HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_AIRAB_05.15.2006 Minutes of the Meeting of the Airport Advisory Board City of Georgetown, Texas Monday, May 15, 2006 The Airport Advisory Board of the City of Georgetown, Texas, met on Monday , May 15, 2006. Members Present: Daryl Dressler, John Hopper, Katherine Woods, Paul Smith, Tim Sullivan, Trey Taparauskas, Van Chandler Members Absent: None Staff Present: Travis McLain Minutes Regular Meeting 1. Call to order. Chairman Paul Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Consideration and Approval of Minutes of April 17, 2006, meeting. Tim Sullivan: Motion to approve the minutes of April 17, 2006. Katherine Woods: I second the motion. Motion approved 7-0. 3. Airport Manager’s Report: April 2006 Monthly Income and Expense Reports Travis McLain: The 2006 1st quarter sales taxes collected by the FBO ’s increased approximately $2,000.00 compared to the 2005 1st quarter sales taxes. Effective May 1, 2006 the price of Avgas increased to $3.77 per gallon. Report on Noise Study and Master Plan Update None. (Waiting for the FAA response to Obstruction Mitigation proposal – FAA Form 7460-1) Report on Council Actions Travis McLain: City Council approved the contract with Fazzone Construction Inc. for construction of the Air Traffic Control Tower on April 25, 2006 in the amount of $1,670,400.00 (does not include equipment). $250,000.00 to be debt funded over 5-10 years and $100,000.00 from the Airport Fund surplus. Report on Control Tower Travis McLain: The contract has been signed. The pre -construction meeting is scheduled for May 23, 2006. Notice to Proceed will be issued at the pre-construction meeting. Report on the Aviation Museum Travis McLain: On April 20, 2006 the Aviation Museum dedication ceremony was held with Mrs. Browning present located within Mr. Gantt’s hangar. We had a severe thunderstorm, but all went smoothly and Mrs. Browning was very pleased. The memorial museum will exhibit antique and new planes, vintage automobiles and motorcycles. The City of Georgetown along with the Texas Historical Museum Foundation will apply for a grant with TxDOT called a step grant (transportation related projects). Report on Airport Safety Travis McLain: No reports. However, Saturday, May 13, 2006, approximately 4:00 P.M. a plane crash occurred due to engine problems just east of Lakeway Drive. The pilot, Mr. Daniel Williams of Spicewood, was able to walk away from the incident. Report on Airport Security Audit Travis McLain: We are waiting on the Police Department’s final draft. Report on Airport Signs Travis McLain: The City of Georgetown has asked a consultant to design smaller signs for use inside the Airport. Five signs are being considered. We have all the contractors lined up and we are working on a final design with a company that builds designs. General Information Items Travis McLain: That’s all I have to report. Paul Smith: I would like to take the opportunity to introduce our newest member, Van Chandler. (All board members introduced themselves.) Welcome. 4. Citizens Wishing to Address the Board None. (Mr. Dison will speak on item #5) 5. Consideration and possible action to recommend that Council approve an Amendment to the Microfusion Land Lease at 302 Wright Brothers Drive, extending the Mandatory Construction Deadline to September 30, 2006. Don Dison: (Citizen / President of AIM Aviation) I am concerned about the term “mandatory construction” because I thought that we were adhering to mandatory construction. Two years ago, I supported the request from Microfusion to extend their construction schedu le. This has gone on over three years. My concerns: 1) why call it mandatory, if there ’s no “T” to it; 2) how long do we expect the construction to drag out, it has now become a nuisance and a hindrance to my business; 3) I would support another extension, but this board should recommend to City Council that Microfusion and Mr. Minarovic be given some kind of deadline and something to adhere to including penalties. Van Chandler: What’s the impact on AIM Aviation? Don Dison: There’s quite a bit of construction and at times experienced earth moving equipment and most recently steel and other material delivered where Airport Road was blocked off and we had to come back through the Airport to get to our business. Trey Taparauskas: I would be skeptical from a construction standpoint as for the excuses for the delays. I am in the construction industry and we’re all having difficulties getting material and labor. There are quite a number of buildings and projects going on in the Central Texas area that are able to stay within a reasonable schedule. Not knowing the reasons for the mandatory dates, I would support some sort of action that says yes to this extension but ask City Council to make this a mandatory deadline. The stage that Microfusion is in now will suggest that they are going to complete it. Tim Sullivan: If you recall, previously I was opposed to an extension and had suggested only a three month grace period. As Mr. Dison has said, this project seems to be going on and on. According to the letter presented I think they should be able to complete this project in a timely manner. Trey Taparauskas: If this had been the tower, we would not accept this many extensions and we do not want to set precedence for future projects. Katherine Woods: Do we have a signed contract that would hold them accountable if they do not reach a mandatory date or have some contractual penalty? Travis McLain: No ma’am, there are no penalties. The language in the “completion deadline” in the lease is set up to keep people from leasing property and not doing anything with it, as well as an eyesore. Don Dison: I believe that this is the third or fourth extension that Microfusion has requested. Katherine Woods: It is a bit concerning that Microfusion is not here to speak for them. This is their item and they did not send a representative to explain. Tim Sullivan: At the last meeting I suggested only a three month extension and they said if they had six months (June 30, 2006), they would get the job done. Travis McLain: As far along as they are and as much money invested, with the use of that hangar (part of Scott & White EMS will be located in that facility), they will definitely be an asset to the airport. I can see granting them the 90-day extension to September 30, 2006, then with liquidated damages after that. Tim Sullivan: Motion that the Airport Advisory Board recommend to City Council that they approve a 90 - day extension to Microfusion and the Mandatory Construction Deadline to September 30, 2006, with $500.00 per day liquidated damages to be paid to the City of Georgetown for every day after September 30, 2006, until the project is completed. Van Chandler: I second the motion. Motion approved 7-0. 6. Consideration and possible action for setting Agenda Item s for the June 19, 2006, meeting. Paul Smith: Agenda item(s) for the June 19, 2006 meeting: A. Discuss revisions to the Mandatory Construction Clause in the Airport Land Lease. 7. Adjourn. John Hopper: Motion that we adjourn. Katherine Woods: I second the motion. Motion approved 7-0. Adjourned: 7:35 P.M.