HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_AIRAB_07.19.2004 Minutes of the Meeting of the Airport Advisory Board City of Georgetown, Texas Monday, July 19, 2004 The Airport Advisory Board of the City of Georgetown, Texas, met on Monday , July 19, 2004. Members Present: Arnold Wieder, Chris Cagle, Don Pfiester, Howard Fomby, John Bader, Mark Dietz, Tim Sullivan Members Absent: None Staff Present: Travis McLain Minutes Regular Meeting 1. Call to order. Chairman Mark Dietz called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Consideration and Approval of Minutes of June 21, 2004, meeting. Arnold Wieder: Motion to approve the minutes of June 21, 2004. Don Pfiester: I second the motion. Motion approved 7-0. 3. Airport Manager’s Report: A. June 2004 Monthly Income and Expense Reports B. Noise Study Update: Still with FAA review and study ongoing. Master Plan Update: Draft Report is due end of July, first of August, and a public meeting is scheduled in September (date not established yet). C. Report on Council Actions 1. Approved Georgetown Aviation Facilities Taxiway Lease on 7/01/04; $750.00 a month. 2. Resolution authorizing Tower Grant. 3. Consultant Selection Committee: Snell, Yantis, McLain, Hannah, and AAB members/representatives to be chosen tonight. D. Civil Air Patrol Update None. E. General Information Items None. 4. Citizens Wishing to Address the Board None. 5. Consideration and possible action to recommend that the Council approve an amendment to the Microfusion land lease at 302 Wright Brothers Drive, extending the Mandatory Construction Deadline to December 31, 2004. Mark Dietz: I need to recuse myself from this item. Don, will you take over. Howard Fomby: Don, I also need to recuse myself. Don Pfiester: Gentlemen would you please explain your situation as to why you request an extension. Joe Minarovic explained the situation with Scott & White and Chasco. T he project is moving well as a shared hangar. Scott & White will be half of one floor. Building permits have been paid. John Bader: Is there a five-year contract with Scott & White? Joe Minarovic: (Citizen) Yes. Tim Sullivan: Motion to recommend that the Council approve an amendment to the Microfusion land lease, extending the Mandatory Construction Deadline to December 31, 2004. John Bader: I second the motion. Motion approved 5-0. Dietz & Fomby abstained from discussion and voting due to a possible conf lict of interest. 6. Consideration and Possible action to select an Airport Advisory Board member to serve on the Tower Consultant Selection Committee. Mark Dietz: Arnold Wieder and John Bader have volunteered. Don Pfiester is recommended by Mr. Fomby. Howard Fomby: What are the requirements for the position? Mark Dietz: The purpose of this committee is to choose the consultant for the tower construction. Last time the applicants were architectural firms and entities that served the aviation community m uch like Mr. Willis does. The purpose is to make the evaluations of the applicants and then make recommendations to City Council. Travis McLain: There will be a lot of reading. So far, we have received many requests, whereas, last time we had only four consultants submit qualifications. There are grade sheets where you rank and rate each proposal. Tim Sullivan: I’d like to know why each of the candidates are interested? Arnold Wieder: I’m interested in that it will be a new landmark for the city; I have experience, worked on other committees and it is no burden to me. John Bader: Being that it is going to a big project for the Airport, I would like to be a part of that and I do have experience working with the city of Round Rock. Don Pfiester: I decline. After discussion, the Board selected John Bader as the member to serve on the Tower Consultant Selection Committee. 7. Discussion and Possible action on recommendation for Airport Layout Plan, Rules & Regulations and Minimum Standards. Mark Dietz: Subcommittees submitted recommendations to Chuck Willis. The development plan is OK. Howard Fomby: I have been very impressed with GRW Willis, Inc. All: We agree. 8. Discuss the Airport Safety Observation Report and Methods to Promote Airport Safety. Arnold Wieder reviewed six new reports having safety concerns of - 1) confused traffic pattern 2) reference to aircraft not using the radio or lack of radio communication 3) helicopter operations Mark Dietz: Since we’re in the process of considering rules for potential operations, let’s talk to the pilots of the helicopters. Don will talk to Ray Asgar. Howard Fomby: Mr. Chairman it might interesting to make it an agenda item and ask several different people to come and give a short presentation. Our knowledge of helicopters is low. 9. Discuss meeting with selected Central Texas Airports. Mark Dietz: I have received responses and the dates that seem to work the best are Thursday, September 9 or 16, 2004. Everyone responded except Smithville and Lockhart. I spo ke with Michelle Hannah and she or David Fulton will try to participate. If everyone agrees, we will shoot for September 16, 2004. We need to look into providing food for about twenty people and find funding to do so. Host Committee: Mark Dietz, Don Pfiester, and Howard Fomby. Mark Dietz: I will send out official invitations for September 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. Travis will make arrangements to reserve the conference room at Fire Station No.4. 10. Discuss Site for Central Texas Airport near Georgetown. No discussion. 11. Consideration and Possible Action for setting Agenda Items for the August 16, 2004, meeting. A. Discuss Helicopter Operations B. Discuss Meeting of the Central Texas Airport Advisory Boards on September 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. C. Discussion and possible action on recommendation for the Airport Layout Plan, Rules and Regulations, and Minimum Standards D. Discuss Airport Museum 12. Adjourn. Don Pfiester: Motion that we adjourn. Howard Fomby: I second the motion. Motion approved 7-0. Submitted by: Travis McLain Airport Director Reviewed by: Chris Cagle Board Secretary