HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 11.08.1988 CC-ROF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 4 09 BOX 409 GEORGETOWN, TEXAS 78626 November 08. 1988 The Citi' Council. o the City of Georgetown, Tars mg=t in a Regular Session on the above cute at 7;00 pmm. with Mayor Kennedy presiding. The following embers of Council ars: officials were present:Councilmen� �c r° :�.rc �. Brashear, oaklink ,e- McMaster. and Barbara Pearce; Cit_;%ec retary, ,eta n Willoughby; �c:t:in CCityManager, .° artley Sappington; .a.ti.y A�.�orn F. Diane Callander; Drector of Finance, Glenn Reynolds; Chief of Police, Hug And.ei°so �; Director of Public Utaaat.:�e , Jim Briggs; area Director of Development an Planning, Eck. Barry'. Counciiinember° Luther Lau ach was a b sen Consenten _ , AN AGREEMENTBETWEEN sate the THE crry OF G ORGET WN ENGINEERING 880354_ Bills STEGER AND O THE Over $5,000.00/Glenn L F INC. MORROWSTREET AUTHORIZING ���{�Y�`� RLTN eynolds 1�'N`s3 yV 7 ��,�,,A"iED :F'S.$.�r}lIL_RIZ.si 8G THEMAYOR true yq; TO i:a.t9.ECU�.EE g HE SAME, Steger 880355 Approve izzell, an Street . $.$. e agreement same Rv`'sol an for tJ on .uthorizin.g the Mayor to Execute ars Agreement of �`eor ,town services and author. � sInc. Street t.tk Steger :.e t Ino, for Engineering Se-rvices on Morrow waterline extensionproject A;;<� g is attached Street hereto Waterline incorporated. EX-tension/Jim Briggs RESOLUTION NOt 880355A A RESOLUTION Council Water" €� APPROVING AN AGREEMENTBETWEEN sate the THE crry OF G ORGET WN ENGINEERING 9 TEXAS AND 1yyE STEGER AND O THE BIZZE L F INC. MORROWSTREET AUTHORIZING ���{�Y�`� RLTN g;tpgv s�c'i Tz-.3':§"d53.i.�+N 1�'N`s3 yV 7 ��,�,,A"iED :F'S.$.�r}lIL_RIZ.si 8G THEMAYOR true yq; TO i:a.t9.ECU�.EE g HE SAME, WHEREAS, the City of Georgetown, Texas, is the major distributor of water within .t ss corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the City distr b for o Council Water" €� f Inds, essential- that to sate the and C3�� 3_":�.s'.`.' efficient on o �h �%'�'t;`Y'4 a Pu��.l1c Utilities for the Department,; and forth i. Y.P V v are: true WHEREAS, desire � ea ate -x 3 .k�i tre M`c'c sa'o to to A"' Steger enter <4ix an into orr�"��� eG�'_.: u te izzell, an Street . $.$. e agreement same no. waterline q an for the engineering extension `i t of of �`eor ,town services and author. � NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC"J[1, OF THE CITv OF GEORGETOWN� TEXAS. Section the City of I. That the City finds Bizzell, for the recitals sed. forth i. Y.P V v are: true an.d correct en and are services related incorporated the ereinn of he Morrow- sInc. Street Section II. That the City Council approves the agreement between. the City of Georgetown aSteger and Bizzell, for en 1>eeriLg services related the design of he Morrow- sInc. Street to waterline extensionproject A;;<� ich is attached hereto and incorporated. as j_t fu IN set -31�"csr°th at ler th. therein 11/08/188 kcsf nc.vO , .'-n a gage 1 of MO s ION °EARC E SECOND* iMCMAS ' R MOTION CARRIED* UNANIMOUS 880356 Approve Resolution ut o. zin the Mayor teascut an Agreement �r Engineering rri � ��� rKI Briggs DISCUSSION FOLLOWED Motionby C;ou ci I emg er Brashea,.r and Secondby C`;;::un- cilmemb �r IFI t.g to approve esolut on No. 8803056Ae MOTION. BRASHEAR MOTION CARRTEDUNANIMOUS RESOLUTION NO* 880356A RESOLUTION "'F "Rs T?'S'4^ APPROVING T^S'R T AGREEMENT BETWEEN "tN Y".T t`i OF GEORGE`FO N, TEXAS, AND CAMP, DRESSER AND {CKEE. r�t)THO IZIN A BASIS., SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERV CES 3 AND AUTHORIrZ'ING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE SAME. i�� R'iEA the va.ty of Georgetown, Texas is �.:.he major at.'e.s'# ip%ji..but£'sr of utilities within its corporate limits; an Section III. T A a t contract, docume t f.n 3% e i#�: a y o A .i. s .L 2 e 9_ e �.12b a 4.ert. 4. S L o f_ ' z \��' k.3. to execute the 2 and City ecl�etar„v to attest. 880356 �.`e enols t�.o ApproCamp, "ti..:.. V%: �.:Y.raL".x TM�'"�m,. Briggs utho izi tfie} "Myo fie, Execute n Agreement McKees. �..i f`,4�`, .&air-yn'L3£ ..... g Ssv A_i�e`ai j'�C9 �s �e�a 880357 88035)8 ;approve Resolution v _' t amm.) resser? Interceptor Project/Jim Award' of Annual Bid Authorizing he Mayor to Execute an Agreement n cKee f ora Engineer i n Sery i c ;gin eel-. Br iggs for Chlorine/Terry Jones and. Glean Reynolds 880359 Approve Resolution Awarding Bid and Con t rucT.lon Contract lor Universitv Waterline Briggs Reel .c me t. Pro'ect/Terry Jones and JIM 80360 Approve Resolution Order to the Contract Author-iLzing the Mayor to Execute a Change c Agreement with Austin Pa n Company/Travis scam artleya� p ra t Councilmember rashea-.r 880357, 880359 and. cera. s . r mea � € r asked that t Agenda Item Nos. 880356, 880360 be pulled from the Consent Agenda and Ia r° Agen d Motion :y; C ouncr_lmem McMaster to approve r° Pearce e and Second by C;ou c_ lmembe.L the Consent t A ex w-1-tw-1-th he exception of Agenda Item Nos.. 80356, 57, 59 an MO s ION °EARC E SECOND* iMCMAS ' R MOTION CARRIED* UNANIMOUS 880356 Approve Resolution ut o. zin the Mayor teascut an Agreement �r Engineering rri � ��� rKI Briggs DISCUSSION FOLLOWED Motionby C;ou ci I emg er Brashea,.r and Secondby C`;;::un- cilmemb �r IFI t.g to approve esolut on No. 8803056Ae MOTION. BRASHEAR MOTION CARRTEDUNANIMOUS RESOLUTION NO* 880356A RESOLUTION "'F "Rs T?'S'4^ APPROVING T^S'R T AGREEMENT BETWEEN "tN Y".T t`i OF GEORGE`FO N, TEXAS, AND CAMP, DRESSER AND {CKEE. r�t)THO IZIN A BASIS., SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERV CES 3 AND AUTHORIrZ'ING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE SAME. i�� R'iEA the va.ty of Georgetown, Texas is �.:.he major at.'e.s'# ip%ji..but£'sr of utilities within its corporate limits; an t3'€se.t. x= C olUn. t.I fins that safe and efficient dl str ' but' o w utilities �_ essential to operation off' the Cityps Publ�Lc Utilities Department; F$agid : WHEREAS, CCamp,Dre Dresser and � �McKee de ire d enter nt � o an forth , above are true and correct A-#oX an(_1 :gement incorporated of basic , service for engineering to the services of. the arid, authorizinw4the ;favor .t execute the same, C" 4 Public Utilities III,NOW Department, an .�. TT ERE` E a' RESOLVED 7 THE CITY T`�` COUNCIL T. OF 3 H CITY Camp, Dresser ,, and McKee and tree City of Georgetown ow n OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS; ?:3 C.a {'t* f...a. n .L a That 4... �..s h e C i $.. y finds tLek. i� e°i..i 3 t. l �� et forth set above are true and correct A-#oX an(_1 are incorporated hereir , essential to Sec t.'Lo = II that the City Cowin i ap-proves the agreement between. the CityI basic service ce -'-the Mayo,lto of Georgetown greement eX.ecu-1.-,,e -the for engin same, and Camp, e:lri.n which is Dresser sery-oesn attached, and hereto McKee for u-tho ?.zin.g and incorbporated herein as -if fu.LI set lorth at length. Section IIT. That the Mayor lis hereby authorized to execute .the euon.tract documents and City See�raetary to attest. 8800057 Approve Tread.! w.wt o ut 3.°�rinthe Mayor to Execute te an Agreement `s _ 4—h Camp,Dresser and McKee for Engineering Services on Reata nter e )t, r role t/ i r a'. �4 Motion 'by :ou. "i 1...member e.aa.and n€ SecinA :i 6'x.?iiLmemiec_. l efficient McMaster to approve ResV A-#oX No. 80357Ad SECOND* MCMASTER MOTION CARRIED3 FOR RESOLUTION N04 880357A A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE WEE £iiE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEI-XIAS :^sxf`°eyD CAMP, DRESSER AND MCKEE,AUTHORIZING 'ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO THE REATA LIFT STATION PROJECT AN.B.." AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXEC1,1TE THE HE S n WHEREAS, the City of Georgetown, Tera, is 1,Lde major collector of wastewater w it in its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, S, the City Council finds that safe wd efficient collector of wtewwta ter is essential to the operation of. the C" 4 Public Utilities Department, an .�. WHEREAS, Camp, Dresser and McKee and tree City of Georgetown ow n desire to enter into an agreement for engineering ervices r �?_�r ed 't,o t--yyd�?eyy e ����q. ����.ftt Stagy io P o iec and aul-ho.r $.zirs the Mayor. Lm to e.%I�rvU ti_. the same, 3-1/08/88 (4_+s.L nov0 ami_ii) p r e 3 o8 xTI N101114 .�.�S.i ivi':F FRE, B I RESOLVED Y THE C- i :L COUNCIL OF.i. .€�d.L"�< CITY OF GEORGETOWN� TEXAS. ect on .re t X..le and. correct a29.53.. are incorporated .4 o.Latoed he.be1.i_S4 Section I.I. That the C it= Council is approves the agreement authorized to t o execute the REesoluE,.4.on No. 880360A.6 between she City of Georgetown oc ment and Camp, Dresser and McKee for to atl�est. engineeri-n.. services related to 'the Beata Lift Station to'ect ani a�zt o zing he Mayorto execute the sa$ WMch Ittoche€ hereto and incorporated herein as ~rvf fu 11yset f o 3. G'h a:length. Sect, on III. That. <,S.e Mayor is hereby a authorized to t o execute the REesoluE,.4.on No. 880360A.6 contract tract oc ment and City Secretary to atl�est. 8 8 0 315 9 Approve Resp �_uIt. Awardlng Bid and Construction Contract or University Waterline cement ject,Arerr�% arses and 01 r.t gars DISCUQSTON FOLLOWED REGARDING FUNDINGe Motion b C`�unct.t. e t&�e�_° Brashear an Second y C ounclime € er McMaster to table until tx,e next; meeting. MOTION. BRASHEAR SECONDMCMASTER MOTION CARRIED* UNANIMOUS 0360 Approve resolution Authorizing tete Mayor to Execute a Change Order to the Contract e zertt tat th Austin Paving C onipa:ny/ Tra mit s McLia li n area Ha -.rt t ey SappIngton Mot -ion by C''ot.:skcil ea ber Fling andSecond_ by C oun.cilmeTber P ace to approve REesoluE,.4.on No. 880360A.6 MOTION, FLING SECONDPEARCE MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUS RESOL.LION NUMBER 880360A WHEREAS, the City Council ( the "Councii ' l of the Citi of Georgetown, '? exa has accepted federal grant funds from the Federal Aviation Administration (tile "FAA") in order Go S_r?1 35.ove facilities and safety at the Geor.get 'own Municipal Ai.-"Portand. WHEREAS. .�'u'AS. the Council i approved the Contract Agreement between the City and uSti , Paving Company an for the const r uc-ti o at the GeorgetownMunicipal A irpo-rt in -the amount of $701,823,,20 on October 1.1 < t 988: n WHEREAS, the F�-'zA has recommended 4C.o the Ci t y that a Change Order bate i issued y the Engineer (A . R. E x , ", nc a � to Au i, n Paving Company in the ar c}tl .t, of 37,058.00 for the addition of one half (1/2 inch. a p alt to the or i g i �a t;� a one half1/2? nc hes of asphalt calle for in the plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Runway 18-36; a . WHEREAS, this Change Older will not increase the Grant Agreement of $500,000.00, budgeted for and 'will this pro,J[ectFt not exceed the amount originally NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COLINCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN� TEXAS; SECTION Ia All hereby found �4eci ed in 'by the Council e preamble to this to be true and ��gaolut correct ion are and are incoro- hereof, a.t;ed as if by copied' reference herein e ei n and expressly verbatilli.. a.d.e a part SECTION 1 1 i That at 5 he ontll°ac..t hy, .yep �.�.�.�tiY Council Agreement of 3 hereby t , appt.oes between the 008. , i. City the LYS Change Order to the and ut. n Paving Company in form attached hereto as �a-+.,' ,f..d � h i b i t.. " Exhibit A. " m Wishing to Address Council There SE CT I 1 i < That Secretary form the the Council to attest Change a-uthorlzes to and Order. the Mayor the `styAttorney to execute, ecute, the City to approve as to 880361 Citizens meeting. Wishing to Address Council There A. g Moehring, 207 Street -- Discuss Sewage Problew, B. Others Mr. Moehr ung did not attend the meeting. There we e no oto er Citizens Wishing to Address Council. 880362 Di. scuss Drainage Around Pocket, Pars on Main Street/ Jim Briggs DISCUSSION FOLLOWED tai'? was ��n t~?uct.ed to gather so7me costs and bring back at, - he next, meeting. 880363 Cons dera. tJ on of and Possible Action on an Ordinance Adoptin a Siegle Member Districts Plan/SEGO READING/ Diane Callander o.t.-s on.. by Councilinember Brashear and Second by €;ouncilme mer Pearce to adopt, and approve Ordinance No. 880363 on Second and Final Read.in< t c z n v . t_n page of MOI -F Tod m BRASHEAR SECOND, PEARCE 1 FOR AGAINST (FLING) ORDINANCE N NO. 8803 5 63 A AN ORDINANCE `RO D G FOR THE SELECTION OF PIAN NUMBER ONE FOR THE CITY Off. GEORGETOWN" SNGLEEE BER DISTRICT OCE 0364 Considera-clon of and Possible Action on an Or€ iz ancedoptin , "Minimum Standards" for the Georgetown Municipal Airport/SECOND R ADI /Tr air is McLain n nd Hartley Sappington Motion by Councilmember Pearce and Second by C,ouncl"I ie a er. Brashear to aclopt area approve Ordinance No. 880364 on Second and Final Reading. MOTIONPEARCE SECOND. BRASHEAR MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUS ORDINANCE NUMBER 880364A AN ORDINANCE DOP INGINIMU O COMMER I IU OPERATORS AMENDING CHAPTER STANDARDS O OMMER AIJ AND .Ci ism<?�RGET�`�W MUNICIPAL Aa:RP T a O ARTI s� :I� �����i� 3�:�AL AIRPORT AN AIRCRAFT OPERATION ti HE CITY O GEORGETOWN-� Z ADDING 1'.,z ii .r . � i'e `�l' NONCOMMERCIAL OPERATORS p' ""' IQ 6M t I � g AT gINANCES 3 g,/ �;^��;?(I��^+ a � i' 1 i�`.€ ✓ 1".f STANDARDS t�3 .7, u 5.' s.�,S:[. iJ'v L`�.1' �' _3_ .? ..%..� GEORGETOWN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, AND GEORGETOWN, TEXAS„ ADOPTED REFERENCE; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY CLAUSE, SETTTN EFFECT�VE DATE, AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILPTY CLAUSE. 8803 65 Cons idert-? on of and. Possible Action or.in OrC.�'enance 'or D�'I, sa�� tion, ' � � Portion cif Berry re : / cep EADI. ��G ck T Motion by Councilmember mer Pe ar ce and Second by Counc.1-Imember McMaster to adopt and approve Ordinance No. 880305 on Second and : nI Re dime. t Weirsiscisiv l_�owereg�3in.he � �;o � intentions. , C unci _tee ber. Pearce withdrew t e motion to adopt. Motion � y i��SEI�'�"C�'.'i ��T�4eTsi e Pearce an the on nT 3�}��i ci � s e d�,.3( Brashas:'� to ta�-, $..}l th �_s i +eA unv .. .a. the next meeting. CST I ON SECOND MOTION ARC=: BRASHEAR CARR I ED s FOR AGAINST 1. ABSTAIN IMCMASTER) csf o r 8 g .ia^) usage 6 of 8 880366 Considerationof a, Possible b1_e Action on an Ordinance Abandoning a Portion of a 10 ,foot F.11 E < , ;Gabriel E t,atle , Lots 1 3ncl. 14/FIRST READING/JohnREADING/John Warden and. Ed .Barry Motion. y + ounc.'.I.me; McMas,,,ter to approve ber° -t-hl.s Pearce and Second by C;ouncilmember ordinance on first reading in a;c ti4 L rr � T the Planning 00%N sand Zoning �_° _rim ssio�"� � s recommendations . subdivision same; as recorded'. in Cabinet MOTION. PEA s E 31.3 of the Plat Records of W41' ''amson SEG N ; M ASTER MOTION ARS;_IED .g3 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 1 ABSTAIN (BRASHEAR) 1 ABSENT (LAUBACH) AN ORDINA14C E VACATING AND FOOT € 1.0' j PUBLIC UTILITY THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE RECORDEDOF t.'S � 'i33_d d„ i+ 1. L !�" iu g AS ABANDONING THAT EASEMENT WHICH ��:OTS 37 AND 14 �.1 CAB a NET, PORTION OF A TEN EXTENDS ALONG 1^F GA g�. ; �:M 7�ap ESTATES L ..�.. i.3 E 313 O F THE E .'..` �L A T RECORDS OF WILL IAMSON 00%N Y? TEXAS Estates subdivision same; as recorded'. WHEREAS, Joe A. Maxwell desires to construct a singie residence ,o the have utility- i..lity i� line Lots 13 and 1.4 , Block A € f Gab rel Estates subdivision same; as recorded'. in Cabinet G Slide 31.3 of the Plat Records of W41' ''amson County, Teras v an WHEREAS, public utility said common lot easement; line and' is affected. by a ten foot_ wide WHEREAS, said owner has pet1_ €tIolned the City- of Georgetown for the abandonment of said easement as It relates to sald Lots 1.3 14 of Block A; as shownExhibit "A" attached; and WHEREAS iq',E£Sa ,subdivision the have utility- i..lity compian'Le determined that servi.na the Gabriel there exists no Estates present location or foreseeable abandoning future same; geed for the easements; an WHEREAS, intere u the for City Council. Tinct it h e City to maintain is no lore er in an. easement tor the utiiities public at this location and t,L.eref'ore recommends abandoning the same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C;OUNC"ILE OF T 1 E CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, that the City hereby abandons and vacates the teen ( I0) foot public -.4 ut ll_ty easement located aloe and. parallel to the common property line of the property now known as Lots 13 & 1.41 Block A of Gabriel Estates subdivision, v:tsion, record in, Cabinet G, Slide 313 of the Official Plat Record's rd of Williamson County-, Texas. 880336`7 1 Initiate Sunset Review of Subdivision Regulations/John Warden and Ed Barry DI_S 'gS,S`ICJN s` 1.�C;C3W t NO ACTION TAKEN 8803 68 Mayor and (Cotincil Comments and. Reports 11/08/88 € c, f rlov >. yin page .1 f 8 C:ounc l i em er Fling stated that he would like the Council to send a letter of appreciation to Bob Gaylol for hJ assistance in helping wi.th wrI tI ntheob de cl.:Y p#.loo, eta; . for _the C ity Manager posit.ion, lilere being no further business to come before the City Council of the C.-i-ty of Georgetown, Mavo.9 Kennedy adjourned the meeting. 8125 PeM4 DATE AP'C .E2,";h °JME D B' C T`d`Y COUNCIL,: t.+IL,a APPROVED. r 0 TIM KENNEDY, Ma 1/08/88 csf ; vO8.') page: 8 of 8