HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 05.23.1949 - Garbage CollectionAN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF GARBAGE IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN; OR BY PERSONS WHO ARE UNDER ITS DIRECTION AND CONTROL; REQUIRING ALL PERSONS IN THE CITY TO KEEP AND MAINTAIN GARBAGE CANS FOR WET GARBAGE AND OTHER RECEPTACLES FOR GARBAGE OTHER THAN WET GARBAGE AND REQUIRING ALL GARBAGE CANS FOR VET GARBAGE TO BE COVERED WITH ADEQUATE' LIDS OR COVERINGS AT ALL TIDES BY THE OWNERS OF SUCH GARBAGE CANS* PROHIBITING ANY PERSON FROM COLLECTING GARBAGE IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN EXCEPT THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN;FIXING THE FEES FOR GAR- ., BAGS COLLECTION MAKING IT UNLAWFULFORANY PERSON TO DEPOSIT WET GARBAGE ON THE GROUND OR IN ANY TYPE OF CONTAINER OTHER THAN A STAN' DARD GARBAGE CAN ;EQUIPPED WITH, AN ADEQUATE LID OR COVERING; CON TANNING DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS BY THE CITY SANITAR-- IAN; CONTAINING MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF AND CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE AND EMERGENCY CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS p Section I® DEFINITIONS: (a) the words vwet garbagelt shall be held and construed to mean all animal or vegetable matter, such as waste material from kitchens, grocery stares, butcher shops, restau� rants, cafes, hotels, rooming and boarding houses, such as scraps of meat, bread, bones, peeling of fruit and vegetables, (b) Tkie terms "dry garbage" as used herein shall be held and construed to mean refuse, trash, rubbish, coffee grounds, and tin cans, paper, boxes, sM 44 u..;; glass, ashes, cinders, rocks, old clothes and shoes, broken dishes, and utensils, old iron, tarn, zinc, and all kinds of junk and useless material and waste of every description, including grass, shrubs and tree trimmings and/or cuttings. (When out up into lengths not exceed ing three f eet 4 ) SECTION II4 That each owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using and occupying any residence, building, house or structure within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown, as a place of abode or as a place of business, is hereby required to beep and maintain at all times at a convenient place at his house or dwelling and at his place of business, if his business is of a type that accumulates „ wet garbage in connection -t�ith the operation of same, adequate garbaUe 4 A can or cans of standard type and construction not more than 30 gallon t., capacity and in sufficient numbers to properly receive and hold all r wet garbage being disposed of from his house or dwelling or place of business as the case may be, which garbage can or cans shall be equip- ped with an adequate lid or covering and which shall be covered by such lid or covering at all. tunes® Each such owner, occupant, tenant or lessee is hereby further required to keep and maintain at his house f Sxa u� bfi 3y"uyye4 or dwelling and at his place of business, if his business is such that dry garbage is accumulated in the operation thereof, ade- quate boxes, cans or other receptacle: in sufficient numbers for the depositing and keeping of dry garbage. Section III. Each person in :the City of Georgetown F� having wet garbage to be disposed of is.hereby required. to IWIAe place the same in a metal garbage can of standard construction equipped with an adequate lid or covering and it is hereby de- clared to be unlawful for any persons to place any wet garbage on the ground or in an open box or container or in any other receptacle other than a standard metal garbage can not over 30 gallon capacity equipped with an adequate lid or covering, Each person is hereby required to place all other types of garbage other than wet garbage in a suitable box or container located at a convenient place for proper garbage pick-up of both types® Section IV, That the collection of garbage, and the time and the manner of collecting the same, is a sanitary .: measure, under the control of the City* and under the advise of the Sanitary Department, the City will make, or cause to be made, periodic garbage pickups, throughout the City, From garbage receptacles, of the kind herein provided; which said garbage receptacles shall be furnished by the persons having garbage. And it is hereby made unlawful for any person, Firm or corporation; to pickup, haul, or dispose of garbage,.within the City, other than as herein directed; but that all such garbage shall be picked up and hauled by the employees of the City, or by some person or persons, directly, authorized and empowered, to pick-up and haul same. However, the persons having garbage that is picked up or removed by the employees of the City or by other persons, who are acting for, and under the direction f � of the City, shall pay to the City, the reasonable charges, fixed herein, or that may hereafter be fixed, for said services® Section V. Manure from private stables or offal or refuse from animals or night soil and dead animals, and all other waste not herein mentioned must be kept in a separate suitable receptacle and not dumped in any lot, street, alley, drain or other place, and not be permitted to become a nuisance. Such refuse shall be hauled away from the premises of the owner thereof at his own expense and by his own means and such refuse shall not be considered garbage and shall not be picked up by the garbage trucks of the City Sanitary Department. However, the failure of the owner to promptly remove such refuse shall constitute an offense, punishable hereunder. Section VI. The lids or covers of garbage and refuse cans shall at all tines be kept on and fastened so that flies and other insects may not have access to the refuse contained therein and shall only be removed while emptying additional garbage or refuse therein, or while the contractor or person authorized is removing such garbage or unloading the same for disposal. Section:,.VI;I. The owner, occupant, or lessee of said pre- mises as defined in this ordinance shall at all tunes keep and maintain such cans and receptacles at the rear of the lot or pre raises abutting on the street or alley or in such place that the same may be readily accessible to the contractor, or City, as the case may be, who removes such garbage and refuse. Section VIII, SERVICE CHARGES AND NON COLLECTION. ITEM 1. Rates for garbage service. The collection of garbage and refuse from house, buildings, and premises for residential purposes shall be divided into classes according to the family unit therein. The City Manager shall collect these garbage fees either through the water department as a separate item on utilities bills or by any other practicable means of collection. Thefeesshall be assessed against the person , in whose name the water meter or light meter is lasted. Fair and reasonable charges for this residential service shall be and are shown in terms of dollars and cents in a colunnn under each classifii cats on` for a calendar month as <follows. 1 Single family resident. . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 2« Duplex apartment (where containers are located at same site) each apartment. . . , • . . . . . . . .50 (separate sites.) ea h�apartment « . . . . . . *75 3. Garage apartment .50 4 Three family apartment or ;core, ` per apartment . . *50 The collection of garbage and refuse from commercial establishments shall be divided into classes. The collection of fees for the service shall be the same as outlined above forthe collection of fees for residential service. Fair and reasonable charges for this commercial service shall be and are shown in terms of dollars and cents in a column under each classification for a calendar monthas fi O 1. Retail food establishments (large) $2*00 $10*0S 2. Retail food establishments (small) . . . . . . 2.00 � 5,00 3. Cafes (large) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2.00 15.00 4. Cafes (small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 - 7.50 5. Mercantile establishments . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 � 15.00 b. Drug stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 - 10.00 7. Tourist Courts and Trailer Camps . . . . . . . . 2.00 _ 10.00 8. Industrial plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 - 30.00 9. Filling stations and garages . . e . . . . . . 2#00 « 5.00 10. Barber shops and beauty shops . . . . . . . . . 2.00 - 5.00 The City Council shall have the power and :authority to set a fair and reasonable charge to cover the ;service rendered at any place. ITEM 2. Uncollected garbaEe declared a nuisance. That garbage collection bills ;shall ;be due to the City, on the first day of each month, after this ordinance takes effect; and that any person who shall fail to ;pay a garbage oole Lection bill due by him for thirty days or more from the due date thereof, shall be in arreares; and that no garbage or refuse shall be collected by the City or under the authority of the City, from premises, whose owner or lessee is so in arrears. That any person, so in arrears, ,in the payment of a garbage ,col- lection bill; who shall have garbage on his premises, putrefying, fermenting becoming oderiferous, in can, or cans, or who shall dump same on the ground, shall be guilty of violating this ordinance, and be punishable hereunder. Section IX. The charges fixed hereinforthe removal and disposal of all garbage, trash or rubbish shall be entered by the City Utilities Department of the City of Georgetown in their respective amounts as charges against each such person, or 6M, persons, owner, occupant or lessee described herein on the water and light bill of such person or persons, owner, occupant or lessee and the amount so fixed and charged shall be collected monthly in con- -neeton with and as a part of the water and light bills of the City of Georgetown. Section . It is hereby made the duty of the City Sanitarian of the City of Georgetown to make regular inspection trips to de- termine whether such garbage is being properly disposed of and to further determine if receptacles of the kind required by this or- dinance have been obtained by the persons required to use the same under this Ordinance and it is hereby made the duty of such inspector to report to the City Attorney any person or persons, firm or cor- poration, failing to comply with this ordinance in any particular, and the City Attorney is required to institute the necessary proceed Ings to prosecute such offender as provided herein, Section XI, Any person or persons, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of the ordinance or who falls to provide the necessary garbage can as therein required, or shall allow the premises occupied to become unsanitary or who shall in any manner violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than Five ($5,00) Dollars and not more than One Hundred ($100®00) Dollars for each offense and a failure to comply with this Ordinance shall be deemed a continuing offense and each day's coni tinuance of a failure to comply therewith shall constitute a separate and distinct offense for each of said days, Section XII, This ordinance is cumulative of the other sanitary ordinances of this City, and is intended to repeal only, such other ordinances and parts of ordinances as may be in direct con - _..ti flirt herewith* SectionXIll* Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid, for any reason, the remainder of said ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SectionXIV* The fact that for the bettering of the sanitary conditions in said City, makes it necessary that the above ordinance be promptly passed creates an emergency requiring that the rule pM� $ tt$ �m 10 R which provide that an ordinance be read at three separate meetings before final passage, be suspended; and the said rules are here and now suspended, and this.ordinance finally passed,, and ordered to take effect from and after the passage and effective as of July lst, 1949, and it is ordered published at once. FINALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THIRD READING ON THIS THE TWENTY- THIRD ENTY- THIRD DAY OF MAY, 1949 r i� May*p±j CWt-y -of Georgetown, Texas ATTEST. Y N y Secretary, C Ey of Georgetown, Texas