HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Management ServicesManagement Services Management Services consists of the executive and governing functions of the City. The City Council is the legislative body that provides the leadership and vision for the community of Georgetown. The City Manager's Office functions as the central communication link between the Council and the City organization, and manages the day-to-day operations and services of the City. The City Secretary maintains official records, oversees all municipal elections and coordinates the boards and commissions appointment process. Human Resources and Safety Services provide employee and organizational support to retain and attract quality employees. Other departments overseen include Economic Development, Information Technology, and the Airport. Sources of funding for the division include the General Fund (City Manager’s Office and City Council), Joint Services Fund (Human Resources and Economic Development), Information Technology (through Information Technology Internal Service Fund) and the Airport Fund. Management Services Economic Development Page 132 Governmental Contracts Page 134 City Manager's Office Page 128 Airport Page 130 City Council Page 126 Human Resources Page 136 Information Technology Page 140 Legal Contract Page 144 67 Management Services 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BASE City Council 238,315 269,177 267,933 271,636 (1.4%)264,916 City Manager's Office 829,578 847,635 747,451 930,181 (24.4%)754,079 Airport 1,357,346 3,045,362 2,035,602 3,287,313 (61.5%)1,881,968 Economic Development 288,497 352,734 343,569 364,448 (6.1%)363,566 General Govt. Contracts 253,367 284,262 284,862 653,960 (129.6%)588,562 Human Resources 362,170 365,640 365,131 392,787 (7.6%)391,685 City-wide Services 668,418 780,000 778,956 830,998 (6.7%)556,358 Information Technology 658,921 712,263 711,866 794,803 (11.7%)799,360 Information Tech Capital 649,886 793,261 793,258 668,393 (-15.7%)555,465 Legal Contracts 369,120 410,000 410,000 410,000 (0.0%)410,000 Division Total 5,675,618 7,860,334 6,738,628 8,604,519 (27.7%)6,565,959 * Percent change of 05/06 Adopted from 04/05 Projected Actual 05/06 ADOPTED (% Change*) 03/04 04/05 04/05 06/07 FINAL / ORIGINAL FINAL / PROJECTED PERSONNEL SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL City Council 1 1 1 1 City Manager's Office 6/.5 6/.5 6/.5 6/.5 Airport 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 2/3.5 Economic Development 3 3 3 3 Human Resources 4 4 4 4 Information Technology 8 9 9 9/1 Total (FT/PT)24/4 25/4 25/4 25/5 1 6/.5 2/3.5 05/06 ADOPTED 3 4 9/1 25/5 Personnel 28% Operations 51% Capital 21% 930,181 1,463,196 653,960 410,000 392,787 364,448 271,636 830,998 3,287,313 0 300,000 600,000 900,000 1 ,200,000 1 ,500,000 1 ,800,000 City Council Eco Devo Human Resources Legal Contracts Gen. Govt. Cont. City-wide Svcs. City Mgr.'s Office Info Technology Airport 126 Management Services City Council DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Council is composed of a Mayor, elected at large, and seven Councilmembers elected from single- member districts. Georgetown is a Home Rule City, which means that the Council is free to enact legislation, adopt budgets, and determine policies, subject only to the limitations imposed by the Texas Constitution and City Charter. The Council appoints a City Manager who coordinates and implements activities to effectively accomplish the City Council goals and objectives established by the City Council. The Council also appoints the City Attorney, the Municipal Court Judge and the City Secretary. In addition, the Council appoints citizens to serve on advisory boards, commissions, and committees. The City Secretary, who is included in this budget area, maintains official City records, conducts City elections and coordinates the boards and commissions appointment process. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Develop policies that enhance the quality of life for the community while preserving its unique character and natural resources. • Ensure the long-term financial viability of Georgetown. • Promote community involvement and participation in local government. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 • Contracted with the Williamson County Elections Administrator to hold a bond election on November 2, 2004 for a new library, recreation center addition and community center renovation and the adoption of the Police Civil Service Law, as well as, an election on May 7, 2005 for the adoption of a .25% sales and use tax with 1/8- cent of the revenue to be used for the reduction of property taxes in Georgetown, and the other 1/8-cent to be used for attracting new or expanded business. • Approved major amendments to the Unified Development Code (UDC) to insure the continued consistency of the City’s development ordinances to preserve the character of the community. • Adopted annexation policies for voluntary and involuntary annexations as elements of the Century Plan to guide the City in its growth. • Created Transportation Advisory Board to identify funding opportunities for transportation needs. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 • Expand the City’s current records management process by adopting a city-wide Records Management Program to increase the efficiency and accessibility of public records. • Adopt a conservation subdivision and landscape ordinance that will encourage the preservation of green space. • Adopt and implement an updated Airport Master Plan that ensures that airport operations are conducted in an efficient manner while also ensuring safety and quality of life for the community • Develop an Affordable Housing Program based on recommendations of the Affordable Housing Task Force. • Fund fee waivers for the Habitat for Humanity housing redevelopment project located on 17th Street. • Complete involuntary annexation of approximately 4,719 acres in various locations contiguous to the current city limits. • Implement Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) to manage funds generated by 4A economic development sales tax approved by the voters in May 2005. • Continue adherence to the City’s financial policy that promotes long-term financial responsibility to ensure future economic viability of the community. CITY COUNCIL 03/04 ACTUAL 04/05 ORIGINAL BUDGET 04/05 FINAL / ACTUAL 05/06 ADOPTED 06/07 PROJECTED City Secretary Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 127 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. # of agenda items processed/reviewed 639 641 850 791 800 2. # of hours spent in Council meetings 151 136.5 200 103 150 3. # of Council/special meetings posted 53 54 65 52 55 4. # of public meetings posted 306 235 275 192 250 5. # of elections held 2 4 2 3 1 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. % of citizens who rated the value received from City tax dollars to be excellent or good * 60% 62% N/A N/A 70% 2. City Council meeting minutes completed and approved in two weeks 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% * Bi-annual citizen’s survey DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 79,964 85,226 83,986 Personnel 89,557 89,557 158,351 183,951 183,947 Operations 182,079 175,359 238,315 269,177 267,933 271,636 264,916 128 Management Services City Manager’s Office DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Manager’s Office is responsible for the administration of all City affairs and serves as the liaison between the policymaking and administrative branches of City Government. The City Manager, appointed by City Council, is the chief administrative and executive officer of the City. Responsibilities of the City Manager’s Office include coordinating activities to effectively accomplish the City Council goals and objectives. The City Manager also acts as the City’s representative and liaison to local groups, service organizations and businesses in the community, as well as at the County, State and Federal level. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Ensure the delivery of quality services to citizens through effective management and efficient administration. • Coordinate the implementation of City Council goals and objectives with all City Departments. • Facilitate community activities to address public requests for needs and services. • Improve citizen awareness and understanding of City programs, services and issues and promote a positive public image of the organization. • Promote revitalization and future economic growth of the underdeveloped areas within the city. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 • Continued expansion of the Public Information Program by providing monthly City Reporter with the City’s Utility Statements. • Worked with Stakeholder Committee and Consultant to develop a Wayfinding and Signage Program to promote Georgetown as a tourist destination and a community with high standards of civic pride. • Coordinated the development of the Williams Drive Gateway Redevelopment Program Study. • Implemented the Downtown Parking Management Program to enhance the economic opportunity for business owners in the downtown. • Coordinated the development of a voluntary and involuntary annexation policy and model for City Council review. • Assisted in developing a new logo for the City to enhance the City of Georgetown’s identity and unique character. • Developed an education program for all City employees on City Operations and Functions (Georgetown Academy) to enhance the City’s overall Customer Service to its citizens. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 • Implement the Master Plan for the Williams Drive Gateway redevelopment project. • Implement and expand the wayfinding and signage program to promote Georgetown as a tourist destination. • Work with Community Development to update the City’s Comprehensive Plan to guide development and preserve the character of the community. • Work with Community Development to develop Conservation Subdivision and Landscape ordinances to preserve natural features and protect green space within the city. • Finalize and implement the Airport Master Plan to ensure that airport operations are conducted in a safe and efficient manner. • Assist Code Enforcement in developing a more aggressive property maintenance and code enforcement program. • Work with Affordable Housing Task Force to develop recommendations that ensure that all citizens have safe, sanitary, and affordable housing and facilitate self-sufficiency for targeted populations within the community. CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE 03/04 ACTUAL 04/05 ORIGINAL BUDGET 04/05 FINAL / ACTUAL 05/06 ADOPTED 06/07 PROJECTED City Manager Assistant City Manager for Operations Administrative Assistant/Deputy City Secretary Staff Assistant/Receptionist Public Information Officer Mail Couriers (PT) Total (FT/PT) 1 1 1 2 1 .5 6/.5 1 1 1 2 1 .5 6/.5 1 1 1 2 1 .5 6/.5 1 1 1 2 1 .5 6/.5 1 1 1 2 1 .5 6/.5 129 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. # of Public Information Requests handled 545 702 750 750 750 2. # of Council/Special Meetings 54 54 60 57 60 3. # of Press Releases N/A 105 150 150 150 4. # of Media Contacts NA 347 350 350 350 5. # of Public Service Announcements NA 536 550 400 500 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. % of citizens who rated their experience with city employees to be excellent or good * 81% 85% N/A N/A 85% Bi-annual citizen’s survey DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 444,233 495,058 494,931 Personnel 546,645 546,645 174,230 164,577 164,520 Operations 233,536 207,434 211,115 188,000 88,000 Capital 150,000 829,578 847,635 747,451 930,181 754,079 130 Management Services Airport DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City of Georgetown Municipal Airport provides aviation services to the public. The Airport Department is responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance, which include the supervision of fuel sales concessions, monitoring the leases for City-owned facilities, and the supervision of the ground maintenance. The Airport provides 24-hour operation of a 5,000-foot main runway and related taxiways, ramps and navigational aides. All of the above must be in compliance with state and federal rules and regulations. In addition, the Department provides support to the Airport Advisory Board. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Minimize the environmental impact of the Airport. • Operate the Airport as a self-supporting enterprise, whereby costs are minimized with maximum efficiency. • Ensure the safety of the flying public. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 • Completed rehabilitation of Runway 11-29, Taxiway B and D, T-Hangar C and D Ramp, and 8-foot game fence. • Enlarged drainage culvert on S. Hangar Drive through Federal Aviation Administration (FAA 90% Grant). • Selected a design consultant for the control tower, and submitted a site selection to the FAA for review. • Completed the Airport Master Plan update. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 • Complete construction of the air traffic control tower following FAA grant requirements. • Begin implementation of the Airport Master Plan update recommendations. • Construct an emergency access road from Fire Station No. 4 to the Airport. • Install 4-Box Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) on Runway 18. AIRPORT 03/04 ACTUAL 04/05 ORIGINAL BUDGET 04/05 FINAL / ACTUAL 05/06 ADOPTED 06/07 PROJECTED Airport Manager Airport Staff Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ground Maintenance (PT) .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Bookkeeper (PT) .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Fuel Attendants (PT) Total (FT/PT) 2.5 2/3.5 2.5 2/3.5 2.5 2/3.5 2.5 2/3.5 2.5 2/3.5 BASED AIRCRAFT 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 02/03 03/04 04/05 *05/06 *Projected 131 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. Jet fuel sold 389,570 470,009 450,000 590,300 600,000 2. Avgas sold 220,138 219,470 220,000 220,000 240,000 3. Based aircraft 256 260 265 265 265 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. Man hrs / 10 gal of fuel sold 2. Airport expenses/based aircraft 3. T-hangar occupancy rate .077 $1,354 100% .079 $1,488 100% .07 $1,460 100% .067 $1,460 100% .065 $1,460 100% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: AIRPORT FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 200,527 206,436 202,483 Personnel 220,162 223,286 1,156,819 1,130,592 1,582,960 Operations 1,618,976 1,658,682 1,708,334 250,159 Capital 1,448,175 1,357,346 3,045,362 2,035,602 3,287,313 1,881,968 132 Management Services Economic Development DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Economic Development department leads and coordinates the community’s economic development efforts. The department works to improve the social, employment, and physical conditions of the City by increasing the City of Georgetown’s economic base and the availability of quality jobs. In addition, the department undertakes projects that will foster partnership among private and public entities, and implements economic development goals and strategies listed herein and adopted by City Council. Operations of the department include business development, City and regional industrial recruitment and retention/expansion programs, and community promotion. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Promote the elements commonly held as the most important contributors to quality of life of our community. • Work to create a positive business environment for the expansion of community wealth. • Maintain and increase cooperation with private sector developers, state and regional economic development organizations, and economic development allies to expand and diversify the City’s tax base. • Develop and maintain positive relationships with local businesses to assist and encourage their success and growth. • Develop and implement a marketing program using the latest technology and industry trends to ensure Georgetown’s competitive edge in attracting new businesses and retaining and expanding existing businesses in order to create new jobs and expand the tax base. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 • Established the foundation for the creation of a bio/emerging technology commercialization center. • Initiated the Business Retention and Expansion Program (BRE) that is providing an opportunity to express needs/issues to and assisting with the growth of existing businesses. • Adjusted and expanded proactive marketing program based on industry trends by participating in targeted marketing trips and tradeshows with Austin Regional Partners, expanded web site using cutting edge technology, and high impact, targeted advertising. • Successfully recruited or assisted in the process to bring two new manufactures and several retail developments to Georgetown creating 50+/- jobs. • Hosted a series of events that brought site selectors to Georgetown resulting in a continuing flow of leads. • Increased staff qualifications and knowledge of economic development programs and trends. • Strengthened our presence in Central Texas by participating and leading regional economic development efforts. • Worked with developers, brokers, and land owners to identify and increase available property inventory. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 • Develop in-depth information on Georgetown’s workforce, key economic indicators, business trends, etc. to strengthen both the BRE and recruitment programs. • Identify, research, and implement advertising and marketing opportunities, latest technology, and industry trends. • Proactively market targeted industry segments. • Assist City Manager’s office in implementing the Williams Drive Gateway Master Plan. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 03/04 ACTUAL 04/05 ORIGINAL BUDGET 04/05 FINAL / ACTUAL 05/06 ADOPTED 06/07 PROJECTED Economic Development Director 1 1 1 1 1 Economic Development Program Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 Total 3 3 3 3 3 133 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. # of inquiries 34 65 50 70 75 2. # of proposals generated N/A 59 20 59 65 3. # of Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) visits N/A N/A N/A 15 40 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. # web site hits N/A N/A N/A 100,000 125,000 2. # of prospects N/A N/A N/A 12 15 3. # of site visits 9 9 12 10 12 4. # of new jobs generated within the community 50 50 75 75 125 DEPARTMENT BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 154,360 208,695 199,530 Personnel 216,282 216,282 134,137 144,039 144,039 Operations 148,166 147,284 288,497 352,734 343,569 364,448 363,566 134 Management Services Governmental Contracts DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION This department includes funds for the City's contracted social and community service commitments, and is managed through the City Manager’s Office. Funds for maintenance of four community buildings and utility subsidies for local social service organizations, supported by the City, are also budgeted in this department, as are administrative allocations for services received from other City funds. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS h Insure all citizens have access to services which enable them to live safe, healthy, and productive lives. h Provide resources necessary for community agencies to operate in Georgetown. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 • Developed thirteen contracts for services provided by non-profit agencies. • Applied for and received approval for federal grant funds through the Williamson County HUD Entitlement Program for infrastructure improvements (water and wastewater lines, sidewalks, and drainage) on Leander Street from 17th Street to 21st Street in the City of Georgetown, which will improve services to houses built by Habitat for Humanity and a proposed apartment complex that will serve low to moderate income adults, age 55+, as well as decrease the incidence of flooding in this area. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 • Continue to ensure that community and social services providers meet their results-oriented performance objectives and prevention issues, and form service partnerships as appropriate. • Continue commitment to funding equal to 1% of General Fund operating budget for social services. SOCIAL SERVICE FUNDING $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06* *Projected 135 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. Contracts developed and monitored 2. Amount spent on Social Services 11 $189,500 11 $244,650 13 $275,075 13 $275,075 13 $279,571 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. % of contracts with prevention objectives N/A 4 4 4 4 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: Each social service contribution is approved individually by Council as part of the budget process. The Williamson County and Cities Health District allocation, which is set by population in the City, is included in the base budget due to the City’s on-going responsibility for this agency. 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 232,950 205,000 205,000 Social Services Contributions 220,000 230,000 20,417 79,262 79,862 Operations 433,960 358,562 253,367 284,262 284,862 653,960 588,562 136 Management Services Human Resources DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Human Resources Department provides employee and organizational support to attract and retain quality employees. The department works with all divisions to improve internal processes and continually develop programs to enhance employee satisfaction. In addition, the department facilitates City-wide programs and services such as compensation and benefits administration, employment, employee relations, performance management, policy interpretation, and risk management. It is the department’s goal to provide exceptional customer service to both internal and external customers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS h Provide services, tools and open communication to create an environment where individuals are treated fairly and consistently. h Attract, retain, and develop a quality workforce. h Provide each employee with a safe work environment. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 h Implemented “Brown Bag” luncheon training series, as well as, offering other training opportunities for City employees. h Completed and implemented supervisor and administrative assistant resource manuals to provide guidance on policy administration, safety processes, staffing/payroll procedures, benefits, and compensation. h Developed a streamlined and standardized claims reporting and management process. h Redefined the City's target market and goal for employee compensation. h Identified City-wide training needs, as well as supported completion of City-wide Customer Service training h Adopted local rules for civil service to include Police and completed new hire and staff promotional Civil Service testing in accordance with the local Civil Service rules. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 h Continue development and implementation of additional modules for Human Resources Information System (HRIS) in order to increase efficient processing/maintenance of employee data/records. h Identify areas in need of increased workforce diversification. h Develop and implement an on-line benefits open enrollment process. h Expand customer service by extending Human Resources work hours to better service field and shift workers. h Implement 2005/06 Employee Benefit Plan, which includes increasing employee retirement contribution from 6% to 7% and increasing the City’s contribution to employee dependent and family health insurance. h Coordinate an employee job classification review project. h Facilitate a market salary adjustment plan to match employee compensation to 95% of Round Rock’s pay plan. HUMAN RESOURCES/ SAFETY SERVICES 03/04 ACTUAL 04/05 ORIGINAL BUDGET 04/05 FINAL / ACTUAL 05/06 ADOPTED 06/07 PROJECTED Director of Human Resources 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 Human Resource Generalist 2 2 2 2 2 Total 4 4 4 4 4 TURNOVER RATE 8% 12.0%12.00% 10.00% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06* *Projected 137 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. Application/resumes processed 2,948 2,840 2,600 2,600 2,600 2. Supervisor training hours (per employee) 27 22 25 27 30 3. Employee relations issues 20 25 30 45 40 4. # Civil Service Commission mtgs. N/A 3 5 4 4 5. # of worker’s compensation claims processed 36 32 30 37 35 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. # of disciplinary actions appealed to City Manager 1 4 4 4 3 2. Average # of open positions 14 18 22 20 15 3. Turnover rate 8% 12% 10% 12% 10% 4. # of work injuries/illness requiring medical attention 29 25 25 26 25 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 227,831 247,039 246,530 Personnel 261,644 261,644 134,339 118,601 118,601 Operations 131,143 130,041 362,170 365,640 365,131 392,787 391,685 138 Human Resources City-Wide Services This department represents the pooled funds available for the City’s one-time performance bonus program, as well as, market adjustments for employees funded through the Joint Services Fund. Training for City-wide issues, such as supervisory training and safety are also included here, as is property and liability insurance. CITY-WIDE SERVICES BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 254,970 272,000 272,000 Merit Bonus 320,000 71,365 78,800 78,000 Benefits/Market 106,098 151,458 68,367 76,200 75,956 Operations 51,900 51,900 394,702 427,000 425,956 Subtotal-Department 477,998 203,358 266,167 280,000 280,000 Insurance 280,000 280,000 7,549 73,000 73,000 Insurance Deductible 73,000 73,000 668,418 780,000 778,956 830,998 556,358 140 Management Services Information Technology DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Department of Information Technology (IT) provides information and technology management services in support of all City divisions. This includes: 1) Information Technology Administration; and 2) Information Technology functional services that include Network Administration, Technology Training, Website Management, Computer and Peripheral Support, Replacement, and Maintenance, Telephone System Manage- ment and Support, and Systems Administration. The department also manages the Information Technology Internal Services (ISF) Fund. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Assist all City divisions in streamlining work processes through the use of technology. • Provide timely and accurate public information via the City’s websites. • Increase citywide employee efficiency and effectiveness through technology training. • Provide cost-effective information technology management services. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 • Received IT Excellence Award from Texas Association of Information Technology Managers (TAGITM) for VoIP phone implementation project. • Established free wireless Internet access for patrons at Library. • Maintained 99.5+% uptime for all IT-related network and applications systems. • Completed several major systems upgrades: Netware v6.5, Invision v3.1, QED CAD v3.1, FireRMS, Issue Manager, Lotus Notes v6.5, AutoCite Traffic Ticket System, and CADmapper 911 Cellphone Location Identification Phase Two, Chameleon Server for Animal Services. • Completed deployment and upgrade of Microsoft Office 2003 Suite. • Implemented iChain web-based security portal application for Police Department and Economic Development. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 • Implement Invision Data Warehouse system to improve system reporting and provide customer information options. • Implement public safety Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) security upgrades as required by FBI and State of Texas DPS. • Expand imaging program, as outlined in the City-wide Records Management Program. • Redesign all seven City websites to provide dynamic content and encourage eCommerce. • Implement City-wide iChain project for internal Intranet service and external access to network drives utilizing cellular services. • Develop disaster recovery and redundancy systems plan for all IT systems to provide recovery capability. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 03/04 ACTUAL 04/05 ORIGINAL BUDGET 04/05 FINAL / ACTUAL 05/06 ADOPTED 06/07 PROJECTED Division Director 1 1 1 1 1 System Support 3 3 3 3 3 Webmaster 1 1 1 1 1 Technical Support 2 4 4 4 4 Project Manager / Training Coordinator Total 1 8 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 NUMBER OF COMPUTER USERS 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06* *Projected 141 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. Help desk calls received 3,175 2,170 3,250 3,370 2,500 2. Computers replaced 293 0 0 0 0 3. # of computer users 332 342 349 349 365 4. # of servers managed 33 40 40 40 43 5. # of training sessions conducted 925 745 150 150 100 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL 02/03 ACTUAL FY 03/04 BUDGETED FY 04/05 PROJECTED FY 04/05 PROPOSED FY 05/06 1. % Help Desk calls resolved within service level standards 77% 83% 90% 75% 80% 2. # of hits to web site 1,728,217 3,562,382 4,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 3. % users with basic training in core applications 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 4. Network up time 5. Cost of service per user/per yr. 6. Internal Customer Service rating of satisfied or better 99.5% $2,854 N/A 99.5% $2,854 99.5% $2,931 60% 99.5% $2,931 60.5% 99.5% $3,178 70% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: INFORMATION SERVICES FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 2 part-time technical support positions are added in 2005/06 to improve internal customer service. 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 529,423 587,894 587,894 Personnel 667,929 677,069 129,498 124,369 123,972 Operations 126,874 122,291 658,921 712,263 711,866 794,803 799,360 142 Information Technology Capital Replacement The purchase and support of computers and peripherals, end-user training, major business applications, and the network system are included in this department. Costs are assessed on a per capita or per component basis, and charged back to the user division over the life of the equipment. Equipment is then purchased on a coordinated, centralized, pre-planned basis, which minimizes cost of purchase, maintenance, and training. Divisions are also charged for the maintenance of production applications and their proportionate use of network resources. CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CONTRACTS BUDGET: INFORMATION SERVICES FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 392,585 386,030 386,030 Operating 430,798 430,793 257,301 407,231 407,228 Capital 237,595 124,672 649,886 793,261 793,258 668,393 555,465 143 Information Technology Internal Service Fund 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 Services First Contact incentive 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Software 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Technology Training 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Annual Contracts 358,298 358,293 394,122 433,535 476,888 Printer Replacements 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Desktop Operations 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Network Operations 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Contingency 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 Total Services 433,798 433,793 469,622 509,035 552,388 Capital Outlays and Projects Replacement Desktop Hardware 126,410 * 440,000 ** 20,000 *** 20,000 20,000 Replacement Network Hardware 96,085 124,672 118,399 130,239 143,263 Total Capital Replacement 222,495 564,672 138,399 150,239 163,263 Total IT Internal Service Fund 656,293 998,465 608,021 659,273 715,651 Number of Computers Added 8 322 10 10 10 *3rd year of Gateway Lease (1/2 year) ** Replace all existing ***Based upon purchase of new machines for additional staff needs 144 Management Services Legal Contract DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Legal Services, including the appointment of the City Attorney, has been contracted to an outside legal firm, who represents the City in litigation matters and before state agencies. Primary duties include acquisition of real property, easements and right-of-way for utility and transportation projects; reviewing ordinances and contracts, and provide legal opinions for interpretation of the City Charter, City ordinances, and state laws. LEGAL CONTRACT BUDGET: JOINT SERVICES FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: The City of Georgetown began contracting its legal services with Brown & Carls, L.L.P. in 2001/02. Contract costs for the Municipal Court prosecutor as well as the City’s legal contingency funds for litigation outside the scope of Brown & Carls, L.L.P. or requiring other special legal consideration are also included in this budget. 04/05 06/07 03/04 04/05 PROJECTED 05/06 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 303,852 335,000 335,000 Operations 335,000 335,000 65,268 75,000 75,000 Legal Contingency 75,000 75,000 369,120 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000