HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 02.23.1988 CC-RCITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS P. 0. BOX 409 GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 78626 February 23, 1988 The City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas met in a Regular Session on the above date at 7600 p.m. with Mayor Pro Tem Joan King presiding. The following members of Council and officials were present: Councilmembers Luther Laubach, Marvin E. Lackey, Barbara Pearce and Mike McMaster, City Secretary, Leta F. Willoughby, City Manager R. Bob Gaylor, City Attorney, Diane Callander, Director of Finance, Gwen Sherman, Director of Community Services, Hartley Sappington, Director of Planning and Development, Ed Barry, Director of Public Works, Allyn Moore, Chief of Police, Hugh Anderson and Fire Marshal, Tom Leggitt, REGULAR MEETING° 7:00 P.M. Consent Agenda: 880070 Bills Over $5,000.00/Approve for Payment/Gwen Sherman 880071 Approval of Minutes/Meetings of January 26, February 3 and February 9, 1988/Leta Willoughby 880072 Award of Bid for Insurance/Gwen Sherman 880073 Award of Yearly Bid on Pole Line Hardware/Gwen Sherman 880074 Award of Yearly Bid for Single Phase Transformers/Gwen Sherman 880075 Award of Yearly Bid for Three Phase Transformers/Gwen Sherman 880076 Authorize Funding Agreement for Mayfair/Hartley Sappington Motion by Councilmember Lackey Pearce to approve the Consent Nos. 880070 and 880072, and to Regular Agenda. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: PEARCE MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS Regular Agenda: and Second by Councilmember Agenda, excluding Agenda Item consider these items under the 880070 Bills Over $5,000.00/Approve for Payment/Gwen Sherman PAYABLE FROM OPERATING FUND: 1. Brazos River Authority ...............$ 293904.00 2. Black & Veatch .......................$ 6,455.32 3. Tex Con Oil ..........................$ 55782.67 02/23/88 ----- council meeting(csf feb23.min) page 1 of 08 REVISED PAYABLE FROM UTILITY PROJECT FUND 1. Freese and Nichols, Inc ...............$ 11,335.10 2. D.I.J. Construction ...................$ 23,700.15 3. Rueter Construction, Inc ..............$ 85752.69 PAYABLE FROM SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1. Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc .............$ 5,835.00 PAYABLE FROM AIRPORT FUND 1. South Jet A, Inc .....................$ 79560.93 DISCUSSION FOLLOWED Motion by Councilmember Pearce and Second by Councilmember McMaster to approve the bills over $5,000.00 for payment. MOTION: PEARCE SECOND: MCMASTER MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880072 Award of Bid for Insurance/Gwen Sherman DISCUSSION FOLLOWED Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember McMaster to accept staff's recommendation and award the bids as follows: Texas Political Subdivisions for Property, General Liability, Worker's Compensation and Excess Liability; and Evans, Ewan & Brady for Law Enforcement, Errors & Omissions, Airport and Automobile Liability. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: MCMASTER MOTION CARRIED: 4 FOR 0 AGAINST 1 ABSTAIN (LAUBACH) 880077 Presentation of Report by Special Water Subcommittee and Possible Action on Acceptance of Recommendations/Kirk Trieble Kirk Trieble read and presented the Special Subcommittee's report. Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to: 1) accept the report as written; 2) direct the City Manager to credit the accounts according to the subcommittee's recommendations; and 3) direct the City Manager to develop a policy and ordinance implementing the recommended changes and bring back to Council. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 02/23/88 ----- council meeting(csf feb23.min) page 2 of 08 (A copy of the Water Committee's Report is attached as Exhibit 1) Award of Bid for Police Package Automobiles/Gwen Sherman Motion by Councilmember Pearce and Second by Councilmember McMaster to accept the staff's recommendation and award the bid to J & A Tri Star Chrysler. MOTION: PEARCE SECOND: MCMASTER MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880079 Consideration of Calling a General Willoughby and Possible Action on a Resolution City Election for May 7, 1988/Leta Motion by Councilmember McMaster and Second by Councilmember Pearce to pass and approve Resolution No. 880079. MOTION: MCMASTER SECOND: PEARCE MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION NO. 880079 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR A GENERAL ELECTION IN GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 880080 Consideration of and Possible Action on a Resolution Ratifying Property Purchases Made by the Williamson County Appraisal District/Gwen Sherman Motion by Councilmember Pearce and Second by Councilmember McMaster to pass and approve Resolution No. 880080. MOTION: PEARCE SECOND: MCMASTER MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880081 Consideration of and Possible Action on a Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of an Application for Criminal Justice Division Grants/Hugh Anderson Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Pearce to pass and approve Resolution No. 880081. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: PEARCE MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 02/23/88 ----- council meeting(csf feb23.min) page 3 of 08 RESOLUTION NO. 880081 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION OF THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, THROUGH THE CAPITAL AREA PLANNING COUNCIL 880082 Consideration of and Possible Action on a Resolution Establishing an Economic Advisory Board/Mayor Colbert Motion by Councilmember Laubach and Second by Councilmember Lackey to pass and approve Resolution No. 880082. MOTION: LAUBACH SECOND: LACKEY MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION N0, 880082 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A ECONOMIC ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICY OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 880083 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Adopting the Century Plan Policy Plan/FIRST READING/Ed Barry Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to pass this ordinance on first reading, with the change in Section III. noted. (Administrative structure changes to Administrative procedure). MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880084 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Rezoning 4.37 acres in L.J. Dyches Survey, RS to C2-A/FIRST READING/Ed Barry/NEWBERG USED CARS Motion by Councilmember Pearce and Second by Councilmember Laubach to pass this ordinance on first reading. MOTION: PEARCE SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880085 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Abandoning P.U.E.s Berry Creek, Sec. I, Block B, Lots 13 and 14/FIRST READING/Ed Barry Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Pearce to pass this ordinance on first reading. 02/23/88 ----- council meeting(csf feb23.min) page 4 of 08 MOTION: LACKEY SECOND* PEARCE MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880086 Request for Preliminary/Final Plat Approval/Lakeaire/ Ed Barry Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to approve the revised staff recommendation of February 2, 1988 and the Planning and Zoning Commissions recommendation of February 2, 1988. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND* LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED; UNANIMOUS 880087 Request for Preliminary/Final Plat Approval/Rabbit Hill, Section I/Ed Barry Motion by Councilmember Laubach and Second by Councilmember Lackey to approve the request as recommended by staff (February 19 1988) and delete 2 (d) of the staff's recommendation; and direct staff to work out an agreement with the applicant regarding the future extension of water and sewer lines to the subdivision. MOTION: LAUBACH SECOND: LACKEY MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880088 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Rezoning 2002 and 2004 Williams Drive, R -S to R-0/SECOND READING/Ed Barry Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 880088 on second and final reading. MOTION* LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED* UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE NO. 880088 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ON THE 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1968, AMENDING A PART OF THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE, TO CHANGE LOTS 15 7 AND A PART OF LOT 2, BLOCK THREE, CRESTVIEW ADDITION UNIT TWO, AS DESCRIBED BY DEED IN VOLUME 486, PAGE 247 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, IN THE L. DYCHES SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 180, IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, FROM THE R -S RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT TO THE R-0 RESIDENTIAL -OFFICE DISTRICT ZONING 02/23/88 ----- REVISED MINUTES(csf feb23.min) page 5 of 08 CLASSIFICATION, AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON SUCH PROPERTY, 880089 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Rezoning 0.37 acres in W. Addison Survey, R -S to C2-A/SECOND READING/Ed Barry/HEIBELER Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 880089 on second and final reading. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE NO. 880089 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ON THE 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1968, AMENDING A PART OF THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE, TO CHANGE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DEED IN VOLUME 492, PAGE 375 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE W. ADDISON SURVEY ABSTRACT N0, 219 IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, FROM THE R -S RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT TO THE C2 -A COMMERCIAL FIRST HEIGHT DISTRICT ZONING CLASSIFICATION, AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON SUCH PROPERTY, 880090 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Abandoning a portion of a P.U.E. and Improvements in Southwestern Plaza/FIRST READING/Ed Barry Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to approve this ordinance on first reading. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 880091 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Rezoning 0.505 Acres in W. Addison Survey, R -S to C2 -A/ SECOND READING/Ed Barry/LAWHON Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 880091 on second and final reading® MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS 02/23/88 ----- REVISED MINUTES(csf feb23.min) page 6 of 08 ORDINANCE NO. 880091 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ON THE 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1968, AMENDING A PART OF THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE, TO CHANGE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DEED IN VOLUME 1148, PAGE 43 OF THE OFFICIAL DEED RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE W. ADDISON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO, 213 IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, FROM THE R -S RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT TO THE C2 -A COMMERCIAL FIRST HEIGHT DISTRICT ZONING CLASSIFICATION, AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON SUCH PROPERTY, 880092 Consideration of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Amending Section 8-10 of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Ordinance/SECOND READING/Les Bunte Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 880092 on second and final reading. MOTION: LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE N0, 880092 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8-10 OF CHAPTER 89 41COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTt° OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR A LIMITATION OF EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT resolution ACTIVITY WITHOUT COUNCIL APPROVAL; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, 880093 Mayor and Council Comments and Reports Councilmember Lackey reported that he had received several calls regarding the new hours of the post office. Although Council felt that the new hours were a federal mandate, they discussed passing a resolution to support keeping the post office open all day during the week, however, they felt it would probably not do any good, Councilmember Lackey also stated that he had received complaints regarding parking in the downtown area (people driving down the street and pull across the center line and park the opposite direction). He asked that the police department monitor this a bit more closely, City Manager Bob Gaylor reported on the progress of the grant application with the Texas Water Development Board, 02/23/88 ----- REVISED MINUTES(csf feb23.mi-n) page 7 of 08 Adjournment Time Attest: Motion by Councilmember Lackey and Second by Councilmember Laubach to adjourn the meeting. MOTIONe LACKEY SECOND: LAUBACH MOTION CARRIED: UNANIMOUS Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Leta F. Willoughby, City Se DATE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF GEORGETOWN COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON tary APPROVED: 4 Jim Colbert, Mayor I, , being the current City Secretary of the City of Georgetown, Texas, do hereby certify that the above meeting of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas convened in a meeting open to the public and notice of said meeting, giving the date, place, time and subject thereof, was posted as prescribed by Article 6252-17, Section 3A, VATCS, and that the above minutes are the true and correct minutes of said meeting. Witness my hand and seal of office this the day of 19 City Secretary 02/23/88 ----- REVISED MINUTES(csf feb23.min) page 8 of 08 V