HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Planning and DevelopmentPlanning and Development The Division of Planning and Development is dedicated to the shared vision of a well-planned Georgetown by working in partnership with the community, building on our heritage and providing service through a customer friendly process. The Division includes the Administration, Current Planning, Long-Range Planning, and Inspection Services Departments. Planning and Development is funded through the General Fund. Planning and Development Current Planning Page 142 Administration Page 140 Long Range Planning Page 144 Inspection Services Page 146 02/03 04/05 01/02 02/03 PROJECTED ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BASE Administration 605,778 411,386 411,386 399,132 (-3.0%)398,982 Current Planning 393,320 419,450 414,261 388,767 (-6.2%)388,017 Long Range Planning 167,499 159,734 156,236 195,920 (25.4%)195,920 Building Inpections 503,410 571,976 566,691 549,198 (-3.1%)549,198 Mapping Fund 5,349 22,300 22,300 39,282 (76.2%)30,100 Division Total 1,675,356 1,584,846 1,570,874 1,572,299 (0.1%)1,562,217 * Percent change of 03/04 Adopted from 02/03 Projected Actual 01/02 02/03 02/03 04/05 PERSONNEL SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROJECTED Administration 4/.5 3/.5 3/.5 5/.5 Current Planning 7 7 7 6 Long Range Planning 2 2 2 3 Building Inpections 8 10 10 9 Total (FT/PT) 21/.5 22/.5 22/.5 22/.5 Planning and Development 5/.5 6 2 03/04 ADOPTED 9 22/.5 03/04 ADOPTED (% Change*) Personnel 79% Operations 21% 549,198 399,132 388,767 195,920 39,282 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 Mapping SRF Long Range Planning Current Planning Administration Building Inspections 140 Planning and Development Administration DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Administration supports the Division by providing communication assistance to the departments, our customers and the rest of the City organization. Public information provided through informational brochures, publications, the internet, and public meetings which help citizens to understand the planning process is provided and maintained by this department. Administration staff serves as “enablers” who increase the Division’s ability to function smoothly by minimizing administrative distractions from the responsibilities of serving customers. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Foster a workplace environment that is supportive of staff efforts and commitment, encourage creative problem solving and open communication, and uphold a successful work atmosphere. • Promote the use of technology and automation as a planning and communication tool to improve decision- making and increase efficiency and productivity. • Continuously encourage citizen involvement in the City’s comprehensive planning, development and building processes to ensure continued customer service and a high quality of life. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003 • Assisted in the adoption and publication of the Unified Development Code (UDC), and updated the website with all UDC information. • Established a central, one-stop Property Information Resource Center (PIRC) at the new Municipal Complex facility that made detailed information readily available on the land development and building process, along with zoning, land use and development, Thoroughfare Plan and utility connections, permitting of all types and contractor licensing. • Maintained and expanded a database of planning and development customers, including neighborhood associations, for citizen outreach programs, increasing development information availability. • Coordinated and executed the Divisional move into the Georgetown Municipal Complex. • Provided production assistance for brochures, planning reports, website, advertising, and final production of codes and ordinances. • Initiated customer service monitoring with survey and specific performance measures. • Incorporated the Downtown Overlay District Ordinance as part of the UDC and reviewed several projects including the Masonic Lodge and the Academy site for compliance with the Overlay District. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 • Operate and continue implementation of the Property Information Resource Center (PIRC). • Provide production assistance for newsletters, brochures, planning reports, web site, and final production of codes and ordinances. • Research technological opportunities to improve the Division’s database and streamline the permitting and development tracking processes. ADMINISTRATION 01/02 ACTUAL 02/03 BUDGET 02/03 ACTUAL 03/04 ADOPTED 04/05 PROJECTED Division Director Planner (PT) HARC Administrative Manager Staff Assistants * Planning Specialist Development Account Specialist Total (FT/PT) *Reorganization of Division 1 .5 1 1 0 1 4/.5 1 .5 1 1 0 0 3/.5 1 .5 1 1 0 0 3/.5 1 .5 1 2 1 0 5/.5 1 .5 1 2 1 0 5/.5 141 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED 03/04 1. Public Meetings/ Workshops N/A N/A 25 25 15 2. Brochures// Newsletters distributed quarterly N/A//460 N/A//480 500//550 500//200 500//200 3. Website requests for information N/A N/A 25 30 50 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 1. Over-the-counter permits issued by frontline staff N/A N/A 1040 1300 1500 2. Excellent Service rating on Customer Service Survey N/A N/A 85% 86% 90% 3. Increased customer database for newsletter and mailings N/A 15% 15% 50% 25% DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES: With the move into the Municipal Complex, the Development Account Specialist moved into the Finance/Utility Billing Department. The Planning Specialist moved into the Administration Department from the Current Planning Department, and a Staff Assistant was reassigned from Inspection Services to coordinate administrative efforts within the Division. Administration will be managing the development tracking research project in the fiscal year 2003/04. All Division processes and policies will be under review. 02/03 04/05 01/02 02/03 PROJECTED 03/04 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 236,530 205,731 205,731 Personnel 294,007 294,007 369,248 205,655 205,655 Operations 105,125 104,975 605,778 411,386 411,386 399,132 398,982 142 Planning and Development Current Planning DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The primary function of the Department is to implement the development process with the goal of ensuring quality land development for the future of Georgetown and preservation of the community’s unique features. Responsibilities involve various functions necessary to address issues encountered in the land development process. The process includes providing public information, review and recommendation on development applications, preparation of reports, and participation in meetings of the City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Department is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team necessary to address the range of issues that occur in the development process. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS h Provide sound and timely advice to internal and external customers regarding the current planning process, development regulations, and best development land use planning principles. h Foster and maintain a philosophy that encourages continuous input into the current planning process from key stakeholders, including real estate developers, other government agencies, and utility providers. h Support the facilitation of a quality growth strategy which seeks to strike an optimum balance between economic expansion through best development practices and the effective stewardship of natural resources, municipal infrastructure and quality of life concerns. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003 • Adopted the Unified Development Code (UDC) to insure consistency of the City’s development ordinances. • Adopted the Williams Drive Corridor Study to promote managed growth for the area. • Worked towards the successful opening of the Property Information Resource Center (PIRC) at the GMC. • Continued implementation of the Development Agreement for the Rivery property. • Continued the integration of transportation and long range planning elements into the development review process by utilizing the adopted Land Use Plan for project reviews. • Completed the Planned Unit Development for Simon / Wolf Ranch project, the first under the new UDC. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 • Continue implementation of the UDC and provide Council with a status report in March 2004. • Continue development of the PIRC to improve service levels. • Implement the goals and policies of the Future Land Use and Thoroughfare Plan. • Work closely with major stakeholders in the development review process for Simon / Wolf Ranch and the Rivery Town Center. • Participate in research efforts for the Development Tracking System. CURRENT PLANNING 01/02 ACTUAL 02/03 BUDGET 02/03 ACTUAL 03/04 ADOPTED 04//05 PROJECTED Chief Development Planner 1 1 1 1 1 Development Planner 2 2 2 2 2 Planning Technician 2 1 1 1 1 Development Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 Commercial Plans Reviewer 1 1 1 1 1 Team Specialist * Total 1 7 1 7 1 7 0 6 0 6 *Reorganization of Division NEW LOTS PLATTED 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04* Single-Family Non-Single Family *Projected 143 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 1. Concept Plans* 3 10 8 11 N/A 2. Preliminary Plat applications* 3. Final Plat applications* 32 27 29 26 30 24 25 25 33 26 4 . S i t e P l a n s * 3 03 03 24 14 5 5. Variances to Board of Adjustment 4 10 5 14 20 6. Rezoning Applications 15 22 10 32 20 7. # of new lots platted Residential Commercial 500 40 720 13 600 15 837 37 600 25 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 Final decision consistent with staff recommendation: 1. Variances 80% 90% 90%90%90% 2. Zoning Map Amendments 100% 90% 85%85%95% 3. % Site Plans approved administratively 54% 67% 70%70%100% 4. % Council approval of P&Z plat recommendations 100% 100% 100%100%100% *With the adoption of the Unified Development Code in March 2003, the following application types have been modified: Detailed Development Plan = Site Plan; Public Review Final Plat = Preliminary Plat; Record Final Plat = Final Plat; and, Concept Plan has been eliminated. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES: The Team Specialist position will be transferred to Administration in October 2003. 02/03 04/05 01/02 02/03 PROJECTED 03/04 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 365,353 376,687 371,498 Personnel 354,909 354,909 27,967 42,763 42,763 Operations 33,858 33,108 393,320 419,450 414,261 388,767 388,017 144 Planning and Development Long Range Planning DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Long Range Planning Department is responsible for guiding the City’s long range planning efforts and the implementation of the Century Plan, the City’s comprehensive plan for future growth and development. This department also provides census and demographic information, in addition to growth and development information to the community for projecting population, building, and development trends and impacts. In accordance with growth management policies established by the comprehensive plan and the Council, the Long Range Planning Department develops annexation policy and an annexation plan for the orderly growth of the city. The department has developed a Geographic Information System (GIS) program as a planning tool for the Division, and is leading the effort for City-wide implementation. This department also manages the City’s mapping special revenue fund. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS • Promote growth management strategies to guide the City’s land use, transportation, infrastructure, and economic development decisions that will provide long-term quality of life. • Provide long range planning perspective for annexation and extra-territorial jurisdiction development. • Provide current information of demographic and development trends to project growth and plan for the projected future needs of the community. • Provide leadership in the implementation of the GIS Plan. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003 • Completed Williams Drive Corridor Study to finalize the Future Land Use Map. • Completed Annexation Policy outlining procedures to process voluntary annexation request. • Initiated the Overall Transportation Plan planning process in coordination with GUS and the GTEC Board. • Completed year 1 of the GIS Plan implementation, bringing GIS capabilities to 3 other Divisions (Fire, Police, Utilities) and completing digital aerial photography acquisition. • Completed population and GIS data distribution for the PIRC. • Initiated 911 address mapping for new Williamson County 911 data program. • Coordinated the inclusion of the City of Georgetown into the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. • Provided GIS mapping services to GISD under the shared services agreement. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 • Complete the Overall Transportation Plan as an element of the Century Plan, which will continue the Comprehensive Plan revision process initiated in 2002/03. • Monitor and participate in regional transportation and other regional planning efforts through the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), Capital Area Planning Council (CAPCO) and Williamson County. • Continue implementation of the GIS Plan to assist in community growth and development. • Maintain 911 addressing program as new development occurs. • Complete a Century Plan Summary Brochure for distribution and Century Plan Status Report for Council. LONG RANGE PLANNING 01/02 ACTUAL 02/03 BUDGET 02/03 ACTUAL 03/04 ADOPTED 04/05 PROJECTED Chief Long Range Planner 1 1 1 1 1 GIS Analyst 1 1 1 1 1 Transportation Planner 0 0 0 0 0 GIS Tech 0 0 0 0 0 T o t a l 2222 2 145 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 1. Century Plan amendments p r o c e s s e d 65597 2. Annexation petitions 5 5 5 11 5 3. Acres annexed 195 500 200 308 200 4. Growth Trends Report N/A 4434 5. GIS data layers placed on distribution drive N/A 20 15 25 15 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 1. Century Plan amendments completed 100% 100% 100% 180% 100% 2. Annexation petitions processed N/A 100% 100% 220% 100% 3. Growth Trends Report* N/A 100% 100% 75% 100% 4. GIS data sets on network N/A N/A 30 45 60 * Plan News (Overall Transportation Report) has been substituted for the Growth Trends Reports. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES: 02/03 04/05 01/02 02/03 PROJECTED 03/04 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 100,523 125,080 124,082 Personnel 128,530 128,530 59,227 34,654 32,154 Operations 67,390 67,390 7,749 Capital 167,499 159,734 156,236 195,920 195,920 146 Planning and Development Inspection Services DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Inspection Services issues building construction permits and performs inspections leading to the final Certificate of Occupancy (CO). This department assists in the coordination between the City and the construction industry with plan review, permitting and on-site inspections. Inspection Services ensures that the construction phase of the development process meets the expectations of the community for the overall public health, safety and welfare through the administration and implementation of applicable City codes and ordinances. This department is also responsible for flood plain administration and review, according to the regulations established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. MAJOR DEPARTMENT GOALS h Ensure quality and safe housing through consistent administration of building code requirements. h Promote a cooperative effort with the building community to provide long-lasting, quality structures. h Encourage use of the most current building codes for the community to reduce insurance rates for the public. h Promote the use of automated technology in the permit and inspection areas to streamline processes and reduce costs. MAJOR DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003 h Worked with Code Enforcement to eliminate nuisance code violations for dangerous buildings, and other violations through the Building Standards Commission. h Continued development and implementation of the Backflow Prevention Ordinance, lead testing and Plumbing Code for the protection of the public water supply system to meet Texas Commission on Environmental Quality mandates. h Worked with Fire Services to draft language for the Unified Development Code on the all-weather driving surface requirements. h Initiated a web-based residential building permit status report as part of the Property Information Resource Center (PIRC). h Issued building permits for over 750,000 sq. ft. of non-residential development including such major projects as Home Depot, WalMart, and Georgetown Hospital expansion as well as smaller tenant finish out projects. MAJOR DEPARTMENT STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 h Initiate public review and update of the electrical code and ordinance to the 2002 National Electrical Code for quality standards and provide recommendations to the City Council. h Continue to assist in the City-wide implementation of the Backflow Prevention and lead testing program for the protection of the public water supply. h Research and improve the options for a Development Tracking System in the construction permitting and inspection process to increase efficiency for all users. h Continue enhancement efforts for the Property Resource Information Center (PIRC). INSPECTION SERVICES 01/02 ACTUAL 02/03 BUDGET 02/03 ACTUAL 03/04 ADOPTED 04/05 PROJECTED Building Official 1 1 1 1 1 Staff Assistant 2 2 2 0 0 Residential Permit Tech 1 1 1 1 1 Combination Building Inspector 4 6 6 6 6 Total 8 10 10 9 9 *Reorganization of Division BUILDING PERMITS 0 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000 80,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000 140,000,000 160,000,000 180,000,000 200,000,000 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04* Co n s t r u c t i o n V a l u e 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 P e r m i t s Value Permits *Projected 147 WORKLOAD MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 1. New Residential Permits issued Construction Cost 750 $91,000,000 544 $127,997,479 650 $160,003,800 630 $159,870,860 600 $130,000,000 2. New Comm and Industrial Permits Construction Cost 28 $51,361,130 28 $45,737,000 35 $35,000,000 30 $36,716,164 30 $36,000,000 3. Permitted non-residential sq. ft. N/A N/A N/A 750,000 500,000 4. All other building permit types Construction Cost 750 $1,251,046 1100 $4,993,121 1050 $2,718,025 5160 $22,451,578 5100 $21,000,000 5. Total # of inspections performed, incl. Commercial, Residential and all others 21,000 13,784 17,530 17,530 17,530 PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL FY 00/01 ACTUAL FY 01/02 BUDGETED FY 02/03 PROJECTED FY 02/03 PROPOSED FY 03/04 1. % of residential plans processed within 10 days 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 2. % of commercial plans processed within 30 days 80% 80% 85% 85% 85% 3. % of inspections performed within 2 days 4. Avg # of inspections per day 5. Avg # of inspections per inspector per working day 90% 80 16 95% 70 17 80% 75 15 99% 110 17 99% 110 17 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES/ISSUES: Residential construction activity has declined in fiscal year 2002/03. However, non-residential activity has improved, especially in the area of tenant finish-outs, additions and remodels. Over 750,000 square feet of non-residential development was permitted in 2003. This trend is expected to continue in 2003/04. 02/03 04/05 01/02 02/03 PROJECTED 03/04 ESTIMATED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED BASE 433,594 480,923 476,138 Personnel 457,654 457,654 69,816 91,053 90,553 Operations 91,544 91,544 503,410 571,976 566,691 549,198 549,198