HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 96-06 - Construction CodeORDINANCE •r WHEREAS, it is the desire of, The City Council of Georgetown, Texas to amend, in all respects, the various sections of Ordinance 95-42 relating to the building official, right of entry, building standards commission, appeals from Construction Codes, plumbing, mechanical, National Electrical code, standard unsafe building abatement and the existing building code and, WHEREAS, The City Council has determined that amending Ordinance 95-42 is done to facilitate proper inspection activities by Georgetown, Texas relating to construction and to maintenance of buildings within the corporate city limits of Georgetown and the extra -territorial jurisdiction of Georgetown and relating to public safety, health, and general welfare; and WHEREAS, The Electrical Examiners Board and the Building Standards Commission appointed by motion of the City Council has reviewed the effect of those regulations and made recommendations to the City Council regarding certain revisions to the regulations; and WHEREAS, the caption of this ordinance printed in Williamson County Sun, January 3, 1996 in compliance with the City Charter of the City of Georgetown. NOW, THEREFORE, i IT ORDAINED is THE CITY COUNCIL • ■ ` CITY • —' GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, SECTION 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby declared to be true and correct, and are incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof, as if copied verbatim. The City Council hereby finds that this ordinance implements Housing Policy 1 of the Century Plan- Policy Plan Element, Construction Codes Ord. No. Page 1 of 4 which states: "The City will work with Builders, Developers, and Property owners to provide safe and adequate housing opportunities for all household types", and further finds that the enactment of this ordinance is not inconsistent or in conflict with any other Century Plan Policies, as required by: Section 2.03 of the Administrative Chapter of the Policy Plan. SECTION 2. Ordinance 95-42 is amended to read as follows: B. Section 2.32.040 of Chapter 2.32 of Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas replaces Section 102.1 of Chapter 1, Administration, of the 1994 Southern Standard Fire Prevention Code, Section R-105, of the CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code with 1993/1994 amendments as adopted in Appendix C of the 1994 Southern Standard Building Code, with 1993/1994 amendments, Section 103.1 of the 1985 Southern Standard Housing Code, the 1985 Southern Unsafe Building Abatement Code, Section 103 of Chapter 1, Administration, of the 1994 Southern Swimming Pool Code, and Section 102.1 of Chapter 1, Administration, of the 1988 Southern Standard Existing Building Code with 1991/1994 revisions, Chapter 1, Section 103 of the 1985 Standard Amusement Device Code, Chapter 1, Section 103.2 of the 1994 Standard Mechanical Code, and Section 103.2, Chapter 1, of the 1994 Standard Gas Code, Chapter 1, Section 103.2 of the 1994 Standard Plumbing Code which are hereby deleted in their entirety. Chapter 2.64 relating to the Building Standards Commission of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown Code of Ordinances replaces Section 105 of Chapter 1, of the 1994 Southern Standard Fire Prevention Code, Section 108 of Chapter 1 of the 1994 Southern Standard Codes, 1985 Standard Amusement Device,Standard Building, Gas Code, Mechanical, and Plumbing, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the 1985 Standard Unsafe Abatement Code, Chapter 1, Section 106, 1994 Standard Housing Code, Chapter 1, Section 105, 1988 Standard Existing Building Code with 199-1994 revisions and adds Section 109 of Chapter 1, of the 1994 Southern Standard Swimming Pool Code. B. Section 15.08.020 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and Section 104.7.1 of Chapter 1 of 1994 Standard Mechanical Code are hereby amended as follows: "A mechanical permit shall not be issued until all fees as set forth by the City Construction Codes Ord. No. Page 2 of 4 Council for the City of Georgetown, Texas have been paid in full. Nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building, structure, electrical, plumbing, mechanical or gas systems have been paid." C. Section 104.7.4 Schedule of Permit Fees shall be deleted in its entirety. D. Section 102.2 Employee qualifications of Chapter 1, Administration, of the 1994 Southern Standard Mechanical Code is hereby is deleted. B. Section 15.12.020 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas and Section 104.7.1, Chapter 1 of the 1994 Southern Standard Plumber Code is amended to read as follows: "A plumbing permit shall not be issued until all fees as set forth by the City Council for the City of Georgetown, Texas have been paid in full. Nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building, structure, electrical, plumbing, mechanical or gas systems have been paid'°. C. Sec. 15.12.040 (B) of the Code of Ordinances shall be delated in its entirety. D. Sec. 104.7.4. Schedule of Permit Fees shall be deleted in its entirety. E. Section 102.2 Employee Qualifications of Chapter 1, Administration of the 1994 Southern Standard Plumbing Code is hereby deleted. F. Section 102.5, Liability, of Chapter 1- Administration, of the 1994 Southern Standard Plumbing Code is hereby deleted in its entirety. G. Section 103.2.1 of Chapter 1, Administration, of the 1994 Southern Standard Plumbing Code and is hereby deleted in its entirety. •11134THM. WT4 A. The 1993 National Electrical Code is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Georgetown and Chapter 15.16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown is hereby repealed and replaced with the attached Exhibit A. 1111 111111:111piIIIII III jj�j !Ill 11 111 Ill Construction Codes Ord. No. Page 3 of 4 Section 13. Existing Building Code B. Section 105, of Chapter 1 of the 1988 Southern Standard Existing Building Code with 1991-1994 revisions is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 3. The City Council has directed the Building Official to prepare a review of the newest updated versions of construction codes three years from the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 4. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, and no longer of any force and effect. SECTION 5. If any provision of this ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions, or application thereof, of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 6. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this ordinance and the City Secretary to attest. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect in (10) ten days on and after publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Georgetown. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading on theF_h`'day 199 "u"" PASSED AND APPROVED on Second Reading on the /I �day � of �x199: b.. ATTEST: Sandra D. Lee, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marianne Landers Banks, City Attorney Construction Codes Ord. No. Page 4 of 4 THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN: By: Wood, Mayor Exhibit "A" Chapter 15.16 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: Article 11. 15.16.070 Article I. 15.16.010 Definition 15.16.080 Enforcement of Ordinance Provisions 15.16.020 Application of Article Provisions to Military Personnel 15.16.090 Penalty for Violation of Ordinance 15.16.030 Categories of Electricians 15.16.100 Licenses, Permits Required 15.16.040 Supervision 15.16.110 Supervision of Placement Wires, Etc. 15.16.050 Qualifications - Requirements for Licenses 15.16.120 When Wire is to be Disconnected 15.16.060 Application for Licenses 15.16.130 Reserved 1 Article 11. 15.16.070 Definition 15.16.080 Application of Article Provisions to Military Personnel 15.16.090 Categories of Electricians 15.16.100 Supervision 15.16.110 Qualifications - Requirements for Licenses 15.16.120 Application for Licenses 15.16.130 Examinations of Electricians 15.16.140 Permanent Address 15.16.150 Fees 15.16.160 Issuance 15.16.170 Expiration 15.16.180 Renewal 15.16.190 Transfer 15.16.200 Reciprocal Licenses 15.16.210 Revocation of License 15.16.220 Probation, Suspension, Revocation 15.16.230 Nearing and Procedure 15.16.240 Automatic Suspension 15.16.250 Surrender and Return of License 15.16.260 Right of Appeal 1 Article 111. Permits and Inspections 15.16.270 Inspection Does Not Relieve Owner Responsibility 15.16.280 Permits Required 15.16.290 To Whom Permits Shall be Issued 15.16.300 Permit Fees 15.16.310 Issuance, Electrical Permit 15.16.320 Construction Power Service, General 15.16.330 Inspections 1 15.16.340 Work Not to be Concealed 15.16.350 15.16.430 Fuses, Breakers to be Installed for Final Inspection 15.16.360 1993 National Electrical Code 15.16.440 Approval Tag 15.16.370 Services --Location Defective Workmanship 15.16.380 Certificates of Inspection 15.16.390 Effect of Nonconforming Existing Work on Issuance of Certificates of Service --Entrance 15.16.470 Inspection 15.16.400 Service --Mast 15.16.480 Refusal of Certificate of Inspection 15.16.410 Service Lateral Routine Inspection 15.16.420 Commercial Buildings --Raceways 2 Article IV. Technical Provisions 15.16.430 1993 National Electrical Code 15.16.440 Services --Location 15.16.450 Service --Support 15.16.460 Service --Entrance 15.16.470 Service --Mast 15.16.480 Service Lateral 15.16.490 Services 15.16.500 Meters --Types 15.16.510 Meters --Installation 15.16.520 Circuit Wire Sizes, Copper 15.16.530 Aluminum Conductors 15.16.540 Installation of Outlets, Switches, Receptacle Boxes 15.16.550 Outlets --Residential 15.16.560 Grounding 15.16.570 Safeguards 15.16.580 Installation of Cabinets and Panel Requirements 15.16.590 Engineer Seal Required 2 Article 1. General 15.16.010 Enforcement of Ordinance Provisions The administration and enforcement of this ordinance shall primarily devolve upon the City Building Official or his/her representative. They shall have the right to inspect and enter upon all premises and surrounding property and the public as a whole when applying current state law allowing right of entry. The Police Department, City Electrical Department and the Fire Department shall also be charged with the enforcement of this ordinance and shall, so far as possible, act to enforce this ordinance. 15.16.020 Penalty for Violation of Ordinance Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or who shall fail to comply with the requirements of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Each and every day's continuance of any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute and be deemed a separate offense. In case of any such corporation, the officers and agents, and person or persons actually performing the work for such corporation shall be subject to the penalties herein provided. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance or the 1993 National Electrical Code is subject to punishment as provided in Section 1.08.010 of the City of Georgetown Municipal Code. 15.16.030 Licenses, permits Required No person shall enter upon the erecting, construction, alteration or change of any electrical installation, work, wiring or fitting or electrical machinery covered by this ordinance until such person shall have first secured a Masters license and permit as required by this ordinance. 15.16.040 Supervision of Placement of Wires, Etc. The City Electrical Department or a regular franchised utility company, is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to have general supervision over the placing, stringing or attaching of telegraph, telephone, electric light or other wires and cables, and the placing of all poles and appliances, within their own system, so as to prevent fires, accident or injury to persons or property; to cause all such wires and electric lights to be so placed, constructed, and guarded as not to cause fire, accident, or endanger the life or property of any inhabitant of the city; and all such lights and wires or electrical apparatus now existing, as well as those hereafter constructed and placed, shall be subject to such supervision. 15.16.050 When Wire is to be Disconnected A. In time of fire, severe weather conditions, or other emergency, wherein the safety of lives or property may be endangered by the continued operation of electrical service wires or apparatus providing electrical current, such may be ordered disconnected by the City Electrical Department, the Mayor, the Fire Marshall, or the 3 Chief of Police. Any such order shall be binding on every person owning or controlling such wire or apparatus and such wires or apparatus as may be designated by any of the above authorized officials shall be promptly disconnected and left disconnected until authorization from the City Building Official or designee is given to the electrical utility company for reconnection. B. The City Utility Department shall request the electrical service to be disconnected from any building and/or premises, except private residences and/or apartment buildings used as residences, each time such buildings or premises have a change of occupants and shall not be reconnected until authorized by the City Building Official or designee. C. The City Utility Billing Department shall request the electrical service be disconnected or private residences and/or apartment buildings when the occupant or owner, or the City Building Official or designee requests such action. The utility company shall not again supply electricity to such residence and/or apartment building until authorized to do so by the City Building Official or designee. D. The owners and/or the new occupants of such disconnected buildings and/or premises shall make application to the City Building Official or designee for the inspection. The fee for such inspection shall be set by the City Council. The electrical inspector shall make the inspection as soon as practicable, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from the time such application is made. 15.16.060 Reserved ARTICLE 11. Licenses Division A. Generally 15.16.070 Definition For the purpose of this article, the "Board" shall mean the Electrical Board Examiners of the City. 15.16.080 Application of Article Provisions to Military Personnel Any holder of any valid, unexpired electrical license issued by the City, under the terms of this ordinance who becomes, or has become a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, is hereby exempt from the payment of any renewal on their license so long as they remain in such armed forces, and for six months after their discharge therefrom. Any person coming under this section who shall make application to the City Building Official or designee for the same type of license held by him at the time he entered the armed forces within the six month period from discharge, shall be issued such license upon the payment of the renewal fee for the year such application is made. 15.16.090 Categories of Electricians An electrical license is required for each of the following categories of electricians and only those duties or tasks outlined thereof are authorized to be [A] performed by that licensee. A. Master Electrician The Master Electrician's license shall entitle the holder thereof to contract for and engage in the business of installing, erecting, or repairing electrical wires, conductors, devices, systems or instruments and construction according to this ordinance. The Master Electrician shall be entitled to employ Journeyman Electricians, Journeyman Electrician Restricted, and Apprentice Electricians in the performance of work for which their license authorizes them to do. He/she shall be required to pass an examination required for a Master Electrician. B. Journeyman Electrician A Journeyman Electrician's license shall entitle the holder to work as an electrician for and under the holder of a Master Electrician's license, according to the provisions of this ordinance. He/she shall be under the general supervision of a Master Electrician. He/she shall be required to pass an examination required for a Journeyman Electrician. C. Journeyman Electrician (Restricted) A Journeyman Electrician (Restricted) license shall entitle the holder to do work as an electrician for and under the holder of a Master Electrician's license according to the provisions of this ordinance as it applies to dwelling units only and further restricted to 115-230 volt, single phases service installations of 200 amperes or less. He/she shall be under the general supervision of a Master Electrician. He/she shall be required to pass an examination required for a Journeyman Electrician as it applies to dwelling units and 115-230 volt, single phase service installations of 200 amperes or less. D. Building Maintenance Electrician A Building Maintenance Electrician's license shall entitle the holder thereof to maintain and repair electrical installations in a particular building or buildings, for a designated employer according to the provisions of this ordinance, but shall not entitle him to otherwise engage himself as either a Master Electrician or Journeyman Electrician. The holder of a Building Maintenance Electrician's license shall be entitled to repair and maintain electrical wiring, apparatus, equipment, and machinery upon the premises specifically covered by his/her license, with such employers use or occupation of the premises or business conducted thereon. This will allow replacing equipment with like equipment but shall not allow performing work that requires a permit or produces additional load. He/she shall be required to pass an examination 6i required for a Building Maintenance Electrician. E. Apprentice Electrician The holder of an Apprentice Electrician license shall be entitled to engage himself in the employ of any holder of a Master Electrician license and shall work only under the direct supervision of a Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, or Journeyman Electrician (Restricted). The supervisor of an Apprentice Electrician shall be present at the job site with the Apprentice at all times. 15.16.100 Supervision A. All work shall be done under the general supervision of a licensed Master Electrician. B. No more than six Apprentice Electricians shall be supervised by the same supervisor at the same time. 15.16.110 Qualifications- Requirements for Licenses A. Master Electrician- Persons applying for a Master Electricians license shall be at least 21 years of age and shall be required to furnish suitable evidence showing the applicant has a total of six (6) years experience, three (3) years of such experience shall be as a Journeyman Electrician. Master Electricians shall be required to maintain a permanent mailing address and a working telephone answered by a competent person or an answering device which is checked daily. B. Journeyman Electrician- Persons applying for a Journeyman Electrician license shall be at least 18 years of age and shall be required to furnish suitable evidence showing the applicant has a total of four years experience. The time spent earning an associate degree of an electrical course at a state technical training school shall count as two years experience towards the four year requirement. A successfully completed four year apprentice program approved by the Department of Labor will also fulfill required qualifications. C. Journeyman Electrician (Restricted)- Persons applying for a Journeyman Electrician (Restricted) license shall be at least 18 years of age and shall be required to furnish evidence of two years qualification as an Apprentice Electrician. D. Building Maintenance Electrician- Persons applying for a Building Maintenance Electrician license shall be required to furnish the same evidence of qualifications as a Journeyman Electrician. E. Apprentice Electrician- Persons applying for an Apprentice Electrician license need only complete an application and pay fees. 101 15.16.120 Application for Licenses A. Every application for an original license or any character of renewal license shall be made upon a form furnished by the City Building Official or designee with an application fee of $10.00 to be paid. B. Every application for any of such licenses shall state the full name, date of birth, weight, height, color of eyes, color of hair, sex, residence address, business address, and TX Driver's License number of the applicant. Every original application for a license shall specify the experience of the applicant and shall state whether the applicant has been licensed as an electrician, and if so, when and by what state, country, or city; whether any such license has ever been suspended or revoked; whether an application has ever been refused and if so, the date and reason for such suspension; revocation or refusal. C. Any applicant for a renewal Master Electrician's license may elect to apply for an inactive Master Electrician's license. An inactive Master Electrician may not secure permits to preform electrical contracting work. However, an inactive Master Electrician licensed under this chapter may be licensed as a Master Electrician upon payment of the Master Electrician's renewal fee for current year at time of renewal. This clause would lapse after (5) five years unless this applicant can show proof of continued work in this field. 15.16.130 Examinations of Electricians (A) An examination for a master's license shall be of such a nature as to show the applicant's satisfactory knowledge of the current 1993 National Electrical Code, and its amendments and other recognized requirements pertaining to electrical work, and his/her ability to correctly diagram and to instruct other persons in the making of practical electrical installations with correct sizes and values of required materials and devices. (B) An examination for any other category of license shall be of a such a nature as to show the applicant's satisfactory ability to follow written and verbal instructions and satisfactory knowledge of the 1993 National Electrical Code, as adopted, and recognized requirements pertaining to electrical work he/she is required to perform under the license sought. (C) If the applicant desires to do electrical work only in a restricted field provided for in this chapter, he/she shall be required to pass a special examination applicable only to that restricted field. (D) Examinations for license shall be held in an area approved by Southern Building Code Congress International °SBCCI' (E) The Electrical Board shall approve the type of examination given and 7 shall be satisfied that every applicant for a license is qualified for an examination and licensing. All applications for examinations shall be filed with the City Building Official or designee at least 10 days prior to the date of examination. (F) Re-examinations are set by SBCCI while meeting the local requirements. 15.16.140 Permanent Address Each holder of an electrical license of any class issued by the City under the provisions of this article shall furnish the City Building Official or designee with his/her current mailing address. Licensee shall also provide any changes to his/her address within 30 days of such changes. 15.16.150 Fees Licenses to be issued under the provisions of this article shall be issued only after the payment and collection of the following fees: CLASS Master Electrician Journeyman Electrician Journeyman Electrician (Restricted) Building Maintenance Electrician Apprentice Electrician Master Electrician (Inactive) 15.16.160 Issuance ORIGINAL $200.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.50 RENEWAL $75.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 10.00 When an applicant for a license has fully complied with all provisions of this article, the Electrical Board shall cause to be issued to such applicant the license applied for. Applicant shall be required to have his/her license in his/her possession while on the job. 15.16.170 Expiration Every license issued under the provisions of this article shall expire on the st day of December following the day of issuance. 15.16.180 Renewal Each licensee under the provisions of this article shall be entitled to renew his/her license upon the payment of the renewal fee set forth in 15.160.150, provided such payment is made on or before the expiration date. on A. If a licensee permits his/her license to expire, he may renew his/her license within six months of expiration, by paying the amount of an original license fee. B. If a licensee is not renewed within six months of the expiration date, an amount equal to the sum of an examination fee, plus an original license fee shall be required to be paid and the license shall be re -tested. C. If a license is not renewed within one year of expiration date, the licensee shall be required to retest with all applicable fees. ®. Reciprocal licensing has the same requirements for renewal as Paragraphs A & B above. If license is not renewed within one year of the expiration date, the original licensing requirements will apply and the provisions of 15.16.200 will apply. 15.16.190 Transfer It shall be unlawful for any person to transfer his/her electricians license or to allow the use of this license directly or indirectly by another person for the purpose of obtaining a permit to do electrical work. It shall also be unlawful for any person not holding a license to use the license of another for purpose of doing electrical work or securing a permit to do electrical work. 15.16.200 Reciprocal Licenses Electricians holding a currently valid license issued by another city located within the State of Texas may apply for and receive a similar license from the City of Georgetown, Texas without taking an examination, provided the following conditions are fully complied with: 1. Such electrician shall submit an application for a reciprocal license and shall submit evidence satisfactory to the secretary of the Electrical Examiners Board of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that his/her electrician's license was issued by and from another city within the State of Texas, and that such electrician presently and properly holds a current valid electrician's license from and by such city, and further, that the city which issued said electrician's license does and is, as an act of mutual reciprocity, under said other cities ordinances, honor and accept electrician's licenses issued by the City of Georgetown, Texas, and does permit, and is permitting, such electricians licensed by the City of Georgetown, Texas, to apply for and obtain similar electrician's licenses and in fact, does perform electrical work within the city limits of said other city of the State of Texas. Applicants shall furnish evidence from the issuing City that the license is valid and applicant is not and has not ever been the subject of a revocation, denial or suspension. The City of Georgetown will not issue a reciprocal license to an applicant unless he/she holds a current valid license issued originally by a city meeting 9 the requirements stated in this ordinance for a reciprocal agreement with the City of Georgetown, Texas. Applicants must have been licensed with that city for a period of one year and passed a SBCCI Texas Standard Electrical Examination. 2. Such electrician licensed by another city shall pay the fee required for licensing under the electrical ordinance of the City of Georgetown, and said electrician shall comply with all other requirements of said electrical ordinance, save and except, that such electrician shall not be required to take any type of examination. 3. The City Building Official or designee of the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall keep an accurate and current record of the names of all cities with which Georgetown, Texas, reciprocates. 4. The word "reciprocal" shall appear on all licenses issued under provisions set forth in this section. 15.16.210 Revocation of License A. An electrical license of any class issued by the City under the provisions of this ordinance may be suspended or revoked upon the unanimous decision of the Electrical Board. B. Licenses may be suspended or revoked should the holder violate any provisions of the 1993 National Electrical Code, State Law or City Ordinance or regulation relating to or governing electrical wiring, repairing or construction. In the event termination of a suspension or revocation of an electrical license should fall within the next licensing year, the electrician shall be required to pay for that new licensing year in full. C. No license shall be suspended or revoked unless the license shall have been given an opportunity to appear and be heard by the Board. The licensee shall have at least ten (10) days written notice specifying the reason(s) for suspension or revocation. D. Certain Acts Prohibited It shall be a violation of this Code for any person: a. To display, permit to be displayed or to have in one's possession, any instrument supporting to be a license issued pursuant to this Code, knowing such instrument to be fictitious, cancelled, suspended or altered. b. To knowingly lend, transfer or permit the use of any license for the purpose ILI of performing or obtaining a permit for electrical work, to any person not entitled thereto under the provisions of this Code. C. To fail or refuse to surrender to the City Building Official or designee, on demand, an electrician's license which has been suspended or cancelled as provided by law. d. To apply for, or have in one's possession, more than one (1) current license of the same type provided for in this Code. e. To use a false or fictitious name or address in any license application, renewal, or duplicate request, or knowingly make a false statement, conceal a material fact or otherwise commit fraud in making said application, renewal or duplicate request. f. To employ as a Master, Journeyman, or Apprentice Electrician any person not then licensed as provided in this Code. g. To perform any electrical work requiring a license, without said license or while said license is suspended or cancelled. h. To perform electrical work in any manner in violation of any restrictions imposed on a licensee. i. To perform electrical work as a Journeyman or Apprentice Electrician on a job while not in the employ of the Master Electrician of record of said job. j. To fail to request a final inspection upon completion of all electrical wiring and installation requiring a permit. 15.16.220 Probation, Suspension, Revocation a. The Board may place a licensee on probation or suspend any electricians license issued by the Board for a periods of not more than one (1) year, or revoke said license, after determining at a proper hearing, as set out in this section, that the licensee has violated any provision of this Code, state law, City Ordinance or regulation relating to or governing electrical wiring, repairing or construction, including, but not limited to: 1. Permitting an unlawful or fraudulent use of said license. 2. Habitually violating this Code. (Habitual shall mean three (3) or more separate violations within a one year period.) 3. Failing or refusing to make corrections necessary to cure defects in electrical work performed in violation of this Code. Ii 4. Performing any electrical work in violation of this Code or the 1993 National Electrical Code which is found to be the cause or a contributing cause of a fire, whether or not there is any actual damage or loss. 5. Performing any electrical work in violation of any restrictions imposed on a license. (b) If a licensee who has been placed on probation by the Board shall violate any of the provisions contemplated above while serving said probationary period, then said licensee shall have his/her license automatically suspended pursuant to 16.15.240 below. 15.16.230 Hearing and Procedure A. In determining charges pursuant to section D the Board shall proceed upon a sworn complaint furnished it by the City Official, or by any person aggrieved by the action (s) of an electrician in the performance of electrical work for which an electrical permit is required by this Code. B. Complaints shall be in writing and verified by the person familiar with the facts therein. Three (3) copies of the same shall be filed with the City Secretary who shall retain one (1) copy for the official records of the city shall convey two (2) copies to the Board. C. The Board, if it deems the information sufficient to support further action on its part, shall order a hearing which shall be open to the public. D. A copy of the order and complaint shall be served upon the accused by registered mail no less than ten (10) days before the scheduled date of the hearing. E. The accused shall appear in person, by counsel, or both, at the time and place named in the order and make his defense to the same. The City Attorney and the accused shall be entitled to present evidence and argument at said hearing. F. If the accused fails or refuses to appear at said hearing, the Board may proceed to hear and determine the charges in his/her absence. G. If the accused admits the truth of the charges, and the Board by vote of four (4) or more of its members shall find them to be true, it may enter an order suspending the license of said electrician. H. The Board shall have the power, through its chairman or secretary, to administer oaths and to compel the attendance of witnesses before it by subpoena issued over the signature of the chairman. 1. When the Board has completed said hearing and made its decision, it shall Iia cause one (1) copy of its decision to be filed with the City Building Official or designee, one (1) copy with the City Attorney and cause a certified copy thereof to be forwarded to the affected license holder. 15.16.240 Automatic Suspension Notwithstanding, Complete sections 15.16.040, through 15.16.210 above. (a) The license of any person shall be automatically suspended upon determination by the Board that said licensee has committed any of the following offenses: (1) Taking out a permit in the name of person authorized to do the electrical work and thereafter permitting a person not authorized by this Code to perform the electrical work. (2) Tampering with, diverting from or in any way interfering with the proper action or registration of any electric meter. (3) Violating any provision of this Code, State law, City Ordinance or regulation relating to or governing electrical wiring, repairing, or construction while on probation imposed by the Board. (b) Suspension provided for in this Code shall in the first instance be for a period of six (6) months. For subsequent offenses said suspension shall be for a period of one (1) year. (c) The suspension of any license shall be automatically extended for a like period as the original suspension upon a final determination by the Board that a licensee has been performing electrical work while his/her license is suspended. Said suspension extension shall be in addition to any other penalty assessed, as provided in this Code. (d) Automatic suspensions are appealable in accordance with section 15.16.260 below. 15.16.250 Surrender and Return of License Any license which has been suspended pursuant to this Code shall be surrendered to and retained by the City Building Official or designee. At the end of the period of suspension, the surrendered license shall be returned to the licensee and be valid under the provisions in this Code, provided: (a) no further violations of this Code are committed by licensee during the 13 suspension period; and (b) if the period of suspension extends beyond the normal expiration date of said license, the licensee has paid all license fees and/or posted all surety bonds in accordance with this Code. 15.16.260 Right of Appeal Any person denied a license or whose license has been suspended or revoked by the Board, shall have the right to request a hearing before the City Council. Said request must be filed within ten (10) days of receipt of said denial, suspension or revocation specifying the reason(s) therefor. The City Council shall set the matter for hearing upon fourteen (14) days written notice to the aggrieved person. The City Council shall determine, whether in accordance with the provisions of this Code, there is substantial evidence to support the Board's decision. ARTICLE 111. Permits and Inspections 15.16.270 Inspection Does Not Relieve Owner Responsibility This article shall not be construed to relieve from or lesson the responsibilities of any person who owns, operates, or installs electrical wires, appliances, apparatus construction, or equipment for the damage to property or persons, injured by any defect therein nor shall the City or any agent thereof be deemed to assume any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or the certificate of inspection issued by the City Building Official or designee. 15.16.280 Permits Required (A) No person shall commence the erection, construction, alteration or change of any electrical installation, machinery, apparatus, work or wiring in the City until a permit has been issued by the City Building Official or designee covering each installation to be made. When a service of 110 amperes demand or more is required, a wiring diagram showing feeder details may be required and approved by the City Building Official or designee before a permit will be granted. (B) When any wiring or apparatus is installed in such a manner that the same could be used for electric light or power purposes, it shall be deemed that the wiring or apparatus is used for such purposes and permit shall be required and inspection made as provided for such purpose. (C) It shall be unlawful for the City Electric Department to do any wiring of any nature in or on any building, except power houses and substations of electric light, M heat and power companies operating under a franchise granted by the City, for which a permit has not been issued, or to make any electrical connections to any building or electrical wiring or apparatus until a certificate of inspection or written statement authorizing connection has been issued by the City Building Official or designee. All persons operating under a regular franchise granted by the City shall, upon written notice by the City Building Official or designee, disconnect any circuit, main service wires, branch feeder wires, or distribution system, as designated by such notice, and shall not reconnect such installation except upon written permission from the City Building Official or designee. (D) No permit shall be required for the installation of wires to operate telephone, telegraph or district messenger services. 15.16.290 To Whom Permits Shall Be Issued Permits required by the provisions of this article shall be issued only to those persons who have secured a Master Electrician's License or his/her representative under the provisions of this ordinance or to a person whose home is owned and occupied by him/her. 15.16.300 Permit Fees (A) Permit fees for Electrical work shall be set forth by the City Building Official or designee and adopted by the City Council. (B) In case any work, for which a permit is required by this chapter, is started prior to obtaining said permit, the fee above specified shall be doubled. The payment of such doubled fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this chapter in the execution of work nor from other penalties prescribed herein. 15.16.310 Issuance Electrical Permit The City Building Official or designee shall issue an electrical permit showing the permit number, the building or house number, and the name of the contractor. 15.16.320 Construction Power Service General Construction power services shall be authorized for a period of time necessary for completion, final inspection, and testing of the building or structure's electrical system. This service is not to exceed six months for dwelling unit or one year for commercial or institutional occupancies. An extension may be granted by the City Building Official or designee for up to three months on dwelling unit construction sites and six months on commercial or industrial sites. Construction power service can be 15 ordered disconnected at any time by the City Building Official or designee when the installation is declared unsafe or construction work ceases for a period of one month. Reconnection of construction service thus ordered shall not be reconnected until approved by the City Building Official or designee and a renewal fee is paid to the City utility department. (A) Temporary Construction Power Poles A temporary construction power pole shall be authorized to service not more than one construction site and only when the following requirements are met: (1) The responsible contractor applies for service at the City Utility Office; furnishes the assigned address for the site involved; certifies that a temporary metered construction power pole meeting city standards has been erected on the site within 60 feet of utility pole which is capable of providing the service; and the site has been marked with an address -sign clearly visible from the street. (2) The temporary power pole is to be constructed as per drawing E- 03, of the City of Georgetown Construction Standards and Specifications. See attached "A' . Pole shall be long enough in length to be a minimum of 12 to 14 feet above grade after installation. Pole shall be set in the earth, as per attachment "A", and shall be guyed to withstand lateral pressures of the service under normal weather and wind conditions and will provide a 12' clearance over driveways and a 18' clearance over public streets. (3) The temporary power pole shall be grounded as per City of Georgetown requirements and have a metered service of sufficient size to meet the construction needs. Receptacle outlets shall be protected by G.F.C. over current devices compatible with the outlets and all 120 volt single phase outlets protected for human safety, as required by updated approved version. (B) Permanent Construction Service Permanent construction service may be authorized for a building or structure under construction provided that: (1 } The permanent service equipment has been installed and the building is dried -in. (2) The service disconnect and service grounding system has been completed. (3) All construction feeders and branch circuits to be activated are installed and properly safe -guarded from electrical shock and M overload. (4) A notice is posted on the main disconnect and all activated main and sub -panels indicating they are in-service and are not to be opened except by the responsible electrical contractor. (5) The system has been inspected and approved by the City Building Official or designee. Permanent construction service will be required on the building or structure prior to final inspection and certification and certification by the City Building Official or designee. 15.16.330 Inspections Inspections by the City Building Official or designee shall be requested by the person performing electrical work for which a permit has been issued. The electrical inspector shall make the inspection as soon as practicable exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The electrical contractor or the Master Electrician responsible my be required to be present at the construction site during the final inspection. 15.16.340 Work Not to be Concealed Work will not be concealed until inspected and approval given of such work by the City Building Official. 15.16.350 Fuses, Breakers to be Installed for Final Inspection The fuses in the main disconnect switch or the breaker shall be in place when the City Building Official or designee makes the final inspection of the electrical work. 15.16.360 Approval Tag After inspecting any electrical wiring, the City Building Official or designee shall leave notice in the form of a tag or label attached to the service entrance switch; which such notice shall clearly state whether the wiring is approved or is to be kept open for correction. No work shall be concealed until approved. 15.16.370 Defective Workmanship Any person engaged in the business of electrical construction or the installation of wiring or apparatus for electric light or power in the City who shall fail to correct any 17 defect or defects in any work done by him after having been notified of such defect or defects by the City Building Official or designee and given a specified period of time within which to make such correction and fails or refuses within such time to correct such defect or defects in conformity with this ordinance or the lawful orders of the City Building Official or designee, shall not be issued any further permits until such defect or defects have been corrected. On any case in which any person shall continue to or persistently violate the provisions of this ordinance or the orders of the City Building Official or designee in relation to the same, the license of such person may be suspended or revoked upon recommendation by the Board. 15.16.380 Certificates of Inspection On the satisfactory completion of the work covered by a permit in accordance with all ordinances and laws, the City Building Official or designee shall issue a certificate of inspection. The certificate of inspection shall certify that the work is in accordance with the rules governing the respective class to which it belongs. 15.16.390 Effect of Nonconforming Existing Work on Issuance of Certificate of Inspection Where a permit is issued for an addition to existing work, wherein the new work is satisfactorily completed, but the existing work to which it is connected does not conform to the rules laid down by this ordinance, the City Building Official or designee shall issue a written statement to the effect that the new work complies with the rules, but that a certificate cannot be issued because the entire electrical system, of which the existing work is a part, does not comply with the provisions of this ordinance. This statement shall constitute notice to the owner or other interested party that the entire installation does not comply with the provisions of this ordinance and shall itemize the violations of this chapter which prevents the issuance of a completion certificate. 15.16.400 Refusal of Certificate of Inspection The City Building Official or designee is hereby given the authority to refuse to issue a certificate of inspection for any addition, or extension to any electrical wiring in or on any building wherein it is determined that the wiring is in an unsafe condition. The City Building Official or designee shall refuse to issue a Certificate of Inspection and no electric light and power company shall connect electrical current to the same if any violations of this ordinance exist. 15.16.410 Routine Inspection It shall be the duty of the City Building Official or designee to inspect all electrical wiring and apparatus in the city at any time in order to ascertain whether such electrical wiring or apparatus is in any respect dangerous to life or property; and, if any part of such electrical wiring or apparatus shall be found to be in a defective or dangerous condition, the City Building Official or designee shall have the authority to take whatever action is necessary for safety of life and property. City Building Official or designee shall notify the property owner or tenant within a reasonable time of any defect and/or action taken . If the owner of such defective wiring or equipment shall refuse or fail to comply with this requirement, he/she shall be held to be in direct violation of this ordinance. 15.16.420 Commercial Buildings --Raceways (A) All commercial buildings, shall be wired in raceways, (B) All existing commercial buildings and those buildings used as residential -use buildings and there after converted to commercial usage, the requirement for the installation of raceway will be determined on a case by case basis by the City Building Official or designee and/or Electrical Examiners Board. ARTICLE IV. Technical Provisions 15.16.430 1993 National Electrical Code The governing edition of the 1993 National Electrical Code shall be that edition accepted by an adopting Ordinance approved by the Electrical Examiners Board and enacted by the City Council for the City of Georgetown. In the installation, construction, erection, repair, and maintenance of all electrical wiring and apparatus, the rules and the requirements of the 1993 National Electric Code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association, together with such requirements and rules as are provided herein, shall be complied with and become a part of this Code. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and the National Electrical Code, the more stringent of the two Codes, as interpreted by the City Building Official or designee, shall prevail. 15.16.440 Services --Location All service entrance wires into a building shall be located at a point on the building specified by the city Electrical Department. Where practical, all service conduits shall be extended through the outside building wall on a street or alley side at such point as will avoid open service wires being placed over roofs or through courts, light and ventilating shafts, and over adjoining property. M 15.16.450 Service --Support Where service wires enter a building through stucco, tiles, brick or other masonry walls, substantial support for the service wires must be provided, such support to consist of not less than one 5/8 inch galvanized bolt and shall be installed by the contractor during the construction of the supporting wall and the location of same shall be designated by the city Electrical Department. Where service wires enter a building through other type walls, substantial support for the service must be provided, such support to consist of an approved one point terminal insulator of sufficient size to support the service for the distance and size wire involved, bolted through a major structural member of the building or structure and installed prior to the electrical rough -in inspection by the contractor. 15.16.460 Service --Entrance All service entrance wires making overhead entrances into buildings shall be carried in metal conduit with weatherproof service head, and the conduit shall be brought from the entrance to the fuse switch or breaker. The service entrance to the service switch cabinet shall be as short as possible, but in no case greater than three feet within the building without the special permission form the City Building Official or designee. Length of outside service wire extension beyond service head shall not be less than two feet. 15.16.470 Service --Mast A service mast is a service which penetrates a roof or supports a service drop. Wherever a service mast is used, rigid metal conduit or intermediate conduit shall be required. There shall be a continuous conduit above the lowest point of the roof line. All service mast fittings required for a weather proof installation shall be properly installed as required by the City Building Official or designee. 15.16.480 Service Lateral (A) Underground primary service conductors shall be run in 2 inch schedule 40 PVC conduit or better. This conduit shall be placed on top of sand backfill four inches deep (minimum) covered with two inches (minimum) of sand in a trench 36 inches deep (minimum). The trench shall then be filled to grade with select backfill as required by the City Building Inspection Department or City Electrical Department. (B) Where a primary service lateral conduit crosses over or under another utility line, a two inch thick concrete cap shall be poured over the sand bedding encasing the conduit. this concrete cap shall extend one foot, 20 six inches in each direction past the crossover point. (C) No primary service lateral shall be installed less than three feet from any wastewater main when run parallel to the wastewater main. (D) Any service conduit that will be under a driveway slab, shall be encased in four inch PVC Schedule 40 piping or better. (E) Conduit trenches shall be left open until they are inspected and approved by the City Building Inspection Department or the City Electrical Department. 15.16.490 Services (A) Single Occupancy: Less than 1000 Amps If a building is to house only one occupant then a single current limiting service disconnect shall be installed outside or inside of the primary disconnect panel. (B) Single Occupancy, 1000 Amps or More If a building is to house only one occupant, has a total service entrance capacity of 1000 amps or more, and arrangements have been made with the power supplier for the installation of a three-phase padmounted transformer, then multiple service current limiting disconnecting means may be installed, with special permission from the Electrical Examiners Board, at one location outside the building, up to a maximum number of six (6) disconnects. Furthermore, the service disconnecting means may be installed inside the building on the ground floor, In this case, the disconnects shall be located no more than twenty-four (24) inches from the point of the Service Conductors, direct access shall be provided within ten (10) feet of the disconnects from outside the building, and doors leading to the disconnects shall be secured by only a padlock and hasp. Persons wishing to invoke this exception must appear before the Board to defend their purposes for doing so. (C) Multiple Occupancies If a building is to house more than one occupant, each one being individually metered through a separate set of service conductors, then each separate occupant space shall have a single separate current limiting service disconnection means outside the building. Each disconnect is to be housed in its own enclosure, with its own independent handle outside of its enclosure. Each meter shall be considered as a separate occupant. (D) Article 230-71, National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is hereby amended by deleting paragraph (a) and substituting the following: (1) General -Maximum Number of Disconnects m (Six Hand Rule) :ie, APTS. The service disconnecting means for each building permitted by Section 230-2 as amended herein shall consist of not more than six (6) occupants in a building, provisions must be made not to exceed six (6) disconnecting means outside the building in order that the building may be completely de -energized in six (6) throws or less. In buildings planned to house more than six (6) occupants, this rule shall be adhered to by installing a single service disconnect on the source side of the multiple meters. (Note: Speculative buildings built to house an unknown number of occupants will be considered as being planned to house more than six.) All materials and construction shall meet the standards of the City of Georgetown, Texas. 15.16.500 Meters --Types The City Electric Department shall determine the type of metering and its location. 15.16.510 Meters --installation (A) The meter shall be installed outside the building unless special permission is granted by the City Electrical Department. (B) Under no circumstances shall any meter be moved or relocated unless authorization is given by employees of the City Electrical Department. (C) The meter shall be placed between (5) five feet and (6) six feet above the finished grade measured to center of meter can. The City Electrical Department will furnish the meter can, but the contractor shall install them. If the height exceeds 6' special permission is required by the City Electrical Department. 15.16.520 Circuit Wire Sizes, Copper (A) Wire of size not smaller than No. 12 AWG shall be used for lighting distribution circuits from panels to outlets except as provided herein after. (B) In residential installations No. 14 AWG wire may be used for switch legs serving not more than 600 watts. All utility outlets shall be minimum No. 12 AWG. (C) Control wiring maybe No. 14 AWG wire and must be fused by for not more than 15 amperes. 15.16.530 Aluminum Conductors Aluminum and copper -clad aluminum conductors of sizes smaller than No. 6 AWG shall not be used. Aluminum and copper -clad aluminum conductors of sizes No. 6 AWG and larger may be used with approved devices and terminals provided suitable oxidation inhibitors are used on all terminals and splices are made as specified in a UL listing for the device being used. 15.16.540 Installation of outlets, Switches, Receptacle Boxes (A) All lighting outlets, switches, and receptacle boxes shall be rigidly attached to the wood, steel, or masonry framing of the building. (B) All outlet and switch devices installed that are 20A or less in circuits shall be U.L approved and shall be installed by screw type terminations which are made up tight. 15.16.550 Outlets --Residential (A) For general wiring of dwellings restricted to residential use, including apartments, hotels and motels, not more than ten (10) outlets shall be permitted on any one (1) branch circuit. (B) Small appliance branch circuits are limited to the following receptacle outlets: (no lights): -Kitchen (refrigerator) circuit #1 2 outlets -Additional kitchen circuit(s) 4 outlets -All other small appliance circuits 4 outlets serving pantry, breakfast room, dining room and all food preparation areas -All general purpose circuit(s) (including Lights) 10 outlets 15.16.560 Grounding The grounding and bonding methods shall comply with Article 250-80 and 250- 81 of the current 1993 National Electrical Code and as specified by this section for each service installed, including but not limited to; (A) An underground metallic water pipe shall not be used as the only 23 grounding electrode for a service; (B) Primary Electrode: Due to the amount of rock in the Georgetown area, Article 250-81(c), "Concrete -Encased Electrode" shall apply to that of all new construction within the corporate city limits and the ETJ areas where the City of Georgetown supplies and inspects for Electrical service installations; (C) The grounding and bonding systems for the new construction of Commercial and metal or steel structures shall meet the requirements of the most current 1993 National Electrical Code and those as specified here -in, (D) No gas piping shall be permitted to be used for grounding purposes; (E) For that of existing structures where the encasement of the primary electrode in concrete is not feasible for a service up -grade, changeout, repair, or addition of services, at least one (1) grounding electrode of the type specified in Article 250-81 and/or 250-83 of the most current 1993 National Electrical Code as adopted shall apply; (F) The interior metal water piping system shall be bonded to the service grounding system with a conductor as per the most current adopted 1993 National Electrical Code, the point of attachment shall be accessible. This requirement shall apply to both new construction and up -grade, changeout, repair, or addition of services of existing structures. 15.16.570 Safeguards (A) Color coding of conductors: (1) Single Phase 120/240 Volt System Phase: A Black B Red Neutral White (2) Three Phase 120/240 Volt center tap Delta System. Phase: A Black B Red C Orange (high leg) 0 Neutral White (3) Three Phase 480 Volt Delta System Phase: A Brown B Yellow C Purple (4) Three Phase 120/208 Volt WYE System Phase: All main and branch A Black B Red C Blue Neutral White (5) Three Phase 277/480 Volt WYE System Phase: All main and branch A Brown B Yellow C Purple Neutral Natural Gray (B) Article 604, National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is hereby amended by adding Section 8 which shall read as follows: 604-8 Color Code (Manufactured Wiring System) All manufactured wiring systems shall be color coded according to this section. Terminal Blocks are to be used in the connection of conductors within gutters. (C) Article 605, National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is hereby amended by adding Section 9 which shall read as follows: 605-9 Color Code (Office Furnishing Partition Systems) All office furnishing partition systems shall have their internal wiring system color coded according to this section. 15.16.580 Installation of Cabinets and Panel Requirements (A) All main and branch circuit panels shall be attached to wall or panel mountings with screws, studs, or toggle bolts. (B) All panels installed for electrical disconnecting means shall be installed with spare spaces and raceways for future use: N9 (1) For each panel in residential buildings, a minimum of one (1) spare one -inch raceway shall be installed from the panel to an accessible location in the attic or crawlspace for recessed panels only. All disconnect panels installed in residential occupancies must be large enough to accommodate the present load requirements and have at least three (3) spare circuits for future use. (2) For each panel installed in commercial buildings, the requirements for that of paragraph (1) of this section shall apply, except that all disconnect panels installed in commercial occupancies shall provide at least four (4) spare circuits for future use. 15.16.590 Engineer Seal Required In accordance with the Texas Engineering Practice Act, all drawings pertaining to non -dwelling construction projects of five thousand (5,000) square feet or more shall bear the seal of an engineer registered in the State of Texas. The Chief Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized to require at his/her discretion, said seal to be placed upon drawings for non -dwelling construction projects of lessor square footage. W I I � !!■f a \■f.\G< ^ ' � . -■-. ^�- E<<P O Ri«Y SERVICE »:«/ 4O L�/ »e«» ■»>:$ � »— \\� � �» \ :\� \ \ SCALE. N.T.S.: CONSTRUC11ON STANDARDS AND DETAILS § ®wz