 1,938,770,383 0.3071 18.99% 98.53% 2003 2,116,042,131 0.3026 9.14% 98.61% 2004 2,247,047,140 0.3219 6.19% 98.72% 2005 2,391,137,407 0.3463 6.41% 98.89% 2006 2,643,057,606 0.3463 10.54% 98.94% 2007 3,060,088,213 0.3673 15.78% 99.28% 2008 3,700,498,187 0.3566 20.93% 98.24% 2009 4,240,540,839 0.3562 14.59% 98.05% 2010 4,173,874,126 0.3562 -1.57% 98.41% 2011 4,180,224,985 0.3562 0.15% N/A 219 Certified Taxable Assessed Valuation By Class of Property Class of Property 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Residential Single Family 1,964,198,975 2,390,562,564 2,666,210,123 2,682,764,972 2,740,637,876 Multi Family 116,756,358 122,180,480 111,092,088 141,198,157 114,193,245 Total Residential 2,080,955,333 2,512,743,044 2,777,302,211 2,823,963,129 2,854,831,121 Commercial 668,860,708 817,984,186 992,560,906 956,441,200 931,346,100 Personal Property, Other 136,821,317 238,557,091 244,892,514 246,488,943 269,771,730 Certified Assessed Valuation 2,886,637,358 3,569,284,321 4,014,755,631 4,026,893,272 4,055,948,951 60% of uncertified under protest value 173,450,855 131,213,866 162,081,312 146,980,854 124,276,034 Total Assessed Valuation 3,060,088,213 3,700,498,187 4,176,836,943 4,173,874,126 4,180,224,985 Assessed Values 220 City Property Tax Rate Comparison (Cities within the Central Texas Area) City of Georgetown $2.1362 $0 Georgetown Independent School District ($1.29) Combined Tax Rate City of Georgetown ($0.35622) Williamson County ($0.48999) $0.80 Taylor (.81389) .70 Killeen (.6950) Leander (.65042) Pflugerville (.60400) Temple (.56790) San Marcos (.5302) Hutto (.50758) .50 Austin (.46130) Georgetown (.35622) $0.30 .30 .60 .40 Round Rock (.41728) Cedar Park (.49350) 1 221 Total Combined Tax Rate Comparison (Cities within the Central Texas Area) 222 Sales Tax Revenue Analysis Historical Data (Includes 1% general use only) Fiscal Year Population Revenues Sales Tax per capita % chan ge from prior year 2002 34,273 3,453,856 100.77 -2% 2003 35,300 3,721,898 105.44 8% 2004 36,359 4,217,991 116.01 13% 2005 38,265 4,874,132 127.38 16% 2006 41,294 6,056,507 146.67 24% 2007 44,324 6,761,872 152.56 12% 2008 47,353 7,310,027 154.37 8% 2009 50,383 6,943,036 137.81 -5% *2010 53,412 7,120,000 133.30 3% *2011 59,498 7,260,000 122.02 2% 223 Tax Revenues Historical Data Combined Revenue City Rate Value Rate Levy Tax Total 2002 3,453,856 7.75% 1,938,770,383 0.3071 5,953,576 9,407,432 2003 3,721,898 8.00% 2,116,042,131 0.3026 6,403,355 10,125,253 2004 4,217,991 8.00% 2,247,047,140 0.3219 7,233,245 11,451,236 2005 4,874,132 8.00% 2,391,137,407 0.3463 8,280,509 13,154,641 2006 6,056,507 8.25% 2,643,057,606 0.3463 9,151,851 15,208,358 2007 6,761,872 8.25% 3,060,088,213 0.3673 11,239,704 18,001,576 2008 7,310,027 8.25% 3,700,498,187 0.3566 13,195,606 20,505,633 2009 6,943,036 8.25% 4,176,836,943 0.3562 14,877,893 21,820,929 **2010 7,120,000 8.25% 4,173,874,126 0.3562 14,867,340 21,987,340 **2011 7,260,000 8.25% 4,180,224,985 0.3562 14,889,961 22,149,961 *13 months - change in accounting accrual methodology per Governmental Accounting Standards Board **Projected Fiscal Year Sales Tax Property Tax 224 Utility Customer Growth Historical Data Fiscal Year Water Electric Wastewater Sanitation Stormwater 1999 11,573 12,413 9,519 10,350 9,945 2000 12,652 13,482 10,450 11,101 10,797 2001 13,518 14,269 11,338 11,980 11,532 2002 14,198 15,153 11,972 12,641 12,120 2003 14,686 15,643 12,501 13,218 12,661 2004 15,630 16,356 13,454 13,987 13,357 2005 16,656 17,403 14,480 15,076 14,346 2006 17,979 18,549 15,811 16,240 15,686 2007 18,847 19,554 16,672 17,359 16,535 2008 19,727 20,414 17,518 18,590 17,299 2009 20,151 20,639 17,912 19,109 17,606 2010 20,643 21,071 18,413 19,719 18,127 *2011 21,662 21,703 18,965 20,311 18,671 * Projected 225 Utility Revenues Historical Data Fiscal Yr Water * Other Enterprise Wastewater Electric 2002 8,986,464 3,399,065 4,649,485 23,412,202 2003 8,814,789 3,940,379 5,096,052 25,916,557 2004 8,809,185 4,202,064 5,425,274 29,199,618 2005 9,838,920 4,702,317 5,946,401 33,802,583 2006 11,916,401 5,091,527 6,512,974 41,338,196 2007 10,345,351 5,461,743 7,146,132 42,805,466 2008 13,602,151 6,136,057 7,760,011 51,833,477 2009 13,757,785 6,575,514 7,992,122 56,506,906 **2010 12,814,605 6,745,253 7,987,648 60,291,143 **2011 14,028,136 6,858,541 8,320,115 62,990,014 * Includes Stormwater and Sanitation ** Projected 226 Georgetown’s Top Ten * Does not include some major property owners whose property is under protest as of date of certification. TAXPAYERS (per Certified Roll *) Assessed Taxpayer Value 1. SPG Wolf Ranch LP $54,100,187 2. Citicorp North America Inc $49,527,766 3. St David’s Healthcare $37,742,006 4. Citicorp North America Inc 3375 $25,025,000 5. The Bassham Trust $23,422,346 6. Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust $14,336,825 7. Del Webb Texas Ltd $14,288,476 8. South Austin Av Professional Bldg $13,434,556 9. Hewlett Holdings Ltd $12,980,619 10. Republic Square K/C Ltd $11,473,915 EMPLOYERS Number of Employer Employees 1. Williamson County 1,700 2. Georgetown ISD 1,650 3. St. David’s Hospital 650 4. Airborn, Inc 550 5. City of Georgetown 524 6. Southwestern University 450 7. Caring Home Health 400 8. Wesleyan Homes, Inc 265 9. Home Depot 249 10. Best Buy 249 TEN LARGEST WATER CUSTOMERS * 000 Gallons Customer Consumed 1. City of Georgetown 81,512 2. Southwestern University 59,950 3. Sun City Neighborhood Assoc 56,849 4. Georgetown ISD 32,764 5. Williamson County 28,680 6. CitiCorp 18,982 7. Georgetown Place Aparetments 18,715 8. Simon Property Group 17,952 9. The Oaks at Georgetown 14,760 10. Waters Edge 13,295 TEN LARGEST WASTEWATER CUSTOMERS Customer Volume 1. Southwestern University 34,590 2. Georgetown ISD 33,809 3. Williamson County 24,170 4. Georgetown Place Apartments 18,701 5. Oaks of Georgetown 14,760 6. Indian Creek Apartments 13,517 7. Waters Edge 13,295 8. Georgetown Health Care System 11,461 9. City of Georgetown 10,794 10. Housing Authority 10,510 *Includes potable water only. Non-potable irrigation is not included in total gallons consumed. Reference Reference Table of Contents Fiscal and Budgetary Policy ................................................................................................................ 227 Contingency Reserve Requirements Worksheet ................................................................................ 251 Financial Ratio Comparisons .............................................................................................................. 252 Personnel Summary by Division 2009-2012 ....................................................................................... 254 Personnel Summary 2010/11 .............................................................................................................. 255 Personnel Summary – Frozen Positions ............................................................................................. 257 Service Level Improvements Funded in Current Year (by Division) ..................................................... 258 Internal Service Premiums .................................................................................................................. 260 Transfers Between Funds ................................................................................................................... 262 Five Year Projections (General Fund, Water Services Fund, Electric Fund) ...................................... 263 Utility Rate Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 266 Ordinances .......................................................................................................................................... 270 GEDCO Budget – A Component Unit of the City of Georgetown for reference only ........................ 279 GTEC Budget – A Component Unit of the City of Georgetown for reference only ........................... 281 GTEC Outstanding Debt Summary – A Component Unit for reference only) .................................. 282 GTEC Principal & Interest Requirements – A Component Unit for reference only .......................... 283 Advisory Boards & Commissions ........................................................................................................ 284 227 City of Georgetown Fiscal and Budgetary Policy APPROVED - JUNE 8, 2010 I. PURPOSE The City of Georgetown is committed to financial management through integrity, prudent stewardship, planning, accountability, full disclosure and communication. The broad purpose of the Fiscal and Budgetary Policies is to enable the City to achieve and maintain a long-term stable and positive financial condition, and provide guidelines for the day-to-day planning and operations of the City’s financial affairs. Policy scope generally spans areas of accounting and financial reporting, internal controls, both operating and capital budgeting, revenue management, investment and asset management, debt management and forecasting. This is done in order to: A. Demonstrate to the citizens of Georgetown, the investment community, and the bond rating agencies that the City is committed to a strong fiscal operation; B. Provide precedents for future policy-makers and financial managers on common financial goals and strategies; C. Fairly present and fully disclose the financial position of the City in conformity to generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP); and D. Demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual issues in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code and other legal mandates. These policies will be reviewed and updated annually as part of the budget preparation process. The budgeted funds for the City of Georgetown include: Governmental Funds: General Fund which accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund, and include basic governmental services, such as Street Maintenance, Planning and Development, Police, Fire and Parks, as well as, solid waste management. Special Revenue Funds (SRF) account for specific revenues that are legally restricted for specified purposes. The City currently budgets 12 SRF Funds and includes Tourism, Parkland Dedication, Library Donations, Animal Services Donations, and Street Maintenance Sales Tax. Debt Service Fund is used to account for the payment of general long-term debt principal and interest. 228 Capital Project Funds are used to account for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by enterprise activities. Proprietary Funds: Internal Service Funds account for good or services provided by one internal department to another. The City uses this system to recognize cost for fleet replacement and maintenance, facility maintenance and computer replacement and maintenance. Enterprise Funds include the City’s “business like” activities including all the utility funds and the airport. Basis of Accounting and Basis of Budgeting The City’s accounts and budgets for all Governmental Funds using the modified accrual basis of accounting. This basis means that revenue is recognized in the accounting period in which it becomes available and measurable, while expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which they are incurred. Because the appropriated budget is used as the basis for control and comparison of budgeted and actual amounts, the basis for preparing the budget is the same as the basis of accounting. Exceptions to the modified accrual basis of accounting include: Encumbrances, which are treated as expenditures in the year they are encumbered, not when expended. Grants, which are considered revenue when awarded, not received. Principal and interest on long-term debt, which are recognized when paid. General government funds include the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service fund and general capital project funds. Proprietary Funds, which include the enterprise and internal service funds are accounted and budgeted using the full-accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recognized when they are earned and measurable, while expenses are recognized when they are incurred regardless of timing or related cash flows. The basis for preparing the budget is the same as the basis of accounting except for principal payments on long-term debt and capital outlay which are treated as budgeted expenses. Exceptions include: Depreciation which is not budgeted Non-budgeted accruals such as compensated absences 229 II. OPERATING BUDGET Budgeting is an essential element of the financial planning, control and evaluation process of municipal government. The “operating budget” is the City’s annual financial operating plan. The annual budget includes all of the operating departments of the general fund, proprietary funds, debt service funds, special revenue funds, and capital improvement funds of the City. A. Comprehensive Plan – The 2030 Plan is written from a perspective of some twenty years into the future. It expresses what we envision and desire our community to be in the year 2030, and it reflects on all that we have accomplished since we launched the revision of our Comprehensive Plan in 2006. The Plan utilizes a Vision Statement to guide the desired outcomes for the community. B. Preparation – The Charter (Section 6.02) requires “a proposed budget prepared by the City Manager and submitted to the City Council at least thirty days prior to the end of the fiscal year. The budget shall be adopted not later than the twenty-seventh day of the last month of the fiscal year. No budget will be adopted or appropriations made unless the total estimated revenues, income and funds available shall be equal to or in excess of such budget or appropriations, except otherwise provided”. Therefore, the budget will be presented to the City Council no later than the 1st day of August to provide the City Council time to adopt the budget in the required time frame. 1. Proposed Budget – A proposed budget shall be prepared by the City Manager with participation of all of the City’s Division Directors within the provision of the Charter and the Vision Statement of the 2030 Plan. a) The budget shall include four basic segments for review and evaluation: Revenues Personnel Costs Operations and Maintenance Capital and other non project costs b) The budget review process will include City Council participation in the development of each segment and allow for citizen participation in the process, and will allow for sufficient time to address policy and fiscal issues by the City Council. c) A copy of the proposed budget will be filed with the City Secretary when it is submitted to the City Council. A copy will also be available at the Georgetown Public Library for citizen review. 2. Adoption – Upon finalization of the budget appropriations, the City Council will hold a public hearing, and subsequently adopt by Ordinance the final budget as amended. The budget will be effective for the fiscal year beginning October 1st. The Annual Budget document will be submitted annually to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for evaluation and consideration for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. 230 C. Balanced Budget – The goal of the City is to adopt and maintain a balanced operating budget using sustainable funding sources that are expected to continue to be available in subsequent fiscal years. Excess balances in operating funds from previous fiscal years shall remain in the fund in which they were appropriated until either such excess balances are proposed and adopted pursuant to Section B of the this policy; until they are used to reduce outstanding debt obligations of the City; or both. The Charter (Section 6.04) requires that an operating deficit created in any fiscal year shall be paid off and discharged during the following year. In practice, deficit has been interpreted to mean City funds as a whole. The City Council may choose from time to time to allow individual funds to have a negative balance as long as Operating Reserve requirements for the City as a whole are maintained. D. Planning – The budget process will be coordinated so that major policy issues are identified prior to the budget approval date. This will allow City Council adequate time for consideration of appropriate decisions and analysis of financial impacts. E. Reporting – Summary financial reports will be presented to the City Council quarterly. These reports will be in a format appropriate to enable the City Council to understand the overall budget and financial status. The City Manager will also present a mid-year report to the City Council within 60 days following the end of the second fiscal quarter that updates the status of projects and related financial goals set forth in the budget. F. Control and Accountability – Each Division Director, appointed by the City Manager, will be responsible for the administration of his/her departmental budget. This includes accomplishing the Goals and Objectives adopted as part of the budget and monitoring each department budget for compliance with spending limitations. Division Directors may transfer funds up to $20,000 within the operations and maintenance or capital line items within a departmental budget category without additional approval. All transfers within the Personnel line items require approval of the Director of Finance and City Manager. All other transfers of appropriation or budget amendments require either City Council or City Manager approval as outlined in Section IV.B. G. Budget Amendments – The Charter (Section 6.04) provides a method to amend for budget amendments and emergency appropriations. The City Council may authorize with a majority plus one vote, an emergency expenditure as an amendment to the original budget. This may be done in cases of grave public necessity to meet an unusual and unforeseen condition that was not known at the time the budget was adopted. In practice, this has been interpreted to include revenue-related expenses within the enterprise funds and timing differences on capital improvement projects. The following criteria will be used in evaluation of budget amendments: Is the request necessary? Why was the item not budgeted in the normal budget process? Why can't a transfer be done within the Division to remedy the condition? The Chief Financial Officer must certify availability of revenues or funding sources prior to adoption. 231 The City will amend the budget at year end, if needed, for revenue based expenditures that exceeded budgeted amounts due to increased revenue and recognize any grant funded expenditures for grants received after the budget was adopted or last amended. The City will also amend the budget if necessary as part of the Mid-Year Review process for any capital project timing adjustments from prior year, as well as, any other known adjustments needed and approved at that time. H. Contingency Appropriations – The budget may include contingency appropriations within designated operating department budgets. These funds are used to offset expenditures for unexpected maintenance or other unanticipated expenses that might occur during the year. Currently, the City maintains contingency appropriations for insurance deductibles, unexpected legal expenses and equipment repairs. I. Council Discretionary Account – The budget may contain appropriated funds to be used at the discretion of the City Council. Actual expenditure of these funds is specifically approved by the City Council on an item by item basis. The Council Discretionary Account for 2010/11 is $25,000, included in the General Fund. III. REVENUE MANAGEMENT A. Characteristics – The City will strive for the following optimum characteristics in its revenue system: 1. Simplicity – The City, where possible and with out sacrificing accuracy, will strive to keep the revenue system simple in order to reduce compliance costs for the taxpayer or service recipient. 2. Certainty – A knowledge and understanding of revenue sources increases the reliability of the revenue system. The City will understand its revenue sources and enact consistent collection policies to provide assurances that the revenue base will materialize according to budget. 3. Equity – The City shall make every effort to maintain equity in its revenue system; i.e., the City should seek to minimize or eliminate all forms of subsidization between entities, funds, services, utilities, and customer classes, and ensure an on-going return on investment for the City. 4. Revenue Adequacy – The City should require there be a balance in the revenue system; i.e., the revenue base will have the characteristics of fairness and neutrality as it applies to cost of service, willingness to pay, and ability to pay. 5. Realistic and Conservative Estimates - Revenues will be estimated realistically, and conservatively, taking into account the volatile nature of various revenue streams. 6. Administration – The benefits of a revenue source should exceed the cost of levying and collecting that revenue. 232 7. Diversification and Stability – A diversified revenue system with a stable source of income shall be maintained. This will help avoid instabilities in two particular revenue sources due to factors such as fluctuations in the economy and variations in the weather. B. Other Considerations – The following considerations and issues will guide the City in its revenue policies concerning specific sources of funds: 1. Cost/Benefit of Incentives for Economic Development – The City will use due caution in the analysis of any incentives that are used to encourage development. A cost/benefit (fiscal impact) analysis will be performed as part of the evaluation. 2. Non-Recurring Revenues – One-time or non-recurring revenues should not be used to finance current ongoing operations. 3. Sustainable Revenues –‘Sustainable" means revenue that is consistently available year after year. 4. Property Tax Revenues – All real and business personal property located within the City will be valued at 100% of the fair market value for any given year based on the current appraisal supplied by the Williamson County Appraisal District. Conservative budgeted revenue estimates result in a projected ninety-eight percent (98%) budgeted collection rate for current ad valorem taxes. Two percent (2%) of the current ad valorem taxes will be projected as the budget for delinquent ad valorem tax collection. For budgeting purposes, the City will forecast the proposed property tax rate using the effective maintenance & operations (M&O) rate plus the interest & sinking (I&S) rate needed to fund tax supported debt service. Increases to the M&O rate will be deliberated and determined by the City Council. Proposed tax revenue will be budgeted at a 98% collection rate. 5. Interest Income – Interest earned from investments will be distributed to the funds in accordance with the equity balance of the fund from which the monies were provided to be invested. 6. User-Based Fees and Service Charges – For services associated with a user fee or charge, the direct or indirect costs of that service will be offset by a fee where possible. The City will review fees and charges no less than once every two years to ensure that fees provide adequate coverage for the cost of services. The City Council will determine how much of the cost of a service should be recovered by fees and charges. 7. Enterprise Fund Rates – The City will review and adopt utility rates as needed to generate revenues required to fully cover operating expenses, meet the legal requirements of all applicable bond covenants, and provide for an adequate level of working capital. Utility rates will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. A rate study will be conducted every 3 years to review rate methodology and ensure revenues will meet future needs. 233 Additionally, enterprise activity rates will include transfers to and receive credits from other funds as follows: a) General and Administrative Charges – Administrative costs should be charged to all funds for services of general overhead, such as administration, finance, customer billing, legal and other costs as appropriate. These charges will be determined through an indirect cost allocation following accepted practices and procedures and reviewed annually by the City’s external auditors. b) Payment for Return on Investment – The intent of this transfer is to provide a benefit to the citizens for the ownership of the various utility operations they own. In-Lieu-of-Franchise-Fee. This transfer, currently 3% of operating revenues, is consistent with the franchise rates charged to investor owned utilities franchised to operate within the City. Return on Investment. The return on investment (ROI) transfer is currently calculated at 7% of operating revenues for all utilities except sanitation. 8. Intergovernmental Revenues – All potential grants will be examined for matching requirements and must be approved by the City Council prior to making application of the grant. It must be clearly understood that operational requirements (on-going costs) set up as a result of a grant program could be discontinued once the term and conditions of the program have been completed. 9. Revenue Monitoring – Revenues as they are received will be regularly compared to budgeted revenues and variances will be investigated, and any abnormalities will be included in the quarterly report to the City Council. IV. EXPENDITURE POLICIES A. Appropriations – The point of budget control is at the department level budget for all funds. The Charter (Section 6.03) provides that any transfer of appropriation between funds must be approved by the City Council and that the City Manager, without City Council approval, is authorized to transfer appropriations between departments, within the same operational division and fund. The City Manager may also authorize transfer of salary adjustment monies between funds that are budgeted in a citywide account. B. Personnel Costs – Costs related to salaries and benefits are budgeted at 100% total costs, assuming open positions are filled throughout the fiscal year. New positions that are added during the budget process may have staggered hire dates with appropriate costs reflected in the budget. 234 1. Vacancy Factor – General Fund appropriations will include a vacancy factor equal to 1% of total General Fund salaries and related benefits to offset salary savings within the budget. The vacancy factor will be budgeted as a negative expense within the General Government Department of the General Fund. For 2010/11 the Vacancy Factor equals (195,000). This factor will be reduced throughout the year as vacant positions are recognized within the department budget. 2. Benefit Payout Reserve - The City will establish a benefit payout reserve equal to 15% of the accrued benefit liability for employees who are currently meet eligible to retirement. Only terminating employee benefit expenses may be paid from this reserve. This reserve shall be funded as an offset to the vacancy factor. For 2010/11, $55,000 is budgeted for this reserve. C. Special Purpose Funding – In order to support community assistance programs, the City designates specific funding for special purposes, including Social Services, Children’s Programs, and Public Art. The City reserves the ability to cap this special purpose funding when necessitated by budget contingency or compliance issues, such as revenue shortfalls, or other reasons as determined by City Council. 1. Social Service Funding and Children’s and Youth Program Funding – The City has targeted funding for these programs to be $5.00 per capita, which may be adjusted to offset the effects of general inflation based upon CPI. If previous funding levels are higher than the targeted amount, and to avoid significant reductions in levels of funding, the City Council shall seek to attain this target chiefly through population growth. Funding for these programs will be split 83% for social services and 17% for youth funding. These funds will be allocated and paid according to the City Council’s guidelines for Social Service and Children’s and Youth Program Funding. The funding level for 2010/11 is $311,331 for Social Service Funding and $88,718 for Children’s and Youth Program Funding, both of which are the same as in the previous year. Any given year, unallocated funds in either the social Services Fund or the Children’s and Youth Program Funds can be allocated to the other fund, in an amount not to exceed the estimated increase for the following year in the fund receiving the transfer. 2. Public Art Funding - The City will annually allocate funding for Public Art on a year to year basis depending on the availability of funds in an amount to be determined at the discretion of the City Manager. Funding priority will be given to projects that include a matching donation, including contributions from local organizations and sponsors. Any unspent funds will accumulate and be reallocated in the following budget year. Disbursement of these funds will be determined by the City Council at the recommendation of the City’s Arts & Culture Advisory Board. 235 Every effort will be made to include public art funding in future City facilities whose primary purpose is for public use. These projects will include a reasonable allowance for public art that fits the scope and purpose of the building so long that it does not negatively impact the project cost beyond the original budget. In the event there is cost savings in the construction of City Facilities, the City Council may consider utilizing that savings on the purchase of public art for the facility. D. Purchasing – All City purchases of goods or services will be made in accordance with the City’s current Purchasing Policy and with State law. The City’s Purchasing Policy is more restrictive than State Law is. The City’s Purchasing Policy requires all contracts greater than $15,000 be approved by the City Council. Only materials and other bid items are allowed to be purchased up to the $25,000 limit allowed by State Law without Council approval. The following shows a summary of approval requirements for purchases. APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PURCHASES Dollar Figure Supervisor or Director Designee Department Director Purchasing Agent City Manager City Council Less than $1,000 (Purchase Order or Credit Card) $1,000 to less than $5,000 (Bid Form) $5,000 to $10,000 $10,000 to less than $25,000 $15,000 or more Professional Service Contracts $25,000 or more Denotes signature approval Council authorization Formal bids are required for all purchases over $50,000 in accordance with State law. 236 E. Prompt Payment – All invoices approved for payment by the proper City authorities shall be paid within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of goods or services or invoice date, whichever is later in accordance with State law. The City will take advantage of all purchase discounts, when possible. F. Risk Management – The City will pursue every opportunity to provide for the Public’s and City employees’ safety and to manage its risks. The goal shall be to minimize the risk of loss of resources through liability claims with an emphasis on safety programs. G. Retirement Benefits –Proposals to revise benefits administered and provided by the Texas Municipal Retirement System shall include a written description, and, detailed and summary numerical assessments of the changes that would result from the proposed benefit revision. 1. The numerical assessments shall include the following: a) The estimated change to the TMRS contribution rate that would result from the proposed change in benefits, expressed as a percentage of employee pay and as an annual dollar amount to the General Fund and to each City fund. b) The estimated change to the City’s unfunded pension liability, expressed as a dollar amount. c) The estimated change to the City’s actuarial funding ratio. 2. The description and numerical assessments must be provided to the City Council at least 72 hours prior to consideration and approval, and must be read aloud to the Council prior to Council consideration. 3. The estimated changes to the City’s contribution rate and the unfunded pension liability presented pursuant to the section must be based on information provided by the TMRS actuary or by professional actuary authorized by the TMRS to provide such information. 4. Proposals to revise TMRS benefits must be voted on individually as part of the City Council’s legislative agenda. 5. The City has established 75% as the targeted funding goal for the City’s unfunded pension liability. V. BUDGET CONTINGENCY PLAN This policy is designed to establish general guidelines for managing revenue shortfalls resulting from local and national economic downturns that adversely affect the City's revenue streams. A. Immediate Action - Once a budgetary shortfall is projected, the City Manager will take the necessary actions to offset any revenue shortfall with a reduction in current expenses. The City Manager may: 237 Freeze all new hire and vacant positions except those deemed to be a necessity. Review all planned capital expenditures. Delay all "non-essential" spending or equipment replacement purchases. The City Manager shall report in a timely manner to the City Council the projected shortfall and the actions taken to resolve it. B. Further Action -. If the actions identified in subsection A are insufficient to offset the projected revenue deficit for the current fiscal year, the City Council may approve the following actions, in the order listed: 1. Apply unspent, unobligated surplus funds from prior fiscal years to fund one-time costs in the current fiscal year budget. 2. Notwithstanding Section XII B.1 of this policy, authorize a reduction in the unobligated fund balance in the General Fund, pursuant to Section XII B.1 of this policy, from 90 to 75 days. 3. Direct other reductions in services, including workforce reductions. C. Replenish Fund Balance - As soon as practicable, without placing undue strain on city services, the City Council shall increase the unobligated fund balance in the General Fund, up to the 90-day amount required in Section XII B.1 of this policy. VI. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) BUDGET The City’s goal is to maintain City facilities and infrastructure in order to provide excellent services to the customers within the community, meet growth related needs, and comply with all state and federal regulations. A. Preparation – The City annually updates and adopts a five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) schedule as part of the operating budget adoption process. The plan is reviewed and adjusted annually as needed, and year one is adopted as the current year capital budget. The capital budget will include all capital projects, capital resources, and estimated operational impacts Needed capital improvements are identified through system models, repair and maintenance records and growth demands. Economic development projects that have capital infrastructure needs must be reviewed and approved for funding by the City no later than March 1 to be included in the annual CIP process. Any economic development project approved for funding after March 1 will be included in the following year CIP process unless otherwise authorized by City Council. A team approach will be used to prioritize CIP projects, whereby City staff from all operational areas provide input and ideas relating to each project and its effect on operations. Citizen involvement and participation will be solicited in formulating the capital budget through neighborhood meetings, public hearings and other forums. 238 Capital infrastructure necessary to meet the requirements of the City’s Annexation Plan will be identified separately within the CIP plan, so that funding alternatives can be developed if needed. Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) Advisory Board will review the Electric, Water and Wastewater plans prior to Council adoption. Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board will review the Streets and Stormwater Drainage plans prior to adoption. B. Control – All capital project expenditures must be appropriated in the capital budget. Availability of resources must be identified and then reviewed by the Finance Division before any CIP contract is presented to the City Council for approval. All utility contracts and other utility expenditures greater than $50,000 are reviewed by the Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) Advisory Board prior to presentation to Council. C. Financing Programs – Where applicable, assessments, impact fees, pro rata charges, or other fees should be used to fund capital projects which have a primary benefit to specific identifiable property owners. Recognizing that long-term debt is usually a more expensive financing method, alternative-financing sources will be explored before debt is issued. When debt is issued, it will be used to acquire major assets with expected lives equal or exceeding the average life of the debt issue. Short-term financing including Capital Leasing and other tax-supported obligations can be used to fund vehicles, computers and other operating equipment provided the impact to the tax rate is minimal. Caution should be used in replacing assets with short-term, tax-supported obligations due to the repetitive nature of the replacements. The total amount of the I & S (interest and sinking) portion of the tax rate dedicated to fund short-term debt for equipment replacement will not exceed $0.04. The estimated short-term I & S for 2010/11 is $0.025. VII. CAPITAL MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT The City recognizes that deferred maintenance increases future capital costs. Therefore, a portion of all individual funds with infrastructure should be budgeted each year to maintain the quality within each system. A. Infrastructure Maintenance - On-going maintenance and major repair costs are included as capital expense within the departmental operating budgets. These costs are generally considered system repairs and are not capitalized for accounting purposes. They include such items as street seal coat, water line repairs and other general system maintenance. 239 B. Modified Approach - Pavement Condition Index (PCI) - Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement # 34 provides for an alternative approach to depreciation for measuring the value of infrastructure assets and the related costs incurred to maintain their service life at a locally established minimum standard. The City has elected to implement this modified approach in maintaining their non-enterprise fund infrastructure assets. In order to adopt this alternative method, the City has implemented an asset management system that determines if the minimum standards are being maintained. This measurement system will be updated at least every 3 years. The City has elected to use this alternative method for reporting its street infrastructure assets. The City uses the CarteGraph PavementView Pavement Management Information System to track the condition levels of each of the street sections. The condition of the pavement is based on the following factors: Type of Distress Amount of Distress Severity of Distress Deduct Values (function of first three) The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is a measurement scale is based upon a condition index ranging from zero for a failed pavement to 100 for pavement with perfect condition. The condition index is used to classify pavement in the following conditions: The City’s administrative policy is to achieve an average PCI level of 85. An 85 PCI is considered maintaining the streets in a “good” condition. Staff will prepare a street maintenance budget that meets this target for Council’s consideration during the budget process. C. Internal Service funds – The City currently utilizes internal service funds to maintain and replace existing assets. Assessments are made to the using funds for the use of equipment currently in use and to be purchased during the year. In this way, suitable funds are available for the purchase of operational assets without the issuance of debt. 1. Fleet Maintenance and Replacement - The City has a major investment in its fleet of cars, trucks, tractors, and other equipment. The City will anticipate replacing existing equipment, as necessary and will establish charges that are assigned to the using departments to account for the cost of that replacement. Vehicle maintenance is also allocated in this manner. PCI Rating 100 – 85 Good 85 – 45 Fair 45 – 0 Poor 240 2. Technology – It is the policy of the City to plan and fund the maintenance and replacement of its computer network and other technology systems. The City currently uses a four-year replacement cycle for all desktop computers. A reserve will be established within the ISF for replacement of major systems and will be funded over time through excess revenues within the Fund. Funding for major systems assumes that 50% of the replacement cost will be debt funded. 3. Facilities Maintenance – The City has established an on-going maintenance program, which includes major repairs, equipment, as well as contracts for maintaining City facilities. The City has anticipated a useful life of such equipment and established a means of charging those costs to the various departments in order to recognize the City’s continuing costs of maintaining its facilities. Determination for facility repairs is based on useful life of the various elements of the facilities. A proportional cost for each element is expensed within the budget for capital replacement. An additional unscheduled repair reserve equal to 10% value of annual internal service funding is also budgeted. The estimate reserve for 2010/11 equals $40,000. VIII. ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING A. Accounting – The City is solely responsible for the recording and reporting of its financial affairs, both internally and externally. The Chief Financial Officer is the City’s Chief Financial Officer and is responsible for establishing the structure for the City’s Chart of Accounts and for assuring that procedures are in place to properly record financial transactions and report the City’s financial position. B. General Government and Finance Subcommittee(GGAF) – The City may establish a subcommittee of City Council members that may meet monthly to provide additional oversight to the City’s Finance operations. This subcommittee will also review general government items that are not reviewed by another City advisory board before being presented to City Council. The City’s CFO will be the liaison for this subcommittee. C. Audit of Accounts – In accordance with the Charter, an independent audit of the City accounts will be performed every year. The auditor is retained by and is accountable directly to the City Council. The auditing firm will serve for up to 3 years, at which time, the City will re-bid these services, thereby changing firms at least every 3 years. D. External Reporting – Upon completion and acceptance of the annual audit by the City’s auditors, the City shall prepare a written Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which shall be presented to the City Council within 180 calendar days of the City’s fiscal year end. The CAFR shall be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP) and shall be presented annually to the Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) for evaluation and consideration for the Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting. E. Internal Reporting – The Finance Department will prepare internal financial reports, sufficient to plan, monitor and control the City’s financial affairs. 241 IX. ASSET MANAGEMENT A. Cash Management and Investments – The City Council has formally approved a separate Investment Policy for the City of Georgetown that meets the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA), Section 2256 of the Texas Local Government Code. This policy is reviewed annually by the City Council and applies to all financial assets held by the City. 1. Statement of Cash Management Philosophy - The City shall maintain a comprehensive cash management program to include the effective collection of all accounts receivable, the prompt deposit of receipts to the City’s depository, the payment of obligations, and the prudent investment of idle funds in accordance with this policy. 2. Objectives – The City’s investment program will be conducted as to accomplish the following listed in priority order: Safety of the principal invested Liquidity and availability of cash to pay obligations when due Ensure public trust through responsible actions as custodians of public funds. Receive the highest possible rate of return (yield) consistent with the City’s investment policy. 3. Safekeeping and Custody – Investments may only be purchased through brokers/dealers who meet the criteria detailed in the investment policy, which also addresses internal controls related to investments. 4. Standard of Care and Reporting – Investment will be made with judgment and care, always considering the safety of principal to be invested and the probable income to be derived. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the overall management of the City’s investment program and ensures all investments are made in compliance with the investment policy. An investment report, providing both summary and detailed information, will be presented to the City Council quarterly. 5. Authorized Investments – The City can currently invest in the following: Certificates of Deposit U.S. Treasury and Agency securities Investment Pools that meet the requirements of the PFIA No-load Money Market Mutual Funds Fully collateralized Repurchase Agreements Other investments as approved by City Council and not prohibited by law 242 B. Fixed Assets – These assets will be reasonably safeguarded and properly accounted for, and prudently insured. 1. Capitalization Criteria - For purposes of budgeting and accounting classification, the following criteria must be capitalized: The asset owned by the City. The expected useful life of the asset must be longer than one year, or extend the life of an identifiable existing asset by more than one year. The original cost of the asset must be at least $5,000. The asset must be tangible. On-going repairs and general maintenance are not capitalized. 2. New Purchases – All costs associated with bringing the asset into working order will be capitalized as part of the asset cost. This will include start up costs, engineering or consultant type fees as part of the asset cost once the decision or commitment to purchase the asset is made. The cost of land acquired should include all related costs associated with its purchase. 3. Improvements and Replacement – Improvements will be capitalized when they extend the original life of an asset or when they make the asset more valuable than it was originally. The replacement of assets components will normally be expensed unless they are a significant nature and meet all the capitalization criteria. 4. Contributed Capital - Infrastructure assets received from developers or as a result of annexation will be recorded as equity contributions when they are received. 5. Distributions Systems - All costs associated with public domain assets, such as streets and utility distribution lines will be capitalized in accordance with the capitalization policy. Costs should include engineering, construction and other related costs including right of way acquisition. 6. Reporting and Inventory – The Finance Division will maintain the permanent records of the City’s fixed assets, including description, cost, department of responsibility, date of acquisition, depreciation and expected useful life. Periodically, random sampling at the department level will be performed to inventory fixed assets assigned to that department. Responsibility for safeguarding the City’s fixed assets lies with the department supervisor or manager whose department has been assigned the asset. X. DEBT MANAGEMENT The City of Georgetown recognizes the primary purpose of capital facilities is to provide services to the community. Using debt financing to meet the capital needs of the community must be evaluated according to efficiency and equity. Efficiency must be evaluated to determine the highest rate of return for a given investment of resources. Equity is resolved by determining who should pay for the cost of capital improvements. 243 In meeting demand for additional services, the City will strive to balance the needs between debt financing and “pay as you go” methods. The City realizes that failure to meet the demands of growth may inhibit its continued economic viability, but also realizes that too much debt may have detrimental effects on the City’s long-range financial condition. The City will issue debt only for the purpose of acquiring or constructing capital assets for the general benefit of its citizens and to allow it to fulfill its various purposes as a city. A. Usage of Debt - Long-term debt financing will be considered for non-continuous capital improvements of which future citizens will be benefited. Alternatives for financing will be explored prior to debt issuance and include, but not limited to: Grants Use of Reserve Funds Use of Current Revenues Contributions from developers and others Leases Impact Fees When the City utilizes long-term financing, it will ensure that the debt is soundly financed by conservatively projecting revenue sources that will be used to pay the debt. It will not finance the improvement over a period greater than the useful life of the improvement and it will determine that the cost benefit of the improvement, including interest costs, is positive to the community. The City may utilize the benefits of short-term debt financing to purchasing operating equipment provided the debt doesn’t extend past the useful life of the asset and the potential impact to the tax rate is within policy guidelines. The I & S (interest and sinking) portion of the tax rate can not exceed $0.04 for short-term debt (3-10 years). B. Types of Debt – 1. General Obligation Bonds (GO’s) – General obligation bonds must be authorized by a vote of the citizens of Georgetown. They are used only to fund capital assets of the general government and are not to be used to fund operating needs of the City. The full faith and credit of the City as well as the City’s ad valorem taxing authority back general obligation bonds. Conditions for issuance of general obligation debt include: When the project will have a significant impact on the tax rate; When the project may be controversial even through it is routine in nature; or When the project falls outside the normal bounds of projects the City has typically done. 244 2. Revenue Bonds – Revenue bonds will be issued to provide for the capital needs of any activities where the capital requirements are necessary for the continuation or expansion of a service. The improved activity shall produce a revenue stream to fund the debt service requirements of the necessary improvement to provide service expansion. The average life of the obligation should not exceed the useful life of the asset(s) to be funded by the bond issue. and will generally be limited to no more than twenty (20) years,. An exception can be made for plant expansions or related system expansions whose useful life is in excess of 30 years. A cost benefit analysis will be done to fully disclose the impacts of extending debt beyond 20 years. 3. Certificates of Obligation, Contract Obligations (CO’s) – Certificates of obligation or contract obligations may be used to fund capital requirements that are not otherwise funded by general obligation or revenue bonds. Debt service for CO’s may be either from general revenues (tax-supported) or supported by a specific revenue stream(s) or a combination of both. Typically, the City may issue CO’s when the following conditions are met: When the proposed debt will have minimal impact on future effective property tax rates; When the projects to be funded are within the normal bounds of city capital requirements, such as for roads, parks, various infrastructure and City facilities; and When the average life of the obligation does not exceed the useful life of the asset(s) to be funded by the issue. Certificates of obligation will be the least preferred method of financing and will be used with prudent care and judgment by the City Council. Every effort will be made to ensure public participation in decisions relating to debt financing. 4. Self-supporting General Obligation Debt – Refers to certificates of obligation issued for a specific purpose and repaid through dedicated revenues other than ad valorem taxes. The annual debt requirements are not included in the property tax calculation. Both the Airport and Stormwater Drainage funds issue this type of debt, In addition, the Electric and Water Services Funds can utilize this method of funding non-system capital assets. The City also issues debt on behalf of the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) whom then pledges 4B sales tax revenue for the repayment of that debt. 5. Internal borrowing between City funds – The City can authorize use of existing long-term reserves as “loans” between funds. The borrowing fund will repay the loan at a rate consistent with current market conditions. The loan will be repaid within ten (10) years. The loan will be considered an investment of working capital reserves by the lending fund. 6. Short-term borrowing - The City may authorize the issuance of Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations (PPFCO) which are short-term obligations for the acquisition of personal public property, such as equipment. PPFCOs are payable from either ad valorem taxes or another dedicated revenue stream. Each issuance will be assessed to ensure cost effectiveness and the repayment schedule will not exceed the useful life of the asset. Multiple equipment 245 acquisitions can be grouped in a single PPFCO issue in order to develop economies of scale. C. Method of Sale – The City will use a competitive bidding process in the sale of bonds unless conditions in the bond market or the nature of the issue warrants a negotiated bid. In such situations, the City will publicly present the reasons for the negotiated sale. The City will rely on the recommendation of the financial advisor in the selection of the underwriter or direct purchaser. D. Disclosure – Full disclosure of operating costs along with capital costs will be made to the bond rating agencies and other users of financial information. The City staff, with assistance of the financial advisor and bond counsel, will prepare the necessary materials for presentation to the rating agencies and will aid in the production of the Preliminary Official Statements. The City will take responsibility for the accuracy of all financial information released. E. Federal Requirements – The City will maintain procedures to comply with arbitrage rebate and other Federal requirements. F. Debt Structuring – The City will issue bonds with an average life of twenty (20) years or less, not to exceed the useful life of the asset acquired. The structure should approximate level debt service unless operational matters dictate otherwise. Market factors, such as the effects of tax-exempt designations, the cost of early redemption options and the like, will be given consideration during the structuring of long term debt instruments. Exceptions to the 20 year average life include debt issues for major system expansions, such as water, sewer or electric plants, in which case the City may issue debt greater than 20 years since the average life of the asset exceeds 30 years. A cost benefit analysis indicating the impacts of extending debt beyond 20 years will be completed. G. Debt Coverage Ratio – Refers to the number of times the current combined debt service requirements or payments would be covered by the current operating revenues net of on-going operating expenses of the City’s combined utilities (Electric, Water, and Wastewater). The City will maintain a minimum debt service coverage ratio of 1.5 times for these utilities as a whole. The bond ordinances allow the City to forego a debt reserve fund for its utility debt if the coverage is maintained at 1.35 times or better. Debt coverage for 2010/11 is budgeted at 2.45 times coverage. A coverage ratio of 1.5 times will also be required for all funds issuing self-supporting debt. H. Bond Reimbursement Resolutions – The City may utilize bond reimbursements as a tool to manage its debt issues, due to arbitrage requirements and project timing. In so doing, the City uses its capital reserve "cash" to delay bond issues until such time when issuance is favorable and beneficial to the City. The City Council may authorize a bond reimbursement resolution for General Capital projects that have a direct impact on the City's ad valorem tax rate when the bonds will be issued within the term of the existing City Council. In the event of unexpected circumstances that delay the timing of projects, or market conditions that prohibit financially sound debt issuance, the approved project can be postponed and considered by a future council until circumstantial issues can be resolved. 246 The City Council may also authorize revenue bond reimbursements for approved utility and other self-supporting capital projects within legislative limits. Currently revenue bonds must be issued within 18 months after an eligible bond funded project is begun. The total outstanding bond reimbursements may not exceed the total amount of the City’s reserve funds. XI. OTHER FUNDING ALTERNATIVES: When at all possible, the City will research alternative funding opportunities prior to issuing debt or increasing user-related fees. A. Grants - All potential grants will be examined for any matching requirements and the source of those requirements identified. A grant funding worksheet, reviewed by Finance, that clearly identifies funding sources, outcomes and other relevant information will be presented and approved by the City Council prior to any grant application being submitted. It must be clearly understood that any resulting operation requirements of the grant could be discontinued once the term and conditions of the project have been terminated. The City Council must authorize acceptance of any grant funding. B. Use of Reserve Funds - The City may authorize the use of reserve funds to potentially delay or eliminate a proposed bond issue. This may occur due to higher than anticipated fund balances in prior years, thus eliminating or reducing the need for debt proceeds, or postpone a bond issue until market conditions are more beneficial or timing of the related capital improvements does not correspond with the planned bond issue. Reserve funds used in this manner are replenished upon issuance of the proposed debt. C. Developer Contributions - The City will require developers who negatively impact the City's utility capital plans offset those impacts. These policies are further defined within the City's utility line extension policy and other development regulations. D. Leases - The City may authorize the use of lease financing for certain operating equipment when it is determined that the cost benefit of such an arrangement is advantageous to the City. E. Impact Fees - The City will impose impact fees as allowable under state law for both water and wastewater services. These fees will be calculated in accordance with statute and reviewed at least every three years. All fees collected will fund projects identified within the Fee study and as required by state laws. XII. FINANCIAL CONDITIONS, RESERVES, AND STABILITY RATIOS The City of Georgetown will maintain budgeted minimum reserves in the ending working capital/fund balances to provide a secure, healthy financial base for the City in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, allow stability of City operations should revenues fall short of budgeted projections and provide available resources to implement budgeted expenditures without regard to actual timing of cash flows into the City. 247 A. Operational Coverage – The City’s goal is to maintain operations coverage of 1.00, such that operating revenues will at least equal or exceed current operating expenditures. Deferrals, short-term loans, or one-time sources will be avoided as budget balancing techniques. 1. Operating Reserves – The City will maintain reserves at a minimum of seventy- five (75) days (20.83%) of net budgeted operating expenditures. Net budgeted operating expenditure is defined as total budgeted expenditures less interfund transfers and charges, general debt service (tax supported), direct cost for purchased power and payments from third party grant monies. Total reserves for 2010/11 are $14,750,000. General Fund – The unobligated fund balance in the General Fund should equal at least ninety (90) days or 25% of annual budgeted General Fund operating expenditures. 2010/11 reserves are $6.847 million. 2. Tourism Fund – A minimum sixty days (60) or 16.67% of operating expenditures will be reserved within the fund balance. 3. Water and Wastewater Funds – Working capital reserves in these funds should be 25% or ninety (90) days. 4. Other Funds – Stormwater Drainage Fund - $150,000 Airport Fund – As funds are available, up to ninety (90) days or 25% of operating expenses (less fuel costs). 5. Electric Fund – The remaining balance to meet the citywide requirement of seventy-five (75) days of reserve funds will be maintained within this fund. For all other non-enterprise funds, the fund balance is an indication of the balance of each particular fund at a specific time. The ultimate goal of each such fund is to have expended the fund balance at the conclusion of the activity for which the fund was established. Reserve requirements will be calculated as part of the annual budget process and any additional required funds to be added to the reserve balances will be appropriated within the budget. Funds in excess of the minimum reserves may be expended for City purposes at the will of the City Council once it has been determined that use of the excess will not endanger reserve requirements in future years. C. Liabilities and Receivables - Procedures will be followed to maximize discounts and reduce penalties offered by creditors. Current liabilities will be paid within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Accounts Receivable procedures will target collection for a maximum of 30 days of service. Receivables aging past 120 days will be sent to a collection agency. The Chief Financial Officer is authorized to write-off non- collectible, non-utility accounts that are delinquent for more than 180 days, and utility accounts delinquent more than 1 year, provided proper delinquency procedures have been followed, and include this information in the annual report to the City Council. 248 D. Capital Project Funds – Every effort will be made for all monies within the Capital Project Funds to be expended within thirty-six (36) months of receipt. The fund balance will be invested and income generated will offset increases in construction costs or other costs associated with the project. Capital project funds are intended to be expended totally, with any unexpected excess to be transferred to the Debt Service fund to service project-related debt service. E. General Debt Service Funds – Revenues within this fund are stable, based on property tax revenues. Balances are maintained to meet contingencies and to make certain that the next year’s debt service payments may be met in a timely manner The fund balance should not fall below one month or 1/12th annual debt service requirements, in accordance with IRS guidelines. F. Investment of Reserve Funds – The reserve funds will be invested in accordance with the City’s investment policy. Existing non-cash investment would be exempt through retirement of the investment. G. Ratios/Trend Analysis - Ratios and significant balances will be incorporated into both the mid-year and annual reports to the City Council. This information will provide users with meaningful data to identify major trends of the City's financial condition through analytical procedures. The following ratios/balances will be used as key financial indicators: Fund Balance/Equity: Assets - liabilities FB/E AL (Acceptable level) minimum reserve requirement Working Capital: Current assets less current liabilities CA - CL AL minimum reserve requirement Current Ratio: Current assets divided by current liabilities CA/CL AL > 1.00 Quick Ratio: "Liquid" current assets divided by current liabilities Liquid CA/CL AL > 1.00 Debt/Assessed AV Taxes Debt divided by assessed Ad Valorem value D/AV AL < 5 Debt Ratio: Current liabilities plus long-term liabilities divided by total assets CL +LTL/TA AL < 1 Enterprise Oper Coverage: Operating rev divided by operating expense OR/OE AL > 1.25 Times Coverage Ratio: Operating revenue less operating expense divided by annual debt service (OR-OE)/DSV AL > 1.5 249 The City will be to develop minimum/maximum levels for the above ratios/balances through analyzing of City historical trends and future projections. These ratios will also be compared to other similar or regional municipalities for further analysis. XIII. INTERNAL CONTROLS A. Written Procedures – Wherever possible, written procedures will be established and maintained by the Chief Financial Officer for all functions involving cash handling and/or accounting throughout the City. These procedures will embrace the general concepts of fiscal responsibility set forth in this policy statement. B. Internal Audit Program - An internal audit program will be maintained by the Chief Financial Officer to ensure compliance with City policies and procedures and to prevent the potential for fraud. 1. Departmental Audits – departmental processes will be reviewed to ensure dual control of City assets and identify the opportunity for fraud potential, as well as, to ensure that departmental internal procedures are documented and updated as needed. 2. Employees or Transaction Review. - Programs to be audited include Petty Cash, City Credit Card accounts, time entry, and travel. All discrepancies will be identified, and the employee’s Division Director will be notified. The City Manager will also be notified depending on the seriousness of the infraction. 3. Results of all internal audits will be provided to City Council on a quarterly basis. C. Division Directors Responsibility – Each division Director is responsible for ensuring that good internal controls are followed throughout their department, that all Finance Division directives are implemented and that all independent auditor internal control recommendations are addressed. Departments will develop and periodically update written internal control procedures. 250 XIV. STAFFING The City’s goal as an employer is to attract and retain quality employees who provide excellent, friendly services to our community in an effective and efficient manner. A. Adequate Staffing – Staffing levels will be adequate for the fiscal functions of the City to operate effectively. Workload allocation alternatives will be explored before adding additional staff. B. Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) - To protect city employees from the effects of general inflation, the City may fund an annual COLA for all regular employees not included in a defined pay plan. The COLA will be based on a three-year rolling average of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for Southern cities pertinent to Georgetown’s population. C. Additional Salary Adjustment - Additional salary adjustments for employees not included in a defined pay plan may be recommended at the discretion of the City Manager. D. Pay for Performance – The City Council may fund a one-time bonus incentive program to aid in retaining quality employees and reward employees for productivity and job performance. This program will be funded with one-time available resources and paid as a lump-sum distribution for performance that exceeds expectations during the review period. In addition, the City may also choose to fund an on-going merit adjustment based on performance that exceeds expectations during the review period. This is in addition to any one-time bonus incentive that may be awarded. 251 Contingency Reserve Requirements Worksheet (per Section XII.B of Fiscal and Budgetary Policy) -------------------- B Y F U N D -------------------- CITY WIDE General Electric Water Services Total budgeted expenditures 187,049,952 39,025,521 65,763,286 30,066,268 Less: Purchased Power- Electric (37,500,760)(37,500,760) Sanitation Contract - General (3,958,000)(3,958,000) Social Service & Contingency funding (480,049)(480,049) Capital Improvements - Electric, WW, Water (15,465,600)(8,195,800) (7,269,800) Capital Improvements - Other Enterprise Funds (301,500) Capital Improvements - GCP & Streets (16,535,500) Capital Maintenance - General/Utilities (2,367,575)(1,250,000) (764,075) (353,500) Capital Improvements - Special Revenue Funds (2,252,000) Restricted Special Revenue funds (1,706,859) Airport Fuel Charge (1,800,000) Debt Service - General (8,574,058) One-Time Only Expenses (1,464,800)(779,800) Interfund Transfers (7,989,705)(67,749) (4,788,502) (1,711,795) Interfund Charges (15,848,774)(5,881,883) (4,607,828) (3,671,055) Budgeted operating expenditures 70,804,772 27,387,840 9,126,521 17,060,118 Percentage reserve requirements: 60 days - 16.67%11,800,795 4,564,640 1,521,087 2,843,353 75 days - 20.83% 14,750,994 5,705,800 1,901,359 3,554,191 90 days - 25%17,701,193 6,846,960 2,281,630 4,265,030 09/30 RESERVE BALANCES: Minimum Minimum Current Days Amount Amount Fund Required Required Included Electric Fund N/A 1,901,359 3,262,000 General Fund 90 days 6,846,960 6,847,000 Stormwater Drainage Fund N/A 150,000 150,000 Water Services Fund 90 days 4,265,030 4,266,000 Airport Fund N/A 108,190 150,000 Convention & Visitors Bureau SRF 60 days 75,000 75,000 All other City Funds expenditures N/A* 1,404,456 N/A (held in other operating funds) Totals for all expenditures 75 days 14,750,994 14,750,000 Note: The city-wide contingency reserve requirement is 75 days of operating expenses. Only the General, Stormwater Drainage, Water Services, and Convention and Visitors Bureau SRF have a specific minimum fund reserve requirement. All excess reserves for City expenditures in funds that do not have a specific fund requirement are held in other operating funds. 252 Financial Ratio Comparisons Georgetown has chosen to measure its financial condition against cities in the surrounding area that have similar size, location or growth issues. The acceptable levels referred to below are based on the City’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. (per Section XII.G of the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy) Fund Balance to Equity ratio is a function of fund balance to equity for governmental type funds (General Fund, Special Revenue, etc.). Working capital is the liquid reserve available to meet uncertainties. It is a function of current assets less current liabilities. Current ratio and quick ratio are measures of liquidity. Liquidity is an organization's ability to convert noncash assets into cash or to obtain cash to meet impending obligations. Current ratio includes inventories and prepaid expenses, whereas the Quick ratio excludes inventories and prepaid expenditures. A ratio of 1 or greater is an acceptable level for both ratios. 253 Financial Ratio Comparisons Georgetown has chosen to measure its financial condition against cities in the surrounding area that have similar size, location or growth issues. The acceptable levels referred to below are based on the City’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy. (per Section XII.G of the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy) Debt to assessed value is a ratio of the assessed value to tax supported debt. A ratio or less than 5 is acceptable. The ratio of current liabilities plus long term debt to total assets. A ratio of 1 or lower is acceptable. Enterprise operational coverage is a ratio of operating revenue to operating expenses of the city's combined enterprise funds. A ratio of 1.25 or greater is acceptable. Number of times the utility debt service requirements would be covered by the current utility operating revenue net of current operating expense. A ratio of 1.5 or greater is acceptable. 254 Personnel Summary by Division 2009 - 2012 08/09 09/10 09/10 FINAL / ORIGINAL FINAL / 10/11 11/12 PERSONNEL SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED PROJECTED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration 2 2 2 2 2 Code Enforcement 6 6 6 6 6 Building Inspections 13 13 13 13 13 Planning 11 11 11 11 11 GIS 3 3 0 0 0 Housing & Neighborhood Development 1 0 0 0 0 Total (FT/PT) 36 35 32 32 32 COMMUNITY SERVICES Convention & Visitor's Bureau 3 3 3 3 3 Public Library 19/2.5 19/2.5 19/2.5 19/2.5 19/2.5 Parks Admin 3 3 3 3 3 Parks 18/1.5 18/1.5 18/1.5 18/1.5 18/1.5 Recreation 18/18.5 18/18.5 18/18.5 20/18.5 20/18.5 Total (FT/PT) 61/22.5 61/22.5 61/22.5 63/22.5 63/22.5 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Administration 5 6 6 6 6 Accounting 8 8 8 8 8 Municipal Court 7 7 7 7 7 Purchasing and Properties 7 7 7 7 7 Facilities Maintenance 7 7 7 7 7 Vehicle Service Center 6 6 6 6 6 Information Technology 10/.5 9/.5 9/.5 8/.5 8/.5 GIS 0 0 3 4 4 Utility Office 18 18 18 18 18 Total (FT/PT) 68/.5 68/.5 71/.5 71/.5 71/.5 FIRE SERVICES Fire Administration 6 6 6 6 6 Fire Operations 72 72 81 81 81 Total (FT/PT) 78 78 87 87 87 GEORGETOWN UTILITY SYSTEMS Administration 7 6 6 7 7 Electric 32 31 31 29 29 T&D Operations 11 11 11 12 12 AMR 5 5 5 5 5 Systems Engineering 11 14 14 16 16 Environmental Services 1 1 1 1 1 Water Services - Administration 3 3 3 3 3 Water Services - Reuse Irrigation 0 1 1 1 1 Water Services - Wastewater 12 11 12 14 14 Water Services - Water 15 15 14 16 16 Total (FT/PT) 97 98 98 104 104 MANAGEMENT SERVICES City Council 2 2 2 2 2 City Manager's Office 7/1 5/1 5/1 5/.5 5/.5 Legal 3 3 3 3 3 Public Communications 0 2 2 2.5 2.5 Airport 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 Economic Development 3 3 3 3 3 Main Street 1 1 1 1 1 Human Resources 6 6 6 6 6 Total (FT/PT) 24/4.5 24/4.5 24/4.5 24/4.5 24/4.5 POLICE SERVICES Administration 10 10 9 5 5 Operations 94 94 95 99 99 Animal Services 7/1 7/1 7/1 6/2.5 6/2.5 Total (FT/PT) 111/1 111/1 111/1 110/2.5 110/2.5 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Transportation Admin 3 3 3 1 1 Streets 18/.75 18/.75 18/.75 18/.75 18/.75 Stormwater Drainage 5/.5 5/.5 5/.5 5/.5 5/.5 Total (FT/PT) 26/1.25 26/1.25 26/1.25 24/1.25 24/1.25 TOTAL CITY OF GEORGETOWN (FT/PT) 501/29.75 501/29.75 510/29.75 515/31.25 515/31.25 255 Personnel Summary 2010/11 Base Position Summary 2010-11 256 This page intentionally left blank. 257 Personnel Summary 2010/11 09/10 Final / Actual 10/11 Base Budget 10/11 Frozen Positions 10/11 Funded Positions Community Development 32.00 32.00 (5) 27.00 Community Services 83.50 85.50 (2) 83.50 Finance 71.50 71.50 71.50 Fire 87.00 87.00 (1) 86.00 GUS 98.00 104.00 (6) 98.00 Management Services 28.50 28.50 (1.5) 27.00 Police 112.00 112.50 (4) 108.50 Transportation 27.25 25.25 (3) 22.25 Total 539.75 546.25 (22.50) 523.75 Frozen Positions 2010/11 *Positions approved in previous years, not funded or filled in 2010/11. Division Position FTEs Community Development Inspections Combination Building Inspectors 2 Planning Director of Planning 1 Planning Planner III 1 Planning Development Engineer Associate 1 Community Services Library Assistant Library Director 1 Parks Parks Maintenance Worker I 1 Fire Services Fire Administration Administrative Analyst 1 Georgetown Utility Systems (GUS) Systems Engineering Electric Engineer Associate 1 Electric Operations Crew Leader 1 Electric Operations Line Technician 3 Electric Operations Journey Line Technician 1 Management Services City Manager's Office Assistant City Manager 1 Public Communications P/T Video Producer 0.5 Police Field Operations Police Officer 3 Administration Administrative Assistant 1 Transportation Services Streets Crew Foreman 1 Streets Light Equipment Operator 2 TOTAL FROZEN UNFUNDED POSITIONS 22.5 258 Fund/Dept Description FTE Total 1X Community Development Planning Annual printing of Unified Development Code 2,000 Planning Annual lease of KIP 3000 large format printer/scanner 7,750 9,750 Community Services Recreation Admin Asst / Cash Handler for Recreation Center 1 51,036 Recreation Rec Center Attendant 1 38,320 Recreation Rec Center inventory items 1,000 Recreation First aid and AED service 5,250 Recreation Park Ranger Program 30,000 21 2 5 , 6 0 6 Finance Facility Maintenance Overtime for electrical equip. set-up and monitoring 2,856 Facility Maintenance Parking lot security cameras - GMC 79,000 Facility Maintenance Parking lot security cameras - Rec Center 35,000 Facility Maintenance Lenel Security System - Option 1 245,000 Facility Maintenance Airport terminal defibrillator 4,400 Facility Maintenance Fire Station 5 2,000,000 X IT Implement Desktop Virtualization Technology 376,000 X Utility Office Collection Program Vehicle 38,783 X Utility Office Increase in credit card fees 133,175 2,914,214 Fire Administration Increase air time for laptops 1,000 Operations Increase "Other Supply" line item for foam & medical 500 Operations New protective clothing 22,500 24,000 GUS AMR Meter Technician training 5,500 Electric Operations Rubber glove and sleeve testing replacement 2,000 Electric Operations Wire Trailer #106-93 scheduled replacement upgrade 26,000 Electric Operations Electric tool replacement 6,000 Electric Operations Switchgear replacement - system wide 120,000 Electric Operations Equipment and material trailer 18,000 Electric Operations ROW maintenance 50,000 T&D Maintenance Distribution System 50,000 X T&D Substation and facility security 30,000 X T&D Unfreeze 1 electric position: Substation Foreman 82,364 T&D Vehicle for Electric and Water Services locator 38,020 T&D Uniforms 2,500 Service Level Improvements Funded in Current Year (by Division) 259 GUS (continued) Transportation Chip spreader 125,000 X Transportation Asphalt zipper 128,698 Systems Engineering GPS Unit replacement 13,000 Systems Engineering ESRI Licensing 3,000 Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Technician 1 50,466 Irrigation Irrigation O&M Overtime Increase 12,533 Water Services Admin.WCRRWL P&I increase 379,807 Water Services Increase in TCEQ state inspection fees 30,000 Water Services AMI deployment 2 (62,397) Wastewater Industrial Pretreatment Program implementation 21 6 1 , 3 2 4 X Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant operations increase 150,000 5.0 1,421,815 Management Services Communications Video recording and web streaming 47,997 - 47,997 Police Animal Services Pet food 2,000 Animal Services Special Services 1,000 Animal Services Contracts - other 11,000 Animal Services Part-time animal control officer-funded by donations srf 0.5 18,000 Police Overtime Software - TeleStaff 68,000 Police LexiPol Software 7,000 0.5 107,000 GRAND TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL REQUESTS 7.5 4,650,382 260 Internal Service Premiums * With Programs Department Facilities Maint enance Fleet Information Services Joint Services General General Fund Transportation Administration 10,203 Streets 135,264 61,220 Planning 57,725 4,437 48,930 Inspection Services 38,530 48,929 Code Enforcement 33,024 22,583 Municipal Court 19,322 36,354 Fire Services Administration 202,380 21,742 Fire Operations 86,394 260,899 Environmental Services 6,180 5,138 City Manager's Office 52,467 5,064 30,909 General Government 6,106 2,414,447 City Council 34,146 13,247 Parks 118,882 150,074 79,776 Recreation 551,802 24,418 68,380 Library 269,288 72,178 Police Administration 140,586 218,661 518,868 Animal Services 52,880 12,650 40,300 Economic Development & Tourism SRF Convention & Visitors Bureau 22,714 1,992 11,397 Facilities Maintenance Fund Facilities Maintenance 34,625 36,354 Fleet Management Fund Vehicle Service Center 2,693 33,464 31,161 Joint Services Fund Economic Development Administration 23,290 13,247 Main Street 4,416 GUS Administration 125,888 4,881 35,965 GIS 11,291 Systems Engineering 31,954 71,930 Finance Administration 41,607 31,161 Accounting 41,548 Purchasing 35,633 15,755 36,354 Utility Office 37,753 25,928 93,482 Human Resources 24,844 26,494 Legal 3,024 13,247 261 * Excludes intergovernmental charges to GTEC of $57,037 ** Excludes intergovernmental charges to GTEC of $58,272 Internal Service Fund premiums include: Facilities Maintenance 4 Contracts and repairs for buildings and grounds are charged to departments based on actual usage and charges. Fleet 4 Vehicle lease fees are charged to departments based on actual replacement costs. Maintenance fees are charged based on each department’s prior year actual usage. Information Technology 4 Computer and software lease fees are charged to departments based on replacement costs and estimated usage. Joint Services and General (nondepartment) 4 Fees are charged to funds receiving administrative services from another fund based on a reasonable, rational basis. The following factors are used as applicable. 4 relative revenues 4 relative personnel 4 number of utility accounts 4 number of work orders 4 number of requisitions Department Facilities Maintenance Fleet Information Services Joint Services General Information Services Fund Information Resources 62,558 4,880 46,741 Electric Fund Electric Operations 281,597 164,411 3,125,770 890,399 AMR 21,757 25,689 T&D 14,000 27,689 56,516 Water Services Fund Administration 2,362,437 480,799 Wastewater 138,008 61,654 Wastewater Plant Management Water 170,952 82,205 Stormwater Drainage Fund Stormwater Drainage 84,346 17,005 591,005 32,925 Airport Fund Airport Operations 50,010 18,713 8,831 42,694 19,266 Total 1,949,598 1,611,237 2,260,755 8,536,353 * 1,423,389 ** 262 Transfers Between Funds T R A N S F E RS T O General Fund SRF Fleet Facilities Information Technology Water Total Out: T R General Fund 65,971 1,778 67,749 A N Gen Cap Projects 670,000 35,000 216,000 921,000 S F SRF 60,812 15,000 75,812 E R Joint Services 283,832 283,832 S Electric 4,489,591 120,803 109,000 69,108 4,788,502 F R Water Services 1,711,795 1,711,795 O Stormwater M Drainage 141,015 141,015 Total In: 6,403,213 80,971 790,803 144,000 501,610 69,108 7,989,705 Interfund transfers include: Dividend to General Fund: 4 Per the City’s Fiscal and Budgetary Policy, utility operations transfer eight percent of its gross billings for utility services to the General Fund as a payment of the profits of the fund or a return on investment. The total return on investment transfer to the General Fund is $6,242,401 in 2010/11. Other Transfers: 4 Other transfers include grant matching, fire hydrant testing, and equipment purchases to other funds. 263 General Fund Five Year Projections Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Beginning Fund Balance 8,568,248 8,236,065 8,198,748 8,472,314 9,123,032 Revenues Property Taxes 8,492,470 8,996,399 9,405,538 9,849,790 10,258,512 Sales Tax 7,942,019 8,219,990 8,507,690 8,890,536 9,290,610 Sanitation Revenues 4,790,237 4,887,486 4,986,981 5,088,776 5,190,552 Interest 61,092 61,092 61,092 61,092 61,092 Administrative Charges 1,084,306 1,105,992 1,128,112 1,150,674 1,173,688 All Other Revenue 9,067,982 9,227,061 9,428,188 9,617,225 9,819,025 Return on Investment 5,573,497 5,641,585 5,801,725 5,927,472 6,076,694 Transfers In 182,892 186,550 190,281 194,087 197,968 Total Revenues 37,194,495 38,326,155 39,509,606 40,779,651 42,068,141 Expenses Transportation 2,962,963 3,022,223 3,082,667 3,144,320 3,207,207 Community Development 2,147,284 2,190,112 2,233,796 2,278,354 2,323,803 Finance and Administration 515,602 525,914 536,432 547,161 558,104 Fire Department 6,864,827 7,031,270 7,201,776 7,376,445 7,555,380 Management Services 1,684,865 1,718,562 1,752,933 1,787,992 1,823,752 Community Services 6,999,565 7,139,573 7,282,382 7,428,046 7,576,624 Police Department 9,547,595 9,777,074 10,012,135 10,252,914 10,499,551 Georgetown Utility Systems 4,199,028 4,303,698 4,427,770 4,555,429 4,646,537 Administrative Expense 2,289,274 2,335,059 2,381,760 2,429,396 2,477,983 Transfers Out 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Total Expenses 37,311,001 38,143,483 39,011,650 39,900,056 40,768,941 Ending Fund Balance 8,451,741 8,418,737 8,696,703 9,351,909 10,422,231 Contingency 6,740,000 6,740,000 6,740,000 6,740,000 6,740,000 Available Fund Balance 1,711,741 1,678,737 1,956,703 2,611,909 3,682,231 Fund Balance as a Percent of Expenses 22.65% 22.07% 22.29% 23.44% 25.56% Effective Tax rate Debt Service 0.13635 0.16395 0.16710 0.16156 0.15782 Operations & Maint.0.21987 0.21901 0.21662 0.21310 0.20892 Total 0.35622 0.38296 0.38372 0.37466 0.36674 264 Water Services Fund Five Year Projections Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Beginning Fund Balance 21,563,453 11,350,027 9,920,572 160,572 89,336 Primary Revenues Water Services 22,199,387 22,738,233 23,263,446 23,684,760 24,114,589 Other Water 1,536,500 1,679,959 1,830,687 1,989,007 2,038,177 Wastewater 771,622 867,023 967,453 1,073,129 1,105,323 Irrigation 150 150 150 150 150 Total Primary Revenue 24,507,659 25,285,365 26,061,736 26,747,045 27,258,239 Primary Expenses Contracts 3,529,391 3,615,455 3,703,704 3,794,196 3,886,991 Water 9,647,058 9,549,486 9,799,110 10,043,819 10,301,338 Wastewater 2,257,661 2,325,391 2,395,153 2,467,007 2,541,017 Irrigation 136,851 143,694 150,878 158,422 166,344 CIP Expense 18,165,000 5,837,000 16,688,000 10,074,000 8,473,000 Total Primary Expenses 33,735,962 21,471,025 32,736,844 26,537,444 25,368,690 Other Revenue SIP Fees 761,100 761,100 761,100 761,100 253,700 Other 102,120 102,120 102,120 102,120 102,120 Bond Revenue 4,000,000 0 2,000,000 5,000,000 4,300,000 Total Other Revenue 4,863,220 863,220 2,863,220 5,863,220 4,655,820 Other Expenses Transfer Out 1,653,957 1,691,676 1,728,441 1,757,933 1,788,021 CAFR Adjustment 0000 0 Debt Service 4,194,387 4,415,338 4,219,671 4,386,124 4,789,462 Total Other Expenses 5,848,344 6,107,014 5,948,112 6,144,057 6,577,483 Ending Fund Balance 11,350,027 9,920,572 160,572 89,336 57,222 Contingency 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,100,000 265 Electric Fund Five Year Projections Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Beginning Fund Balance 15,007,475 16,727,651 15,490,449 9,586,809 5,301,951 Primary Revenues Electric Services 57,422,001 57,855,840 59,618,343 60,993,408 62,695,320 Other 1,213,793 1,229,243 1,245,156 1,261,547 1,278,430 Total Primary Revenues 58,635,794 59,085,083 60,863,499 62,254,955 63,973,750 Primary Expenses Contracts 32,915,916 36,482,245 40,039,223 43,183,917 46,759,123 Operations 8,704,705 9,213,059 9,707,620 10,241,177 10,793,668 Franchise Fees 1,722,660 1,735,675 1,788,550 1,829,802 1,880,860 CIP Expense 6,694,000 5,974,000 8,312,000 4,267,000 5,355,000 Total Primary Expenses 50,037,282 53,404,979 59,847,393 59,521,896 64,788,651 Other Revenue Interest 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Other 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Bond Revenue 0 0 0 0 2,700,000 Total Other Revenue 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 3,100,000 Other Expenses Transfer Out 4,169,540 4,199,909 4,323,284 4,419,539 4,538,672 CAFR Adjustment 00000 Debt Service 3,108,796 3,117,397 2,996,461 2,998,379 3,018,669 Total Other Expenses 7,278,336 7,317,306 7,319,745 7,417,918 7,557,341 Ending Fund Balance 16,727,651 15,490,449 9,586,809 5,301,951 29,708 Contingency 3,525,000 3,525,000 3,525,000 3,525,000 3,525,000 266 Utility Rate Schedule Electric Rates (effective on billings after 01/05/08) All Customers Power Cost Adjustment Variable Residential Sales Tax Inside City Limits: 2.00% of total electric charges Outside City Limits: None Commercial Sales Tax Inside City Limits: 8.25% of total electric charges Outside City Limits: 6.25% of total electric charges Residential Service Customer Charge: $6.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.1046 per kWh Small General Service Customer Charge: $12.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.1020 per kWh School Service Customer Charge: $12.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.1146 per kWh Municipal Water & Wastewater Pumping Service Customer Charge: $12.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.0922 per kWh Large General Service Customer Charge: $20.00 per month Demand Charge: $7.45 per kW, but not less than $372.50 Energy Charge: $0.0722 per kWh Minimum Bill: $392.50 Industrial Customer Charge: $50.00 per month Demand Charge: $6.30 per kW, but not less than $3,150.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.0712 per kWh Minimum Bill: $3,200.00 Large Industrial Service Customer Charge: $100.00 per month Demand Charge: $5.30 per kW, but not less than $10,600.00 Energy Charge: $0.0697 per kWh Minimum Bill: $10,700.00 Large Institutional Service Customer Charge: $20.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.0941 per kWh Minimum Bill: $20.00 Municipal Service Customer Charge: $12.00 per month Energy Charge: $0.0939 per kWh Minimum Bill: $12.00 267 Municipal Street Light Service 100 Watt HPL $4.40 (35 kWh)* 200 Watt HPL $7.95 (71 kWh)* 250 Watt HPL $9.50 (86 kWh)* 400 Watt HPL $14.75 (137 kWh)* Retail Street Light Service 100 Watt HPL $4.70 (35 kWh)* 200 Watt HPL $8.65 (71 kWh)* 250 Watt HPL $10.30 (86 kWh)* 400 Watt HPL $16.05 (137 kWh)* High Pressure Sodium Lighting 100 Watt HPL $7.70 (35 kWh)* 200 Watt HPL $13.10 (71 kWh)* 250 Watt HPL $14.95 (86 kWh)* 400 Watt HPL $20.90 (137 kWh)* *Plus applicable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Water Rates (effective 01/01/10) Customer Charge Inside City Outside City 5/8inch meter $16.50 per month $21.80 per month 3/4 inch meter $17.50 per month $22.80 per month 1 inch meter $24.47 per month $27.19 per month 1 1/2 inch meter $37.53 per month $41.94 per month 2 inch meter $60.55 per month $67.71 per month 3 inch meter $184.47 per month $199.61 per month 4 inch meter $250.35 per month $272.44 per month 6 inch meter $414.03 per month $458.19 per month 8 inch meter $593.15 per month $663.81 per month Cost per 1,000 gallons: $2.25 $2.60 Non-Potable Water Rates (effective 01/01/10) Cost per 1,000 gallons $0.95 Conservation Water Rates (effective 01/01/10) Residential Only - Effective on Billings June 1 – October 31 Inside City Outside City Per 1,000 gallons Per 1,000 gallons 0 to 18,000 gallons $2.25 $2.60 19,000 through 29,000 gallons $3.00 $3.35 30,000 through 39,000 gallons $4.50 $4.85 40,000 through 74,000 gallons $6.00 $6.35 Over 74,000 gallons $7.50 $7.85 268 Wastewater Rates (effective 4/1/07) Residential and Small Commercial Net Monthly Rate: Flat Rate Inside City Limits: $29.25 per month Flat Rate Outside City Limits: $33.60 per month Low income residential discount: 20% below current flat rate for qualifying households Commercial Net Monthly Rate: a. Inside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $ 44.25 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 2.35 per 1,000 gallons b. Outside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $ 50.90 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 2.70 per 1,000 gallons High Strength Commercial Net Monthly Rate: a. Inside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $ 44.25 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 3.70 per 1,000 gallons b. Outside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $ 50.90 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 4.30 per 1,000 gallons Large Commercial Net Monthly Rate a. Inside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $ 78.60 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 2.35 per 1,000 gallons b. Outside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $ 90.40 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 2.70 per 1,000 gallons Multifamily Net Monthly Rate: a. Inside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $105.15 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 2.35 per 1,000 gallons b. Outside City Limits 1. Customer Charge: $120.90 per month 2. Volumetric Charge*: $ 2.70 per 1,000 gallons *The volumetric charges are calculated using the actual water consumption billed per month. 269 Garbage Rates (effective 10/01/09) All customers inside city limits must pay garbage. Customers outside city limits have the option to select City garbage pickup. Sales Tax on Garbage Service: Residential and Commercial Inside City Limits: 8.25% Outside City Limits: 6.25% Residential Rate: Inside City Limits / Tier I: $14.35 (includes recycling) Outside City Limits / Tier II: $17.00 (with Georgetown utilities) Outside City Limits / Tier III: $17.95 (without Georgetown Utilities) Non-Residential Rate: Varies - Rates will be set by type, amount and frequency of service Stormwater Drainage Fees (effective 11/15/04) All residential customers within the city limits must pay a monthly charge of $4.25. Non-residential customers within the city limits must pay $4.25 per unit (2,088 square feet) which is calculated on the total square footage of impervious cover on the property. Utility Deposit Requirements and Service Charges Residential Deposit - $150.00 (cash, check or credit card); Will be waived with qualifying 12- month letter of credit. Non-Residential Deposit - 1/6 Estimated Annual Bill. May substitute a Letter of Credit from a bank or surety bond. Will waive with a qualifying 36-month letter of credit. Meter Tampering Fee - $100.00 per incident Payment Plan Administration Fee - $20.00 Late Payment - 10% Insufficient Check Charge - $30.00 Disconnect Service Charge for Delinquent Bill or Insufficient Check - $30.00 After Hours Reconnect Fee - $50.00 (additional) Meter Reread Charge at Customer's Request - $10.00 Temporary Service (5 days) - $60.00 New or Transfer Account Charge - $30.00 plus $50.00 during non-business hours or same day connections Meter Test - At Cost Credit Cards: Discover, VISA and MasterCard accepted Online payments accepted (http://www.georgetown.org/departments/billing/payments.php) 2 7 0 2 7 1 2 7 2 2 7 3 2 7 4 2 7 5 2 7 6 2 7 7 2 7 8 279 A Component Unit of the City of Georgetown Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) Budget (Adopted by GEDCO Board July 19, 2010) (Approved by City Council August 24, 2010) GEDCO Sales Tax Revenue (1/8)907,500 Interest Income 10,000 Total Revenue 917,500 Less: Interlocal Agreement 51,400 Supplies 500 Legal 7,500 Travel & Training 2,700 Retainer Expense 12,000 Miscellaneous Expenses 100 Loan Repayment 101,400 Economic Development Projects (Unidentified) 3,734,133 Total Operating Expense 3,909,733 Annual Excess Revenues (2,992,233) Fund Balance: Beginning Fund Balance 3,219,108 +/- Annual Excess Revenues (2,992,233) Less: Contingency Reserves (= 25% Revenue)226,875 Ending Unreserved Fund Balance - 2 8 0 281 A Component Unit of the City of Georgetown Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) Budget (Adopted by GTEC Board July 21, 2010) (Approved by City Council August 24, 2010) Beginning Fund Balance $4,847,292 Revenue: Sales Tax Revenue $3,630,000 Interest $50,000 PID Assessments $600,000 Total Revenue $4,280,000 Expense: Interlocal Agreement (Indirect Costs) $72,000 Direct Costs Allocation $126,594 Administrative Expense & Supplies $67,100 Subtotal - Operating Expense $265,694 Debt Service $2,475,446 Transporation Improvement Program 14b SH 29 Bypass (RR2243 to SH 29) $2,000,000 24.3 Construct NB Frontage Rd (FM 2338 to Lakeway) $250,000 Subtotal - Transportation Improvement Program $2,250,000 Economic Development Projects Projects to be determined $907,500 Subtotal - Transportation Improvement Program $907,500 Total Expense $5,898,640 Available Fund Balance $3,228,652 Reserves: Contingency $1,057,500 Available Working Capital $2,171,152 282 A Component Unit of the City of Georgetown Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation Outstanding Debt Summary 2010/11 Outstanding 9/30/10 Debt Principal 10/11 Principal Reduction Estimated 2011 New Debt Estimated 9/30/11 Outstanding Debt Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation: Self Supported 15,474,689 (815,611) - 14,659,078 Sales Tax Supported 10,300,000 (430,000) - 9,870,000 total GTEC: 25,774,689 (1,245,611) - 24,529,078 *The City has previously issued certificates of obligation on behalf of GTEC to be repaid by GTEC sales tax. 283 A Component Unit of the City of Georgetown Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation Summary of Debt Service Charges to Maturity Certificates of Obligation issued by the City on behalf of GTEC and Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, both repaid by sales tax collections. Year Ending Outstanding Total September 30 Beginning of Year Interest Principal Requirements 2011 25,774,689 1,228,835 1,245,611 2,474,446 2012 24,529,078 1,162,551 1,349,011 2,511,563 2013 23,180,067 1,109,845 1,446,789 2,556,634 2014 21,733,278 1,052,722 1,496,167 2,548,889 2015 20,237,111 940,525 1,540,333 2,480,858 2016 18,696,778 830,099 1,521,200 2,351,299 2017 17,175,578 762,383 1,583,211 2,345,594 2018 15,592,367 691,328 1,656,200 2,347,528 2019 13,936,167 616,509 1,733,211 2,349,720 2020 12,202,956 538,272 1,815,222 2,353,494 2021 10,387,734 456,612 1,887,233 2,343,845 2022 8,500,500 370,724 1,969,244 2,339,968 2023 6,531,256 280,030 1,816,256 2,096,286 2024 4,715,000 196,456 1,855,000 2,051,456 2025 2,860,000 128,919 1,145,000 1,273,919 2026 1,715,000 77,288 885,000 962,288 2027 830,000 37,350 830,000 867,350 10,480,448 25,774,689 36,255,137 284 Advisory Boards and Commissions In addition to the permanent advisory boards and commissions listed, the Council also appoints temporary advisory committees from time to time to address specific, short-term issues. The 2008 Advisory Boards & Commissions include: Airport Advisory Board. Studies and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding operations and facility improvements of the municipal airport. Ensures that the municipal airport is efficiently and adequately meeting the needs of the City and the air transportation industry. Animal Shelter Advisory Board. Ensures that the City of Georgetown Animal Shelter complies with all City and State laws governing its operation. Arts and Culture Board. Encourages, stimulates, promotes, and fosters programs for the cultural enrichment of the City, thereby contributing to the quality of life in Georgetown, and develops an awareness in of the value of the arts. Seven of the members should represent a broad spectrum of citizens including artists and those with a background in the arts, arts organizations and businesses, education, structural and landscape architecture. One member shall be an authorized representative of the Georgetown Independent School District and one member shall be an authorized representative of Southwestern University. Building Standards Commission. Hears appeals and renders decisions on rulings by City building inspectors or officials in regard to code interpretation, enforcement, and substandard housing or structures within the City. Convention & Visitors Board. The mission of the Georgetown Convention & Visitors Bureau is to encourage the community's economic success through promotion of Georgetown as a tourist destination, preserve & enhance the cultural heritage and unique character of the community, and attract conventions and group tours to maximize the financial impact of tourism on the community. Membership requires a commitment of a minimum of four to ten hours per month. Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB). The seven member Economic Development Advisory Board (formerly the Economic Development Commission) acts as an advisory body to the City's Economic Development Director and the City Manager. Members shall have experience in the following areas: business retention and expansion, land and property, business recruitment, inter-business and inter-governmental relations, retail and infrastructure. Ethics Commission. The Ethics Review Commission is composed of a eight representatives appointed by the Mayor and each Councilmember. It has the authority to review and investigate complaints filed involving City Officials, and may issue a written finding of the Commission's determination when appropriate. The Ethics Commission meets when necessary to carry out its responsibilities, but shall hold an annual meeting during March to elect officers and review the Ethics Ordinance, Commission Bylaws, and Commission Hearing Procedures. Firefighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service. The Civil Service Commission is responsible for adopting, maintaining and enforcing rules governing the hiring and promotional process and serves as a disciplinary appeal board for civil service employees in the Georgetown Fire and Police Departments. The Commission is comprised of three commissioners appointed by the City Manager and confirmed by the Georgetown City Council. The commissioners serve staggered, three-year terms. 285 General Government and Finance Advisory Subcommittee (GGAF). Empowered to review and analyze the general government and finance activities of the City, to include but not limited to the following areas: Finance administration to include debt and treasury management, as well as, City budget; Accounting to include financial reporting; Purchasing; Municipal Court; Facilities Maintenance, including construction and renovation of City facilities; Vehicle Services, Information Technology; Compensation and Benefits; City insurance; and other related items as recommended by the City Manager. Three members are Councilmembers. Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO). Considers requests and grants economic development funds as authorized and defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Section 4A, leading to the creation or retention of primary jobs and/or provision of significant capital investment which benefits the community of Georgetown. Three members are Councilmembers, two members are citizens at-large. Georgetown Housing Authority. The purpose of the Board is to ensure that the City of Georgetown has housing that is attainable for citizens at all income levels. Membership is composed of nine members. Four members must have knowledge of specialized fields relating to home ownership and the affordability of home ownership, while the remaining five should have general knowledge of affordable housing issues. Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board (GTAB). Advises and assists the City Council in the development of a multi-modal transportation planning process in coordination with regional, state, county, and local transportation agencies. Two members are Councilmembers, one member is a representative from the Planning and Zoning Commission, and one member is a representative from the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation. Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC). The purpose of this Corporation is to promote economic and community development within the City and the State of Texas through the payment of costs for streets, roads, drainage, and other related transportation system improvements, including the payment of maintenance and operating expenses associated with such authorized projects. Georgetown Utility System Advisory Board (GUS). Makes recommendations to the City Council regarding staff presentations related to capital improvement projects and priorities, utility services, resource supplies and other Council-assigned projects. Georgetown Youth Advisory Board. Advise the City Council on youth related issues. Members, ranging in age from thirteen to eighteen years old, work to develop future leaders, promote positive adult/youth cooperation and dialogue, and encourage youth participation in solving community concerns. This board can have up to 24 members. Historic & Architectural Review Commission. Makes recommendations to the City Council on the designation of historic sites or districts, acts and assists the City Council in formulating design guidelines and other supplemental materials relevant to the historic preservation or design review, approves or disapproves Certificates of Design Compliance, renders advice and guidance, upon request of property owners or occupants on new construction or the restoration, alteration or maintenance of any historic resource or other building within the District, and performs any other functions requested by the City Council. Library Advisory Board. Makes recommendations regarding the development of the book collection, programming, and other services provided by the Georgetown Public Library. 286 Main Street Advisory Board. The Georgetown Main Street Program is a revitalization program designed to enhance the unique character of downtown Georgetown through historic preservation and community involvement, while at the same time promoting downtown, providing educational and technical assistance to business and property owners, and maintaining the beauty of Georgetown. Membership requires a commitment of a minimum of four to ten hours per month. Parks and Recreation Board. Recommends, to the City Council, uses of parkland and parks/recreational facilities and improvements in programs, activities, and facilities to meet community recreation needs and interests. Planning & Zoning Commission. Studies and reviews plans and recommends to City Council action to be taken in regard to City growth and development and comprehensive community planning. Also, makes recommendations and acts as a hearing board on zoning requests. Drafts new development regulations and conducts periodic review of plans and regulations. Williamson County & Cities Health District. Advises state, county and local elected officials on the status of public health matters in Williamson County. The five governmental entities that form the Health District appoint citizen representatives to the Williamson County Board of Health, which has administrative authority and oversees the operation of the Health District. Each city appoints one member and the Commissioners' Court appoints two members to staggered 3-year terms. The WCCHD Director is a non-voting member. Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Zoning Board of Adjustment is responsible for hearing and taking final action on variances from the zoning standards of the Unified Development Code (UDC), and considers appeals from administrative decisions made related to zoning standards. Members must be registered voters and must have resided in the city limits for at least one year. One member of the Board shall be an active member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Acronyms Glossary Index Acronyms, Glossary and Index Table of Contents Commonly Used Acronyms ................................................................................................................. 287 Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 290 Index .................................................................................................................................................... 296 287 Commonly Used Acronyms AMR Automatic Meter Reading APPA American Public Power Association ASE Automotive Service Excellence BCP Business Continuity Plan BIA Business Impact Analysis BRA Brazos River Authority BRE Business Retention Expansion CAMPO Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization CAPCOG Capital Area Council of Governments CCN Certificates of Convenience & Necessity CCU Cell Control Unit CDBG Community Development Block Grants CIP Capital Improvement Program CIS Customer Information System CSR Customer Service Representative CTSUD Chisholm Trail Special Utility District DFIRM Digitized Flood Insurance Rate Maps EARZ Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas ERT Encoder Receiver Transmitter ESD Emergency Services District EST Elevated Storage Tank ETJ Extra-territorial Jurisdiction EVT Emergency Vehicle Technician FAA Federal Aviation Administration FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FTE Full Time Equivalent GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board GCAT Georgetown Communications and Technology GEDCO Georgetown Economic Development Corporation GHS Georgetown High School GIS Geographic Information System GISD Georgetown Independent School District GMC Georgetown Municipal Complex GPS Global Positioning System GTAB Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board GTEC Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation GUS Georgetown Utility Systems 288 HARC Historical & Architectural Review Committee HEB H.E. Butt (Grocer) HOT Hotel Occupancy Tax HR Human Resources HRIS Human Resources Information System HSUS Humane Society of the United States HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning I & C Instrumentation & Control IDR Interval Data Recorder IOOF Independent Order of Odd Fellows IRS Internal Revenue Service ISF Internal Service Fund ISO Insurance Services Office IT Information Technology IT-EOC Information Technology & Emergency Operations Center IVR Interactive Voice Response LCRA Lower Colorado River Authority MRU Maintenance Repair Unit NIGP National Institute of Governmental Purchasing OMS Outage Management System OTP Overall Transportation Plan PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator PCI Pavement Condition Index PID Public Improvement District PMIS Pavement Management Information System RFP Request for Proposal RSMP Regional Stormwater Master Plan SAN Storage Area Network SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SIP Service Improvement Program (fees) SOP Statement of Purpose SRF Special Revenue Fund SUD Special Utility District TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCLEOSE Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education TDS Texas Disposal System TEC Texas Electric Cooperatives TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service 289 TLETS Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System TXDOT Texas Department of Transportation UDC Unified Development Code VIPS Volunteers in Police Services VSC Vehicle Service Center WCAD Williamson Central Appraisal District WCHM Williamson County Historical Society WMD World Movement for Democracy WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant 290 Glossary Accrual Accounting - A basis of accounting in which revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they are earned, and expenses are recognized in the period in which they are incurred. Administrative Charges - The charges imposed upon a fund for support services provided by another fund. For example, the Accounting Department (Joint Services Fund) provides services to the Electric Fund, therefore the Joint Services Fund charges the Electric Fund for these services based on reasonable allocation methods. Adopted - Adopted, as used in fund summaries and department and division summaries within the budget document, represents the budget as approved by formal action of the City Council which sets the spending limits for the fiscal year. Ad Valorem - In proportion to value. A basis for levy of taxes on property. Amended Budget - Includes the adopted budget for a fiscal year, plus any budget amendments or budget transfers. Annexed Property - Land previously outside the City limits that becomes part of the City during a year through the legal process of incorporation. Appropriation - An authorization made by the City Council through an approved budget which permits the City to incur obligations and to make expenditures of resources. Appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Assessed Valuation - A valuation set upon real estate or other property by the County Appraisal District to be used as a basis for levying taxes. Asset - Resources owned or held which have monetary value. Audit - A comprehensive review of the manner in which the government's resources were actually utilized. A certified public accountant issues an opinion over the presentation of financial statements, tests the controls over the safekeeping of assets and makes recommendations for improvements where necessary. Balance Sheet - A financial statement that discloses the assets, liabilities, reserves and balances of a specific fund as of a specific date. Base Budget - The on-going expense for personnel, operating services and the replacement of supplies and equipment to maintain service levels. The base budget does not include new programs or projects, which are approved on an individual basis. Benchmarking – Measures progress from a point in time and is something that serves as a standard by which others may be measured. Bond - A written promise, generally under seal, to pay a specified sum of money, called the face value, at a fixed time in the future, called the date of maturity, and carrying interest at a fixed rate, usually payable periodically. The difference between a note and a bond is that the latter usually runs for a longer period of time and requires greater legal formality. Budget - A plan of operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period and the proposed means of financing them. The City of Georgetown’s budget is called the Annual Operating Plan. Budget by Program/Function - A breakdown of the annual budget that groups like expenditures by the type of program or function. Interfund charges and Internal Service fund premiums or leases are eliminated for presentation purposes. Budget Year - The fiscal year of the City which begins October 1 and ends September 30. 291 Capital Budget - A plan of proposed capital outlays and the means of financing them for the current fiscal period. Capital or Capital Outlay - See the Capitalization Policy in this Budget for a definition of this term. Capital Improvement Program - The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a comprehensive plan of capital investment projects which identifies priorities as to need, method of financing, and project costs and revenues that will result during a five year period. The program is a guide for identifying current and future fiscal year requirements and becomes the basis for determining the annual capital budget. CIP or Capital Projects - A group of planned expenditures for construction of large scale assets, such as a water line. Significant maintenance projects, such as street overlay, are also considered capital projects, but are capitalized only in the event they extend the life of the asset. Capital Recovery Fees - Capital Recovery Fees are developer paid infrastructure fees adopted under Chapter 395 of Texas Local Government Code or as part of a development agreement. Capital Replacement Fund - Vehicle which allows purchase of operating capital items on a long-term basis through budgeted annual payments and transfers during the fiscal year. The City’s Fleet and Information Services Internal Service Funds act as capital replacement funds. Cash Accounting - A basis of accounting in which transactions are recorded when cash is either received or expended. Century Plan - The City’s comprehensive plan that acts as a cornerstone for the City’s present and future development and reflects the aspirations of the citizens for their City and describes an ongoing process by which Georgetown will strive to enhance its quality of life. The Century Plan is currently in effect until 2010 and contains the Policy Plan, which contains the overriding policies and administrative structure of the Plan and the Functional Plan elements, which address specific elements is detail. City Charter - The document that establishes the City as an incorporated political subdivision (municipal government) in accordance with the statutes of the State of Texas. The charter provides the form, roles and powers of the municipal government that is the City of Georgetown. Conservation Rate - A stepped water rate, effective only during the summer months for residential customers, to encourage water conservation. All revenue generated from these increased rates is put aside to be used for future expansion of water treatment plants. Contingency - A budgetary appropriation reserve set aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures not otherwise budgeted for. The primary contingency account requires City Council approval for all expenditures. Contingency Reserves - A portion of the budgeted ending fund balance or working capital that is not available for appropriation. The intent of the reserves are to provide flexibility, should actual revenues fall short of budgeted revenues and to provide adequate resources to implement budgeted expenditures without regard to the actual cash flow of the fund. Coverage Ratio - A term defined by revenue bond indenture. Refers to the ratio of net revenues of the electric, water and wastewater systems, after all maintenance and operations expenses are considered, to total debt service. The minimum ratio required by the current bond indenture is 1.25. The City’s Fiscal Policy requires 1.5 times coverage. Debt Margin - The difference between the maximum amount of debt that is legally permitted and the amount of debt outstanding subject to the limitation. Debt Payments - Scheduled payments of principle and interest on outstanding debt. The payments are often referred to as “debt service”. Debt Principle Reduction - The scheduled yearly payment that reduces the amount of outstanding debt. 292 Debt Service - The City's obligation to pay principal and interest on bonded debt. A. Self-Supported Debt - Debt for which the City has pledged a repayment source separate from its general tax revenues (e.g. stormwater bonds repaid from stormwater drainage fees.) B. Tax Supported - Debt for which the City has pledged a repayment from its property taxes. Debt to Valuation Ratio - The amount of taxable debt outstanding as a percentage of the taxable property assessment. This is a common benchmark used to determine the appropriateness of a city’s property tax supported general obligation debt (including Certificates of Obligation). Dedicated Property Tax - The portion of property taxes that is set aside for a specific use, such as street maintenance. The City Council has dedicated five cents of the property tax rate to street capital improvements. Del E. Webb Corporation (Del Webb) - see Sun City Texas. Delinquent Taxes - Taxes that remain unpaid after the date on which a penalty for nonpayment is attached. Property tax statements are mailed out in October and become delinquent if unpaid by January 31. Department - A specific functional area within a City division. Depreciation - The process of estimating and recording the expired useful life of a fixed asset which is used to distribute its cost over its revenue producing years. Division - An administrative unit of the City having management responsibility for a group of departments. Effective Tax Rate - Texas law prescribes a formula for calculating the effective tax rate for cities. The net effect of the formula is to produce a tax rate that goes down when property values rise (and vice versa) to generate a rate that produces approximately the same revenue as the year before. The formula makes adjustments for additional debt service, newly annexed property, and newly constructed property. If the tax rate is raised by three percent or more over the prior year's effective tax rate, State law requires that special notices must be posted and published. If the increase is more than 8%, the increase above 8% is subject to a possible rollback election by the voters. Employee Benefits - For the purpose of budgeting, this term refers to the City’s costs of health insurance, pension contributions, social security contributions, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance costs. Encumbrance - Any commitment of funds against an appropriation. It may be in the form of a purchase order or a contract. Encumbrance accounting is formally integrated into the accounting system for expenditure control purposes. An encumbrance differs from an account payable as follows: an account payable represents a legal liability to pay and results from the goods and/or services requested in a purchase order or contract having been delivered to the City. Until such time as the goods and/or services are delivered, the commitment is referred to as an encumbrance. Enterprise Fund - A fund established to finance and account for operations (1) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (2) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purpose. Executive Limitations - Specific boundaries stated as part of the City’s governance model. The boundaries serve as the limits within which staff must accomplish the goals and objectives of the City. Expenditures - If the accounts are kept on the accrual basis this term designates total charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, including expenses, provision for retirement of debt not reported as liability of the fund from which retired, and capital outlays. If accounts are kept on the cash basis, the term covers only actual disbursements for these purposes. Encumbrances are not considered expenditures. 293 Expense - Charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, for operation, maintenance, and interest, and other charges which are presumed to benefit the current fiscal period. Legal provisions sometimes make it necessary to treat as expense charges whose benefits extend over future periods. Fiscal Year - An accounting period, typically twelve months, to which the annual budget applies and at the end of which a city determines its financial position and results of operations. The City's fiscal year is October 1 through September 30. Fixed Assets - Assets of a long-term character which are intended to continue to be held or used, such as land, buildings, machinery, furniture and other equipment. Franchise fees - A fee that a government imposes to permit the continuing use of public property and right of ways, such as city utility poles, streets, etc. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) - A part-time position converted to the decimal equivalent of a full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year, or a full value of one for a full-time position. Functional Plan - Elements of the Century Plan which describe 15 policy plan categories that detail the manner in which the Policy Plan will be fulfilled. City Council has adopted to date four Functional Plan elements: Economic Development Strategic Plan, Development Plan, Parks and Recreation Plan and Facilities and Services Plan. The preparation and adoption of the Functional Plans, including Land Use, Transpiration, Utilities, Environmental, Citizen Participation, Housing, Health and Human Services, Historic Preservation, Airport, Annexation, Urban Design and Capital Improvements, are to be completed in subsequent years. Fund - An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources, together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Fund Balance - The excess of a fund's assets over its liabilities and reserves. Funding Source - Identifies the source of revenue to fund appropriations. General Fund - The fund that is available for any legal authorized purpose and which is therefore used to account for all revenues and all activities except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Note: The General Fund is used to finance the ordinary operations of a governmental unit. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - The uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial accounting and reporting. The primary authoritative body on the application of GAAP to state and local governments is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). General Obligation Debt - Tax supported bonded debt which is backed by the full faith and credit of the City. Geographic Information System (GIS) - A computer system, which transforms geographically-referenced data into maps and other geographic relationship information. Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) – This corporation was formed to promote economic and community development within the City and the State of Texas through the payment of costs for streets, roads, drainage, and other related transportation system improvements, including the payment of maintenance and operating expenses associated with such authorized projects. Grant - A contribution by one governmental unit to another. The contribution is usually made to aid in the support of a specified function (for example, education), but it is sometimes also for general purposes. Home Rule City – A City in which Council is free to enact legislation, adopt budgets, and determine policies, subject only to the limitations imposed by the Texas Constitution and City Charter. Impact Fees - Fees assessed to developers to help defray a portion of the costs that naturally result from increased development. By Texas law, these fees must be used for capital acquisition or debt service relating to capital projects. 294 Indicator - A benchmark used to measure performance or workload or compare against a predetermined standard. Infrastructure - Roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets, sidewalks, drainage systems, lighting systems, water lines, wastewater lines and other improvements that are installed for the common good. Interfund Transfer - A movement of cash between funds for the purpose of return on investment or funding projects and operations. Internal Service Fund (ISF) - A fund established to finance and account for services and commodities furnished by a designated department or agency to other departments or agencies within a single governmental unit or to other governmental units. Amounts expended by the fund are restored thereto, either from operating earnings or by transfers from other funds, so that the original fund capital is kept intact. ISF Premiums - Fees charged by one fund to other departments based on replacement costs and usage costs for vehicles, computers and buildings and administrative fees charged to funds based on service needs. Modified Accrual Accounting - A basis of accounting in which expenditures are accrued but revenues are accounted for when it becomes measurable and available. Operating Budget - This budget, associated with providing on-going services to citizens, includes general expenditures such as personal services, professional services, maintenance costs, supplies and operating capital items. Personnel Expenditures - For the purpose of budgeting, this term refers to all wages and related items: regular pay, premium pay, longevity pay, social security, life insurance, retirement plan contributions, health insurance and workers' compensation insurance. Policy Plan - A part of the Century Plan that provides a general background for the plan and sets the policies which will guide the City’s actions until the year 2010. Program - A group of related activities performed by one or more organizational units for the purpose of accomplishing a function for which the City is responsible. Projected Actual - An estimate of year ending balances for all accounts used for budgeting purposes. Property Taxes - Used to describe all revenue received in a period from current taxes and delinquent taxes. Property taxes are levied on both real and personal property according to the property's valuation and tax rate. Public Improvement District (PID) - An area where property owners are charged a special levy to defray part or all of the costs of specific improvements or services that are presumed to be a general benefit to the public and of special benefit to such properties. Reservation - A balance of funds that are set aside by policy for a specific purpose or to draw upon for emergencies (as in contingency reservation). Revenue - The yield of taxes and other monetary resources that the City collects and receives into the treasury for public use. For those revenues which are recorded on the accrual basis, this term designates additions to assets which (1) do not increase any liability; (2) do not represent the recovery of an expenditure; (3) do not represent contributions of fund capital in enterprise and internal service funds. The same definition applies to those cases where revenues are recorded on the modified accrual or cash basis, except that additions would be partially or entirely to cash. Revenue Bonds - Bonds of the City which are supported by the revenue generating capacity of the electric, water and wastewater system. Service Improvement Program (SIP) Fees - Charges paid, on a per unit cost basis, by a developer for a portion of the cost of infrastructure improvements such as fire protection, road improvements, electric, wastewater and water system improvements needed to service a development. Fees are set as part of a Council approved development agreement. 295 Special Revenue Fund (SRF) - A fund used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Special Utility District - A legally separate political subdivision under Texas law to provide utility services. Sun City Texas - Del E. Webb Corporation (Del Webb) broke ground in May 1995 on a 9,500 home, 5,300 acre active retirement community called Sun City Texas. The City’s development agreement with Del Webb provides for fire protection, wastewater, water and electric services, and collector and arterial street improvements, as well as annexation as each phase is started. The City is providing the off-site improvements with the construction and carrying costs offset by special impact fees, paid by Del Webb, without cash shortfalls or increases in overall service rates for water and wastewater. The scope of the project was amended in 2003 to include only 5,000 units. Surplus - The excess of the assets of a fund over its liabilities; or if the fund has other resources and obligations; the excess of resources over the obligations. The term should not be used without a properly descriptive adjective unless its meaning is apparent from the context. See also Fund Balance. Tax Base - The total value of all real, personal and mineral property in the City as of January 1st of each year, as certified by the County Appraisal Board. The tax base represents net value after all exemptions. Tax Levy - The resultant product when the tax rate per one hundred dollars is multiplied by the tax base. Tax Rate - Total tax rate is set by Council and is made up of two components: debt service and operations rates. It is the amount levied for each $100 of assessed valuation. Tax Roll - The official list showing the amount of taxes levied against each taxpayer or property. Times Coverage Ratio - A calculation of the revenue available divided by the combined debt payment requirement of the utilities. This ratio is one indication of the City’s ability to pay its revenue debt obligations. Transfers In/Out - Amounts transferred from one fund to another to assist in financing the services or programs for the recipient fund. Unencumbered Fund Balance - For budget purposes, the unencumbered fund balance is the amount of undesignated fund balance of a fund available for allocation. Urban Design - The unique character of Georgetown formed primarily by its man made physical features. User Charges - The payment of a fee for direct receipt of a public service by the party benefiting from the service. Working Capital - For enterprise funds, the excess of current assets over current liabilities. Working capital of a fund is important because budgeted expenditures of the fund must be provided for from cash receipts during the year supplemented by working capital carried over from prior years, if any. 296 Index Accounting .......................................................................................................................................................... 76 Advisory Boards & Commissions ...................................................................................................................... 284 Airport ................................................................................................................................................................ 134 Animal Services ................................................................................................................................................ 156 Annual Budget Calendar of Events ..................................................................................................................... 14 Budget Adoption and Management Process ....................................................................................................... 12 Building Inspections ............................................................................................................................................ 54 Capital Projects & Five Year Plans ................................................................................................................... 167 Citizen Survey Highlights .................................................................................................................................... 19 City Council ....................................................................................................................................................... 130 City Manager’s Office ........................................................................................................................................ 132 Code Enforcement .............................................................................................................................................. 56 Commonly Used Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 287 Communications Department ............................................................................................................................ 136 Community Development Administration ............................................................................................................ 52 Community Profile ............................................................................................................................................... 16 Community Services Administration ................................................................................................................... 62 Contingency Reserve Requirements Worksheet .............................................................................................. 251 Convention & Visitors Bureau ............................................................................................................................. 64 Debt Management & Policy ............................................................................................................................... 205 Economic Development .................................................................................................................................... 138 Electric Operations ............................................................................................................................................ 108 Electric Contracts .............................................................................................................................................. 111 Electric T&D ...................................................................................................................................................... 112 Electric SCADA & AMR ..................................................................................................................................... 114 Environmental Services .....................................................................................................................................116 Facilities Construction and Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 78 Finance Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 74 Fire Administration ............................................................................................................................................ 100 Fire Operations ................................................................................................................................................. 102 Fiscal and Budgetary Policy .............................................................................................................................. 227 Five Year Strategic Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Five Year Projections (General Fund, Water Services Fund, Electric Fund) .................................................... 263 Fund Summaries ................................................................................................................................................. 36 Governmental Contracts ................................................................................................................................... 140 General Debt Service (General Obligation Debt) .............................................................................................. 207 Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) Budget for reference only .............................. 279 Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) Budget for reference only ........................ 281 GTEC Outstanding Debt Summary – A Component Unit for reference only ................................................. 282 GTEC Principal & Interest Requirements – A Component Unit for reference only ........................................ 283 Geographic Information Systems ........................................................................................................................ 86 Georgetown Utility Systems Administration ...................................................................................................... 106 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 290 Human Resources ............................................................................................................................................ 142 297 Information Technology ....................................................................................................................................... 82 Information Technology Capital Replacement ..................................................................................................... 84 Internal Service Premiums ................................................................................................................................. 260 Legal Department .............................................................................................................................................. 146 Library ................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Long-Term Planning .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Main Street ........................................................................................................................................................ 148 Municipal Court .................................................................................................................................................... 88 Ordinances ........................................................................................................................................................ 267 Organizational Chart ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Parks .................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Personnel Summary by Division 2009-2012 ...................................................................................................... 254 Personnel Summary – FTE’s ............................................................................................................................. 255 Personnel Summary – Frozen Positions ........................................................................................................... 257 Planning ............................................................................................................................................................... 58 Police - Administration ....................................................................................................................................... 152 Police - Operations ............................................................................................................................................ 154 Proposed Debt Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 212 Purchasing ........................................................................................................................................................... 90 Recreation ........................................................................................................................................................... 70 Reuse Irrigation ................................................................................................................................................. 126 Statistical Information ........................................................................................................................................ 213 Stormwater Drainage ......................................................................................................................................... 162 Street Department ............................................................................................................................................. 164 Systems Engineering ......................................................................................................................................... 118 Transfers Between Funds .................................................................................................................................. 262 Transportation Administration ............................................................................................................................ 160 Transmittal Letter .................................................................................................................................................... i Utility Debt Service ............................................................................................................................................ 210 Utility Revenue Bond Coverage ......................................................................................................................... 211 Utility Office .......................................................................................................................................................... 92 Utility Rate Schedule ......................................................................................................................................... 266 Vehicle Service Center ........................................................................................................................................ 94 Water Services – Administration ........................................................................................................................ 116 Water Services - Wastewater ........................................................................................................................... 118 Water Services - Water ...................................................................................................................................... 120 Finance and Administration Department Budget Staff Micki Rundell, CGFO, Chief Financial Officer Laurie Brewer, CGFO, Assistant Director Lorie Lankford, CGFO, Accounting Manager Lisa Haines, CGFO, Chief Accountant Christopher Foster, Utilities Financial Analyst La'Mar Kemp, Accounting Specialist III, Utilities Danella Elliott, Administrative Manager