HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 01.10.1989 CC-W&RI T CF GEORGETOWN , L EX AS P@ Ck BOX 409 GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 78626 January 10, 1989 The City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas met 1_n a Workshop and Regular Session on the above date at 6s99 p.m. with Mayor Kennedy presiding. The following members of Council and officials were present* Councilz embers Frcel Brashear, Doak Fling, Luther Laubach, Mike McMaster, and Bar°far°a, Pearce; Acting {pity Manager, Hartley Sappington; pity Attorney, Diane Callander, Cita: Secretary, Leta F. Willoughby; Chief of police, Hugh Anderson, Director of pudic Utilities, Jinn Briggst and Director of Development and Planning, Fd Barry, WORKSHOP MEETING d 6*00 P@M-0 890000 Workshop to Discuss the Status of the South lB_36 Utility Improvement Project/Fd Barry Presentation by Ed Barry and Paul Williams of Southwest. Consulting m BISCt,3SSIC FOLLOWED R GULAR 1FEIING -)nsent .4g nda 890001 Bills Over 5,609/Glenn Reynolds PAYABLE FROM GENERAL FUNDS 1@ Lower Colorado River Authority.a<Pb•a•4•m,m 43C,2Stia32 PAYABLE FROM AIRPORT Ft.,'N 1a Tolson. Oil Compar°y••<R••ata,•,,@Y@•taxi@a». 7,537m62 PAYABLE FROM SPECIAL REVENUE FUND R* c h a}LAin tie A V J2n, I n x 6 i 9@ S& D P a 4 A$ B Y R@ 4 s 4A.e. , il0 4 0 0 2b ARE, 7,012a50 PAYABLE FROM GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND is .s,_,eyn I x, I iic m@ a• 4 4@ m m c• e a m a@ m m s i a a a a m a s s a s a@ m 3 5, 0 1 m 7 0 PAYABLE FROM UTILITY CAPITAL PROJECT_FtND 1i D. I. J. 1 d i 68 f m 4 i 2. Gutierrez, Smouse, Wilmut & Associates .....$ 25,986P00 Note: This list excludes routine payments for payroll related and deet service expenditures,. 890002 Award of Bid: for Air Conditioning Unit for City Hall/ Terry: Jones and Glenn Reynolds Bid awarded to Comfort Mechanical; Inc. in the amount, of $15,624<90 with an additional $2,000.00 contingency for a total Project amount of $20,624.00. 01/10dr S9 (csf Jan10.min) page- 1 of 11 90003 Change Order cumber Two () to Austin Paving Company/ Travis McLain and Hartley Sappington RESOLUTION NUMBER 890003 WHEREAS, t .e City Council. (the "Council") of the Citi of Georgetown, 'Texas has accepted federal grant funds from the Federal Aviation Administration ( the "FAA") in carder to improve acilities and safety at the Georgetown Municipal Airport, and. WHEREAS, the Council approved the Contract Agreement between the Citv and Austin Waving Company for the construct on at the Georgetown Municipal Airport in the amount of $7011,823.20 on October= 11, 1.988 , and. WHEREAS. the FAA has reCommended to the City that Change Order Number Two be issued by the Engineer (ARE, Inc.) to Austin Paving Company in the amount of $3,165.00 for the removal of excess recycled material from Runway 18-36; and. WHEREAS, this Change Order will not increase the Grant Agreement of$500,000.00 and will not exceed 'the amount originally budgeted for t ais prefect, NOW, , T EREFO E, BE I'TS� LVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SHE CITY T CSE GEORGETOWN, TEXAS; SECTION +I I . All the facts recited in the preamble to trisesclut_� on are hereby found by the Council to be true and correct and are incorporated by reference herein and expressly made a, part hereof, as if copied herein verbatim. SECTION Ii That The Council hereby approved Change Carder Number Two to the Contract Agreement between the City and. Austin Paving Company in the amount of $3,165.00 in the farm. attached hereto as Exhibit 4f (} 1€ Ct s SECTION AII6 That the Council authorizes the Mayor to execute, the City Secretary to attest to and the City Attorney to approve as to form the C.,Lange Order. 89 004 Approve Resolution Authorizing City Intervention in LCRA Application for Reynolds Action under Regular Agenda, participat'Lon in AWC Rate Increase/ Glenn 110/89 (csf a.nlO.min� page 2 of 11 0005 Approve Resoiution Accepting Iz. terdi ction/Hugh Anderson. AC4-'(),, under Regular Agenda, Grant Runde for Drug 890006 Approve Resolution Authorizing the �c uisit o . of Right of Way Easements for Parcels 61, cat, 63 Along Williams rive/Diane Callander RES OLUIION 890006 WHEREAS, SEEAE,-the JitY of Georgetown (CITY)i acquiring necessary right-VY-g,,ay for road widening and improvements along R.M. 2338 and Booty' Road, which location are wit � the �#� �f Georgetown, Texas, and e C e : e ® of Texas ( N .'C e N e B e) has property within the area where the right--of-way and improvements are proposed; and i3E.di1gs are true andcorrect and areadopted, herein verbatim WHEREAS, the CITY desires to acquire this property as a ri; ht -o f_ ay easement and e C:. N . e is a.&reeable to conveying the same for its appraised value; and 'HRA, the parties agree that the appraised value is $138p352eOOI NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY C I TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 5 THA11 6 SECTION I The tudviadopts CITY approves purchasing the bo4e above i3E.di1gs are true andcorrect and areadopted, herein verbatim as if fully set forth at length, SECTION I'O II. T le CITY approves purchasing an acceptable right-of-way easement from par/ti known as 61, 62, and 63 as described in Exhibit "A", which is attached, from NeCe eB, of Texas in the amount of 890004 and 890005, SECTION III. The City Attorney is directed to draft the appropriate documents to accomplish this transaction, and. the Mayor is authorized to execute the sane and the City Secretary to attest Motion by C;ouncilme ber Brashear and Second by Council ember La,ubach to approve all of the items on the consent agenda, except for 890004 and 890005, MOTION: SECOND. MOTION BAEAR AUBAC CARRIEDo UNANIMOUS fart si page 3 of 11 dg lar Agenda. 890004 Approve Resolution Authorizing City- Participation 1_n ASC' Intervention in LORA Application for Rate Increase/ Glenn Reynolds DTSf�USSTON FOLLOWED otiok? by Councilme ber° McMaster and Second by Council e mer Brashear to approve Resolution o .000 . MOTION: MCMASTER SECOND P BRA HE: AR MOTION CARRIED; UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION 890004 WHEREAS, of =Wholesale the City of Georgetown Customers ("AWC"), is an a member association of the of Association wholesale customers of the .ewer Colorado River Authority revenues ("LCRA" t ; and ; WHEREAS, the LCRA has filed with the Public; Utility Commission an application to increase its rates to the City of Georgetown; and, WHEREAS, a. majority in the of the AWC LCR�J General Membership voted ratecase.ore penyy.�gq.?rpt.ny[. before to the Public intervention '3 lity t^/-�}curr°e±n.tt'�gry to pppA qty' determine the pe^. appropriate �Yy /'+� cn level of LCCA electric revenues for the coming rate year ("Intervention"), and, WHEREAS, the City Council. of the City y of Georgetown wishes to authorize consultants and attorneys for the AWC to act on behalf of the City of Georgetown; to obtain all information necessary and pertinent to the intervention, to present, evidence and argument, and to otherwise advise and represent the City of Georgetown with respect to the intervention,t and, WHEREAS, authorize the the City Council of payment, of its the City= share of of Georgetown special wishes to assessments for the inter ention� NOW, 'THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council d SECTION Im That the City of Georgetown does hereby authorize City of Georgetown partis pation in said Intervention, to authorize the consultants and attorneys for the Association of Wholesale Cutomer4stoLact onbehalf of the City of Georgetown to obtain ail information necessary and pertinent Wo tie Intervention, t.o conduct, investigations and negotiations, to present evidence and argument, and to otherwise advise and represent the City of Georgetown with respect, to the Intervention, under the direction of -the AWC Board of Directors; to authorize the City of Georgetown to pay .its share of special assessments for this Intervention t.ha,t the membership of the AWC _01./1.0/89 (csf janl.O.min) page 4 of 11 2. `o lr�h� tFE Jt o approves a9Y&=..6xi S%?y}Um nsha��ryi-,y_r $2,000.004, V°.¢Y e advise d the ryrypppi. of }Y this participation y iling 'y this rd 'Si.n �o pY i� . authorizing ath @,�b$o3_ resi1l'i„€.Q resolution �fqA with ion wi E h 1 as presented. by Staff, (Option a.: approve ..i..zin the A C,, and to advise Clue WC that all correspondence regarding this Intervention be sent to: of approximately City of Georgetown. F. OB Bow 409 Georgel.own, `texas 78627 SECT TON II: That a copy of this Resolution be certified by the Secretary of this City and furnished to the Association of Wholesale Customers prior to the 15th day of Januarys 1989 SECTION ?II -0 That the City shall not be bound to any proposals Faith regard to the intervention,=until -the same are considered and approved by final action of the City Council." 590005 Approve Resolution Accepting Grant Funds for Drug Interdiction/Hugh Anderson This item was pulled from the agenda consideration by Hugh Anderson, Chief of police. 890007 Citizens Wishing to Address Council There were no Citizens Wishing to address Council. 590005 Presentation of Proposal by Chamber of Commerce to Consider Extending Agreement for Economic Development Director/Mayor Kennedy and Larry Bullock Presentation by Caen Morrison., ;Motion by Councilmember Laubach and Second. by Councilme ber Brashear to extend the agreement with the Chamber of Commerce for° an Economic Development Director (pain_ Williams) on a month to month basis, and for the conies to be taken from the Council Contingency fund for Economic Development MOTION* LAUBACO SECOND ° BRASHEAR MOTION CRIED s UNANIMOUS 590009 Award of Bid for Police Vehicles/Terry Tones and.. Glenn. Reynolds Motion by Council e ber Lauba.ch and Second by Council ember McMaster to approve option. 1 as presented. by Staff, (Option a.: approve resolution and purchase police vehicles from the State Purchasing Commission ission with a savings to the City of approximately 4,287¢00)d RIOT ION SECOND MOT I ON 01/10/89 LAUB C H MCMASTER CARRIED.* 4 l FOR AGAINST (BRASHEAR) (csg �anlO. in) page 5 of 11 CORRECTED 890010 Consideration of Request to Bid So=uth IH -35 Utility Improvement Pr o jec, t /Ed Barry Motion by C:oun.cilmei ber° McMaster and Second by Council e ber° Pearce to approve Resolution No. 899919 MOTION: MCMASTER SECOND. PERCE MOTION CARRIED °. UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION 399010 RESOLUTION C AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER O ADVERTISE FOR. BIDS FOR CONSTRI?CTI C WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES ALONG THE EAST IDE OF SOUTH I o H a 3 5� FOR THE E CiI 'I'Fa I.H. 3 05 UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WHEREAS, the City Council_ of `the Cf ty of GeorgetownTeras finds that it is desirable and necessary to extend water an wastewater services, from the south edge of the Citi along the east; side of Interstate Highway 305 South; and. is the intent of the Citi Councl l to rnitrate WHEREAS, S s the City Council has budgeted funds in the F.V. ��-33ERE '88-'89 C�8- ¢ « budget for for said proJ ect- g and improvements along South I. H. 35 WHEREA s it is the intent of the Citi Councl l to rnitrate construct'on hexes naf ter known as of these improvements in a timely fashion, and WHEREAS, tape Council has targeted completion o this is project for no later than the second quarter of 19890 and. WHEREAS, the Citi, has entered Into an agreement with Engineering fires to provide engineering services for this Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is desirable to advertise for bras for the construction of water and wastewater improvements along South I. H. 35 NOW, THEREFORE, B EIT RESOLVED Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY JLGEORryLiyT, TEXAS THAT p pec taon One. That all of the resp-Lutron are correct, and are facts recited hereby found. by incorporated �_n the preamble the Counc�.l to by reference t.o this be true and herein and expressly made a. part hereof, as I.t` copied verbatz g Section Two. The CityManager is herebyirectedto directed to adertrsefor bids ids to . nsVry iYater construct and. wastewater services, along yo{0.h I.I.I. 30 in accordance with t e project hexes naf ter known as South 1/10/39 (csf jan:$_O.min) page 6 of 11 T<B. 3 Utility I Proves ent Project, and which contract will be submitted to the City C=ouncil for its review and approval prior to, awarding of the contract; Section Three. The City Manager is.hereby directed to -proceed with this project, RS to C2 -A, SECOND so as to allow= -tile City to move forward with the construction of this project as exPediti.o sly as. possible, and. ORIGINAL TO CSE PROPERTY -�}#-�'RppICI i.Y F, ..:%zkLaJ'. ii`r i:eEJ so as to achieve completion of all construction WILLIAMSONCOUNTY, of the South IeHz :35 Utility improvement ent Project, 890011 Dedication Plat for Relocation of a PUE in the David Wright Survey/John Warden and Ed Barry Motion by C ouncilme ber Laubach and. Second by Councilmember Fling to approve the dedication Plat for the relocation of a PU in the David Wright Survey, LAUBACH BCC STB $ FLING MOTION CARRIED* UNANIMOUS 890012 Consideration of and. Possible Action on an Ordinance in Response to a Request to Rezone 503 Main Street, RS to C2 -A, SECOND READING/John armden. and. Ed Barry 9.TH Presentation by John Warden, William Bryce, a business owner located near Gingham Goose School, addressed the City Council, Mr. Bryce began to address his concerns regarding a. possible conflict of interest and that the County Attorney was in agreement with his interpretation of, the conflict of interest lacy. Mayor Kennedy stated that the concern of conflict o interest had previously addressed and at this time was a moot point, however, if Mr. Bryce had any other concerns regarding the rezoning Issue, he could address it at this time. Mr. Bryce stressed his opposition to the rezoning of the alcove described Property Motion by Counc ilrmerm er Pearce and. Second day Councii..r errr er Laubach to adopt Ordinance No. 890012 on second and final reading, MOTION: PEARC E SECOND, LAt.;BACH MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUS ORDINANCE NO, 890012 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE PASSED AND ADOPTED Bx THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ON THE 9.TH BAY OF FEBRUARY 1 68� AMENDING A PARI OF THE ZONING BI MAP THE ORIGINAL TO CSE PROPERTY -�}#-�'RppICI i.Y F, ..:%zkLaJ'. ii`r i:eEJ -�RDIN-ANCEg,ro t'ti,�^!< 3.. 4t `i C�Yp s���i-E 7CHA Jsa ad fag fS` 3II. u$ OFFICIAL RECORDS OF WILLIAMSONCOUNTY, _L TEXAS; .CT's SAID PROPERTY 01/10/ �csf janlO.min) page 7 of 11 COMPRISING T ALL OF LOTS 7 & 3 AND PART OF LOTS 1 & 2 OF E CIT=Y A . IT°.ON, LOCATED AT 03 MAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF E RGETOWN7 TEXAS, FROM THE RS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, DISTRICT TO THE RM -31 OFFICE AND SERVICE DISTRICT ZONING CTASSIFICATIO , ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS TO AMELIORATE CERTAIN EFFECTS FROM THE REZONING WHICH PROMOTE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE E COM UNITY AND REDUCE BURDENS TO ADJOINING PROPERTIESAND RESCINDING AN EXISTING SPECIAL PERMIT,. PROVI.DI G A SAVINGS CLAUSE, 890012A Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Rezoning Rocky Roll e Estates; Unit 2, Blocq B, Lest 5, Rte; to RM-2/SECOND READING/John Warden and Ed Barrer Motion y Couincilmember Pearce and Second by Cou cl It ember Laubach to adopt Ordinance No. 390012A on second and final reading MOTION; PEARCE ECOND < LAUBA.CB MOTION CARRIER 4 FOR ABSTAIN (BRA HEAR NOTE& Coo c l aember Brashear has a "Conflict of Interest" affidavit filed with the City Secretary regarding the above item. ORDINANCE N09 890012A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE PASSEL AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COU ICfIL OF THE CITY CIF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ON THE 12TH DAA OF FEBRUARY 1965, AMENDING A PART OF THE ZONING DISTRICT SAP OF THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE, TO CHANGE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DEEB IN VOLUME 1669, PAGE 329 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, 1E AS, AS BUFFALO SPRINGS CONDOMINIUM, SAID PROPERTY ALSO BEING DESCRIBED IN CABINET E. SLIDE 287 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF WILLIA SC:bN COUNTY, TEXAS, AS LOTS 26t BLOCK A, OF ROCKY HOLLOW ESTATES UNIT 21 LOCATED AT; 3707 BUFFALO SPRINGS TRAIL IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, FROM THE RSs SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, DISTRICT TO THE RM -2 DENSE MULTI -FAMILY? DISTRICT ZONING CLA SIFICATICN , AND ESTABLISHING G CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR CONST'RUCT'ION OR RECONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON SUCH PROP.CRiY a 890013 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 85-38 and Chapter 12 of the Cade of Ordinances entitled "Food Sanitation" by specifically amending Section 12-33 "Appl caltion and Fees"/SECOND READING/Jack Gregoire an Hartley Sappington Motion y CcuncIl ember° McMaster and Second y Counciluiember Brashear to adopt Ordinance No. 890013 on second and final reading. 01/10/89 (csf janl a ln) page 8 of 11 OT TO a SECOND. m MOTION Cr A TER RAEAR CARRIED; UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE NO. 89 011 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 85-38,AND CHAPTER 12, ARTICLE I I _a. OF THE CITY JE GEC` RGE'TOWN 2 'TEXAS CODE CSE ORDINANCES ENTITT:EL "FOOD SANITA`IIONE, g Y SPECIFICALLY ALL AMENDING SES T ION 12-•-339 "APPLICATION AND FEES" 890014 Consideration of and. Passable Action an an Ordinance Arnend4ng Article I, Section 23-2 (d Satisfactory Payment History Deposit Refund"; Article I, Section on 23-2 (e) "Deposit Not Required. After a Satisfactory Payment History"; and Article I, Section 23--2 (f) "Deeoosit Required After Termination"/SECOND' _ADING/Gienr Reynolds Motion by Coun.cilme ber Brashear and Second by Counc limember Pearce to adapt Ordinance No. 890014 on second and. final reading. MOTION. BRA REAR SECOND* PEARCE MOTION CARRIED` UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE NUMBER 890014 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 18 SECTION 23-2 (d) "SATISFACTORY PAYMENT HISTORY DEPOSIT REFUND" ; ARTICLE It SECTION ION 23-2 (e) "DEPOSIT NOT REQUIRED AFTER, A SATISFACTORY PAYMENT HISTORY ORS' AND ARTICLE It SECTION 23-2 (f) "DEPOSIT REQUIRED AFTER , TERMINATION" PROVIDING A SEVERABIJITTY CLAUSE' PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE PATE g 890015 Presentation of Preliminary Engineering Report - Reata Lift tat n U rade/J1 Br' DISCUSSION FOLLOWED Motion by Councl_l e ber McMaster and Second by Council .ember Brashear to table this item for forty-five (45) days and to brim back to tie Council at that time. MOTION,* MCMASTER SECOND: BRASHEAR MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 890016 Consideration cif and Possible Actlon on a. Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract for 88-89 Electricai System Upgrade to Universal Electric Construction Company/Jim Briggs Motion b;5% C cuncil e ber Pearce and Second by C;ouncilmember Laubach to approve Resolution No. 890016, 01/10/89 (csf janlO.min) Page 9 of 11 OT TON 4 P ARC SECOND: I AUBAC MOTION CARRIED* UNANIMOUS 89001 a Consideration of and Possible Action on a Proposal for State Revolving Loan Fund Application/Jim Briggs DISCUSSION FOLLOWED, No action taken 89OOi8 Consideration on or and Possible Action on a Resolution Approving a Contract t ,e t ,=een t.ne City and. HDR Engineering related to the SRF .ppr _ca r er; .Lr€. Briggs This iter was pulled from the agenda for consideration, 890019 Mayor and. Council. Comments and Reports ADJOURNMENT" TIME A A P8 .i'.d PAF °s o L Counoilmember• Brashear stated that he would .like to see tete cost estimates for the drainage work on the pocket parks around the squarve . Hartley Sappington stated.. that e had enjoyed his tenure as Acting City Manager and was looking foz°ward to working with -the new City Manager, Bob dart Mayor Kennedy stated ,;scat Bob Hart ;could begin :his duties as City Manager on January 16th. There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Kennedy adjourned the meeting. 9*05 para. APPROVED rp Ii' RZ a a MAYOR 01, 10/89 (csf janl e i_n) page 10 of 11