HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_AIRAB_02.23.2004 Minutes of the Meeting of the Airport Advisory Board City of Georgetown, Texas Monday, February 23, 2004 The Airport Advisory Board of the City of Georgetown, Texas, met on Monday , February 23, 2004. Members Present: Arnold Wieder, Chris Cagle, Don Pfiester, Howard Fomby, John Bader, Tim Sullivan Members Absent: Mark Dietz Staff Present: Travis McLain Minutes Regular Meeting 1. Call to order. Vice-Chairman Howard Fomby called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Introduce New Airport Advisory Board Member, Howard Chris Cagle. Howard Fomby: We welcome Howard “Chris” Cagle, who will begin serving term in March. 3. Consideration and Approval of Minutes of January 26, 2004, meeting. Don Pfiester: On #10 on last sentence; “Fomby to talk to Mark Thomas, the Director of Economic Development”. Howard Fomby: I had a correction on the last sentence of item #3; it says the airport community does not want a tower, actually I said, “there are some members of the airport community who do not want a tower”. Don Pfiester: Motion we approve the minutes of January 26, 2004, as amended. John Bader: I second the motion. Motion approved 5-0. 4. Airport Manager’s Report: A. January 2004 Monthly Income and Expense Reports Travis McLain: Labor costs were higher than normal because we had three pay periods, we normally have two. Flying conditions IFR was 13 days, which cuts down into the fuel sales. We had a loss in both the airport operations and fuel sales. I did research on year -to-date and so far in 2004, because of increase in hangar bond payments, this is the last year for one of them, and the internal service fund is higher this year than last year; those two items accounted for $18,500 in additional expenses we did not have last year. Don Pfiester: Do you know how much that other is? Travis McLain: It’s about $18,000 more. In year 2005 our bond payment will be $33,000 less because we will have paid off one of the bonds. Tim Sullivan: Under the fuel sales, if we did not have 3 pay periods, then we would see a difference. The labor for the terminal fuel sales is just the labor involved with the fuel sales and the other labor falls under airport operations? Travis McLain: Yes, that is correct. Tim Sullivan: I noticed the internal service, we’re paying it in the fuel sales and the same amount for airport operations? Travis McLain: I took the entire monthly internal fund and divided by two, the same for insurance. Don Pfiester: I noticed the airport sales tax sounds higher, do you know why? Travis McLain: We’ll probably be a little short. Sales taxes are calendar year, not fiscal year. Arnold Wieder: What generates the sales tax? Travis McLain: That is the 1% city sales tax that the FBO ’s collect for services the render at the airport, mostly parts, labor, flight schools, maintenance facilities. The bi ggest majority is the maintenance facilities – S.R. Aviation, A.I.M. Aviation, Central Texas Avionics and Century Turbines. B. Report on Noise Study and Master Plan update Travis McLain: Noise Study: We had our final Public Hearing on the Compatibility c hapter February 19, 2004. The public was invited to come and make formal comments to a certified court reporter. We had no one make public comment but did have written comments received by mail. The consultant will have two weeks to reply to the comments. They will put that together before it goes to Council for the first reading in April. Arnold Wieder: I noticed when the announcement of public meeting for the noise study; there was also an ad that the FAA had already accepted the City of Georgetown. Travis McLain: Those are two separate items. The public notice that you saw that the FAA accepted, they had accepted the noise exposure maps (half of the noise study). What the public hearing is over the consultant’s recommendations to do what noise mitigation they recommend the City can do. They were both on the same page. Arnold Wieder: I said to my wife that we are announcing a public meeting and we already have an announcement that the FAA has approved things. I’m wondering in some people’s mind, why show up if the FAA has already approved it. Travis McLain: The law requires that we run three consecutive public notices of the noise exposure maps, plus we run a public notice for the public hearing; two separate issues. Master Plan Update: On the Master Plan Update, we had our first meeting last month of Planning Advisory Committee. The next meeting will be April 12, 2004. C. Report on Council Actions Travis McLain: Council approved the storage lease rate, 70% of the commercial lease rate; they had tabled the Stugart Assignment request until the lease rate issue had been resolved. They approved the Stugart Assignment with the stipulation that they would pay the new lease rate. The assignee had no problem with that. They also approved the Microfusion construction extension deadline. They also approved the Trinity Aviation construction extension deadline with the provision that the board had recommended that this be the last one. Howard Fomby: One thing I would like to add to the Master Plan Update is that City Council acted to place me on the Master Plan committee as well. D. General Information Items No comment. 5. Citizens Wishing to Address the Board Paul Smith: (Citizen) I was hoping to participate in the discussion about the control tower. 6. Discuss Airport Budget with the Finance Department. Tom Yantis: This year we’re already developing the FY ’05 budget. This year we put together a new approach adopted by Council. The major changes are comment and feedback from the public. We will do a citizen survey; it will be a random phone survey done the third week in March. The survey will ask a serious of 45 questions, for priorities of the community (likes, changes, and value of their tax dollars). Another thing we’re adding this year is seek ing feedback from the Boards and Commissions. As a citizen of Georgetown, asking 3 community wide question for the Board to establish funding priorities: A. What do you think are the Top Three Issues Facing Georgetown as a whole the next 5 years? As Citizens: Growth, Roads, Infrastructure, Transportation, Airport, Jobs and Opportunities, Negative issues of growth, Managing a quality of Life, Police & Fire protection – support for the growth, Quality of the Roads – how the city and county can work together, cooperation with TxDOT, how to maintain the draw of the Downtown Area. Tom Yantis: Summary: Growth, Roads, Transportation, Infrastructure, Airport, Growth in terms of jobs & opportunities, Negative issues of growth, Managing a quality of life, maintainin g Georgetown community, Police and Fire protection, quality of roads – cooperation with TxDOT. B. What do you like most about living in Georgetown? As Citizens: Airport, People, Atmosphere, Natural environment, Recreation (Lake Georgetown, parks, trails), Sense of community, Charm, Community Identity. Tom Yantis: Summary: Airport, People, Atmosphere, Natural environment, Sense of Community – involvement of people to accomplish things, Recreation (Lake Georgetown, bike trails, park, Charm, Community Identity. C. What 3 changes would you make to make Georgetown a better place to live? As Citizens: More access to cross IH35, Fixing up/cleaning up in San Gabriel Park, Alternative ways to move people around the city (ex. Road system to trolleys), Improve city streets (esp. downtown/old town area) and save/preserve the old trees, Step up the annexation program – close the gaps, Northwest corner of Williams and IH35 (where the Chuckwagon used to be) – that is an eyesore, End to the perception of the old citizens of Georgetown vs. Sun City citizens – would like to see harmony, Difficulty of fixing up old buildings downtown and restoring them for commercial purposes (spend a lot of money, wait 6-8 months to make changes, on the other hand private structures can do what they want to), Keeping downtown vital. Tom Yantis: Summary: better access East and West across IH35, fix up San Gabriel Park, try to find alternative ways to move people around town including roads, but also other things such as trolleys, improve streets in old town especially ones close to the square, protect the old trees, step up the annexation program to fill in the gaps, fix up the old Chuckwagon site, end the perception of old Georgetown vs. Sun City, try to make the process of restoring old buil dings for commercial purposes more streamlined and apply more stricter standards to older preservation structures. Tom Yantis: The next two questions, you need to answer in the capacity as a board. D. What are the top three issues facing the Airport Advisory Board? Board: Safety, Noise Mitigation, Control of growth at the Airport, Follow up on security at the Airport, issue of Control Tower, Master Plan – end up with a win-win situation for both the pilots and the community that surrounds it. Tom Yantis: Summary: Safety – given current mix of aircraft, safety of pilots and the neighborhood that surrounds the airport, Mitigation & Study of Noise, Control of Growth at the airport and Security. E. What are the Airport Advisory Board’s top three budget priorities for the Council to consider in the upcoming FY ’05? Board: Involve Airport Advisory Board more in the budget process, Internal Service Fund (the expenses you incur the previous year are what drives how much you pay the next year / last year we had legal fee expenses for the airport - explained by Tom), the airport contributes to the community. Tom Yantis: Summary: Involve the Airport Advisory Board in the budget process. 7. Discuss Civil Air Patrol Building & Lease. Travis McLain: This is Colonel Harrison with the Civil Air Patrol. Col. Harrison: (CAP) I’m the newest squadron commander in the last year. I became squadron commander last month and this is Don Cappo (4 yrs.) and Nicholas Cappo, the Cadet Commander of the squadron. I’ve been involved for one year, for the first six months we have been meeting over at the Georgetown High School. They have been saying we cannot use the building, it ’s under construction. I have asked what the status of building. Three years ago they had support from Del Webb. They put a new roof on it, added new windows, drywall had to be replaced. Things took off, they ripped out inside and wiring, but I believe the funds were depleted. There was $1,000.00 done last year to put new circuit breaker box and run new wire to the building from the transformer. At this point, we do not have money to pay the Airport. It ’s not a safe building to use at this time. I asked the city building inspectors, what it would take to say we could use the building safely: 1) Structural Engineer needs to inspect the building. ($500 - $1000) 2) Licensed electrician to do the wiring and plumbing work to bring up to code. ($3,000 - $5,000) 3) Civil Air Patrol to be the general contractor. 4) Chet Edwards, grant writer is helping to find federal repairs. 5) John Carter’s office is also working on a possible grant. We’ve gone from 65 seniors and cadets to roster of 44, of which 22 are active. The building is hurting enrollment. Should the Civil Air Patrol be on this lot? We would like your feedback and to brainstorm the situation. Don Pfiester: Travis what is the situation, the City owns the building and we lease it to the Civil Air Patrol? Travis McLain: Yes. They have 18/19 years left on their lease. It was $10 total. The lease states that the Civil Air Patrol is responsible for the maintenance to the building. Arnold Wieder: Was this building constructed back in the 40’s? Tim Sullivan: Yes. According to this it is an old building. Don Pfiester: Did I hear you say $3000 - $5,000 would make it safe? Col. Harrison: (CAP) Assuming we can get the work done, a structural engineer to inspect, an electrician, and donation of materials. I think $5,000.00 will get the inspection. Don Pfiester: Since the city owns the building, can the city perform the service of the structural engineering? Tom Yantis: We do not have anyone on staff that can do the structural analysis. Tim Sullivan: Are there funds available to do that? Tom Yantis: No. Howard Fomby: At this point what we can do is form a subcommittee to make recommendations to Council. Tom Yantis: There are no funds for the CAP to get it up to code. The city building inspection department is unable to allow them to occupy it until it is up to co de. It was my suggestion for them to come before the board. Don Pfiester: I think we need to make recommendation that City Council approve the funds to get it structurally sound. It is a city building. I make a motion that we recommend to the City Counc il to hire a structural engineer to ascertain the structural integrity of the building so that we can determine what the next step will be and for the funds to come from the Airport. Arnold Wieder: I second the motion. Motion approved 5-0. Howard Fomby: Col. Harrison, your core connection will be Travis. 8. Discuss Air Traffic Control Tower. Arnold Wieder: There have been a number of incidences where near catastrophic event might have occurred. There is a need for a Control Tower as an element of safety; as in the information I have provided. I propose: 1. That the Airport Advisory Board establish a subcommittee to review the matter of improved air traffic control and air safety at the Georgetown Municipal Airport. (as a minimum explore existing operations towards improving air safety and air traffic awareness at the airport). 2. That the subcommittee make written recommendations of their findings to the Board for consideration. 3. That the Airport Advisory Board forward finalized recommendations to the City Council for consideration, approval and action. Paul Smith: (Citizen) I am a resident of Berry Creek and a pilot. I am an instructor pilot and have a senior traffic rating, and I previously worked with the NTSB on mid -air collision accident investigations. I support what Mr. Wieder is saying. I agree that a tower is needed due to the mix of types of aircraft. I’d be happy to serve on your committee if in fact you all decide to do that; from an NBAA perspective we have a lot of resources that m ay assist. A tower would improve safety and provides some noise mitigation. Howard Fomby: Questions to Paul? Will a control tower increase traffic? Does the NBAA have any resources to provide real data in regard to this issue? Paul Smith: (Citizen) To the best of my knowledge, the NBAA does not, but I will have to do some research into that. A control tower will not necessarily increase the traffic. But a tower would improve the quality of the air safety. An airport is such a valuable asset to a community, as the airport grows the community grows. I can give you examples, Addison, TX. What we can have a number one quality airport that is safe on the ground as well as in air. Don Pfiester: The Airport Advisory Board voted 7-0 voted more than a year ago to support a tower. It is a safety issue entirely. I think the subcommittee should add it to the Master Plan study. John Bader: We need more support from the community to support the tower. Howard Fomby: We must lay a foundation, which will take over several months. Tim Sullivan: Council will not act until the Master Plan Update is complete. Arnold Wieder: Motion that the Airport Advisory Board establish a subcommittee to review the matter of improved air traffic control an air safety at the Georgetown Municipal Airport. Tim Sullivan: I second the motion. Motion approved 5-0. Howard Fomby: Several members of the Master Plan Action Committee heard from people opposed to the tower. I support the subcommittee but they need to do a lot of homework, which will take a long time. Arnold Wieder: I strictly see the tower as a safety issue. Nobody’s given any consideration to the fact that we have Killeen to the north, the new Central Texas Airport may end up in Taylor or Hutto and they will have a control tower and defined air space. We will be sort of a doormat where all sorts of aircraft will be flying in and around our airspace. People will be complaining about it and pointing to our airport when actually it will be coming from other areas. Don Pfiester: I think this discussion needs to go before the subcommittee. I would like to make an amendment to the motion that the subcommittee should be (6) members established by: (3) board members; (1) Paul Smith; (1) member of the EAA; (1) member of the community at large. Tim Sullivan: I second the motion. Motion amended 5-0. Motion approved 5-0. 9. Discuss Airport Directional Signs. Arnold Wieder: I would like the Airport Advisory Board to standardize approach to signs. Travis McLain: I sent a letter to the FBO’s advising them that the city has a sign ordinance in place to which they need to follow. (Copy provided) Howard Fomby: The city should maintain the same standards at the airport. We may need to raise the expectations at the airport as to what we’d like this airport to look like. 10. Report on the Aviation Museum. Howard Fomby: I have met with Jim Schwertner. They have formed a committee of 5 for the foundation (largely business people from the Austin/Central TX area). They want to expand that to include representatives from the airport that hosts the museum. The city is to prepare a proposition. I met with Mark Thomas and members of the EDC. I told them my understanding of the Airpor t Board’s and Council intention is that with the appropriate proposal for land, that the city might be willing to provide land for the museum. 11. Discuss meeting with selected Central Texas Airports. Howard Fomby: This is Mark Dietz’s item, we have not met on that. Don Pfiester: He is not here, we need to postpone it till next meeting. 12. Discuss Airport Economic Impact Study. Howard Fomby: I had the opportunity to meet with Mark Thomas, Director of EDC. They will include the Airport Study in the City’s Economic Development Package. 13. Consideration and Possible Action for setting Agenda Items for the March 22, 2004, meeting. A. Discuss Civil Air Patrol Building. B. Discuss Budget Process. C. Discuss Changing the meeting night from the 4th Monday to the 3rd Monday. D. Discuss Meeting Central Texas Airports - Advisory Boards E. Discuss Follow-up Air Traffic Control Tower Subcommittee. F. Discuss Aviation Museum. 14. Adjourn. Don Pfiester: I move that we adjourn. Arnold Wieder: I second the motion. Motion approved 5-0. Submitted by: Travis McLain Airport Director Reviewed by: Tim Sullivan Board Secretary